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Beneath the Lace: The Beneath Series
Beneath the Lace: The Beneath Series
Beneath the Lace: The Beneath Series
Ebook144 pages3 hours

Beneath the Lace: The Beneath Series

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About this ebook

Jocelyn (J.C.) Whitley never dreamed of being a bride. She dreamed of dressing them. She dreamed of working alongside her best friend, Toby, and building a brand that would set the fashion world on fire. Nevin entering her life, in all his perfect-suit filled charm, is the irresistible distraction she knows she doesn't need. Only she can't shake him. Even as she hits new heights at work, she's drawn back to him again and again. The problem is, she and Toby had sworn off love. At least romantic love, anyway. Who needed a happily-ever-after when forever always found a way to end? But when Toby settles down with his husband, and leans into the traditional life she's always avoided, she's forced to reflect on what love means to her and how family is built and grown largely on choice, on heart, and a whole lot of hope.


Join J.C. and Nevin, along with Toby and Simon, as they grow their careers, their hearts, and their family in ways they could've never imagined.

Release dateMay 14, 2022
Beneath the Lace: The Beneath Series

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    Book preview

    Beneath the Lace - Taralynn Moore

    Chapter One


    Strip of pink lace

    Birds chirped, sunshine gleamed, and shadows of dancing flowers flickered across the walls, happy and joyful. The delicate edges of my veil brushed against the waves of my hair in idyllic contrast to the shiny, ebony strands. There was no denying it.

    I was a bride. A perfect, beautiful bride.

    Except the floor length mirror I stood in front of told the whole story of how I was feeling. And it wasn’t quite as pretty.

    While bridal touches and splendor reigned from the neck up, my yoga pants and Dad’s oversized baseball jersey still commanded my wardrobe. I turned to stare at the long layers of dress and train hanging just out of reach. My creation, like a dream. My best yet.

    Only I couldn’t bring myself to put it on.

    I’d insisted the bridal party pin the veil on my head and clear the room. I needed to think, to center my thoughts. To stare in the mirror and face down the old fears that were creeping through after my year of calm.

    It wasn’t cold feet. They were toasty warm. I wanted to be with Nevin. Forever. He was my perfect match in every way. Well, most ways. As much as any one person could be. As much as forever existed in a world of every unpredictable extreme tolerable.

    But aside from all that. I loved him.

    I just didn’t love being a bride.

    The very large dressing suite in the very large church all leading to the very large wedding that was mere hours away were too much. It was all too much.

    I’d never been one of those girls who dreamed of her wedding. Of others’ weddings? Absolutely. Dressing brides had long been a passion of mine, and now I was living that dream daily, had my own company, and made each bride shine in her own special way.

    I turned to stare again at the creation I’d made for myself with so much certainty not that long ago. My mix of modern with delicate touches of lace, tailored to perfection by my right hand and man of honor, Tobias. Every ample Nevin-loved curve would be tastefully on display.

    I smiled. Classy with a wink. It was what I did best.

    But relationships? That’s where I’d always managed to strike out.

    Nevin had the truest heart I’d ever known, was honest to a fault. Kind. Loyal. But the idea of belonging to someone? Of them to me? After watching my parents lose themselves in marriage, then again in the aftermath of divorce, my years of hesitancy were in no way happenstance. The only thing I’d ever given myself to fully was my career.

    Until Nevin.

    There was a knock on the door and two small sets of footsteps were followed by two soft voices as they entered the room. J.C.?

    I swallowed. I guess I’d given myself to the twins, too. And their mother.

    A peace fell over me as I remembered the side of myself I’d found thanks to them.

    All of them.

    Come on in. My voice was soft.

    Emma’s dark eyes shined. You look so beautiful!

    Evan blushed. Yeah.

    I smiled at their sweet faces and crouched in front of them. Well, my flower girl and my ring bearer can’t outdo the bride.

    They beamed. Emma twirled in her dress. The one and only J.C. Whitley flower girl design that had ever existed. Evan further blushed as he shuffled and held up a card. It’s from Mom. He looked around the room, ever the observer. Where’s everyone? Should we go?

    No. Emma nudged him, flipping her curls behind her shoulder. "We’re special."

    I laughed a little. "You are special. Then stood, gripping the card tight. I didn’t know if I had the emotional capacity to read it in front of them. Can you do me a favor?"

    Sure! they echoed in unison.

    I took a deep breath. Can you go get your dad for me?

    Evan’s eyes went wide, and Emma’s hand flew to her hip. He’s not supposed to see you.

    I know. I crouched once more. It’ll be our little secret, okay?

    Her eyes twinkled with mischief, and Evan’s darted to hers for confirmation. Okay.

    After one big hug, I let them go and turned back to the mirror, my thumbs running along the edge of the envelope. Maybe this was what I’d been waiting for. Maybe this had the answers I needed to move forward.

    Or not.

    There was knock on the door, subtle and soft. Very un-Nevin. I plastered on a watery smile and turned to face whoever it was instead.

    Toby peeked his head in. You ready for some help again?

    I turned back to the mirror and gave a little nod. Just you, okay?

    He slipped through the door with only a minor backward glance. Maybe. But I can only keep the masses at bay for so long. His face lit up with ever-ready sarcasm. Your mother is—

    Ridiculous, I finished.

    Determined, he countered.

    Insatiable, I flipped back with finality.

    He grinned. So . . . you?

    I laughed despite myself and gave a shrug. Maybe a little.

    He arched one perfectly shaped brow.

    Okay. I yielded. I owe all my success to a positive spin of her least endearing qualities. Happy?

    His grinned broadened. With you? Always.

    I smiled back. What would I do without you, Tobias Dale?

    Oh, my dear Jocelyn Whitley. His eyes went wide. Let’s hope the world never has to find out.

    I smiled big. Boy, was he right.

    He looked around the room. l expected to find you hidden beneath a table somewhere.

    I tried to laugh again. No. Not yet anyway. Nevin will be here any minute.

    He wagged a shaming finger in jest as he fluffed the gown, admiring our joint work. Look at you, breaking all the rules of tradition. He smirked. As usual. With one motion, he’d turned and was unclipping the veil from my head. We really need to get you dressed.

    I gripped his hand, still hovering above. Toby . . . I’m not sure I’m doing this right.

    Sharp but kind eyes studied me in the reflection of the mirror. Doing what right?

    I shook my head as I fought back tears.

    He was calm as he slipped from my grasp, returned the veil to hang beside the dress, and led me to a sitting area nearer the windows. J, there’s no one right way to get married. You of all people know that.

    I mean. I swallowed, throat tight. I’m not sure I should be doing this at all.

    His brow creased in concern, two hazel eyes searching mine for confirmation on what he’d just heard. You don’t mean that.

    I do. I nodded, gaze darting away.

    He sighed and scooted forward on the loveseat, taking my hands in his own. We went over this, well over a year ago.

    I know. I took a deep breath. Remind me again why it’s okay.

    His smile was gentle. Nevin loves you. The twins love you. Even Dara loves you.

    My chest sunk further at the mention of the twins’ mother.

    He squeezed my hands tighter. And you love them. Right?

    Yes. My eyes found his again. But is that enough of a reason to break up a family?

    He let out a breath and kneeled before me, adjusting his suit as to cause the fewest number of wrinkles. "You did not break up their family."

    I bit my lip and looked away again.

    He placed a perfectly manicured thumb on my chin, careful to turn my face back to his without marring the makeup. They were apart before you . . . and are better because of you.

    I could barely nod.

    Are you sure that’s all this is? he pressed.

    It’s just . . . marriage. I took his hand from my face and held it, let my fingers dance along the gold ring circling a certain left-handed finger. Are you happy?

    He laughed. Every day? No. Then beamed. But as a whole? His smile radiated. Absolutely.

    You and Simon are so beautiful together.

    So are you and Nevin. His smile wavered. But if you’re not sure. If you still have doubts after all this time . . . J, marriage isn’t something you can try on for size and tailor later. It’s not for everyone, I know, but above all else, it should be for keeps. His perfect pout twisted a bit. I know without a doubt that’s what Nevin wants.

    I exhaled, looked up to the ceiling.

    He wriggled my hand a bit. Are you sure you’re ready? For keeps?

    A loud rap sounded on the door, and it swung open. Nevin stepped into the room, completely unaffected by my mother’s protests in the background as he quietly shut it behind him. His dark eyes locked in on mine, all love, and assurance, and abiding passion. You needed me?

    The butterflies he’d always caused fluttered their usual dance. One that I both hated and loved him for. One that I hadn’t, so far, found a way to live without.

    And honestly didn’t want to have to.

    I do, I whispered. Need you. Always.

    Chapter Two


    Strip of pink lace

    Ispun in circles, reveling in the change from basic hall to wedding extravaganza. My nine-year-old self couldn’t be happier for my older cousin, but I was far more interested in the mechanics of how the women in my family had pulled off another feat of excellence than I was in a love story.

    Every table was set with handmade flower arrangements and antique lace tablecloths kept pristine through decades of weddings before. The head table alone looked kissed by fairies, with bright spots of crystal and sparkle perfectly mixed among the petals.

    Jocelyn! My mom rushed into the room. "Come back to the kitchen. We’ve finished the eggplant and

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