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Abba's Heart: Abba's Devotion, #4
Abba's Heart: Abba's Devotion, #4
Abba's Heart: Abba's Devotion, #4
Ebook173 pages1 hour

Abba's Heart: Abba's Devotion, #4

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About this ebook

Hesed, agape, love… whatever you call it, you can't escape it, even if you don't feel it. The Bible is clear: God loves you!


It doesn't matter what we've done. It doesn't matter who we are. It doesn't matter what our backstory is…God loves us with an unending love, because that is who He is. He is love.


In this 31-day devotional, you'll find story after story to encourage you with the knowledge that Abba Father loves us unconditionally, without fail, with an everlasting love.


From an earthly father's example on his death bed to supernatural provision and a grandmother's lap…Abba has a way of displaying His love to us in more ways than we can imagine.


Buy Abba's Heart today and discover God's love for you in every story.

Release dateJun 7, 2022
Abba's Heart: Abba's Devotion, #4

Tamara Clymer

Tamara Clymer used to work in television and newspaper newsrooms as a reporter and photographer. However, several years ago she turned in her camera and keyboard for a life publishing Christian books… and she hasn’t looked back. Born and raised in the Midwest, Tamara earned a journalism degree from Kansas State University in the early 90s. Soon after, she started working in T.V. and newspaper newsrooms, covering everything from local school board meetings to terrorist attacks. In the process, she realized she wanted to do more with her writing, something with an eternal impact. In 2010, she founded CrossRiver Media Group. This small company is has become a powerhouse in the Christian publishing world. It has produced several award-winning books including Christian Small Publishers Books of the Year and SELAH Award winners. Tamara encourages her authors to use the words God has given them, for His glory. She teaches writers to do the same at Christian writers’ conferences all across the country. Tamara married Shad, her high school sweetheart more than 30 years ago. They live in western Kansas with their four kids, two dogs, a very grumpy cat ironically named Gracie. They try to keep up with their kids’ sports and church activities.  Sometimes they even get to relax with a family camping trip to the mountains.

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    Abba's Heart - Tamara Clymer



    Copyright © 2022 CrossRiver Media Group

    Print ISBN: 978-1-936501-65-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. Published by CrossRiver Media Group, 4810 Gene Field Rd. #2, St. Joseph, MO 64506.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations from the King James Version, public domain.

    For more on Tamara Clymer, visit

    Editor: Tamara Clymer

    Cover Design: Tamara Clymer

    Cover Art: 101717405 © Severija |

    Printed in the United States of America.


    In His Presence

    Jean Alfieri

    So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. — 1 Thessalonians 5:11

    I fumbled for my phone in a rush of confusion when I saw my husband’s number pop up. Why is he calling now?

    Josh was halfway across the country, while I was on my way to meet my mom. She was to be transported by ambulance to her apartment where she’d be set up for hospice. It had been a long journey, not just in distance, and I was fragile.

    I was still reeling from the trip to Chicago only six weeks ago. After Mom fell and broke her hip, the doctors discovered she had pancreatic cancer. The final stages. She wasn’t strong enough for treatment, and it was unlikely to be effective anyway. The cancer had already spread. The doctors gave her just six months to live.

    How do you wrap your head around that? I hadn’t. In the meantime, I was coordinating a layoff at my job. Last week I had put my name on the list to be released, and it was approved. I was nowhere near retirement, so I had an intense job search looming.

    After a delayed flight, confusion with the rental car, and a long drive to Mom’s apartment, I was frazzled. And Josh was calling. It was mid-afternoon. He should be busy at work.

    Hey, I answered abruptly.

    Hey, he replied in a shaky voice. He was in his car. I parked mine.

    Where are you? I asked.

    Driving home, he said. I just got laid off.

    What?! I was in shock. As Josh explained what happened, the ambulance pulled up to the front doors of Mom’s apartment complex, and they started unloading her.

    Josh paused, waiting for a response.

    It’ll be okay, I mumbled. I wasn’t sure I believed it, but I didn’t know what else to say. I gotta go.

    I rushed inside and up to Mom’s apartment. Paramedics were fluffing pillows and making her comfortable as I walked in. Then they left. Mom and I exchanged big hugs, a kiss, and sad smiles as I told her about the call with Josh.

    Then I got to work. There was a load of mail piled up, mostly get-well cards. We decided to make a dent in it. There were words of encouragement, some with beautiful Bible verses, but none of it resonated. These words were for my mom.

    I came across a small blue leather-bound daily devotional authored by Alistair Begg. I enjoyed listening to his radio program every day. I turned to Mom. Where did this come from?

    When she shrugged, I asked, Should we read today’s devotion?

    Yes, she nodded.

    I began to read. The devotion was about how the Lord watches out for us as we walk through life, and though we may not expect to find ourselves on the road we’re on, we can be confident that he guides our steps and that we are on the right path, even if it seems certain that we’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere.

    I couldn’t go on. These words spoke directly to my heart. I sat next to Mom’s bed and put my hand on her arm and set my head down to cry. It was all I could do. I wept.

    She put her other hand on my arm and didn’t say a word. She didn’t have to. Her presence was an encouragement. I’d come all this way to comfort her, and here I was breaking down. And though she had just a short while to live, she was comforting me.

    I’m sorry, Mom, I managed between sobs.

    She patted my arm. I knew she was sad too, and she whispered the same words I’d offered to Josh, It’ll be okay.

    I finally caught my breath and went to wash my face.

    I’m sorry, I told her when I returned, I came here for you, and now you’re propping me up!

    That’s what we’re here for, she said softly. And she was so right.

    This transformed my whole perspective. I realized then, the power of the Lord’s presence around her, and I wanted it around me. If she could be this strong in faith and offer loving encouragement even in sickness, the least I could do was accept it. I knew I needed to open my heart and embrace the support others would offer.

    Though we struggled, my family survived my Mom’s passing. And Josh and I were employed again in even better jobs within months.

    God searches for us every day. It is in facing our need that we discover the many ways he provides. Sometimes we become so used to giving to others, we forget to receive. I was so caught up in sadness, I kept trying to do what I could for my mom and my family without even noticing what God was trying to do for me.

    Our Lord provides support in many forms. Be encouraged. You are not alone. And remember to encourage others. To give you have to receive, and to receive you have to give.


    Abba, thank you for always being with us, even when we don’t feel Your presence. Thank You for providing for us and guiding our every step. Please help us to remember to encourage others that You are with them too. And may we always bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.


    New Friendship, New Life

    Debbi Barth

    See how very much our Father loves us, for he call us his children, and that is what we are! — 1 John 3:1a

    Love can come to us in so many forms, but I will never, ever forget my first experience of undisguised, full-on love without conditions.

    It began when, as insecure eighth-grade schoolmates, my new friend Nancy invited me to her church’s youth group. She and I were in that oh-so-awkward stage of young adolescence—self-conscious, gangly, moody teenagers.

    Nancy had been brought up to be active in her church on more days than Sundays alone. Her family took the faith and love sermons home with them and lived them all week, every week. They even read the Bible. I had never seen that, though my gentle and wise mother is a living Bible in many ways. Nancy’s family and mine looked outwardly similar, but were quite different at heart. We were a seriously mismatched pair too, or so it seemed.

    Nancy and I were polar opposites in personality. She was the extraordinarily shy one whose face would turn strawberry red if a passing boy said hi to her. I was the Miss Cheerful and outgoing one of our eighth-grade class and thought nearly everyone I met was worth knowing.

    We were the most unlikely of friends, but something in Nancy, something deeply embedded in her quiet inner self, sparked my interest. I wanted to know more about what made her life seem so profoundly secure even while going through the unsettling insecurities of adolescence.

    I was intrigued by her, her church friends, and the faith they had. In my hidden insecurity and fear of not being enough, I needed the anchoring they had that I lacked. It was a nagging, worrying kind of fear that kept me up at night. In her youth group, people said they actually knew God and I could know Him as well.

    What an odd concept! I’d never heard of such a thing before, even after fourteen years of being an active participant in my own church. Painfully shy Nancy invited me to meet the One who, in unconditional love, formed me and had plans for my life. Though unknown to me at the time, these plans would gradually be revealed.

    This God-leading-us path is the path of agape—unconditional love; unending, unearned love from

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