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A Convention of States: How to Win the Battle Between the Commons and the Aristocracy
A Convention of States: How to Win the Battle Between the Commons and the Aristocracy
A Convention of States: How to Win the Battle Between the Commons and the Aristocracy
Ebook91 pages54 minutes

A Convention of States: How to Win the Battle Between the Commons and the Aristocracy

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About this ebook

My aim in writing this book was for the purpose of reminding Americans that we the people are and always were intended to be sovereign over the elected government. Popular sovereignty was asserted as the founding principle of our beloved United States of America. In our forefather’s viewpoint, legitimate governments are those deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
This book addresses a solution to the problems that government creates through alliances with the corporate elite and the world’s oligarchs. The abuse of power is the abuse of liberty, and this is occurring through the eroding separation of powers within the structure and energies of our current administration.
We are at a crisis and crossroads both culturally and politically. We have three choices available for resolving and fixing what is broken within our system of government. Discussions of these solutions are the content held within these pages.
James Madison succinctly states: “If men were angels, no government would be necessary, we must have ambition to counteract ambition.”
It is of course up to everyone to decide the action of their individual conscience. My hope is that you will not take for granted the legacy given to us through our ancestor’s sacrifice but utilize the talents within you to help secure our Constitutional Republic for the present, and future generations.
God Bless America and the hope of this ailing world!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 22, 2022
A Convention of States: How to Win the Battle Between the Commons and the Aristocracy

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    Book preview

    A Convention of States - Dakota Windancer




    How to Win the Battle between the Commons

    and the Aristocracy



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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-2934-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-2933-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  05/20/2022



    Chapter 1   Paradigm of Self-Governance

    Foresight of the Forefathers

    Shining as We Should

    Homeostasis for America

    Chapter 2   Reframing Reality

    Defining the Shadow Government

    Complicating the Constitution

    Politically Correct Speech: A Pandora’s box for Lawmaking

    Due Diligence of a Good Warrior

    Chapter 3   State Sovereignty

    Political Passion, Alive and Well

    Governor DeSantis Understands His Duty in Our Constitutional Republic

    Speaking Truth to Power

    Protecting the Rights of Unvaccinated Workers

    Chapter 4   Aristocrats versus Commoners

    The Aristocrats Are in Charge

    Ancient Roman Aristocrats and the Biden Elite

    The Infrastructure Bill Is Not about Infrastructure

    States Are Standing Up to Federal Tyranny and Hypocrisy

    In God We Trust, Not Our Representatives

    Federal Overreach and Community Division

    Chapter 5   Federal Overreach Illuminates State Sovereignty

    Why Is Joe Biden Paying Illegal Immigrants $450,000 Per Child?

    Our Ships Have Come In

    When a Lie Becomes the Truth

    Encouragement for the Leaders

    Chapter 6   Keeping Our Spirits Alive

    Federal Lies and Betrayal

    Epitaph of the Commoner

    The Federal Government’s Sham of Safety

    A Visit from the Christmas Spirit



    I have not observed men’s honesty to increase with their riches.

    —Thomas Jefferson

    The worldviews of the aristocracy are forcing many to comply or else suffer the consequences of the socialist construct of "cancel culture." Our constitutional republic is facing the greatest challenge of its time—either to remain as the supreme template of governing or to be replaced with socialistic ideologies.

    America was born from the seed of desire for self-governance. That means we the people are the government, but somewhere along the way we seem to have forgotten our obligation to ourselves. Perhaps we trusted too much without verifying, or perhaps we allowed apathy to dictate inaction in our political affairs.

    This book offers current instances that threaten our American dream of self-governance and liberties. When a government declares one set of rules for the people they are in service of and yet sets examples from another, it is time for the true government of the people to emerge with one voice, as in the days of our forefathers, in strong resistance.

    The two-party system we were taught to believe in, with elected servants we can trust doing good on our behalf, is the veil of illusion that serves the aristocracy in greater ways than it could ever serve commoners such as you and me. The two-party system serving us today is the aristocracy and the rest of us.

    The very institutions are hacking that for which our government was created! You are witnessing it every day in the mainstream media, press conferences, and misleading data from biased poll taking, along with the weaponization of the FBI, CDC, and NIH.

    Gloom-and-doom gallops rampantly in America. Fear is both enforcer and manipulator for compliance to unconstitutional mandates and

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