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Deceiver of Minds: SPECTR Series 3, #5
Deceiver of Minds: SPECTR Series 3, #5
Deceiver of Minds: SPECTR Series 3, #5
Ebook114 pages2 hours

Deceiver of Minds: SPECTR Series 3, #5

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About this ebook

John Starkweather is reeling from the discovery that SPECTR, the agency to which he's dedicated his life, experimented on him as a child. As his true memories continue to return, he has but one purpose: to find the other victims.


When John, Caleb, and Gray discover SPECTR has been tracking their every move, they're left with only one choice: to go on the run and find the other victims before the agency catches up with them.


But the past isn't done with John yet, and the truth about one of his fellow victims may hold devastating consequences for the future.

Release dateJun 24, 2022
Deceiver of Minds: SPECTR Series 3, #5

Jordan L. Hawk

Jordan L. Hawk is a trans author from North Carolina. Childhood tales of mountain ghosts and mysterious creatures gave him a life-long love of things that go bump in the night. When he isn’t writing, he brews his own beer and tries to keep the cats from destroying the house. His best-selling Whyborne & Griffin series (beginning with Widdershins) can be found in print, ebook, and audiobook.

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    Deceiver of Minds - Jordan L. Hawk


    And so that’s what we know, John said quietly. SPECTR kidnapped me off the street and shipped me to the Center to be experimented on.

    Silence filled the apartment. Caleb glanced from person to person: Zahira, her eyes wide and lashes spangled with tears, hand clasped to her mouth. Ryan, staring grimly at the scratched surface of the kitchen table, his lips a slash of repressed rage.

    Night was there too, technically, but as usual he lurked in a shadowy corner of the living room, oblivious to the human tragedy unspooling in front of him.

    Gray stirred. He’d curled up small and still, but his confusion bled through loud and clear. What can we do? How can we make this right?

    I don’t know. We have to follow John’s lead on this.

    Zahira lowered her hands and swallowed. What should we call you now? John? Jonathan?

    I think you’re missing the big picture, Ryan said tightly.

    Zahira glanced at him, before returning her gaze to John. "John having agency over his own identity is the big picture."

    Ryan looked stricken. Right. Sorry. I’m tired.

    It’s all right. John’s blue eyes burned with a fervor Caleb had only seen before when he was going on about the greatness of SPECTR. Thank you, Zahira. For now, let’s just keep things as they are. It will make the situation less confusing if—when—we have to report in.

    Caleb wanted John to tell SPECTR to fuck right off. But they couldn’t; Kaniyar wouldn’t let a civilian ride herd on Gray, even if she didn’t put John in jail the second he told her he was leaving the club.

    Christ, what a mess.

    Gray fretted wordlessly in their shared brain, a tiger huddled in a corner, confused and frightened by what he didn’t understand. He’d seen civilizations rise and fall without concern, but the shifting emotions of mortals, let alone a boyfriend, was utterly outside his experience.

    Just calm down, okay? Aloud, Caleb said, So what are you going to do?

    I’m sure Tiffany is looking into the identities of the other two victims who were experimented on at the Center, whose names we don’t know yet, John said, and God, he seemed so calm now. He’d made a decision and was charting his way ahead, a talent Caleb had seen him use in case after case. But this was somehow different. When she knows something, I’m going to find them. I have the photo album showing the real John; that should be enough to start to convince them that they’re memories aren’t reliable.

    I’ll go with you, Ryan said immediately. I’m seeing this through.

    We’ll go with you, too, Caleb put in. He glanced at Zahira. Are you in?

    John held up his hand, and Caleb’s heart plummeted. Chief Fontaine has gotten in the habit of calling us. If we suddenly don’t answer, someone is going to wonder why. His expression closed off. I don’t want Director Kaniyar knowing about this. Not yet.

    I don’t either, but we need to go with you! Gray rose up just under Caleb’s skin, distressed, and Caleb shoved him down. Not in front of Ryan! I mean, I need to. I’m your boyfriend.

    John sighed. Caleb, please, just trust me.

    Well fuck. I do! he protested. But first you left me behind and almost got killed by a naga, and then you went to Florida and someone murdered Walsh. No loss there, but what if the murderer had turned up while you were questioning him?

    I understand your concern, Ryan said with a sympathetic look, but when we find the other victims…their mental state is going to be uncertain at best. You’ve seen how profoundly this affected John. I feel as though the fewer people pushing them, the more…comfortable is the wrong word. They’ll feel less surrounded, out-numbered, while sorting through things?

    Ryan seemed like a nice guy—Caleb genuinely liked him. But he wasn’t a drakul; he couldn’t protect John. Then maybe you should stay here.

    "I need to see this through! Ryan turned to John. You remember our conversation—"

    I do. John reached over and took Caleb’s hand. The real John was Ryan’s cousin. Ryan’s real-life uncle and aunt were probably murdered because I got too close to the truth. He has a right to be involved in this.

    No, Gray said stubbornly. John is wrong. We should be with him. This Ryan should go away and not return.

    Great, just what he needed. It’s not Ryan’s fault, okay? He doesn’t know about us.

    But John…

    Ought to damn well know better.

    Fine, Caleb said, yanking his hand back. Fuck on off to wherever, then.

    Rather than concede, John just looked annoyed. We’ll talk about this later. For now, Ryan, you should rest up.

    I’ll look up the case number listed in your file, Zahira offered. Hopefully my checking into it won’t send up any flags, assuming anyone currently at SPECTR even remembers Operation Mephisto at this point.

    John nodded. Thanks, Zahira. I appreciate your support.

    Caleb shoved his chair back and stood up. I’m going for a walk.

    John loved Caleb. He did.

    But at the moment, he wanted to strangle him.

    Caleb didn’t understand what he was going through. Couldn’t understand. But instead of listening to what John was saying, he insisted on doing things his way.

    Gray probably felt the same way as Caleb. Neither of them had been happy with John leaving them behind on his Florida trip. But it had been the right call, and not just because they couldn’t fly there thanks to the airport’s spirit wards. If they’d been in the room with him and Walsh…

    Caleb would have lashed out verbally, which would have put an end to the flow of information. They would have threatened Walsh then, demanded he talk, and in the end John would have found himself trying to talk them down instead of dealing with his own shit.

    They wouldn’t have killed Walsh, though. Wanted to, maybe, but they wouldn’t have gone past threats. Someone else hadn’t had the same compunction, though.

    Not Kaniyar; Caleb was right, she wouldn’t waste a potential asset. Not even an evil bastard like Walsh.

    Had she known about Operation Mephisto? Had she known about him?

    Maybe. He honestly couldn’t say for certain one way or the other; it was entirely possible she was as much in the dark about all this as he was.

    Caleb wouldn’t even debate the possibility of her innocence, too eager to believe the worst. Sekhmet save him, John loved Caleb and Gray more than anything in the world, but right now he needed to have a rational discussion without Caleb’s distrust skewing everything.

    So no, he didn’t particularly want them to be in the middle of this.

    Ryan had left to get some sleep a few awkward minutes after Caleb. John hoped Caleb hadn’t managed to make Ryan feel bad about his presence, especially since the argument didn’t really have anything to do with Ryan.

    Zahira let out a sigh, breaking John out of his own thoughts. I’ve got the report.

    Her dark eyes were filled with sympathy, and John felt a new shade of grief. Zahira…I’m sorry. I’m sorry we were your first assignment; I’m sorry everything has gone so wrong. You were only a rookie, only wanted to be a SPECTR agent—

    John. She held up her hand to stop him. I wanted to learn about drakul. And I wanted to do work that was just, and that protected the helpless. This, what SPECTR has done, isn’t just. It’s wrong by any measure. I have to believe my presence here is maktub—Allah’s will.

    His throat constricted with emotion. Thank you.

    She turned her

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