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Evil Will Out
Evil Will Out
Evil Will Out
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Evil Will Out

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About this ebook

The icy fingers of the unsettled past seem to follow bitter rivals from childhood. Will the secrets of the past ever be revealed?

An accomplished pianist disappears from her home in the middle of the night, wearing only her nightgown as her children and husband sleep soundly. As with several young women before her, it seems as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

There are no clues as to what happened, and no evidence has been found during the thorough police investigation. Her distraught family is ready to do whatever it takes to bring the loving wife and mother home, alive.

Are private investigators capable of accomplishing what the police cannot?

Only time will tell.

From the beta readers:
"The best mystery novels make you guess who the killer is, and then bam, surprise you at the end. This is one of those stories!"

"Engrossing plot with vivid scenes and relatable characters."
"Love the backstories into the lives of these characters making the story so come to life and leaving a long-lasting impression!"
"The vivid details of the setting made me feel as though I was right there in every room of this magnificent mansion."
"As they say, 'The past always catches up with you, and the author is a master at proving this to be true!"

Release dateJun 1, 2022
Evil Will Out

Erika M Szabo

Erika became an avid reader at a very early age, thanks to her dad who introduced her to many great books. Erika writes magical realism, alternate history, epic fantasy novels as well as fun, educational and bilingual books for children ages 2-17 about acceptance, friendship, family, and moral values such as accepting people with disabilities, dealing with bullies, and not judging others before getting to know them.

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    Book preview

    Evil Will Out - Erika M Szabo


    The Cellar

    As the young woman opened her eyes in total darkness, she felt dazed and disoriented. She tried to move her hand to find her comforter to cover up but couldn’t move. Fear froze her insides as she felt her hands tied behind her back and feet tightly bound as well. Where am I? How did I get here? Am I dreaming?  As she tugged at the ropes, the realization hit her hard when she felt the thin plastic cord cutting into her flesh. She wanted to scream but her mouth was chalk dry, she could only utter a whimpering sound.

    She shifted her body. It feels like I’m lying on a damp concrete floor. How did I get here from my house, from my bed? Frantic thoughts were racing through her mind. She swallowed hard and tried to scream again. Help! she managed to croak out. Somebody! Help me, please! she sobbed.

    She’s up, a man’s raspy whisper sounded as if he was behind a door. Lemme see her, he spoke, and she heard a low, squeaky sound as the doorknob was turned.

    Hands off, old man! a deep, younger-sounding voice growled. She’s not yours. He wants her. El maldito viejo Bastardo. (*the damned old bastard*) He continued in Spanish.

    Solo puedo estar de acuerdo con esa afirmación, (*I can only agree with that statement*) the man with the raspy voice replied in Spanish and switched to English. Just a little peek. He doesn’t have to know. He chuckled.

    I said, no! the younger voice firmly replied. The old man has a particular plan for this one. Hey, I didn’t know you speak Spanish!

    You don’t know a thing about me, son. What does he want with her? the other man inquired in a hushed tone.

    If you need to know, he’ll tell you. If not, keep your piehole shut. Let’s go! He’ll be here soon.

    The terrified woman lay on the cold floor, in the dark, afraid to move or make a sound. Please, God! What are they going to do to me?

    Chapter One

    Atop a beautiful, fertile landscape by the Blue Mist Lake, the Wilbert mansion sits alone on the outskirts of the sleepy, country town. The lake acquired its name long ago because of its dark blue water and fine mist that lingers on the surface in the mornings, just before the sun peeks over the mountains surrounding the large lake.

    Summer blooms are abundant along the driveway that leads to the main gate. A short drive up to the mansion also reveals an eye-pleasing view. It is beautifully landscaped with rhododendron, azalea, and Japanese maple trees lining the driveway that leads to a magnificent fountain in the center of the large, finely graveled area before the front door. The rectangular building with symmetrical windows designed in classical Georgian brick and stone style make this custom-made mansion stand out. Two large columns frame the wide mahogany door at the entrance, making it an impressive focal point. Located on both sides of the driveway, the garden provides cozy niches to relax and koi ponds to sit by for family and guests.

    The mansion's interior is equally magnificent. A large hall leads to a formal dining room on the left and a luxuriously furnished sitting room and study on the right. An oak staircase splits in the middle after a wide landing that displays the life-size marble statues of famous composers. Red carpet covers the left side stairs that lead to the living quarters, which include luxurious bedrooms and bathrooms. Right-side stairs lead to guest rooms and an enormous family room with high-end, strategically placed paintings and artwork to entertain guests. This room also serves as the music room. There is a grand piano in the corner surrounded by invitingly comfortable overstuffed chairs.

    A stargazing observatory built on the roof and equipped with the best telescopes under its dome-shaped glass roof is the most coveted spot in the mansion. During the late evening hours, the family loves to sit on comfortable recliners while sipping hot cocoa and stargazing through the varying sizes of telescopes.

    In the back of the mansion is a small but elegant cobblestone cottage surrounded by trees. It provides a comfortable, private residence for John, the groundskeeper, and his wife, Matilda, his housekeeper/cook. Mr. Wilbert hired Matilda when she was a young girl. Her parents perished in a tragic house fire. She was alone, homeless, with no support. Her parents couldn’t afford the high insurance payments, and Matilda became penniless as well. Michael’s mother took the young girl under her wings and taught her everything she knew about housekeeping and cooking. When a handsome drifter moved into town and started doing gardening and odd jobs at the mansion, they fell in love and soon married. As a wedding present, Michael had the cottage built and offered lifetime employment to them. They have lived on the Wilbert Estate for decades.

    Michael Wilbert, a compassionate, handsome, and always clean-shaven man in his early seventies, had been criticized for not hiring a steady staff of cleaners and maintenance people to take care of the huge estate, but as always, he ignores what others think of him. He strongly believes in regularly providing jobs to those who most need work at a particular time in their lives. He reasons that work is scarce in the quiet countryside towns, and rotating the workers regularly gives more people a chance to earn a decent living. He trusts his estate manager and his staff to organize and supervise the work on the estate and to hire people from the surrounding areas to do various jobs.

    Michael declines most of the invitations to parties being thrown by the influential crowd in the surrounding counties. Even though he tells people he enjoys his secluded lifestyle, in reality, he despises the show-off parties and the snobby people kissing and stabbing each other. He tells his friends, I keep my friends close, but I don’t need to keep my enemies closer. Attorneys and the Private Investigation Firm I trust give me all the information I need about my enemies. 

    Despite being one of the wealthiest people in the country, Michael Wilbert has never forgotten his roots.

    Chapter Two

    It all began 70 years ago

    Michael Wilbert was born into a poor family, in a small town in upstate New York. Their rented house in town was tiny and cramped. His father, a slightly built, balding man, had a bright mind and longed to be a lawyer, but his parents couldn't afford to pay for his education. In spite of his lack of physical strength and dexterity, the family was able to help him earn a degree in accounting. He considered himself fortunate to be hired as an accountant for the Cullins family, the richest family in the county.

    Michael’s petite, frail-looking mother taught children in town private piano lessons for a living. Despite her talent as a pianist, she didn't have the right connections to succeed in the music industry that was not welcoming to female musicians at the time.

    When Michael turned seven, he often accompanied his father to the Cullins’ estate on those days when his mother had students. He hated every minute he had to spend at the mansion. He was forced to play with Roger, the son of Mr. Cullins, who was the same age as Michael. Roger treated him as if he was a lowly servant and made fun of his second-hand clothes and shoes. You’re just a lowly pauper, and I’m a prince. was the cocky boy’s favorite jab at Michael’s fragile pride. Do as I say, and never forget that you were born to serve people like me!

    Father, why aren’t we rich like them? I hate to be poor. He calls me a pauper! Michael cried. I don’t want to go there anymore. With childish anger and defiance, he stomped his foot and folded his arms against his chest.

    I’m so sorry, son, but try to endure it until I can find another job. Mr. Cullins insists that I take you there at least twice a week. You see, Roger is home-schooled, and he doesn’t have any friends. His father wants you to be his playmate. Please, Michael, do this for me. I can’t lose this job before I can find another one.

    Michael obeyed and accepted the torture of the spoiled, rich boy in silence. After the first time, they played and Roger threw a hissy fit over losing, Mr. Cullins pulled Michael aside and ordered him to let his son win to avoid his tantrums. Michael obeyed, and although grinding his teeth in frustration, he let Roger win every game. If he did not get his way, the spoiled brat would throw toys, or anything close by, at the maids, the butler, and even at his father. They hated the undisciplined brat, and they fled from the room as soon as the boy stepped through the door.

    Roger gloated over his victory after winning a game of Checkers one afternoon. Michael you are so stupid that you can’t even realize you’re an imbecile. You may as well be back in kindergarten. You’re nothing but a loser! Roger mocked him in a sing-song tone.

    Michael shot out of his chair and headed over to sock Roger in the face, but he stopped, remembering his father’s words about putting up with the temporary situation. He silenced his boiling anger and continued to comply with his father’s wishes allowing Roger’s constant degrading remarks about how stupid he was. Roger

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