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There is no such thing as a perfect plan.


Fleeing her homeland after it falls under martial law, Evey Constantine searches for the man who has the information she needs to reclaim her throne.


Her dead father's instructions were simple and straightforward. Dealing with the man in question is anything but. Nightclub owner Griffin Tate is everything her father warned her he would be. Arrogant. Domineering. Ruthless. He is a man with a dark past and questionable loyalties.


Evey expected his indecent proposition the night they met. What she didn't expect was for him to save her life or break through the shield around her heart.


Most of all, Evey didn't count on Griffin showing her a side of him that has her thinking a dangerous thought. Is love worth giving up her crown?

Release dateMay 26, 2022

Ashlyn Mathews

Ashlyn Mathews is a registered nurse with an overactive imagination. Her interests and activities include taking a lot of pictures of her golden retrievers and flowers and posting them on social media (occasionally she’ll post pictures of her kids and hubby), binge-watching funny and romantic Netflix shows, reading books and magazines of various genres, eating a lot of carbs, and drinking A LOT of coffee. Hot, iced, blended… it doesn’t matter as long as it has coffee. For more on her romance series, visit

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    Book preview

    Undone - Ashlyn Mathews



    The doors open at seven, but the action doesn’t start until well after eleven.

    From my usual spot on the second floor, hidden in the shadow of a corner, I scan the crowd below for the mystery woman from last night. She caught my interest with her understated appearance, the determined set of her jaw, and her hot-as-fuck dance moves.

    I’m not seeing her.

    My gaze shoots to the front entrance. People filter in through the double doors in an orderly fashion. I dip my head and speak into the mic attached to my collar. Nice job with crowd control, boys.

    Joey and Andy have been with me since I opened this joint three years ago. They understand my rules are to be followed to the T. One of those rules is we never go over capacity. It’s dangerous should there ever be an emergency.

    Not that my guys and I won’t be ready. We’ve trained for emergencies, big and small. Have dealt with our fair share of rowdy drunks, jealous exes, and a fire in the women’s bathroom. What I hope never to experience again is a bloodbath. That night set my moral compass back so far, I quit my father’s security business and went off the grid for a year.

    Tossing that shameful part of my life to the recesses of my mind, I search for my mystery woman. As I do, a different woman sidles up to me.

    Hi there, Griffin. You’re looking good tonight.

    My signature black dress shirt and black slacks is looking good? Half the guys here are in black attire, but I’m betting they’re not loaded like I am. And I’m not speaking of packing firearms.

    I’m not interested, Monica.

    That’s not what the other girls say. Her manicured nails skim up and down my arm. Come on, Griffin. Say yes for a change. She circles her fingers around my bicep.

    Before Mystery Woman caught my eye, I would have taken Monica up on her offer. I am all about the physical without the complication of emotions getting involved, and Monica is of the same mindset, her hand lowering to my crotch.

    Boss, I see her in the back of the line. Joey’s excitement is palpable in my earpiece. I’ll have her escorted inside now.

    Joey and his romantic notions this woman is the one for me. I grab Monica’s wrist before she can touch my junk. Enjoy your time here.

    I walk away from her and take the stairs to the first floor. Mystery Woman weaves through the crowd. She is wearing an identical outfit to what she wore last night. Ratty jeans torn at the knees. A body-hugging black T-shirt that shows the obvious—she has small breasts and flat abs.

    She makes her way to the edge of the dance floor and catches me watching her. I tip my head. She acknowledges me with a slight dip of hers. I home in on her face. Dark arched brows. A sultry curve to the arches of her cheeks. A pert nose. Full lips. She isn’t the most beautiful woman here, but she stokes something inside me I lost a long time ago—anticipation.

    I stay in the periphery of the dance floor and watch guys avoid her. They aren’t here for plain and understated. They are here for women like Monica, with her skin-tight little black dress and sizeable rack.

    But when Mystery Woman takes the dance floor and moves that lithe five-foot-five body of hers, the guys take notice, just like they did last night. She’s sexy as fuck swaying her hips with her hands high above her head, her fingers tapping in time to the beat as she sings softly to the music with her eyes closed.

    Moving like she does, she doesn’t have a care in the world.

    Two guys move in, and it takes willpower not to step in and demand they step away from her. Mine. That’s what I’m hearing in my head. All I’m feeling deep in my core as they sandwich her between their large bodies.

    Why does my body respond so viscerally to hers?

    I haven’t had a taste of her, that’s why. I want her moaning and writhing beneath me. Then I can get her out of my thoughts and out of my system.

    She’s all I have thought about since she caught my eye last night. From across the room, our gazes locked, and at the defiant tip of her chin, interest grabbed ahold of me. No woman’s turned me down with a look alone.

    She and the guys dance and grind through two more songs. Halfway through the third song, she takes their hands and leads them toward the entrance.

    Fuck no will I let her make a decision she’ll later regret. Not only are the women who work for me familiar with the guys she is with, but they tell me those douchebags are into rough sex.

    Stop them, Joey.

    Joey stops the trio at the door. Words are exchanged. Joey points to me. The guys glance in my direction and glare. I shrug. My club. My rules. I gesture for them to move along.

    They leave Mystery Woman’s side and find a different woman to slather their attentions on. Mystery Woman has more words with Joey before she meets my gaze. We assess one another from across the room.

    I dare her with my intense stare-down to walk over and give it to me straight. For her to inform me of how pissed off she is. She doesn’t do jack shit other than tear her gaze away and grab a seat at an empty table.

    My interest piques tenfold. I watch her from the bar where I have an unobstructed view. She crosses her legs, feet tapping air, and tips her body forward with her elbow on the table and her chin rested on her open palm.

    She stares back at me. I ask Chris, one of my servers, to offer her a drink of her choice and whatever she would like off the food menu. With how much energy she’s burning off with that attitude of hers, she must be parched and starving.

    Chris returns. She’s not interested. Said you should do the heavy lifting rather than have someone do your dirty work.

    I chuckle. Thanks for taking the brunt of her words. How’s Annie?

    Chewing up every piece of furniture in the place though I spent a shit ton of money on toys of every shape for her.

    I shake my head. Puppies, can’t live with them and can’t live without them.

    He smiles. Yeah, it’s hard to be mad at her when she gives me puppy eyes. Good luck with that one. He jerks his head in Mystery Woman’s direction and returns to delivering drink and food orders.

    Chris started with me a year after opening. He’s in his thirties, a down-on-his-luck guy who panhandled on a street corner my driver drove us past each morning. Rather than give him money, I took a chance and asked whether he would rather earn it. He said yes and the rest is history.

    I lean against the wall and look anywhere but at her, missing the signature dark shades of my days as a personal bodyguard. I could observe without being too damn obvious.

    Women approach me asking for my number. Or a spin on the dance floor. I give them the same line, Thanks, but not interested. They walk away, hips swaying, glancing over their shoulder with promises of a smoking hot time with the smolder in their eyes.

    Hard pass.

    Mystery Woman, though . . . She is eyeing me from across the room. Were her sexy eyes on me the whole time? I give her a two-finger salute. She dismisses me with a flick of her hair and a view of her profile as she looks the other way.

    Anticipation courses through my veins like water over a broken dam—fast, hard, and loud. Before the sun rises over the horizon, I will have her in my bed. First, I need for her to drop her attitude long enough for

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