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Texan for the Taking
Texan for the Taking
Texan for the Taking
Ebook214 pages3 hours

Texan for the Taking

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Split apart by a Texas family rivalry, two Lone Star lovers get a second chance in the USA Today–bestselling author’s sexy contemporary romance.

Only the worthiest of causes could woo expert fundraiser Drea MacDonald back to Boone Springs to work with the Mason Boone. Growing up, the sexy Texas rancher had stolen her schoolgirl heart, and his wealthy family had stolen her legacy. But making sure that the new state-of-the-art cardiac wing of the town hospital gets the financial support it needs means Drea has to swallow her pride and join forces with her still-irresistible nemesis.

Soon history is repeating itself, though now Mason sees Drea in a whole new light—for the beautiful woman she is. Drea can’t help melting in the heat of his gaze. But for the chance at a new beginning, she’ll have to risk repeating a past heartbreak.
Release dateMay 1, 2019
Texan for the Taking

Charlene Sands

Charlene Sands is a USA Today bestselling author of 35 contemporary and historical romances. She's been honored with The National Readers' Choice Award, Booksellers Best Award and Cataromance Reviewer's Choice Award. She loves babies,chocolate and thrilling love stories.Take a peek at her bold, sexy heroes and real good men!  and Facebook

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    Texan for the Taking - Charlene Sands


    Of course he had to be here.

    Mason Boone.

    Drea MacDonald had avoided him all these years, but there was no hope for it now. She had to deal with him on a strictly professional level. She liked to think she’d moved beyond what had happened, had moved way beyond him, but how could that be? Something that profound in her life, something that had scarred her so permanently, wasn’t easily forgotten.

    Mason pressed his tall frame against the back wall of the hospital conference room, arms folded, watching her through intense coal-black eyes. She couldn’t ignore him. He was a presence in the room; a tall, dreadfully handsome man, dressed impeccably in a dark suit, who commanded respect and exuded confidence.

    As a young girl, all those traits had lured her in. But he’d rejected her without a second thought.

    Her best bet would be to treat him with indifference, to give him a nod and get on with her business. He didn’t have to know the pain he’d caused her. He didn’t have to see the hurt look in her eyes or the flush of her skin. It would take an award-winning performance, but she was up to the task. After all, she’d imagined this moment in her head fifty times, if not more.

    Her heart sat heavy in her chest because she wasn’t the only one who had lost something precious. She wasn’t the only one who’d been deeply scarred. Mason had, too. He’d lost his wife and unborn child nearly two years ago. His loss and grief only contributed to the tremendous guilt she felt for disliking him so. He had the town’s support. Everyone was sympathetic to his loss. It was hard to hate a guy everyone else rallied around. Guilt ate away at her even though she had every right to hold a grudge.

    She stood at the head of the conference table, just finishing up her presentation. And thanks to the generosity of Mason Boone and his family, she said, grinding her teeth as she gave him praise, we’ll hold our multifaceted weekend fund-raiser at Rising Springs Ranch. Our goal, two million dollars.

    The doctors, hospital administrators and committee members overseeing the fund-raiser gazed at each other, raising skeptical brows. It was a tall order, true, but she had always banked her reputation on fulfilling her goals. And this part of Texas was rich with donors of cold hard cash.

    It’s doable, said an assured voice from the back of the room.

    All heads swiveled to Mason Boone. His family had founded the Texas town of Boone Springs decades ago, and the hospital had recently changed names from County Memorial to Boone County Memorial. The Boone family and their kin practically owned the entire town. Well, they owned the best parts, so when a Boone spoke, people listened.

    It’s very doable, if we’re smart, Drea persisted, again avoiding Mason’s dark eyes. And I intend to be...very smart.

    Thatta girl, gray-haired Dr. Keystone said. We trust you, Andrea. You’re one of our own.

    Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate your support. Together, we’ll make this work.

    She smiled, feeling powerful in her black suit and three-inch cherry-red heels. She wore her long, dark cocoa hair up in a sleek, practical style. She meant business.

    Landing this job at the hospital served many purposes. Nailing it would all but guarantee her promotion to vice president at Solutions Inc., the consulting and events planning firm she worked for in New York. But more importantly, she wanted to help the community where she’d grown up by raising funds for a much-needed cardiac wing, to honor her mother, who’d died of heart failure. And she also wanted to reconnect with her ailing father. Unfortunately, that meant living in the cottage the Boones had gifted Drew MacDonald after practically stealing Thundering Hills Ranch out from under him. Her father’s acceptance of the living arrangements irritated her to this day. How could he be okay with their charity, while Drea’s life had been snatched right out from under her as a young girl when the Boones took over Thundering Hills? She’d lost her home, too, but her father hadn’t seemed to notice how much that had disrupted her life.

    After the meeting, as Drea collected her papers, carefully placing them in her briefcase, she heard footsteps approaching and held her breath.

    Nice job, Drea.

    That deep confident voice unsettled her. The timbre, the tone, the way Mason said her name—memories came rushing back, tilting her world upside down. God. Why was he heading this committee? Deep in her belly, she knew. He’d lost his pregnant wife to heart disease. Drea couldn’t really fault him for wanting to be involved; she had similar reasons for being here. Yet, even knowing the pain he’d recently endured, seeing him in the flesh for the first time in years curdled her stomach. She resented the Boones, but him most of all.

    Mason stood facing her, his eyes boring in, and finally, because she felt defiant and fearless, she stared back and gave him her best aloof smile. Thank you.

    Twelve years had only given his good looks a more rugged edge. She took in the sharp angle of his jaw, the facial scruff that hadn’t been there before, the length of his hair, whipped back and shining like black ink. None of it mattered. She was merely observing. She’d turned off all her buttons, leaving him none to push anymore.

    You look good, he said.

    The compliment slid off her back.

    Drew will be glad to have you home.

    It’s temporary, she said, closing the clasp on her briefcase.

    Still, it’ll be good for him.

    She looked away. What about what was good for her? What about all those days and nights when she’d had to be the adult because her father was passed out drunk on the floor? What about the dinners he’d never cooked, the clothes he’d never washed? What about a twelve-year-old kid having to baby her own father? And what about the heartsick motherless girl who’d desperately

    We’ll see.

    You haven’t been home yet?

    She shook her head. No, I came here straight from the airport.


    She couldn’t look at him, even though there was something pleading in the way he’d said her name. Instead, she continued fiddling with the closure on her case.

    It’s good to have you home, he said finally.

    Chin down, she nodded. I have a job to do.

    Yeah, about that. We should probably coordinate on the events you have planned. We could look at them over dinner one night or—

    No. Her voice was sharper than she’d intended. So much for being professional. He was staring at her like she’d lost her mind. Maybe she had, thinking she could come home in hopes of doing something good for the community, something to honor her deceased mother, even if it meant working alongside Mason. Were her emotions so tangled up that she couldn’t separate her professional life from her private one?

    Goodness, but she had to. She’d committed to this fund-raising campaign. She was being paid to see it through. And she had to remind herself over and over that she was doing this to honor her mother. It was time she came home. At least temporarily.

    No? Mason narrowed his eyes.

    I mean, I’ll email you. I really am very busy, Mason. I have a lot on my mind today.

    She gave him a plastic smile, one he immediately picked up on as bullshit. He nodded. Yeah, I get it. His mouth curled in a frown and there was an edge of annoyance in his voice now. Ha! He had no right being annoyed with her. Not when the last time she’d been with him, he’d treated her like dirt.

    He slipped a business card into her hand, his long lean fingers skimming over her knuckles. Immediately her heart beat faster, her nerves jumped. The shock of his brief, warm touch strummed through her body. Email me when you find time. We have exactly one month to pull this off.

    His urgency wasn’t lost on her. This was as important to him as it was to her. They had that in common. Both wanted a special cardiac wing of the hospital built in Boone Springs. But all of a sudden one month in Texas seemed like an eternity.

    Not to mention she’d be living at the cottage on Rising Springs Ranch again.

    On Mason’s home turf.

    Yum, this is just as delish as I remembered. Drea swallowed a big hunk of her Chocolate Explosion cupcake. Unladylike, but Katie Rodgers, her bestie from childhood and owner of the bakery, would expect no less.

    Her friend laughed and removed her apron. She put the Katie’s Kupcakes is Klosed sign on the door and joined Drea at the café table.

    You do not disappoint, Drea said. And you remembered my favorite.

    Of course I did. Can’t forget all those times you’d come over and we’d bake up a batch. We were what, ten at the time?

    Yeah, but ours never came close to these marvels you crank out at four in the morning. Gosh, you always knew what you wanted to do with your life. I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, Katie. I bet you’ve got all of Boone Springs wrapped around your sugary fingers, with lines out the door in the morning.

    I have no complaints, she replied. Business is good. She sighed sweetly. It’s great to have you back in town. I’ve missed you.

    Drea grabbed Katie’s hand and squeezed. I’ve missed you, too. I couldn’t drive out to Rising Springs without seeing you first.

    I’m glad you did. Only I wish it wasn’t temporary. I kinda like seeing you in person instead of on Facetime.

    Well, let’s try to make the most of my stay here. We’re gonna both be busy, but we have to make a pact to see each other a few times a week, Drea said.

    Pinkie promise? Katie curled her last digit, and they linked fingers just like they had when they were kids.

    Pinkie promise.

    Good, then it’s settled. Katie began to rise. Would you like a cup of coffee to wash down the cupcake? I could brew up a fresh pot.

    When did your cupcakes ever need washing down? She smiled. No thanks. Any more coffee today and I swear I’ll float away. Let’s just talk.

    Katie smiled and plunked back into her seat. Okay. So, you’re working on the hospital fund-raiser.

    She nodded.

    With Mason?

    Yeah, which is the major drawback to my coming home. I have to make the fund-raiser my high priority, so I’m enduring the Boones for as long as it takes.

    I get that it’s hard for you, Drea. I really do. It was hard on Mason, too, losing Larissa and the baby. From what I hear, he’s only just starting to come out of his grief.

    It’s a tragedy. But let’s not talk about the Boones. Because if we do, then I’ll have to ask you about Lucas.

    Katie’s eyes rounded. Lucas? We’re just friends. If that anymore.

    Uh-huh. So you say.

    For heaven’s sake, he was engaged to my sister. And he broke Shelly’s heart when he went off and joined the Marines.

    But I hear he’s back now. Drea took another bite of cupcake, certain she’d die from an overdose of decadence.

    Don’t remind me. Shelly still hasn’t healed from him running out on her like that. It was such a shock. Luke seemed true blue. After the breakup, Shelly hit some rough patches. Mom’s convinced it’s all Luke’s fault. I mean, it sounded more like something Risk would do. Not Luke.

    River Risk Boone, heartthrob and one-time famous rodeo rider, was the player in the Boone family.

    Yeah, well, we can’t forget he’s a Boone. It’s part of his DNA, Drea said.

    Katie’s right brow rose and she shook her head. So, after all these years you haven’t gotten over it, either?

    Over what? The fact that the Boones preyed on my father’s grief and then stole Thundering Hills out from under him? Our families had been friends for years, but as soon as my dad hit a rough patch, the Boones swooped in, stole our ranch and we were reduced to living at the cottage on Boone property. They gave Dad a pity job as caretaker. Then there’s Mason and all that he put me through... Oh, never mind. I don’t want to rehash it. She waved her hand, ending her rant.

    Katie gave her a serious knowing look. But Katie didn’t know everything. Drea hadn’t told her best friend what had happened after her debacle with Mason. How she ran into the arms of the first willing man and gave up her virginity. How she’d gotten pregnant and lost her baby. It had been the worst time of her life.

    I guess we need to put the past behind us, Drea. That’s what I keep telling my sister.

    Yeah, easier said than done sometimes.

    She was through talking about the Boones. She polished off the cupcake and licked the frosting from her fingers, closing her eyes as she relished every last morsel of goodness. Mmm.

    So, I hear your dad is struggling a bit. The fall he took last week was pretty bad. When I heard about it, I stopped by his place with a batch of apricot thumbprints and half a dozen cupcakes.

    Ahh, you’re the best. He loves your thumbprint cookies. Thanks for checking in on him.

    He’s very excited to have you home.

    I know. She couldn’t say too much; her emotions were curled up in a knot about going home to Drew MacDonald. Maybe that’s why she was procrastinating. She’d missed her father, and she loved him. But she was a realist. Her dad would never win a Father of the Year award. Hard fact, but true.

    He’s changed, Drea. He’s trying very hard.

    She sighed. I’ll believe it when I see it. She glanced at her watch. Which is what I should do just about now. I hate to go, but I’ve really gotta get on the road.

    Will you text me later?

    Of course.

    They both stood and then Katie went behind the counter. Just a sec. I’m not sending you home empty-handed. She packed up a white box with goodies and sealed it with a pastel pink Katie’s Kupcakes sticker. Here you go, she said, handing over the box. Welcome home.

    Thanks, friend. My hips will never be the same.

    Your hips and my thighs. We’re all doomed.

    Drea chuckled and kissed Katie on the cheek. At least we’ll both go down together.

    After she excited the shop, a sense of real doom flashed through her system.

    She couldn’t procrastinate any longer.

    It was time to go to the place she’d never considered home.

    Drea parked her car in front of her father’s house just as the autumn sun was setting. Splashes of deep pink and purple painted the sky overhead. She’d forgotten the stunning sunsets in this part of Texas. How many years had it been since she’d seen a horizon so rich and vibrant? These wide-open spaces were tailor-made for such amazing spectacles. Texas was known for doing things large and the sight brought a little peace to her jittery heart.

    Lordy be.

    She chuckled at the slang that had come back to her after crossing state lines.

    But she wasn’t that Texas girl any longer.

    She gazed toward the cornflower-blue cottage trimmed in white, and saw her father sitting in a rocking chair on the front deck. As soon as he spotted her, he made an attempt to rise. His face turned a shade of red, not from pain, she assumed, but from frustration as he faltered and slid back down onto the seat. On his next try, he pulled himself up and leaned against a post. His hair was lighter gray than she remembered, his body chunkier, but he was still a handsome man, and there was

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