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Mirachip: Miracle Computer Chip Combats Airborne Viruses and  Fosters a Cyber Virus to Debilitate China
Mirachip: Miracle Computer Chip Combats Airborne Viruses and  Fosters a Cyber Virus to Debilitate China
Mirachip: Miracle Computer Chip Combats Airborne Viruses and  Fosters a Cyber Virus to Debilitate China
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Mirachip: Miracle Computer Chip Combats Airborne Viruses and Fosters a Cyber Virus to Debilitate China

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In this novel an American company invents, produces and markets a novel face mask with a miracle computer chip, MIRACHIP. The chip diagnoses an airborne virus in real-time and causes a vaccine mist to be released at the mouth and nose of the wearer. It is proven very effective and saves millions of lives around the world.
The book walks the reader through a simplified chip production process in its facilities in Mexico. The company develops a series of chip-based wearable patches which address a wide variety of ailments including but not limited to burn and pain relief, anxiety, obesity and insomnia.
China, which unleashes multiple global viruses, attempts to neutralize the effectiveness of the MIRACHIP so it can continue on its path of global domination. The reader follows the country’s attempt to bypass the company’s patents, steal chips for reverse-engineering and even attacks the factory with a computer virus to ransom the chip’s architecture.
The MIRACHIP company not only thwarts these attempts but responds with its own computer virus which disables China’s cyberwarfare center in Guantanamo, Cuba.
In the process, two of the company’s employees are awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine, the company’s stock is a bonanza for investors, and the company builds a resort headquarters in Bermuda so employees may maximize their creativity to develop new life-saving products.
Release dateMay 5, 2022
Mirachip: Miracle Computer Chip Combats Airborne Viruses and  Fosters a Cyber Virus to Debilitate China

Jason O’Neil

JASON O’NEIL has published 30 books on subjects as varied as designing new aircraft and vehicles, debunking global warming caused by man, halting aggression in Asia and the Middle East and ending the Slavery of Socialism in America.

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    Mirachip - Jason O’Neil

    © 2022 Jason O’Neil. All rights reserved.

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    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  05/04/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5902-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5903-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022908458

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    Cast Of Characters

    1.     Corporation

    2.     Organization

    3.     Perth Amboy

    4.     Vancouver

    5.     Pandemic

    6.     Itinerary

    7.     Bermuda

    8.     Stockholm

    9.     Guantanamo

    10.   Veracruz

    11.   Hard Ball

    12.   Guantanamo 2

    13.   Public Listing

    14.   Dubai

    15.   Geneva

    16.   Panama

    17.   Savoir


    Bald Eagle Vision

    The Red Box





    When Baldie Cries

    New Age Ark

    A Necessary Coup



    Mission Embryo


    Bald Eagle Vision 2




    Escape from La-La Land


    James Russell

    Founder, Chairman and CEO of MIRACHIP

    Successful Medical Products Salesman

    Age 70

    Similar to: Sean Connerly, Actor

    Maria Vasquesz

    New York City Office Manager

    MBA, Wharton School

    Age: 53

    Similar to: Lauren Becall, Actress

    Thomas Fenton

    President, MIRACHIP

    Former Robot Company President

    Age: 64

    Similar to: Nicholas Cage, Actor

    Dr. James Cox

    Chief Medical Officer

    Famous Cardiologist

    Age: 68

    Similar to: Burt Lancaster, Actor

    Harvey Rubinstein

    Chief Financial Officer

    New York Securities Guru

    Age: 69

    Similar to: Elon Musk, Entrepreneur

    Jose Diaz

    Chief Legal Officer

    International Patent Expert

    Age: 60

    Similar to: Orlando Bloom, Actor

    Don Carlos Fuente (The Don)

    Veracruz Factory Manager

    Leading Automation Engineer

    Age: 49

    Similar to: D.C. Fuente, Cigar Magnate

    Dr. Reiner Strassberg

    President, Bank of Switzerland

    Age: 71

    Similar to: Roger Federer, Professional Tennis Star

    Winston Barrister

    Director, Canadian Distribution Center

    Retired Railroad Executive

    Age: 66

    Similar to: Russell Crowe, Actor

    Rita Morales

    Director, Personnel, MIRACHIP

    Age: 52

    Professional Recruiter

    Similar to: Penelope Cruz, Actress

    Orin Wright

    Famous Urban Planner

    Designer of Micronations

    Age: 57

    Similar to: Eric Sevarid, TV Commentator

    Winner Win Parker

    Harbormaster, Hamilton, Bermuda

    Former Cruise Line Captain

    Age: 64

    Similar to: Harrison Ford, Actor

    Tyrone Dobbs

    Chief Security Officer

    Former Director, NYPD

    Age: 66

    Similar to: Liam Neeson, Actor

    Dov Raviv

    Director, CHIP Research, Tel Aviv

    Automation Guru

    Age: 60

    Similar to: Henry Kissinger, Diplomat

    Patrick Rosenberg

    IBM Artificial Intelligence Guru, Tel Aviv

    Age: 61

    Similar to: Young Steven Segal, Actor

    Jennings Werner

    President, USA

    Socialist Politician

    Age: 61

    Similar to: Gavin Newsom, Governor

    Nikki Villefrance

    Heiress to Michelin Fortune; Yacht Broker

    Billionaire Investor

    Age 60: Looks 46

    Similar to: Morena Baccarin, Actress

    Yousif Latif

    Prince of Dubai

    Billionaire Investor

    Age: 65

    Similar to: Omar Sharif, Actor

    Bill Cavanaugh

    Director, Supply Chain, MIRACHIP

    Former, Communications Company President

    Age: 68

    Similar to: John Glenn, Astronaut



    THE FOUNDER, CHAIRMAN AND CEO of a new corporation, Jim Russell, welcomed his guests to the company’s initial public unveiling. In a penthouse suite of the Sherry Netherland Hotel at the south end of Central Park across 5th Avenue from the Plaza Hotel, they were treated to a guest-only reveal. Its products have been developed as technical wonders which would be accepted and utilized worldwide resulting in tremendous growth and profitability.

    In the audience were investors from six countries, all sworn to secrecy, medical experts, international bankers, security specialists, several billionaires and even a renown urban architect and city planner.

    Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today. In my humble opinion, this day will prove to be very worthwhile. And many of you have already helped the company get to this point. Our company will ultimately save millions of lives around the world. Only a handful of major pharmaceutical companies can make this claim. And our claim will soon be protected by international patents for our designs, formulae and manufacturing processes. Please use today’s briefings to get answers to any of your questions. Each of you must be 100% comfortable with your commitments—talent, labor and/or dollars—to OUR new enterprise. On the first slide you’ll see our planned agenda. But please keep in mind splinter group discussions are encouraged in order to leverage your combined genius.

    Using a laser pointer, the Founder described the purpose of each of the topics on the agenda:

    – Organization and Goals

    – Accounting and Legal

    – Security Measures

    – International Agreements, Banking

    – Production Processes


    "The afternoon’s agenda will be shown after lunch. All of you should know that we’ve built two microchip plants in Mexico. The primary one is in Veracruz and the back-up on a different power grid in Monterrey. And we’ve staffed them with the best engineers and technicians. Our software teams reside

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