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The ABCs of Gene Cloning
The ABCs of Gene Cloning
The ABCs of Gene Cloning
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The ABCs of Gene Cloning

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Clear and concise, this easy-to-use book offers an introductory course on the language of gene cloning, covering microbial, plant, and mammalian systems. It presents the nuts and bolts of gene cloning in a well-organized and accessible manner. Part I of this book outlines the essentials of biology and genetics relevant to the concept of gene cloning. Part II describes common techniques and approaches of gene cloning, ranging from the basic mechanics of DNA manipulation, vector systems, process transformation, to gene analysis. Part III & IV present application technologies of major impact in agriculture, biomedicine, and related areas. 

The ABCs of Gene Cloning, Third Edition contains updates including a tutorial chapter on gene-vector construction, methodologies on exome sequencing in finding disease genes, revised topics on gene therapy and whole genome sequencing, new developments for gene targeting and genome editing, as well as the current state of next generation sequencing. With more than 140 illustrations, this new edition provides an invaluable text for students and anyone who have interest in gaining proficiency in reading and speaking the language of gene cloning.

Release dateMay 26, 2018
The ABCs of Gene Cloning

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    The ABCs of Gene Cloning - Dominic W. S. Wong

    Part OneFundamentals of Genetic Processes

    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

    Dominic W. S. WongThe ABCs of Gene Cloning

    1. Introductory Concepts

    Dominic W. S. Wong¹ 


    Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA, USA

    The building blocks of all forms of life are cells. Simple organisms such as bacteria exist as single cells. Plants and animals are composed of many cell types, each organized into tissues and organs of specific functions. The determinants of genetic traits of living organisms are contained within the nucleus of each cell, in the form of a type of nucleic acids, called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The genetic information in DNA is used for the synthesis of proteins unique to a cell. The ability of cells to express the information coded by DNA in the form of protein molecules is achieved by a two-stage process of transcription and translation.


    1.1 What Is DNA and What Is a Gene ?

    A DNA molecule contains numerous discrete pieces of information, each coding for the structure of a particular protein. Each piece of the information that specifies a protein corresponds to only a very small segment of the DNA molecule. Bacteriophage λ , a virus that infects bacteria, contains all its 60 genes in a single DNA molecule. In humans, there are about 20,000 genes organized in 46 chromosomes, complex structures of DNA molecules associated with proteins.

    When, how, and where the synthesis of each protein occurs is precisely controlled. Biological systems are optimized for efficiency; proteins are made only when needed. This means that transcription and translation of a gene in the production of a protein are highly regulated by a number of control elements, many of which are also proteins. These regulatory proteins are in turn coded by a set of genes.

    It is therefore more appropriate to define a gene as a functional unit. A gene is a combination of DNA segments that contain all the information necessary for its expression, leading to the production of a protein. A gene defined in this context would include (1) the structural gene sequence that encodes the protein, and (2) sequences that are involved in the regulatory function of the process.

    1.2 What Is Gene Cloning ?

    Gene cloning is the process of introducing a foreign DNA (or gene) into a host (bacterial, plant, or animal ) cell. In order to accomplish this, the gene is usually inserted into a vector (a small piece of DNA) to form a recombinant DNA molecule. The vector acts as a vehicle for introducing the gene into the host cell and for directing the proper replication (DNA -> DNA) and expression (DNA -> protein) of the gene (Fig. 1.1).


    Fig. 1.1.

    General scheme of gene cloning

    The process by which the gene-containing vector is introduced into a host cell is called transformation . The host cell now harboring the foreign gene is a transformed cell or a transformant .

    The host cell carrying the gene-containing vector produces progeny all of which contain the inserted gene. These identical cells are called clones.

    In the transformed host cell and its clones, the inserted gene is transcribed and translated into proteins . The gene is therefore expressed, with the gene product being a protein. The process is called expression.

    1.3 Cell Organizations

    Let us focus the attention for a moment on the organization and the general structural features of a cell, knowledge of which is required for commanding the language of gene cloning . Cells exist in one of two distinct types of arrangements (Fig. 1.2). In a simple cell type, there are no separate compartments for genetic materials and other internal structures.


    Fig. 1.2.

    Drawing of cells showing details of organelles

    Organisms with this type of cellular organization are referred to as prokaryotes. The genetic materials of prokaryotes, such as bacteria, are present in a single circular DNA in a clear region called nucleoid that can be observed microscopically. Some bacteria also contain small circular DNA molecules called plasmids. (Plasmids are the DNA used to construct vectors in gene cloning . See Sect. 9.​1.) The rest of the cell interior is the cytoplasm , which contains numerous minute spherical structures called ribosomes – the sites for protein synthesis . Defined structures like ribosomes , are called organelles. The rest (fluid portion) of the cytoplasm is the cytosol , a solution of chemical constituents that maintain various functions of the cell. All the intracellular materials are enclosed by a plasma membrane , a bilayer of phospholipids in which various proteins are embedded. In addition, some bacterial cells contain an outer layer of peptidoglycan (a polymer of amino-sugars) and a capsule (a slimy layer of polysaccharides).

    In contrast, a vast majority of living species including animals, plants, and fungi, have cells that contain genetic materials in a membrane-bound nucleus, separated from other internal compartments which are also surrounded by membranes. Organisms with this type of cell organization are referred to as eukaryotes. The number and the complexity of organelles in eukaryotic cells far exceed those in bacteria (Fig. 1.2). In animal cells, the organelles and constituents are bound by a plasma membrane . In plants and fungi, there is an additional outer cell wall that is comprised primarily of cellulose. (In plant and fungal cells, the cell wall needs to be removed before a foreign DNA can be introduced into the cell in some cases as described in Sect. 11.​1).

    1.4 Heredity Factors and Traits

    In a eukaryotic nucleus, DNA exists as complexes with proteins to form a structure called chromatin (Fig. 1.3). During cell division , the fibrous-like chromatin condenses to form a precise number of well-defined structures called chromosomes, which can be seen under a microscope.


    Fig. 1.3.

    Structure of cellular chromosome

    Chromosomes are grouped in pairs by similarities in shape and length as well as genetic composition. The number of chromosome pairs varies in different species. For example, carrots have 9 pairs of chromosomes, humans have 23 pairs, and so on. The two similar chromosomes in a pair are described as homologous , containing genetic materials that control the same inherited traits . If a heredity factor (gene) that determines a specific inherited trait is located in one chromosome, it is also found at the same location (locus) on the homologous chromosome . The two copies of a gene that are found in the same loci in a homologous chromosome pair are determinants of the same hereditary trait , but may exist in various forms (alleles ). In simple terms, dominant and recessive alleles exist for each gene.

    In a homologous chromosome pair, the two copies of a gene can exist in three types of combinations: 2 dominant alleles, 1 dominant and 1 recessive, or 2 recessives. Dominantalleles are designated by capital letters, and recessive alleles by the same letter but in lower case. For example, the shape of a pea seed is determined by the presence of the R gene. The dominant form of the gene is "R, and the recessive form of the gene is designated as r". The homologous combination of the alleles can be one of the following: (1) RR (both dominant), (2) Rr (one dominant, one recessive) or (3) rr (both recessive). This genetic makeup of a heredity factor is called the genotype . A dominant allele is the form of a gene that is always expressed, while a recessive allele is suppressed in the presence of a dominant allele. Hence, in the case of the genotypes RR and Rr, the pea seeds acquire a round shape, and a genotype of rr will give a wrinkled seed. The observed appearance from the expression of a genotype is its phenotype .

    In the example, a pea plant with a genotype of RR or Rr has a phenotype of round shape seeds. When two alleles of a gene are the same (such as RR or rr), they are called homozygous (dominant or recessive). If the two alleles are different (such as Rr), they are heterozygous. The genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring from breeding between, for example, two pea plants having genotypes of Rr (heterozygous) and rr (homozygous recessive), can be tracked by the use of a Punnett square (Fig. 1.4a). The offspring in the first generation will have genotypes of Rr and rr in a 1:1 ratio, and phenotypes of round seed and wrinkled seed, respectively.


    Fig. 1.4.

    Cross between (a) Rr and rr pea plants, and (b) carrier female and normal male

    The example of round/wrinkled shape of pea seeds is typical of one gene controlling a single trait . The situation is more complex in most cases, because many traits are determined by polygenes . Eye color, for example, is controlled by the presence of several genes. In some cases, a gene may exist in more than two allelic forms. Human ABO blood types are controlled by a gene with 3 alleles  – IA and IB are codominant , and Io is recessive. Additional variations are introduced by a phenomenon called crossing over (or recombination ) in which a genetic segment of one chromosome is exchanged with the corresponding segment of the homologous chromosome during meiosis (a cell division process, see Sects. 1.5 and 18.​1).

    A further complication arises from sex-linked traits . Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Chromosome pairs 1 to 22 are homologous pairs, and the last pair contains sex chromosomes. Male has XY pair and female has XX chromosomes. The genes carried by the Y chromosome dictate the development of a male; the lack of the Y chromosome results in a female. A sex-linked gene is a gene located on a sex chromosome. Most known human sex-linked genes are located on the X chromosome, and thus are referred to as X-linked. An example of a sex-linked trait is color blindness, which is caused by a recessive allele on the X chromosome (Fig. 1.4b). If a carrier female is married to a normal male, the children will have the following genotypes and phenotype - Sons: X Y (color blind) and XY (normal), and daughters: X X (normal, carrier) and XX (normal, non-carrier).

    1.5 Mitosis and Meiosis

    The presence of homologous chromosome pairs is the result of sexual reproduction. One member of each chromosome pair is inherited from each parent. In human and other higher organisms, autosomal cells (all cells except the germ cells, sperms and eggs) contain a complete set of homologous chromosomes , one of each pair from one parent. These cells are called diploid cells (2n). Germ cells contain only one homolog of each chromosome pair, and are referred to as haploid (n).

    A fundamental characteristic of cells is their ability to reproduce themselves by cell division  – a process of duplication in which two new (daughter) cells arise from the division of an existing (parent) cell. Bacterial cells employ cell division as a means of asexual reproduction, producing daughter cells by binary fission. The chromosome in a parent cell is duplicated, and separated so that each of the two daughter cells acquires the same chromosome as the parent cell.

    In eukaryotes, the process is not as straightforward. Two types of cell division , mitosis and meiosis , can be identified. In mitosis, each chromosome is copied into duplicates (called chromatids ) that are separated and partitioned into two daughter cells. Therefore, each of the two daughter cells receives an exact copy of the genetic information possessed by the parent cell (Fig. 1.5). Mitosis permits new cells to replace old cells, a process essential for growth and maintenance. In meiosis, the two chromatids of each chromosome stay attached, and the chromosome pairs are separated instead, resulting in each daughter cell carrying half of the number of chromosomes of the parent cell (Fig. 1.5). Note that at this stage, each chromosome in the daughter cells consists of 2 chromatids. In a second step of division, the chromatids split, resulting in 4 daughter cells each containing a haploid number of chromosomes, i.e. only one member of each homologous chromosome pair. Meiosis is the process by which germ cells are produced. After fertilization of an egg with a sperm, the embryo has complete pairs of homologous chromosomes .


    Fig. 1.5.

    Schematic comparison between mitosis and meiosis

    1.6 Relating Genes to Inherited Traits

    The preceding discussions on dominant and recessive forms, and genotypes and phenotypes , can be interpreted at the molecular level by relating them to how genes determine inherited traits. In simple terms, a gene can exist in a functional form, so that it is expressed through transcription and translation to yield a gene product (a specific protein) that exhibits its normal function. However, a gene can also be non-functional due to a mutation, for example, resulting in either the absence of a gene product, or a gene product that does not function properly. Therefore, a homozygous dominant genotype, such as AA, means that both alleles in the chromosome pair are functional. A genotype of Aa will still have one functional copy of the gene that permits the synthesis of the functional protein. A homozygous recessive (aa) individual does not produce the gene product or produce a nonfunctional gene product. A gene controls an inherited trait through its expression, in that the gene product determines the associated inherited characteristic. Genes with multiple alleles can be explained by the difference in the efficiencies of the functions of the gene products. Another explanation is that one copy of the gene produces a lower amount of the gene product than the corresponding normal (functional) gene.

    An example can be drawn from the genetic disorder of obesity in mice. Obese (ob) is an autosomal recessive mutation in chromosome 6 of the mouse genome. The normal gene encodes the Ob protein, which functions in a signal pathway for the body to adjust its energy metabolism and fat accumulation (see Sect.18.​4). Mice carrying 2 mutant copies (ob/ob) of the gene develop progressive obesity with increased efficiency in metabolism (i.e. increase weight gain per calorie intake). Mice with ob/ob genotype do not produce the gene product (Ob protein), because both copies of the ob gene are nonfunctional.

    1.7 Why Gene Cloning ?

    The general objective of gene cloning is to manipulate protein synthesis . There are several reasons why we want to do this.


    To produce a protein in large quantity. Large-scale production of therapeutic proteins has been a primary focus of biotechnology. Many proteins of potential therapeutic values are often found in minute amounts in biological systems. It is not economically feasible to purify these proteins from their natural sources. To circumvent this, the gene of a targeted protein is inserted into a suitable host system that can efficiently produce the protein in large quantities. Examples of pharmaceuticals of this type include human insulin , human growth hormone, interferon, hepatitis B vaccine, tissue plasminogen activator, interleukin-2, and erythropoietin. Another area of great interest is the development of transpharmers . The gene of a pharmaceutical protein is cloned into livestock animals, and the resulting transgenic animals can be raised for milking the protein.


    To manipulate biological pathways. One of the common objectives in gene cloning is to improve crop plants and farm animals. This often involves alteration of biological pathways either by (A) blocking the production of an enzyme, or (B) implementing the production of an exogenous (foreign) enzyme through the manipulation of genes. Many applications of gene cloning in agriculture belong to the first category. A well-known example is the inhibition of the breakdown of structural polymers in tomato plant cell wall by blocking the expression of the gene for the enzyme involved in the breakdown process (using antisense technique). The engineered tomatoes, with decreased softening, can be left to ripe on the vine, allowing full development of color and flavor. Another example is the control of ripening by blocking the expression of the enzyme that catalyzes the key step in the formation of the ripening hormone, ethylene.

    On the other hand, new functions can be introduced into plants and animals by introducing a foreign gene for the production of new proteins that are previously not present in the system. The development of pest-resistant plants has been achieved by cloning a bacterial endotoxin. Other examples include salt-tolerant and disease-resistant crop plants. Similar strategies can be applied to raise farm animals, with build-in resistance to particular diseases. Animals cloned with growth hormone genes result in the enhancement of growth rate, increased efficiency of energy conversion, and increased protein to fat ratio. All these translate into lower cost of raising farm animals, and a lower price for high quality meat.

    A number of human genetic diseases, such as severe-combined immunodeficiency (SCID), are caused by the lack of a functional protein or enzyme , due to a single defective gene. In these cases, the defect can be corrected by the introduction of a healthy (normal, therapeutic) gene. The augmentation enables the patient to produce the key protein required for the normal functioning of the biological pathway. Naked DNA such as plasmids containing the gene encoding specific antigens can be used as therapeutic vaccines to stimulate immune responses for protection against infectious diseases.


    To change protein structure and function by manipulating its gene. One can modify the physical and chemical properties of a protein by altering its structure through gene manipulation. Using the tools in genetic engineering, it is possible to probe into the fine details of how proteins function, by investigating the effects of modifying specific sites in the molecule. This technique has generated vast information on our current knowledge on the mechanism of important proteins and enzyme functions.

    For therapeutic applications, many of the proteins are engineered to modify the structure and activity. For example, crosslinking the variable domains of different monoclonal antibodies by short peptide linkers can form single-chain bispecific antibodies that are less immunogenic with enhanced tissue penetration. Glycoengineering has been applied to introduce sugar moieties into antibodies to improve solubility and increase the half-life of the protein. Modifying the proteolytic cleavage site of coagulation factor VIII enhances its resistance to inactivation for improved pharmacokinetic properties.

    For illustration of the impact of gene cloning , some application examples are covered in Part III (for agriculture) and Part IV (for medicine and related areas) of this book.



    Define: (A) a gene, (B) transformation, (C) a clone, (D) expression.


    What is a vector used for?


    List some applications of gene cloning.


    Describe the differences in structural features between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.


    Match by circling the correct answer in the right column.


    Tongue rolling is an autosomal recessive trait. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the children from a heterozygous female married to a homozygous dominant male?


    Hemophilia is a sex-linked trait. Describe the genotypes and phenotypes of the sons and daughters from a marriage between a normal male and a carrier female.


    Identify the

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