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None Without Sin
None Without Sin
None Without Sin
Ebook373 pages5 hours

None Without Sin

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About this ebook

Everyone has secrets. Some of them may kill you.

When a Delaware real estate mogul is murdered, newspaper journalist Brian Wilder wants the scoop on the killing, including the meaning behind the mysterious loaf of bread left with the corpse. Reverend Candice Miller, called to minister to the grieving family, quickly realizes that the killer has adopted the symbolism of sin eating, a Victorian-era religious ritual, as a calling card. Is it the work of a religious fanatic set to punish people for their missteps, or something even more sinister?

As more victims fall, Brian and Candice follow a trail of deceit and blackmail, hoping to discover the identity of the killer—and praying that their own sins won’t catch the killer’s attention.

PublisherCamCat Books
Release dateAug 2, 2022

Michael Bradley

Michael J. Bradley, Ph.D. is a psychologist, a leading expert on adolescent behavior, and is certified by the American College of Professional Psychology in the treatment of substance abuse disorders. The author of the bestselling Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy, he has been featured in the national media, including CNN, Fox News, NPR, Today, Good Morning America, The New York Times, USA Today, and Rolling Stone.

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    None Without Sin - Michael Bradley


    Brian Wilder downshifted and halted for the traffic light at the bottom of the off-ramp. His two-hour drive along Delaware’s beach expressway from Rehoboth Beach had been a blur. The Friday night birthday party had gone into the early hours of the morning, forcing him to crash on the couch of Chris Carson, the birthday boy himself.

    Amber Fox, morning host at WREB-FM, had thrown a surprise birthday party for her co-host, Chris. Brian had the dubious responsibility of getting him to the Mexican restaurant for the party. He never realized how difficult it would be to keep a surprise from a blind man. They’d only just stepped across the restaurant’s threshold when Chris leaned toward Brian to ask how many people were waiting in the back room for them. It wasn’t until later in the evening that Chris explained how he knew.

    Did someone let slip about the party? Brian had asked.

    Chris shook his head. Not at all. It was a perfectly planned surprise party.

    But, how⁠—

    How did I know? Chris said. Do you remember the loud music playing when we entered the restaurant?

    Yeah, but what’s⁠—

    What about the soccer game on the bar TV?

    No . . .

    Chris smiled. And the woman at the bar nagging her husband about his drinking?

    Brian shook his head. Nope.

    Then, you probably didn’t hear Amber in the back room trying to shush everyone when we arrived.

    No. Brian sighed. Can’t say I did.

    He had known Chris Carson for years before the accident that robbed the radio DJ of his sight. Chris was just as much a smart-ass now as he had been then. Perhaps more so.

    When the light changed, Brian turned left, heading toward downtown Newark. The fifty-plus-year-old car roared up the street and brought a smile to his face. The candy apple-red Mustang was one of the few luxuries he allowed himself. Brian was meticulous in his care and maintenance of the Mustang. If only he’d put that level of care into his relationship with Allison, his daughter. A sense of guilt washed over him. He glanced at his mobile phone on the passenger seat. He toyed with the idea of calling her, but their last call had ended in a fierce argument, just like so many others. No point in upsetting her weekend, he thought.

    The car raced across an overpass. Northbound traffic on the interstate below was backed up, creeping along. Early beachgoers on their way to the Jersey shore. Although the morning was windy, the weekend was shaping up to be the first nice one of the month. Rain, cold temperatures, and the occasional snow flurry had made the first two weeks of March less than pleasant. This third week—with temps in the mid-sixties—seemed to be the trigger for everyone to emerge from a self-induced winter hibernation.

    As he glided past a slow-moving U-Haul, his mobile phone rang. He slipped the hands-free earpiece into his ear and pressed the button to answer.

    Yo Brian, where are you? Jessica O’Rourke asked. The part-time newspaper photographer spoke quickly, her young throaty voice full of excitement.

    Just got off the highway, he said. Maybe ten minutes out. Why?

    The police scanner’s blowing up. Something’s rotten in Newark. Cops and paramedics have converged on Annabelle Street. Sounds serious, she said, her words coming out in rapid fire.

    Brian narrowed his eyes. Annabelle Street was in a select neighborhood on the north side of Newark. Half-million-dollar houses. Land Rovers and Mercedes in driveways. The mayor had a house in the neighborhood. So did the dean of Northern Delaware University. Thanks for the tip.

    Look, Jessica said, a hint of hesitation in her voice. I’ve got a wedding to shoot in three hours. I can’t meet you there.

    Brian smiled. No worries. I’ve got my camera in the trunk. His years as a journalist had taught him to be flexible, often taking photos for his own articles. A photographer by his side was a luxury he’d learned to do without. His pictures would never be as good as Jessica’s, but they’d be just fine for the newspaper. You can criticize my picture-taking skills later.

    How was the party? she asked.

    Heavy traffic slowed Brian’s approach into the city of Newark. He braked as the line of cars ahead came to a crawl. You missed a good time. He thought again about the previous night. Chris was disappointed you weren’t there.

    She sighed. Chris Carson’s crush on Jessica was public knowledge—as was her unwillingness to be tied down in any relationship. He’ll get over it, she said.

    Brian laughed. Go to the wedding. Enjoy yourself.

    Three police cars were parked in front of a house on Annabelle Street, and an ambulance was backed into the driveway. Brian parked the Mustang along the curb a few houses up the block. Before climbing from the car, he reached into the glovebox and dug out a spiral notebook and a pen. From the trunk, he grabbed a black camera bag and slung it over his shoulder.

    As he walked along the sidewalk, he noticed a small crowd of onlookers across the street. The house at the center of everyone’s attention was a modern take on a classic Victorian. A police officer leaned on the white railing of the wraparound porch. A two-story turret rose high above the house, black shingles covering its peak. The white siding was bright in the afternoon sun. Brian recognized the house. It belonged to Robbie Reynolds.

    He sifted through a mental dossier of the man. Robbie Reynolds. Mid-forties. Married with one child. Wife’s name is Andrea. Born and raised in Delaware. Attended and dropped out of Northern Delaware University. Local real estate agent. No, local real estate mogul. Self-proclaimed king of Newark real estate.

    The facts came readily to mind, as did the rumors. Egotist. Gambler. Womanizer.

    As Brian approached a nearby police car, he was surprised to find Father Andrew Blake in conversation with Sergeant Stacy Devonport. The priest’s black hair was peppered with specks of gray; a few strands above his forehead waved with the afternoon breeze. He wore his customary black tab collar shirt and slacks. A black jacket hung awkwardly from Andrew’s gaunt frame, looking like it was a size too big. The priest’s presence was puzzling. As far as Brian knew, the Reynolds family wasn’t Catholic.

    Stacy shook Brian’s hand and smiled. I bet I can guess what brings you here.

    Same reason that brought you. He turned to Andrew. I’m surprised. I don’t recall ever seeing the Reynolds at St. Matthew’s.

    How would you know, Brian? Andrew folded his arms and tilted his head to the side. You’re not exactly a regular attendee at Sunday Mass.

    Stacy laughed at the priest’s rebuke. He’s got you there.

    Brian shrugged off their remarks. I’ve been busy. It was easier to lie than try to explain why he’d not been to church in a while. He gestured toward the house. What’s going on, Stacy? Why the heavy police presence?

    I can’t tell you much. She rested the roll of crime scene tape on the trunk of the police car. I’ve been relegated to crowd control. Haven’t been inside.

    Brian glanced at the crowd across the street. Ten, maybe eleven people. Yeah. I see you’ve got your work cut out for you.

    Stacy folded her arms. Hey, if that throng gets out of hand⁠—

    That’s a throng? Brian raised an eyebrow. He let the moment linger before straightening up and narrowing his eyes. Seriously, what’s going on?

    Suspicious death. Stacy turned her gaze toward the house, then back at Brian. Robbie.

    A slight heaviness pressed down on his shoulders. Brian’s dealings with the real estate agent were infrequent and always all business. Robbie ran a weekly half-page ad in the Monday edition of the newspaper, but often sent it, along with a check, in the mail. Brian’s only other dealings with the man had been when he first arrived in Newark. Robbie was the real estate agent who helped Brian find the building that now served as the office of the Newark Observer. Since then, Brian rarely had to see the man face-to-face. But that only meant the pang of grief was momentary. A death was still a death after all. How?

    All I know is it’s suspicious. She shrugged. Nothing else.

    Brian gestured toward a black Dodge Charger parked up the street. I see he’s here already.

    The chief? Yeah, he’s in there now. Want me to tell him you’re here?

    Brian gave a nod, and Stacy spoke into the radio mic attached to her shoulder. He flipped open the notebook, made a couple notations, and closed it again.

    He’ll be right out, she said. Word of warning. He’s not in the best of moods. He’s missing his grandson’s Little League game for this.

    Thanks for the heads-up. Where’s Flanagan? Couldn’t he handle this?

    Stacy gestured toward the house. He’s here, too, but you know how the chief is. He’s got to stick his nose into every investigation. She looked over at the crowd, which had now grown to twelve people. If you’ll excuse me . . .

    As Stacy strode off, Brian turned back to Andrew. The priest stared across the lawn at the Reynolds’s family home, arms hanging limp at his sides, his eyes wet and dull.

    Brian touched the priest’s shoulder. Andrew?

    Man’s propensity to commit violence against another never ceases to amaze me. Andrew slipped his hands into his trouser pockets and sighed. You’ve probably seen that more than most people. How do you get used to it?

    Brian mulled over the remark. A twenty-two-year journalism career had certainly shown him the darkest sides of human brutality. He’d covered two wars in the Middle East. Been at ground zero on 9/11. Reported on the violence between the drug cartels in South America. Then there were more natural disasters than he could remember. All for Time, Newsweek, and a dozen other magazines and newspapers. He’d seen more death than one man probably should. You don’t, he finally said.

    Brian watched the black van from the county medical examiner’s office drive past and pull into the driveway. Why are you here?

    Andrew rocked on the balls of his feet. I’m just a chauffeur. Do you know Candice Miller, pastor at Trinity Episcopal Church? No? He paused for a second; his lips thinned to a downward arch. Remind me to introduce you. Anyway, we were meeting at the rectory for our weekly chess game.

    Brian knew of the church on the corner of Haines Street and Delaware Avenue, but he couldn’t recall ever meeting the pastor. He made a mental note to take Andrew up on his offer of an introduction. You found a sucker who doesn’t mind losing all the time?

    Andrew snorted with amusement. We’re pretty evenly matched, thank you very much. We were just settling down to play when Candice got the call about Robbie. His wife called. They go to Candice’s church. I offered to drive her.

    So, driving Ms. Miller?

    Andrew turned to look at the house. You could say that.

    A flurry of activity outside the house caught Brian’s eye. Police chief Lyle Jenkins stepped from the house, paused at the base of the porch steps, then moved across the lawn toward Brian and Andrew with purposeful strides. A moment later, two additional people emerged from the house. Brian recognized Marissa Reynolds, but the woman with her was a stranger. She was petite with dark hair and wore a lavender windbreaker. The woman carried a small, bright-colored suitcase. She guided Marissa to a porch swing, and they sat together.

    Brian was still studying the pair when Lyle Jenkins approached. The stout police chief—dressed in faded blue jeans and a gray polo—wore his holster and gun belt low on his waist. A gold badge hung from his neck on a silver chain and bounced off his chest. The touch of gray in his black hair was highlighted by his dark complexion. Wilder, how did I know you’d show up here? He held out his hand.

    Brian returned the hardy handshake. You going to give me a scoop? Or do I have to wait for the press conference?

    Lyle cocked his head. How exclusive can you really be with that rag of yours?

    Brian snorted, knowing the chief had a point. The Newark Observer was a twice-weekly newspaper. Even if he was the first to a story, the larger news outlets would have covered it ad nauseam before the next issue of the Observer hit the streets.

    I hear its murder, Brian said.

    Andrew shook his head and made a tsk-tsk sound. I believe the words used were ‘suspicious death.’

    That’s all you’re getting at the moment, Lyle said. He then leaned toward Brian, conspiratorially. Off the record, Flanagan’s got his hands full with this one. He glanced around, then hitched his thumb into his belt. Where’s your sidekick?

    Shooting a wedding. Brian tapped the camera slung over his shoulder. I’m on my own.

    A gray Chevy Malibu slowly pulled up to the entrance of the driveway. The driver seemed confused as to where to park, first attempting to pull into the driveway behind the medical examiner’s van. Then, thinking better of it, the driver backed up and drove past the house to park along the curb. An elderly woman climbed from the car and headed for the house. She was stopped at the end of the driveway by two police officers. Their conversation started cordially enough. But when it was clear the officers weren’t going to let her pass, she became more animated. Her arms flew in wild gestures, pointing at the house. From where he stood, Brian heard the woman’s voice grow louder as she became more frustrated.

    . . . daughter needs me! Don’t you have any sympathy for what’s happened here? The woman placed her hands on her hips, almost as if she were daring the officer to stand in her way. Obviously, she was a force to be reckoned with. Brian took pity on the officer. It was probably not going to be a battle he would win.


    The cry came from the front porch. Marissa leapt from the porch swing and ran down the steps. The grandmother pushed past the police officers and met her granddaughter halfway. They embraced, and Marissa appeared to break down into tears.

    Lyle let out a gruff sigh and shook his head. I need to take care of this.

    Chief, I’d like to check on Candice, if you don’t mind, Andrew said.

    Lyle’s eyes tightened and his lips curled down. He pointed at the house. That is a crime scene, not a social club.

    Andrew folded his arms. Even the comforter needs to be comforted sometimes.

    Lyle allowed a loud sigh to slip from his lips—a clear sign of reluctant capitulation. Fine. Come with me, Lyle finally said. You can go as far as the porch. But, stay out of the house, understand?

    The police chief turned and started toward the house, Andrew just steps behind. Brian shrugged his shoulders and took a step forward to follow.

    Not you, Wilder, Lyle said, without looking back.


    Candice carried Marissa’s suitcase down the driveway to where the girl and her grandmother were standing. The young girl was enveloped in the elderly woman’s embrace, sobbing. Candice had only met Andrea’s mother once before. She tried to remember her name. Audrey? Susan? I’m sure it started with an S. A flash of recognition appeared in the other woman’s eyes.

    Pastor Miller, thank you, the elderly woman said. The skin on her hand was pale and translucent, with blue veins bulging in streaks across the back. Not sure if you remember . . . we’ve met before. I’m Andrea’s mother, Nancy Barrett.

    Candice shook Nancy’s hand, feeling the knuckles ravaged by years of arthritis beneath her fingers. Yes, I remember. Not with an S.

    Thank you for bringing Marissa out to me, Nancy said. Have you seen my daughter? How’s she doing?

    Candice felt a sudden chill. She wasn’t sure if it was from the faint breeze that blew across the yard, or the horror of the crime scene within the house. The police are talking to Andrea now. She’s holding it together, but only just.

    Please tell Andrea to call me when the police are done with her. I’ll come back and pick her up. Nancy patted Marissa gently on the shoulder and gazed down at the young girl. Let’s get you home with Grandpa.

    After Marissa left with her grandmother, Candice walked back toward the house. She was surprised to find Andrew waiting for her near the porch steps. His hands were deep in his trouser pockets, arms pressed close to his body, and his shoulders were hunched forward, as if he were cold, too.

    He smiled as she approached. Just wanted to check on you.

    I’m sorry, Candice said. With all that was happening, she’d forgotten Andrew had driven her to the crime scene. A twinge of guilt surfaced in her mind. I’ve ruined your afternoon. Go ahead and leave. I’m sure I can get a lift back from the police.

    No, no. Andrew waved his hand. I’m happy to wait. I wanted to see how you were holding up.

    Before she could respond, movement in the nearby doorway caught Candice’s attention. Two officers were carrying a stretcher out of the house; a black body bag was strapped on top. Candice touched Andrew’s arm and guided him out of the way.

    I’m fine, she lied. She was supposed to be a well-trained, devout minister, able to cope with the death of her parishioners. But, at that moment, she felt more like a snake oil salesman. She knew all the words and all the actions, but did she believe them herself? She gestured toward the door. I should go back in and see how Andrea’s getting along.

    You want me to go with you?

    She waved him away. I think Lyle would have an aneurysm if he caught you in there with me.

    Andrew gave her an encouraging smile. Do what you have to. I’ll be waiting out here, whenever you’re ready to leave.

    Queasiness surged in her stomach at the thought of re-entering the house. It wasn’t so much about the corpse, which wasn’t even in there anymore. Robbie Reynolds was dead, and nothing she could do would change that. It was the living she didn’t want to face. She didn’t want to see Andrea or Mick again. Didn’t want to return to a state of fruitless inaction. Donning the mask of faithful comforter was an unwelcome duty she could’ve done without. Candice drew in a deep breath like one she might take before diving into deep water, then climbed the porch steps toward the door.

    Inside, she found that the plastic sheeting that had earlier covered the door of the death room was pushed aside. Although the body had been removed, the signs of what had happened remained. Candice could see a pool of congealed blood on the leather sofa where Robbie had lain. A police officer snapped photos of every item in the room from multiple angles. The repeated flashes of bright light from the camera left gray orbs in her vision. The bread sat on the pool table, sealed in an evidence bag. Something kept nudging at the dark recesses of her mind. A sense of familiarity, but she couldn’t figure out why.

    Candice returned to the living room, and instead of sitting on the sofa, stood near the fireplace behind Mick. Andrea was—for the second or perhaps third time—repeating the details of the discovery of her husband’s body.

    Robbie doesn’t . . . didn’t care much for the theater. That’s why he didn’t go with us, Andrea said.

    Candice studied her face from across the room. The cracks of frustration and exhaustion showed in Andrea’s expression; the deep furrow of her brow, heavy eye lids, downward slope of her lips showed the toll this had taken. Andrea seemed to have aged a couple years just in the minutes Candice had been out of the room.

    Mick continued his questioning. How have things been with your husband’s business? Any issues lately?

    None that I know of. I’m involved with the business in name only. He listed me as a majority owner to take advantage of incentives offered to women-owned businesses. Andrea thought for a moment, then added, He’s been anxious about something over the past few weeks.

    Mick’s eyes brightened. Do you know what?

    No. He wouldn’t tell me.

    Did your husband have any enemies? Mick said.

    Candice snorted aloud. It was such a clichéd question that she thought they only asked it in television cop shows. Mick glanced at her with a puzzled look, then continued with his questioning.

    The sun had sunk beneath the horizon by the time she emerged again from the house. The small crowd across the street was gone; the spectacle having grown boring to watch now that the ambulance and much of the police presence was gone. Candice found Andrew sitting on the porch swing, rocking slowly back and forth. His head was low, and he picked at the cuticles of his fingers. The porch light bathed his face in shadow, making his sunken cheeks appear as great chasms in his face. As she approached, he rose to his feet and smiled.

    Ready? he asked.

    Candice nodded, feeling too exhausted to speak. She followed him off the porch and along the sidewalk toward his car. As she walked, Candice fought the urge to look back at the house. Like Lot’s wife, she knew casting a backward glance would bring unwelcome consequences, but the urge was too strong. She turned to look at the Reynolds house. Her mind flooded with all-too-fresh memories of Robbie’s vacant expression; his cold empty stare was unlike anything she’d seen before. In her experience, the dead didn’t stare back. Their eyes were always closed when she saw them at the funeral. She didn’t have to stare deep into the dark void of their empty soul.

    On their ride back to the rectory at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, neither of them seemed interested in talking. Candice caught glimpses of Andrew’s face beneath the passing streetlights. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead; his gaze seemed distant. Candice slouched in the passenger seat and fingered the small object in her jacket pocket. She glanced at one of the houses they passed along N. Chapel Street, noting the obvious evidence of a party in its infancy. College students lounged on the front porch, plastic Solo cups in every visible hand. Muffled music drifted from the open front door. The early evening revelry seemed to be in opposition to the anguish still being felt only a few blocks away.

    Once in the driveway of the rectory, Andrew turned off the car, and the two of them sat in silence beneath the gleam cast from the dim light above the garage door. Neither moved to exit the vehicle. Candice stared out the window at the silhouette of the church at the end of the block. St. Matthew’s towered over the other buildings, and the centuries-old church looked ominous beneath the moonlight.

    Candice turned toward Andrew. Have you ever dealt with a murder before? she asked.

    At first, it seemed like Andrew hadn’t heard her. He kept his gaze straight ahead, as if he were refusing to look at her. When he did speak, his voice was almost a whisper. Murders are rare in Newark.

    She turned her gaze away from him and stared out the windshield at the darkened windows of the garage door. The blackness beyond the glass seemed to swallow all light. Probably won’t sleep well for a few days, she said.

    Violence can leave an indelible mark on even the casual observer.

    Candice checked her watch and sighed. It was 8:35 already and she still had to put the finishing touches on her sermon for the next morning’s service. I’d better go. Thanks for being there today. It meant a lot.

    Her Subaru was parked along the street just up from the rectory. Once in her car, Candice reached into the pocket of her windbreaker and her fingers wrapped around the small, cold object. She held it up to the windshield so the light from a nearby streetlamp reflected off the crystal angel. The light twinkled off the ridges of the tiny wings when she turned it around in her fingers.

    She sighed. Another shiny object she hadn’t been able to resist. Stealing from the daughter of a murder victim. Candice slipped it back into her pocket, started her car, and drove off.



    Sweat beaded on Candice’s forehead as she jogged up her driveway and stopped by the front door of her cottage. She bent forward—hands on her knees—and gasped for air for several moments. Her early morning three-mile run usually served to energize her for the busy day ahead. It was particularly important for her on Sundays to be alert and clear-minded to lead her congregation through the morning service.

    But this morning, Candice was so exhausted that she barely made it a mile before turning back. Although she’d arrived at home before nine o’clock the night before, she found herself pacing her small house, still tossing the events of the day around in her head. When she eventually did make it to bed, sleep eluded her. Candice tossed and turned and thought about Robbie Reynolds, his wife and daughter, and the murder scene. But what really had kept her from sleeping was the loaf of bread.

    Once her breathing had slowed, Candice unlocked the door and stepped into her house. She went straight to the kitchen, made herself a fruit smoothie, and carried the cold drink upstairs to her small bedroom. At the desk in the corner, she lifted the lid of her laptop. The blue light from the screen radiated through the darkened bedroom. Candice yawned as she studied the text displayed on the screen for that morning’s sermon. Riveting stuff. I’m putting myself to sleep.

    After showering and dressing, she returned to the computer and pulled up a local television station website. At the top of the screen, she found an article covering yesterday’s murder. There were not a lot of details. Just a general summarization of the few facts that police made available: approximate time the body was discovered, the victim’s name, a brief bio about Robbie Reynolds, and the usual police are still investigating statements. To her surprise, there was no mention of the bread she saw at the crime scene.

    Candice leaned back.

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