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Lakehouse Déjà Vu
Lakehouse Déjà Vu
Lakehouse Déjà Vu
Ebook130 pages1 hour

Lakehouse Déjà Vu

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College students Rose and Jessica embark on a spring break dream vacation off the beaten path at a Florida lake house B&B. Jessica loves Rose like a sister and planned this life altering getaway basically behind Rose's back, but then finds herself floating on air in love with the destination she chose. And Rose gains

Release dateJun 13, 2022
Lakehouse Déjà Vu

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    Book preview

    Lakehouse Déjà Vu - RA Anderson


    Table Of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    About the Author

    Lakehouse Déjà Vu

    Copyright © 2022 by RA Anderson, My Favorite Books Publishing Company, LLC.

    All characters and events in this book, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    [email protected]

    My Favorite Books Publishing Company, LLC.

    Kingston, Georgia USA

    Ordering Information:

    Quantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. Orders by U.S. trade bookstores and wholesalers. For details, contact the publisher at the address above.

    Editing by The Pro Book Editor

    Interior and Cover Design by

    Jukebox the Ghost, Cheers!

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-950590-29-2

    paperback ISBN: 978-1-950590-28-5

    hardcover ISBN: 978-1-950590-27-8

    Main category—YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Coming of Age

    Second category—YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Social Themes / Death, Grief, Bereavement

    Third Category—YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Epistolary (Letters & Diaries)

    First Edition



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    Thank you, Jessica Rose, for the use of your names and your beautiful essence that allowed me to create two beautiful characters and bring them to life.

    To my family for always believing in me.

    To Jukebox the Ghost: Tommy, Ben, and Jesse, thanks for letting the girls have fun singing Cheers!



    ose and Jessica were drawn

    to each other from the first moment they met nine years ago while in middle school, not because of any specific similarities but by curiosity and their differences. Rose’s family had moved into town from the Caribbean, fresh off a sailboat, and her only friend was her cat who came with them from the boat. She looked like a surfer girl coming in after a full day riding the waves, with her untamed, curly, sun-bleached hair, sparkling green eyes that could be seen across a room, and her frame so tiny she looked to be a grade or two below Jessica.

    Jessica’s family lived in a huge Kentucky antebellum house built in the 1830s and remodeled right before Rose moved to town. The old plantation land had been used as a corn, hay, and dairy farm for most of the 1900s. It was sold to a developer who subdivided it in the late 1990s and then surrounded the antebellum house with dozens of homes built on large five- to ten-acre lots in the 2000s. Jessica’s family home was the largest lot in the subdivision, allowing a six-stall horse barn and two nice size pastures nestled in the backyard with large oak trees and a small lake. Her family had hired help to care for the horses, land, and barn. The grass rolled with the small hills, lined with a black wood fence that separated their land from the other lots. Jessica was beautiful inside and out. She was outgoing and adventurous and loved traveling to Europe with her parents on vacations and all the ventures that came with those trips, like shopping in Paris.

    Together in high school, these stunning young ladies didn’t notice the boys trying to get their attention because they only had eyes for their four-legged true loves grazing in the fields.

    While Jessica had to focus on riding and training with her horse instructor, preparing for her next horse show, Rose was always present with a journal in her hand, only putting it down to groom and ride with Jessica when she wasn’t training.

    Journaling had become a habit for Rose early in life. She enjoyed logging significant and not-so-important information, personal thoughts, and strategies to achieve goals as well as records of her accomplishments, but most importantly, it helped her lay her emotions out on paper and stop her from feeling overwhelmed. Growing up on a sailboat, she’d lived like more of a minimalist, not needing things to place on shelves to remember adventures of any kind. Her fondest memories of her youth, before Jessica, were sailing, star gazing, and scuba diving. Her parents had decent jobs and no one felt like they were missing out, yet her parents didn’t buy Rose a car nor could they afford the luxury of a horse. Rose rode Jessica’s horses, and Jessica’s parents gave Rose a horse to call her own, telling her she was a natural rider. Though she couldn’t handle the pressure of being in the spotlight that would have come with competing with Jessica, she definitely enjoyed the one-on-one bond between horse and rider and loved cheering for Jessica at her horse shows.

    When it was time to turn the page and begin the next chapter in life, going off to college, they did so together and, without hesitation, chose to be roommates. That’s what best friends do. Every inch of Rose was delighted that Jessica wanted to attend the University of Kentucky because it was less than a couple hours away from home and they could drive home to ride every weekend if they wished. The thought of being close to family and Jessica’s farm was comforting. And Jessica loved driving them home in the new car she’d gotten for her high school graduation gift from her grandparents. They also enjoyed cruising around town with the convertible top down, and any occasion in the car was a chance to sing in the wind again.

    Jessica studied science, thinking of becoming a veterinarian. Her study groups were important to her, and she flitted in and out of their room and made time for parties, new friends, and her busy social life. Rose knew she wanted to one day run her own business, so was aiming for a dual degree in business and psychology and dedicated to her studies. She spent countless hours in classes, usually at the desk in their shared dorm room or at the library with her nose in textbooks, but mostly alone, and that’s how she preferred life. Both overextended themselves, nearing the hours and classes needed to graduate early on about the same timeline, and thus had little time for their regular weekend trips back to the farm to ride and de-stress. They hadn’t realized how hard this semester would be, how much they missed their weekends with the horses, and when it came time to prepare for finals, they talked about spring break and how they both desperately needed a respite. Surprisingly enough, they both decided not to go home, wanting to do something different and go somewhere they’d not been before.

    Like a shining star, Jessica was the picture next to the word outgoing. There were no strangers in her path, while Rose preferred to stay in her safe place and it was hard for her to look anyone in the eye. But Jessica had a plan! She was taking Rose to Florida. They would have an amazing time and the break from routine they both needed while maybe also helping Rose open up and enjoy life more. It would be incredible—a trip that would change her life forever! That’s the part that’s unexplainable, though. Deep down, Jessica felt as if she knew both their lives would be changed, but not how. How could Jessica plan a trip that’s so mind-blowing it would be life altering? Jessica could only hope that, however it worked out, it helped Rose bloom like the beautiful flower she was.

    Unbeknownst to Rose, Jessica had accidently seen an upsetting post in Rose’s journal about her deepest fears and then gone to work devising her plan. While they did research the trip together, Jessica did some extra digging on her own and found the perfect spot with a little help from her parents’ travel planner, their Fairy Trip Mother. A B&B located on a chain of lakes in central Florida was the perfect spot. A true getaway! Sun, water sports, pool with meals included, plus planned day adventures to the beach and to see Florida’s wildlife. One day sitting in their dorm room, Jessica opened the website on her computer, took in a deep breath, and turned to Rose.

    Rose, what about this place? I was thinking outside the box, Jessica said to Rose as she turned her computer screen toward Rose. It read, Lakehouse Déjà Vu B&B.

    The B&B was owned and operated by an older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and the website displayed a beautiful photograph of the couple standing out on a dock with a large house behind them that had lots of windows. The site also invited guests to use any of their water toys, and pictured was a ski boat, a couple of people jet skiing, and a sailboat sailing across the large lake. It also advertised their connections with the Save the Manatee Club and gave a link to their website. The B&B

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