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Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
Ebook228 pages4 hours

Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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From a New York Times bestselling author, a humorous look at the advantages of being a dog parent, with photos from an award-winning photographer.

Some pairings are just meant to be: peanut butter and chocolate, yin and yang, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. So it was only a matter of time before the stars in the universe lined up and suggested the collaboration between New York Times bestselling author Bradley Trevor Greive and award-winning photographer Rachael Hale. Greive and Hale explain once and for all Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats. Now, before all you cat lovers find your fur standing on end, Greive is quick to stress that he is simply “prodog, not anticat. The purpose of this book is not to criticize cats or their owners, but to champion the many exceptional virtues unique to dogs.”

What are these unique attributes that make canine companions superior to their feline fiends? (Oops, we meant friends.) Consider the following:

* Dogs are social. Cats are sociopaths.

* Dogs match up to people. People must match up to cats.

* Dogs teach us patience. Cats test our patience.

* Dogs give and give. Cats are the gift that keeps on grifting.

The bottom line is this: Dogs want love. Cats want fish.

Although Greive admits that there is something to be said for “soft, warm, and sleepy” (a.k.a. cats) as captured in Hale's cuddly feline photographs, he concludes that dogs would be the only ones with character enough to admit this fact, thereby once again positioning themselves as the superior pet, confidant, admirer, and friend.

Release dateJun 5, 2012
Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Bradley Trevor Greive

BRADLEY TREVOR GREIVE AM was born in Tasmania and became a global publishing sensation after the release of The Blue Day Book in 2000; the former paratrooper has since sold more than 30 million books in 115 countries. BTG is also television presenter for wildlife programs on Animal Planet and Netflix, and leads frontline conservation efforts on every continent. In 2014 BTG was awarded the Order of Australia for his service to literature and wildlife conservation and, in 2016, he was formally adopted by the Deisheetaan clan of Alaska's Native American Tlingit people. 

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Rating: 3.8636364090909088 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What would appear to be just a funny books about dogs versus cats actually makes some very good points and would get even the most catty cat person to think about getting a dog. Plus at over 200 pages, the pictures are almost cute enough to make the book worth it.

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Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats - Bradley Trevor Greive

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