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Digital Technology: The World Of Our Own
Digital Technology: The World Of Our Own
Digital Technology: The World Of Our Own
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Digital Technology: The World Of Our Own

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Digital Transformation often referred as DX or DT . IT modernisation (for example, cloud computing) to digital optimization to the creation of new digital business models are all examples of digital transformation. In general, it refers to the use of digital technology to significantly enhance or create new business processes. So, what exactly is digital transformation for businesses? It is the process of understanding consumer needs and using technology to enhance the end-user experience. End users may be either customers or workers, and many businesses must consider both. In the marketing department, for example, digital transformation may generate more high-quality leads and help firms get closer to their customers while spending less money than traditional analogue marketing tactics.Aside from experimenting with new technology, digital transformation entails rethinking your current approach to common challenges. A transition does not always have a clear finish since it is an evolution. When it comes to the topic "what is digital transformation," the MIT Sloan Management Review, a journal that focuses on management transformations, noted, "Digital transformation is best viewed of as continuing adaptation to a constantly changing environment." This implies that businesses must always seek methods to enhance the end-user experience. This might be accomplished via increasing on-demand training, migrating data to cloud services, using artificial intelligence, and other methods.

Release dateMay 12, 2022
Digital Technology: The World Of Our Own

Binayaka Mishra

Binayaka Mishra is an experienced IT professional, in various tools and technologies like Data Warehousing, BigData Analytics, Cloud Computing, Reporting Analytics & Project Management documentation with 14+ years’of experience. He was Graduated in Computer Science & Engineering from National Institute Of Science & Technology, Berhampur, Odisha, India in 2002.He has worked in several critical roles with MNC’s like Tech Mahindra, Oracle Corporation, Wipro Technology,CapGemini UK,CapGemini India Pvt Ltd, UBS , AoN Hewitt Associates India Pvt Ltd, HMRC -UK and TUI Travel Plc -UK. Apart from technical details, his mastery are into functional domains like Payroll Processing, Tax Calculation, UK NI, BFSI,Telecommunication, Corporate Tax measurements divisions, Investment Banking, Automotive, Asset management , Security and Travel & Tourisim.Currently working as a Solution Architect / Project Manager in Tech Mahindra, India, loves to listen to music, play snooker, Bowling and a desperate swimmer like a shark.More Information could be found about him in his Linkedin Profile : any comments or advise, please feel free to write to: [email protected]

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    Digital Technology - Binayaka Mishra

    Digital Technology – The World Of Our Own

    By Binayaka Mishra

    Copyright 2022, Binayaka Mishra

    Smashwords Edition

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    work of this author

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: Ancient Tale

    Chapter 2: What Is Digital Technology

    Chapter 3: Examples Of Digital Technology

    Chapter 4: Digital Transformation

    Chapter 5: Digital Technology – Advantages & Disadvantages

    Chapter 6: Digital Disruption

    Chapter 7: Digital Governance

    Chapter 8: Digital Dexterity

    Chapter 9: Digital Technologies Sectors

    Chapter 10: Digital Technology – Technical Trends

    Chapter 11: Digital Transformation - Business Process Management

    Chapter 12: Conclusion

    Chapter 13: References

    About Binayaka Mishra


    This e-Book is for informational purposes only. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION, OR SAMPLE. The author of this paper disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any property rights, relating to use of this information. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. Furthermore, this e-Book is solely based on my findings on Digital Technology from my professional and personal work experience via working on different sectors and different projects. I would like to personally thanks the various Informational Journals as furnished on Reference to aid me produce such quality content and also let me learn new ideas.


    I would like to dedicate this manuscript to my lovely mother Mrs. Sakuntala Mishra. Needlessly say, I would like to be your child in every new life after this, as you have flourished me everything in all the ways. I shall not thank you as that would diminish your love and care as you have gestured every time, perhaps that’s why someday, I shall make you proud. Lots of Love!!

    Chapter 1: Ancient Tale

    John Vincent Atanasoff, OCM, was an American physicist and inventor who is best known for building the first electrical digital computer. He lived from October 4, 1903 to June 15, 1995. In the 1930s, Atanasoff created the first electrical digital computer at Iowa State College (now known as Iowa State University). In the mid-twentieth century, American engineers began inventing digital technology. Enhanced fibre optics facilitated the development of digital communication networks in the early 1980s. Digital technology replaced analog signals for many telecommunication forms, particularly cellular telephone and cable systems. Between the late 1950s and the 1970s, the Digital Revolution began. It is the transformation of technology from mechanical to digital. Digital computers and digital record keeping were commonplace during this period. The first digital electronic computing device, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), was given a patent in 1964.

    Figure 1.1 John Vincent Atanasoff

    John Vincent Atanasoff was born in 1903 to a family that emphasised education and hard labour, and he excelled in school. He graduated from high school at the age of 15 and went on to get a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering with an A+ grade point average. His PhD in theoretical physics would not be the end of his scholastic path; he was a professor of mathematics and physics at Iowa State College when his fixation with creating a device capable of swiftly and accurately solving huge, intricate equations grew stronger. During his graduate studies, he depended significantly on the Monroe Calculator; he was aware of its limits and desired to develop a superior gadget, but he was unable to fully comprehend his thoughts. One evening in 1937, frustrated by his failure to organise his thoughts into an usable design, he went on a drive... but not just any drive. This specific drive would have a profound impact on the world as we know it.

    At the time, Iowa was a dry state, and Atanasoff craved a drink to alleviate his angst. He departed without a plan and wound up nearly 200 miles away in Rock Island, Illinois, where he was finally able to order himself a cocktail. As he sat down, he realised the trip had cleared the clutter from his head. Four distinct concepts began to collide, and he scrawled his thoughts on a cocktail napkin. He subsequently stated, It was during an evening of scotch and 100 mph vehicle drives when the thought arrived.... Electricity would be employed as a medium to offer speed, and the binary number system would be used to ease the calculating process. Direct logical action computing would improve precision while keeping memory and computation distinct, and employing regenerative memory would lower the cost of manufacturing the machine.

    Atanasoff presented his concept to Iowa State College and was awarded a grant to fund the development of his invention. Clifford Berry, a bright graduate student, was employed by him in 1939. Berry had also hastened his schooling; he was nearing the end of his PhD studies in physics when Atanasoff recruited him.

    In the fall of 1939, the two collaborated to prototype the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC), which they continued to improve until 1942, when Atanasoff left for a post in the Navy. Berry also went for a career in defence shortly after Atanasoff left. Iowa State College demolished the experiment after the two had departed, without alerting Atanasoff or Berry. The ABC weighed over 700 pounds and was capable of solving up to 29 simultaneous linear equations. It didn't have a central processing unit (CPU), but instead relied on 280 dual-triode vacuum tubes for digital calculation. Its memory was made up of 1600 capacitors grouped into 32 bands that spun once per second on a shared shaft within a pair of drums. This enabled the ABC to compute at a rate of 30 actions per second. Data was represented as binary integers with a length of 50 bits. Some of its design principles are still employed in modern computer products.

    Iowa State College recruited a patent lawyer, Richard R. Trexler, to assist with the patent procedure, but it was never finished for unknown reasons. The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) received a patent in 1964 and was considered as the first digital electronic computing device. Its creators, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, were given credit for its invention until a 1973 federal court judgement concluded that Eckert and Mauchly did not initially develop the automated electronic digital computer, but rather derived that subject matter from one Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff. As a result, the ENIAC's patent was rendered null and void.It wasn't until Atanasoff testified at the trial (Clifford Berry did not testify since he died suddenly in 1963) that it was discovered that Mauchly had spent substantial time and had multiple lengthy discussions regarding the ABC with Atanasoff and Berry. Mauchly had even stayed at Atanasoff's residence for five days in 1941, during which time he had access to the ABC's handbook.

    The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) began in the mid-twentieth century and was marked by a rapid epochal change from conventional industries founded by the Industrial Revolution to an economy based mostly on information technology. Between the late 1950s and the 1970s, the Digital Revolution began. It refers to the progression of technology from mechanical and analogue to digital. Digital computers and digital record keeping were the standard at this period. The arrival of digital technology altered the way humans communicated, which is today done through computers, cell phones, and the internet. The Information Age was ushered in as a result of this change.

    The breakthrough transistor, invented in 1947, is credited with spreading the seed for future digital technology. Many governments, military forces, and other institutions were already employing computers by the 1950s and 1960s. Soon after, the computer was introduced for home use, and by the 1970s, many households had personal computers. This happened at the same time as video games became popular for both home systems and arcades. The spread of digital technology even resulted in the development of new occupations. As firms transitioned to digital record keeping, the demand for data input clerks increased. The 1980s saw the introduction of computer-generated imagery in films, robots in industry, and automated teller machines (ATMs) in banks. By 1989, one-fifth of all homes in the United States possessed a computer. In 1991, analogue mobile phones gave way to digital mobile phones, and demand skyrocketed. This was also the year when the internet became widely available to the general population. By the end of the decade, the internet had become so widespread that virtually every business had a website and nearly every country on the planet had a link. When the twenty-first century began, cell phones were commonplace, and high-definition television replaced analogue television as the most frequent transmission medium. By 2015, about half of the world's population had consistent internet access, and smartphone and tablet ownership rates had nearly surpassed those of home computers. The ability to store data has risen tremendously, with terabyte storage now readily available.

    The underlying technologies, including Babbage's Analytical Engine and the telegraph, was created in the latter part of the nineteenth century. After the introduction of the personal computer, digital communication became affordable for mass usage. In his groundbreakingly 1948 essay, A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Claude Shannon, a Bell Labs mathematician, is credited with laying the groundwork for digitalization. The digital revolution transformed technology from analogue to digital. This enabled the creation of replicas that were identical to the original. In digital communications, for example, repeating hardware was able to amplify and transmit the digital signal with minimal loss of information. The capacity to effortlessly shift digital material across media and access or disseminate it remotely was also critical to the revolution. The transition from analogue to digitally recorded music was a watershed moment in the revolution. During the 1980s, optical compact discs progressively displaced analogue formats such as vinyl records and cassette tapes as the most popular medium of choice.

    While working at Bell Labs under William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain produced the first operational transistor, the germanium-based point-contact transistor, in 1947. This paved the path for increasingly sophisticated digital computers. Universities, the military, and companies began developing computer systems in the late 1940s to digitally recreate and automate previously laborious mathematical processes, with the LEO being the first commercially accessible general-purpose computer. Other significant technological advances included the invention of the monolithic integrated circuit chip by Robert Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductor in 1959[9] (made possible by Jean Hoerni's planar process),the first successful metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, or MOS transistor) by Mohamed Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs in 1959, and the development of the complementary MOS (CMOS) process by.

    By 1964, MOS integrated circuit chips had achieved better transistor density and cheaper production costs than bipolar integrated circuits, thanks to the invention of MOS integrated circuit chips in the early 1960s. MOS devices grew in complexity at the pace anticipated by Moore's law, eventually leading to large-scale integration (LSI) with hundreds of transistors on a single MOS chip by the late 1960s. The use of MOS LSI devices in computing provided the foundation for the first microprocessors, when developers realised that a full computer processor could be packed on a single MOS LSI chip. Federico Faggin, a Fairchild engineer, advanced MOS technology in 1968 with the invention of the silicon-gate MOS chip, which he eventually utilised to construct the Intel 4004, the first single-chip microprocessor. It was introduced by Intel in 1971, and it provided the groundwork for the 1970s microcomputer revolution. MOS technology has resulted in the creation of semiconductor image sensors for digital cameras. The charge-coupled device, created by Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith at Bell Labs in 1969 and based on MOS capacitor technology, was the first of its kind.

    Figure 1.2 Atanasoff Berry Computer. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

    When a message was delivered over the ARPANET in 1969, it was the first time the general public was exposed to the principles that led to the Internet. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, packet switched networks such as ARPANET, Mark I, CYCLADES, Merit Network, Tymnet, and Telenet were established utilising a variety of protocols. The ARPANET, in particular, influenced the creation of internetworking protocols, which allowed numerous distinct networks to be linked together to form a network of networks.In the 1960s, the Whole Earth Movement campaigned for the employment of new technologies.The home computer, time-sharing computers, the video game console, and the first coin-op video games were all released in the 1970s. Space Invaders launched the golden era of arcade video games. As digital technology developed and the transition from analogue to digital record keeping became the new norm in business, a relatively new job description, the data input clerk, gained popularity. The data entry clerk, who was recruited from the ranks of secretaries and typists in previous decades, was responsible for converting analogue data (client records, bills, etc.) into digital data.

    During the 1980s, computers became semi-ubiquitous in industrialised countries as they found their way into schools, homes, business, and industry. Automated teller machines, industrial robots, computer-generated imagery (CGI) in cinema and television, electronic music, bulletin board systems, and video games all contributed to the 1980s zeitgeist. Millions of consumers bought home computers, making early personal computer makers such as Apple, Commodore, and Tandy household brands. The Commodore 64 is still widely regarded as the best-selling computer of all time, having sold 17 million units (according to some estimates) between 1982 and 1994. The United States Census Bureau began collecting data on computer and Internet use in the United States in 1984, with their first survey revealing that 8.2 percent of all U.S. households owned a personal computer in 1984, and that households with children under the age of 18 were nearly twice as likely to own one, at 15.3 percent (middle and upper middle class households were the most likely to own one, at 22.9 percent ).

    By 1989, 15% of all U.S. homes had a computer, and over 30% of those with children under the age of 18 had one as well. Many firms were reliant on computers and digital technologies by the late 1980s. In 1983, Motorola introduced the first mobile phone, the Motorola DynaTac. However, this device utilised analogue communication; digital cell phones were not commercially available until 1991, when Finland's 2G network was launched to meet the unanticipated demand for cell phones that had emerged in the late 1980s. According to Compute! magazine, CD-ROM would be the focal point of the revolution, with many home gadgets reading the discs. The first real digital camera was produced in 1988, and the first were launched in Japan in December 1989 and in the United States in 1990. They had surpassed conventional movies in popularity by the mid-2000s. In the late 1980s, digital ink was also created. Disney's CAPS system (developed in 1988) was utilised in a moment in 1989's The Little Mermaid, as well as in all of their animated films between 1990's The Rescuers Down Under and 2004's Home on the Range.

    In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. That June, the first public digital HDTV broadcast was of the 1990 World Cup, which was shown in ten theatres in Spain and Italy. Outside of Japan, however, HDTV did not become a norm until the mid-2000s. The World Wide Web, which had previously been restricted to government and institutions, became publicly accessible in 1991. Mosaic, the first web browser capable of showing inline images and the foundation for succeeding browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, was unveiled in 1993 by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina. In October 1994, Stanford Federal Credit Union was the first financial organisation to provide online internet banking services to all of its members. In 1996, OP Financial Group, another cooperative bank, became the world's second online bank and the first in Europe. The Internet grew swiftly, and by 1996, it had been ingrained in popular culture, with many firms including websites in their advertisements. By 1999, practically every nation had a link, and nearly half of Americans and individuals in a number of other countries utilised the Internet on a regular basis. However, going online required sophisticated setup throughout the 1990s, and dial-up was the only connection type accessible to individual users; the current mass Internet culture was not viable.

    In 1989, around 15% of all US homes possessed a personal computer. In 1989, approximately 30% of families with children possessed a computer; by 2000, the figure had risen to 65%. By the early 2000s, cell phones had become as common as computers, with movie theatres starting to run advertisements urging people to turn off their phones. They also become much more sophisticated than phones in the 1990s, which mostly simply accepted calls or allowed for the play of rudimentary games. Text messaging was available in the 1990s, but it was not generally utilised until the early 2000s, when it became a cultural phenomenon. The digital revolution also became really global at this time; after altering society in the rich world in the 1990s, it expanded to the masses in the developing world in the 2000s. By 2000, the majority of U.S. homes had at least one personal computer, and by the following year, the majority of households had internet connectivity. In 2002, the majority of survey respondents in the United States reported owning a mobile phone.

    By late 2005, the Internet's population had surpassed 1 billion, and by the end of the decade, 3 billion people worldwide had mobile phones. By the end of the decade, HDTV had become the standard television transmission format in many nations. Luxembourg and the Netherlands were the first nations to entirely convert from analogue to digital television in September and December 2006, respectively. In September 2007, the majority of poll respondents in the United States reported having broadband internet access at home. According to Nielsen Media Research estimates, approximately 45.7 million U.S. households owned a dedicated home video game console in 2006 (or approximately 40% of approximately 114.4 million) and by 2015, 51 percent of U.S. households owned a dedicated home video game console, according to an Entertainment Software Association annual industry report. By 2012, over 2 billion individuals have utilised the Internet, which was more than double the amount in 2007. By the early 2010s, cloud computing had reached the mainstream. In January 2013, the majority of poll respondents in the United States claimed possessing a smartphone. By 2016, half of the world's population was connected and by 2020, that figure was expected to climb to 67 percent.

    The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, or MOS transistor), which is the most extensively produced device in history, is the fundamental building block of the Digital Revolution. It is the foundation of every commercially available microprocessor, memory chip, and communications circuit.  MOSFET scaling (rapid shrinking of MOS transistors) has been a major contributor to the realisation of Moore's law, which predicted that transistor counts would rise at an exponential rate. Following the invention of the digital personal computer, MOS microprocessors and memory chips, with their continually growing speed and storage capacity, allowed computer technology to be implemented in a wide variety of products ranging from cameras to portable music players. The advancement of transmission technology, such as computer networking, the Internet, and digital TV, was also significant. 3G phones, whose social penetration rose tremendously in the 2000s, also played a significant part in the digital revolution by providing ubiquitous entertainment, communications, and internet connection.

    Positive implications include increased interconnection, better communication, and the exposing of knowledge that in the past may have been more readily repressed by authoritarian governments. Michio Kaku argued in his book Physics of the Future that the failure of the Soviet takeover of 1991 was primarily due to the presence of technologies such as the fax machine and computers that disclosed secret material. The uprisings of 2011 were assisted by social networking and smartphone technology; yet, in retrospect, these revolutions mostly failed to achieve their aims, since hard-line Islamist administrations and a civil war in Syria have developed in the absence of the dictatorships that were demolished. The economic effect of the digital revolution has been extensive. Globalization and outsourcing, for example, would not be possible without the World Wide Web (WWW). The digital revolution fundamentally altered the way people and businesses interact. Small regional businesses were suddenly granted access to much bigger markets. Concepts such as on-demand software services and manufacturing, as well as rapidly declining technological prices, enabled advances in many parts of business and daily life.

    Following early fears about an IT productivity paradox, evidence is growing that digital technologies have considerably enhanced corporate productivity and performance. The digital revolution enabled technology to continually adapt, resulting in a boost to the economy and a rise in production. The digital revolution has produced a need for new work skills as technological breakthroughs have increased. Retailers, haulage businesses, and banks have all made the economic move to digital formats. Furthermore, the development of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin facilitates quicker and more secure transactions. Information overload, Internet predators, types of social isolation, and media saturation are all negative consequences. In a poll of prominent members of the national news media, 65 percent said the Internet is hurting journalism more than it is helping by allowing anyone, no matter how amateur or unskilled, to become a journalist, causing information to become muddier, and the rise of conspiracy theory in ways that did not exist previously.

    In certain circumstances, firm workers' widespread use of portable digital devices and work-related computers for personal purposes—email, instant messaging, computer games—was found to, or was perceived to, diminish productivity. Personal computers and other non-work-related digital activities in the workplace have therefore contributed to more severe kinds of privacy invasion, such as keystroke tracking and information filtering apps (spyware and content-control software).

    Figure 1.3 A Brief History of Digital Revolution

    Digital history may be roughly defined as a method of investigating and portraying the past that employs modern communication technologies such as the computer, the internet network, and software systems. On one level, digital history is an open arena for academic production and communication, involving the creation of new course materials as well as initiatives to gather scholarly data. On another level, digital history is a methodological approach defined by the hypertextual potential of modern technologies to create, define, query, and annotate connections in the human record of the past. To undertake digital history is, of course, to digitise the past, but it is much more than that. Its goal is to use technology to provide a framework for people to experience, read, and follow a debate on a key historical issue.

    In January 2004, the late Roy Rosenzweig foresaw the need for this shift during an event he planned before to the 118th annual conference of the American Historical Association called Entering the Second Stage of Online History Scholarship. For Roy emphasised the need for a more lasting transition from experimenting with digital scholarly tools and ideas to something more permanent. This second step will need multidisciplinary cooperation, something that most historians have yet to embrace; collaborative ventures including historians, programmers, information architects, designers, and publishers. Libraries are already putting in place the infrastructure to collect, manage, explore, and manipulate these sources, as well as to support and sustain the various forms of new-model scholarship that may emerge from them; historians must join in on this critical next step, or risk losing our scholarship to the dustbin of history, as Abby Smith, the historian warns.

    Timothy Mahoney, a 19th-century U.S. urban historian, has created a complex tapestry of spatial narratives in his book Gilded Age Plains City: The Great Sheedy Murder Trial and the Booster Ethos of Lincoln, Nebraska ( Beginning with a peer-reviewed study he produced on the topic, Mahoney created Great Plains City to immerse the reader in the complicated narrative of the murder of a legendary sporting man, gambler, and city booster. Mahoney's initiative enables for self-directed investigation of the trial's social, cultural, legal, and political problems, offering insight into the beginnings of Progressivism and modernity.

    The opportunities for successful leaders are limitless for those who can see huge potential and comprehend the digital economy. New jobs are being developed, such as a chief digital officer (CDO), and its duties will include the formulation and implementation of digital plans. If top-level personnel do not adapt to the digital transformation, they will lose sight of what it takes to keep a high position, and experience will no longer be a valuable asset. The digital future necessitates digital leadership abilities that are not restricted to operations and finance.

    When Alec H. Reeves was working for the International Telephone and Telegraph Co. in France in 1937, he devised pulse-code modulation (PCM). In 1938, he received a French patent, in 1939, a British patent, and in 1942, he received a US patent, number 2,272,070. PCM was utilized by Bell Labs in the secret SIGSALY telephone encryption system from 1943 until 1946. After the development of integrated circuits made such use practical, the first commercial use of PCM was in telephone transmission in 1962; the analogue voice sound wave within the telephone bandwidth of 4000 Hz was sampled at 8000 pulses per second and each pulse was encoded with a digital value; the digital values were multiplexed for transmission as a linear series of identical pulses and each pulse coded with a sampled amplitude at a particular point in time on the voice.

    1939 - John V. Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry construct the first electronic computer using a drum storage mechanism that uses capacitors on the surface of the drum to temporarily store data that is then processed by separate logic circuits. They programmed the computer using the binary algebra of George Boole (1815-1864), a 19th century mathematician who discovered that simple equations may be expressed as either true or false. The Atanasoff-Berry-Computer (ABC) featured two drums with capacitors on each to store 30 integers, each in 50 bits. In his 1942 MIT master's thesis, Automatic Control by Arithmetic Operations, Perry Crawford developed a magnetic drum that could be used to store electrical digital information, independently of Atanasoff. The evolution of the computer, as well as the ability to record data on magnetic drums, discs, and tape, would be critical in the development of digital audio.

    During World War II, the first telephone hot-line employed vacuum tube frequency inversion to code messages between Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. The electrical equipment dubbed SIGSALY resulted from Bell Labs research and was one of the first implementations of PCM. The artwork in London was so huge that it took all the basement area of Selfridges.

    In August 1946, Engineering Research Associates (ERA) utilized pieces from captured German magneto phones to manufacture magnetic drums and discs for the Navy as part of Project Goldberg (Task 1-H to decipher encryptions). The ERA magnetic drum would be employed in computers produced in the United States during the following several years by Harvard, IBM, Remington Rand, the National Security Administration, and the National Bureau of Standards.

    William Shockley and his colleagues displayed the germanium transistor for the first time privately on December 23, 1947, at Bell Labs. However, manufacturing issues hampered its practical use. The innovation was kept secret for 7 months until it was developed, and no patents were submitted until 1948; the first public statement was made on June 30, 1948. Raytheon was the first to mass-produce transistors in 1952, as well as the first to commercialize a transistor-based device, the hearing aid. Shockley relocated to a Quonset hut at 391 San Antonio Road in Mountain View, near his Palo Alto home, in 1955, and became one of the pioneers of Silicon Valley, a hub of digital research and development in California. In 1957, a group of engineers known as the Traitorous Eight left Shockley to create Fairchild Semiconductor, a company that makes transistors. Robert Noyce would patent the technology for producing IC chips at Fairchild. In turn, engineers would leave to start other firms, including Advanced Micro Devices Inc., LSI Logic Corp., Teledyne, Rheem, National Semiconductor, and Intel.

    1948 - On June 21, 1948, the Baby computer at the University of Manchester executed the first stored programmed, utilizing outdated radar CRT tubes to store 2048 bits per tube. For supplementary memory, a magnetic disc invented by Andrew Donald Booth was introduced in April 1949.

    Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Atanasoff-Berry Computer Drum Memory, 1939

    The UNIVAC was the first computer to use a magnetic tape storage method, which was introduced in 1951.

    Kurt Vonnegut's book Player Piano, set in a future society where employees have surrendered all autonomy to managers and computer-controlled robots, was released in 1952. The main character loses his work, goes to a pub, begins a player piano, and finds that there is no human musician, just his ghost preserved in the piano roll's holes.

    1953 - Jay W. Forrester at MIT installed the first magnetic core memory in the Whirlwind computer; the small magnetic rings were developed after 1949 and tested in a 16x16 array in May 1952 (Munro Haynes independently tested core memories the same month in an 80x12 array at IBM); Whirlwind was developed initially as a flight trainer for the Navy beginning in 1943 but changed to an air defense system after the Russian A-bomb of 1949 and was installed in MEWS Apr. 1951, From 1956 until 1984, IBM created computers for the SAGE air defense system that utilized magnetic core memory and magnetic drum storage. The core memory would be utilized until the 1970s, when it would be replaced by integrated circuits. SAGE had a significant impact in propelling IBM ahead of Remington Rand and establishing it as a global leader in computer R&D.

    1954 - In October, IBM created the model 604 computer, its first using transistors, which served as the foundation for the model 608, the first solid-state computer for the commercial market, which delivered in December 1957. Tom Watson, Jr., campaigned for the use of transistors into all future IBM computers.

    In the 1960 experiment, Schawlow adjusts a ruby optical maser at Bell Labs, as C. G. B. Garrett prepares to shoot the maser flash, from AT&T; Archives.

    In December 1957, IBM and TI inked an arrangement for TI to provide IBM with semiconductors.

    In May 1955, IBM announced the first commercial magnetic disc, RAMAC (random access method of accounting and control), which could store 5 million bits (in 7-character words) on 50 aluminum discs, each two feet in diameter, coated on both sides with magnetic iron oxide (similar to the paint primer used on the Golden Gate Bridge), and using a single read/write head. This massive disc unit weighing a tonne was offered as part of the IBM 305 system in September 1956.

    1958 - Arthur L. Schawlow published his paper Infrared and Optical Masers in the Physical Review in December 1958; this was the key paper that started laser development; the term laser had not yet been coined, rather the term maser was used to refer to semiconductor light amplification and modulation; after Dec. 1957, he worked at Bell Labs with Charles H. Townes of Columbia.

    General Electric created Magnetic Ink Character Recognition in 1959 for the Bank of America in California in order to automate check processing.

    1959 - Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments patented the first integrated circuit in February; Kilby had produced his first germanium IC in October 1958; in early 1959, Robert Noyce of Fairchild utilised the planar method to link components inside a silicon IC;

    Fairchild's first commercial IC chips were released in large quantities in 1961. Noyce would subsequently co-found Intel with Gordon Moore and Andrew Grove in 1968; the first commercial device to use IC was a hearing aid in December 1963; and General Instrument produced an LSI chip (100+ components) for Hammond organs in 1968.

    1961 - The IBM 7030 computer pioneered the 8-bit character word length (a byte) in April 1961, as a result of an Air Force contract awarded in October 1958 after Sputnik to build transistor computers for the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS).

    1962 - MIT's Tom Stockham started making digital audio tape recordings using a huge TX-0 computer and an A/D-D/A converter from EPSCO's Bernie Gordon. In 1963, he assisted Amar Bose in the invention of the corner 2201 loudspeaker. He left MIT for the University of Utah in 1968, and in 1975, he co-founded Soundstream with Malcolm Low (the L in KLH), developing a 16-bit digital audio recorder.

    The Mellotron electronic music sampler produced musical sounds on tape loops for each key of a keyboard in 1963. Unlike the 1920 Theremin, which could only make oscillations, and the 1935 Hammond electronic organ, the Mellotron could produce realistic sounds of various instruments such as a clarinet or violin. It was utilized by the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin to generate the flute sound at the beginning of Stairway to Heaven in 1971. Music samplers could not record digitally until Peter Vogel and Kim Ryrie created the Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument (CMI) in 1979, which utilized 500k floppy discs.

    Wendy Carlos used a Moog synthesizer to create the electronic music album Switched-On Bach for CBS in 1968. When Robert A. Moog met musician Herbert Deutsch in 1963, he was developing and marketing transistorized Theremins. By August 1964, the two had cooperated to design an electronic synthesizer employing patch cables. Wendy Carlos worked as an engineer at Gotham Recording Studio, and she improved the Moog/Deutsch machine by adding fixed filter banks and other changes to produce her Bach recordings.

    MIT was founded in 1969. American Data Sciences (later Lexicon) was founded in 1971 by Dr. Francis Lee and engineer Chuck Bagnaschi to produce digital audio devices based on Lee's digital delay unit for medical cardiac monitoring. Barry Blesser created a 100ms digital audio delay line and, with the assistance of Steven Temmer at Gotham Audio, supplied digital reverberation and effects processors to recording studios before launching the OPUS digital audio workstation in 1988.

    1971 - IBM released the first 8-inch flexible plastic memory disc, which Al Shugart created to store computer code for the IBM 3330 Merlin disc pack. It had a capacity of 100 KB on one side at first. Many manufacturers rapidly embraced the floppy disc with its protective coating as a simple means of transmitting programmers and data. Gary Kildall built his successful CP/M operating system in 1974 to employ floppy disc storage rather than punched cards, which were used by most big computers at the time.

    1971 - Intel manufactures large scale integrated (LSI) circuits that are utilized in the first digital audio device, the digital delay line, as well as Sony, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, JVC, and Philips compact disc digital audio processors.

    1971 - On November 15, Intel unveiled the 4004 microprocessor, which had a word length of four binary digits (bits) and was suitable for calculators but not alphabets (required min. 6-bit).

    In September 1972, Philips exhibited their optical videodisc technology, which used a laser pickup on a 12-inch glass disc; an updated form was displayed at the Berlin Radio & TV Show in 1973.

    1972 - Nippon Columbia Co. developed a PCM recorder with a dynamic range of 87 db for mastering soundtracks recorded on videotape.

    IBM created the first sealed hard disc drive with two 30-MB disc platters in 1973. Because project manager Ken Haughten owned a 30-30 rifle, it was dubbed the Winchester drive.

    1975 - Sydney Alonso, Jon Appleton, and Cameron Jones created the Synclavier digital synthesiser at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, and the following year founded the New England Digital Corporation (later Demas) to market the system to the professional recording industry.

    1976 - The Santa Fe Opera produced the first 16-bit digital recording in the United States using a handcrafted Sound stream digital tape recorder designed by Dr. Thomas G. Stockham.

    Wozniak and Jobs debuted the Apple II in 1977, according to Apple's History.

    Al Shugart created the 5.25-inch floppy disc drive for Wang Laboratories' desktop computers in 1976. The original capacity of a single-sided single-density disc was 100 KB.

    1976 - In April, Steve Wozniak demonstrated the Apple I personal computer at the Hombrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, and the following year, with Steve Jobs, began selling the Apple II with a plastic case, a built-in speaker to reproduce sounds, the ability to display colour, and the addition of a floppy disc drive in 1978.

    1977 - Nintendo of Japan started manufacturing computer games that stored data on chips within a game cartridge that sold for approximately $40 but only cost a few dollars to produce. It released its most successful game, Donkey Kong, in 1981, followed by Super Mario Bros. in 1985. With just 850 people, it was making a $1 billion profit each year by 1989, controlling 85 percent of the home video game industry, selling 50 million game consoles by 1992 and 1 billion cartridges by 1995.

    1977 - AT&T launched fibre optic transmission of telephone signals in downtown Chicago's Chicago Loop. The first intercity fibre optic line was established between New York and Washington in 1983. TAT-8, the first transatlantic fibre optic telephone connection, was inaugurated on December 8, 1988.

    1978 - RCA introduced the Selectavision videodisc, which had taken 15 years and $200 million to develop since the 1964 decision by David Sarnoff's son, Robert Sarnoff, to develop a low-cost consumer recorder; Selectavision used a 12-inch vinyl disc at 450 rpm that held 200 times more data than LP, read by electrode on a stylus that sensed change in capacitance; played 2 hours with signal-to-noise of 46db; CED

    1978 - PCM consumer audio recording debuted in June with the release of the PCM-1 14-bit Betamax attachment, which allowed for the recording and playback of digital audio with an 80db dynamic range.

    The Philips/Sony compact disc standard was completed in 1980. The Philips research started in 1969 with the efforts of Dutch scientists Klaas Compaan and Piet Kramer to capture holographic video pictures on disc. In 1972, they developed a prototype that utilised a laser beam to read a track of pits as the coded FM visual stream. Philips' Lou Ottens had helped design the compact audio cassette and insisted on the video disc being tiny in size. The FM signal was replaced with a digital PCM code, and the disc was 115mm in diameter and tracked from inside to outside. In March 1979, another prototype was shown. Sony has committed to work with Philips to create standards. The compact disc, which would be offered to the general public for $15, would be constructed of plastic covered with a layer of aluminium and protected with a final coating of lacquer, with a manufacturing cost of less than $1. The master disc was manufactured of glass, covered with photo emulsion, laser-etched, and then etched in a chemical bath to leave pits in a spiral groove. The CD revolved at rates ranging from 200 rpm near the edge to 500 rpm towards the middle. The dimension would be 120mm, with a sampling frequency of 44,100 per second and 16-bit encoding. The maximum playing length would be 74 minutes, which would be long enough to include Beethoven's 9th Symphony. The partnership between Philips and Sony terminated in 1981, and each business developed its own devices based on the 1980 standard. The Sony CDP-101 compact disc player was released on October 1, 1982 in Tokyo, in Europe in the autumn of 1982, and in the United States in the spring of 1983. The first CD pressing factory in the United States was established in Terre Haute, Indiana, in 1984, which had been a hub of shellac record manufacture since the nineteenth century due to limestone resources.

    1980 - Sony launched the 3.5-inch floppy disc, dubbed a diskette due to its stiff plastic case's inflexibility.

    1981 - Dave Smith and Chet Wood from Sequential Circuits presented a paper on the Universal Synthesiser Interface at the AES October meeting, which became the basis of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol, which was adopted in August 1982 and demonstrated at the first North American Music Manufacturers show in Los Angeles in 1983. In 1983, Roland and Sequential Circuits released the first MIDI keyboards, as well as the Yamaha DX7.

    Tom Jung employed digital audio to produce direct 2-track recordings in 1982, and his DMP label published the first jazz CDs. He would subsequently pioneer 20-bit recording in order to fully use the CD's 16-bit dynamic range with the additional recording headroom of 10dB and minimise noise at lower amplitudes.

    1984 - Sony introduced the D-5 portable compact disc player at the Japan Audio Fair and in the United States, using the same VLSI chip and miniature laser from Sony's auto CD player, thus bridging the portable personal music player world from the magnetic tape Walkman of 1979 to the DAT Walkman TCD-D3 of 1991 to the digital Discman of 1999.

    1985 - Sony and Philips developed the standard for Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) computer discs, which would employ the same laser technology as the audio CD.

    1986 - Sony/Philips introduces Digital Audio Tape, or DAT, as a consequence of the R-DAT consortium's attempts to produce a recordable version of the optical compact disc. Due to copyright issues, electronics companies postponed the development of consumer goods, and DAT remained a high-priced professional medium.

    Dolby Pro Logic encoded surround channel information for home speakers using low-cost integrated circuit processors in 1987.

    1988 – CD sales surpassed LP sales for the first time, leaving CD and cassette as the two dominant consumer formats; more than half of TV households own a VCR; the first transatlantic fiber-optic cable carried up to 37,000 telephone transmissions and began to replace satellites for telephone communication.

    Sony released the D-88 Pocket Discman in 1988, which was capable of playing 3-inch compact discs (CD-Singles) debuted in 1987.

    1990 - Sony and Philips create the Recordable CD-ROM standard (CD-R).

    1991 - The Alesis Corporation of Los Angeles introduced its new ADAT machine on January 18 at the National Association of Music Merchants show, recording 8 tracks of digital audio to a standard S-VHS videocassette using the same helical scan technology that created the videocassette boom in the 1980s; with a list price of $3995, and cassettes at $15, the ADAT made multitrack digital recording affordable for the small studio, with the ability to connect together up to 16 A-VHS In October 1992, The Electronic Musician said that ADAT is more than a technical marvel; it's a social force.

    1991 - On October 16, Philips introduced the Compact Disc Interactive, or CD-I, player, which plugged into a TV and played music and video from an interactive on-screen menu; Polygram Records released one of the first CD-I discs for $14.95, the Louis Armstrong: American Songbook, playable on a regular CD player but also with text, interviews, and lyrics cued to the music, and two unreleased tracks; Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web (W

    1992 - Sony begins selling the MiniDisc, which was introduced on May 30, 1991. The MD was a recordable magneto-optical disc wrapped in a plastic cartridge that had the same 74-minute capacity as the CD but was half the size and compressed more. The MD was designed to be a replacement for the CD and compact cassette. Sales of cassette tapes had been falling since 1989, and Sony thought that the compact cassette system was reaching the end of its format life, according to The Rewritable MiniDisc System.

    IBM and Toshiba merged in 1992. In July, a partnership was created to produce flash memory cards. Toshiba announced a data storage device named Solid State Floppy Disk Card (SSFDC) at the Las Vegas COMDEX conference in November 1995, employing 16 megabit (Mb) NAND flash electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM).

    1993 - Teac's Tascam subsidiary released the DA-88 digital 8-track recorder for $4,499 in February, the first modular digital multitrack (MDM) recorder to utilise Hi-8 videotape; see TASCAM: The First 25 Years.

    In October 1993, the Digital HDTV Grand Alliance chose Dolby AC-3 to offer digital surround sound for the future digital television technology.

    In August of 1994, Fox Network started airing the full NFL season in Dolby Surround.

    1994 - In October, SanDisk debuted the Compact Flash memory card, which could store music and video data on cards little bigger than a matchbook and containing up to 4-106 MB of data. SanDisk and Siemens AG patented the MultiMediaCard, which is the size of a postage stamp and holds 2-16 MB, in 1997.

    1995 - Sony and Toshiba signed an agreement in September to produce a common DVD standard by the end of the year rather than continuing to develop rival DVD devices.

    1995 - The DVD-Video and DVD-ROM formats were introduced in December. It asks for a 5-inch (12cm) thick CD-sized disc with an MPEG2-compressed storage capacity of 4.7 gigabytes per side (7.5 times that of CDs) and an average transfer speed of 4.69 megabits per second (three times faster than CDs). DVD-Video will give LD-like images while playing for 133 minutes each side, making it ideal for movies and concerts. Its music will support eight languages and 32 sets of subtitles. For computer data, a DVD-ROM can handle large programmes, provide stunning images, and manage hybrid software for many operating systems. (From the Pioneer)

    Sonic Solutions was employed by Walter Murch for the first digitally-edited Hollywood picture to win an Academy Award in 1996. By 1998, Lost in Space had become the first big Hollywood film to include an entirely digitally generated soundtrack.

    1996 - At Right Track Recording in New York, the AMS Neve Capricorn completed the world's first 24-bit digital recording for The Pat Metheny Group's album Quartet.

    1996 - The FCC adopted a digital TV standard, including HDTV, on December 24, 1996.

    DVD players were first sold in Japan in 1996, then the following year in the United States.

    Panasonic and Sony establish the DV (Digital Video)/miniDV standard in 1997.

    1997 - On April 2, 1997, the FCC held an auction for two Digital Audio Radio Service licences (DARS)

    1997 - Norsam Technologies created the HD-ROM, which uses a 50-nanometer laser beam rather than the typical 800- and 350-nanometer lasers to store 165 gigabytes on a single CD-size disc.

    In 1997, San Diego's Michael Robertson launched in November, with 3,000 songs accessible for free download. Within a year, it had become the most popular music website on the Internet, with 3 million monthly visitors.

    1998 - The first MP3 Summit was held on July 2, 1998, at the UCSD Price Center in San Diego, with digital music leaders Scott Jamar of a2bmusic, Xing CEO Hassan Miah, music lawyer Robert Kohn, Gene Hoffman founder of Goodnoise, the first Internet music label, Geffen Records producer Jim Griffen, and Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg, one of the founders of MP3 compression technology, in attendance.

    1998 - On August 6, the first HDTV set, a 56-inch Panasonic set built in the company's research and development department in San Diego and produced in Tijuana, was on sale to the public for $5,499 in San Diego.

    1998 - In September, the DVD Forum's DVD-Audio Working Group agreed on the DVD-Audio Format 1.0 requirements. The capacity would be the same as DVD-Video at 4.7/8.5/9.4/17 GB, but the sampling rate will be higher for a frequency response of 0-96 kHz rather than 0-48 kHz for DVD-Video at 44.1 kHz and 5-20 kHz for the audio CD; the Maximum Transfer Rate for Audio will be 9.6 Mbps rather than 6.1 Mbps for DVD-Video or 1.4 Mbps for audio CD.

    Denon released the first HDCD (High Definition Compact Disc) player in 1998.

    President Clinton does his shopping online. 12/20/99

    1999 - On July 23, 1999, Panasonic released DVHS (Digital-VHS), the first VCR capable of recording all 18 Digital TV formats, including HDTV.

    Sony debuted SACD on September 30, 1999, in San Diego (Super Audio CD).

    1999 - The CA*net3 fibre optic network in Canada became the world's fastest computer network, capable of sending all nine Beethoven symphonies in.065 seconds; see speed comparison table.

    From 2000 to 2010, The Millennium witnessed the first tangible benefits of businesses that had embraced new digital technology in the 1990s. Companies who had neglected to install digital information storage systems were now in the minority. By 2007, 94 percent of the world's information storage capacity would be digital, a full 180-degree turn from 1986, when 99.2 percent of all storage capacity was analogue. The new digital environment introduced fresh ideas about how customers spend their time. The first blogs appeared, as did MP3 devices such as the iPod, which challenged the CD, and digital audio channels for downloading sports, music, news, and entertainment. Simultaneously, after defeating Betamax, VHS's supremacy in the video format sector was ultimately challenged by the DVD, which was afterwards challenged by Blue-Ray. The launch of YouTube in 2005 changed the way individuals shared videos, absorbed culture, and were inspired by others. The debut of Wikipedia in 2001 shown how far disruption may go and compel firms to adjust their business strategies and adapt to new market requirements. After struggling with CD-ROM after the release of Encarta, Encyclopedia Britannica finally withdrew its printed edition and concentrated on courses, and its subscription website in the face of increasing online competition.

    Expedia's 2001 debut changed the way people travelled, while Skype's 2003 introduction created a new standard for voice conversations that shocked the telecoms sector. According to Chana Schoenberger and Bruce Upbin's 2002 Forbes says The Internet of Things, humans need an internet for things, a standardized method for computers to grasp the actual world. That same year, Jim Waldo wrote in the Journal of Information Systems Frontiers on the rise of machine-to-machine interactions on the Internet: The Internet is becoming the communication fabric for devices to communicate to services, which in turn talk to other services. Glover Ferguson, Accenture's chief scientist, endorsed the notion in the Harvard Company Review says Have Your Objects Call My Objects, noting, It's no exaggeration to argue that a little tag may one day revolutionize your own business. And that day may not be far away." People's shopping patterns started to shift as well. For the first time, electronic payments overtook cash and checks in the United States in 2003. In addition, financial institutions were legally entitled to produce digital reproductions of original checks. During this time, social media entered the mix. The development of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Flickr changed how consumers expressed their interests, views, and networking among connections, as well as created excellent chances for targeted advertising and data collecting. Online advertising might overtake newspaper advertising for the first time in as little as four years. In certain circumstances, individuals voted over the internet. Estonia became the first nation to employ online voting in a parliamentary election in March 2007. The decade came to a conclusion with the arrival of new industry disruptors that would shape consumer expectations till now.

    Chapter 2: What Is Digital Technology

    Electronic tools, systems, devices, and resources that produce, store, or process data are referred to as digital technologies. Social networking, online gaming, multimedia, and mobile phones are all well-known examples. Any sort of learning that employs technology is referred to as digital learning. Massive volumes of information may now be compressed on compact storage devices that can be readily stored and moved thanks to digital technology. Data transmission rates are also increased as a result of digitization. People's communication, learning, and working practises have been revolutionised by digital technology. Which of the following is an example of digital technology? It may occur in any curricular study area.

    The term digital is derived from the Latin word digitus, which means finger, and alludes to one of the earliest methods for counting. When information is stored, transferred, or conveyed in digital format, it is turned into numbers, or zeroes and ones at the most basic machine level. In the context of this chapter, the word refers to technology that is based on the usage of microprocessors; hence, computers and computer-dependent applications such as the Internet, as well as other devices such as video cameras and mobile devices such as phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). The use of this information for practical purposes, such as in digital communications and social media. The supply and use of electronic technologies necessary for the installation, integration, and usage of STEM and other technological systems. Working concepts, methods, and standards that apply to the technology sector are also part of digital technology.

    Websites, smartphones, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, 5G data, voice interfaces or chat-bots, robotics, drones and missiles, gadgets, e-Books, and video streaming are examples of electronic devices, automatic systems, and technological resources that generate, process, or store information. Students are used to using digital technology; they blog, produce videos for public viewing on the web, generate and download music, and contact with friends and family through instant messaging. While today's children are technologically proficient, possibly more so than their professors and parents, they may not understand how to read and utilise digital tools and materials legally and ethically. Teachers must understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of digital technology in schools, and then apply that understanding to help students become technologically responsible, ensuring that they, the workers of tomorrow, have the critical thinking and communication skills to match their technical skill.

    Digital technology refers to any information that is utilised or communicated on a computer. Digital technology has the potential to improve the degree of creativity and information delivery... computer programmes and software; web pages and websites, including social media; data and databases; digital audio such as mp3s; and books are examples of digital media, according to AU41: URL Validation failed because does not exist (connection error HOST NOT FOUND).

    In this research, the phrase Digital Technology or Technology refers to any software, hardware, or network solutions that allow, expand, or support business operations. Similarly, it covered web-based or mobile-based, paid or free software solutions such as Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Point of Sales (POS), Inventory Management, Accounting, Business Social Media Platform facilities, HR and Payroll Management Software, ChatBot, Communication Apps, and so on.

    The term digital technology refers to any electronic instruments, automated systems, technical gadgets, and resources that produce, process, or store data. The distinction between analogue and digital technology is that in analogue technology, data is turned into various amplitude electric rhythms, while in digital technology, information is translated into the binary system, i.e. zero or one, with each bit representing two amplitudes. The relevance of digital technology in marketing is that it allows you to easily document and assess campaign execution and results. This is due to the fact that when digital marketers invest their time and money in creating effective ads, they want to see the results of such initiatives. It makes it straightforward for them to record their initiatives, allowing them to acquire acclimated and decide better results.

    Digital technology is a process that starts at the bottom and works its way up. Digitized information is stored in binary code, which is made up of combinations of the numbers 0 and 1, also known as bits, and represents words and pictures. Massive volumes of information may now be compressed on compact storage devices that can be readily stored and moved thanks to digital technology. Data transmission rates are also increased as a result of digitization. People's communication, learning, and working practises have been revolutionised by digital technology. Digital technology encompasses all electronic instruments, automated systems, technical equipment, and resources that generate, process, or store information. The difference between analogue and digital technology is that data in analogue technology is changed into multiple amplitude electric rhythms, while data in digital technology is translated into the binary system, i.e. zero or one, with each bit representing two amplitudes.

    Digital Technology includes all forms of digital technology, including data, software, hardware, the School District's network and all components of the School District's network; and digital services of any nature and kind that are based on digital technology and are: • Owned, leased, or licenced to the School District; • accessed by or through Digital Technology that is owned, leased, or licenced to the School District, and that is supplied by the School District. Computers, data, servers, networks, the Internet, mobile phones, beepers, PDA's, modems, voicemail, e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, user groups, and other related technologies are examples of digital technology.

    The term digital refers to electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in two states: positive and negative. The number 1 expresses or represents positive, whereas the number 0 expresses or represents negative. Data transferred or saved via digital technology is therefore represented as a string of 0's and 1's. Each of these state numbers is known as a bit (and a string of bits that a computer can address individually as a group is a byte).

    Chapter 3: Examples Of Digital Technology

    Through online platforms and virtual technologies, digital technology helps to create and expand your company. Online technology may help you grow your firm. Digital technologies are increasingly changing the way we conduct business by providing the most important opportunities in product and industrial development. American manufacturing businesses that are tech-savvy, agile, adaptable, and competent are more likely to advance. Small and medium-sized businesses are ahead of the curve because they can adapt more quickly than large corporations. Supply chain organisations, robotics industry, responsive production techniques, greater customisation, and enhanced procurement and production sector are some of the primary fields where digital technologies are having an increasing influence on manufacturing enterprises. Investing time and money in digital technology can help firms compete in the global market.

    Digital technologies have a significant impact on today's society. Digitization is having an influence on every sector, including financial planning, job possibilities, and competitiveness. Digitization is not a recent occurrence. For numerous years, this concept has integrated larger technical advancements, notably in information technology. Some formerly connected services and goods, like as transport systems, cinema, music, transformations, and multimedia, are increasingly becoming digital.

    The influence of digital technology and connectivity, robots, stabilised production, and digital reality: the interconnection of these high-tech innovations creates a cyber-physical environment that necessitates a thorough reassessment of how resources and manufacturing techniques of labour are used. In the age of the digital revolution and virtual era, the influence of digital technologies will be in every sector capable of generating more rapidly, effectively, efficiently, safely, and precisely. The three primary effects of digital technology on the industrial sector are better performance or productivity and flexibility, massive supply chain rearrangement, and mass customisation.

    1. Internet site

    Websites present us with a wealth of information and have steadily evolved

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