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Dr. Do-or-Die
Dr. Do-or-Die
Dr. Do-or-Die
Ebook297 pages4 hours

Dr. Do-or-Die

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Two doctors are on thin ice as they race across the Antarctic to save the world from a deadly disease in this romantic medical thriller.

Epidemic researcher Dr. Avery Thatcher has studied countless illnesses, but nothing could prepare her for what she finds at a remote Antarctic base. A mysterious ailment is ravaging inhabitants. And among those desperate to solve the crisis is Dr. Grant Jones—the man she never wanted to see again.

Avery will do whatever it takes to discover the cause of the illness, and she vows to keep her heartbreaking history with Grant in the past—even if reignited passion brings them dangerously close. For Grant, ending this outbreak, and regaining Avery’s trust, are vital. As their hunt to contain a lethal pathogen escalates, he’ll put everything on the line to avert disaster—even as another insidious threat emerges . . .
Release dateJan 1, 2017
Dr. Do-or-Die

Lara Lacombe

Lara Lacombe is a recovering research scientist turned college professor who now spends her days writing and wrangling a toddler.  She lives in Texas with her family and two entitled cats, and loves chocolate and her Crock Pot.  She uses Facebook to procrastinate--stop by Lara Lacombe Books if you'd like to chat!

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    Dr. Do-or-Die - Lara Lacombe


    US Research Base, Fort Gilmour, Antarctica

    I think I’ve found something.

    There was a pause, and Paul Coleson imagined the man on the other end of the line mentally translating his words. The language barrier was one of the downsides of working with the Organization, a shadowy group of men and women that operated under the cover of an internationally respected charity. Four months ago, Paul hadn’t known they existed. He’d accepted their offer in good faith, seeing it as an opportunity to earn a little side money while working at the bottom of the world. But as time passed, their true intentions had become all too clear. Now he was just trying to make the best of a bad situation, cooperating in the hopes they would leave his family alone.

    Tell me more.

    He shoved his free hand in his pocket and swayed back and forth on his feet. He’d learned that if he kept moving, the infamous Antarctic cold couldn’t settle in his bones. Even though he spent most of his time inside, it was so damn cold in this godforsaken place he thought he’d never get warm again. I isolated it from a core sample. So far, the results are promising. He tried to keep the excitement out of his voice, so as not to raise their expectations. They’d all known from the beginning that he was basically conducting a fishing expedition. Results were desirable, but not guaranteed.

    Now that he had a potential lead, he didn’t want to misrepresent his preliminary findings—if they thought he had found a suitable candidate and it turned out to be a failure, things would not go well for him. And even though this was his first time working for the group, he’d learned enough about their operations to know that overpromising and underdelivering was not a sound strategy.

    Especially if he wanted to live.

    What results? The man’s voice was flat, with no hint of interest. They might as well be discussing the weather. But something told Paul that he had his contact’s full attention.

    He took a deep breath. As I said, I isolated the agent from an ice sample. It thawed beautifully, and I’ve been testing it in cells. And now for the good news. It’s killed everything I put it in.

    More silence, but he could practically feel the man’s focus sharpening. How long does it take to kill?

    Forty-eight hours.

    The man made a noncommittal noise, and a creeping sense of unease made the hairs on the back of Paul’s neck stand on end. He stopped swaying, his feet rooted to the floor as if glued there. His contact didn’t sound too happy with those results. What more could the man want?

    We had hoped for a slower process. To make it more difficult to assign blame.

    Ah. He let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding and started moving again. Well, keep in mind these are just cells in a dish. Once you start human trials, I think you’ll find it will take longer, since the systems are larger and more complex.

    Another silence, this time tinged with...amusement? What the—

    "I think you mean when you start the human trials."

    What? Paul couldn’t keep the shock out of his voice, and he glanced around reflexively to make sure no one had overheard. The room was empty, but the interior walls were thin, something he’d do well to remember.

    That was not part of the deal, he hissed, careful to lower his voice. I was just supposed to find potential agents and pass them along after doing the preliminary testing. No one said anything about human experimentation. His gut cramped even as he said the words, not because of any moral objections, but because of the increased risk of doing such experiments. He was already sticking his neck out pretty far, risk-wise. If they wanted him to start infecting people, he was almost guaranteed to get caught.

    The terms have changed.

    No, he snapped. You can’t.

    As soon as the words were out, he realized his mistake. The man on the other end of the line laughed softly, and the menacing sound wrapped cold fingers around his heart.

    You are not in a position to bargain, his contact said, his voice lethally quiet. You will conduct human trials, or we will sever our agreement. The tone of his voice made it clear that other things would be severed as well if there were any problems.

    What about the risk of exposure? It was a long shot, but the only one Paul had left. Perhaps he could make them understand that having him conduct the experiments simply wasn’t worth the risk involved. If I’m discovered, the project is a failure.

    Then I suggest you work carefully. The words were final, and he realized any further objections would only anger the man. It wasn’t a chance worth taking.

    Resigned to his fate, he sighed quietly. How many?

    Pardon me?

    How many test subjects do you need? Best to clarify things now, so he could take care of everything at once. There would be no second chances. If this agent acted like he expected it to, the effects were going to be dramatic. People were going to panic, and it was quite possible the base would be quarantined, making it even more difficult to collect the data the group wanted. Attention would definitely be paid to this research outpost, which meant he had to work very, very carefully. It had to look like a natural event. If there was even a hint of deliberation about it, the spotlight would shine so hot and bright on the base personnel that there’d be no way for him to escape.

    But maybe that was what they wanted... The thought made his blood run cold, and he almost missed hearing the man’s reply.

    As many as possible.

    Of course, he thought. They want me to assume all the risk and get caught for my troubles. The dawning realization lit a spark of anger, warming him from the inside out. He was the perfect scapegoat for them—once he’d been caught, people would stop looking for someone to blame, which meant the Organization would be free to continue operating as before.

    Why didn’t I realize it before?

    The answer was instantaneous: money. He’d been blinded by dollar signs, and had jumped into bed with these guys for the sake of his family. Now it seemed they were going to be his downfall.

    Very well, he said, needing to get off the phone before his epiphany made him say something rash. Better for them to think nothing had changed. He didn’t need their suspicion right now—things were going to be hard enough without worrying about the group coming after him.

    Call when you have additional results. His contact disconnected without another word, and Paul put the phone in his pocket with a sigh.

    Now what? he muttered.

    Two options loomed before him, neither one particularly appealing. He could lie and say he’d tried to infect people but the agent hadn’t worked. It was a possibility. And it would keep people from finding out he worked for the group, which in turn would spare him some rather uncomfortable questions and time in prison.

    Lying wasn’t without risks, though. If the Organization found out what he’d done, they wouldn’t hesitate to take their displeasure out on his children. Just the thought of his kids in the hands of those men... He shuddered and placed a hand on his roiling stomach to quell the incipient revolt. No, he couldn’t take that chance.

    Which meant he’d have to set up the human trials.

    He thrust a hand through his hair and began to pace, his mind whirring with possible options. He’d have to try out different routes of exposure, different doses of the agent. And then somehow keep track of how people felt and when and if they developed symptoms.

    No, not people, he thought. Test subjects. Best to start depersonalizing them now, since they were nothing more than a data point from here on out.

    And he’d do well to remember it.

    Chapter 1

    Got a minute?

    Dr. Avery Thatcher glanced away from her computer monitor to find her boss, Dr. Harold Jenkins, standing in the doorway to her office. She waved him in with her free hand and swallowed her bite of yogurt before placing the spoon back in the container and pushing it to the side of her desk. Harold was a writer by nature, and every time she met with him he wound up jotting stuff down on a small notepad that she suspected was permanently attached to his palm. She’d learned early on in their working relationship to clear a space for him to use, and after five years the action was pure reflex. It was almost like a little dance, she mused now as she completed the familiar choreography.

    He shut the door, then sat and patted his jacket pocket for the ubiquitous accessory, but his hand came up empty. That was odd. Had he forgotten it?

    Avery took a closer look at her boss and for the first time noticed the fine lines of strain around his eyes and a subtle tightening at the corners of his mouth. Something was definitely up, and Avery had a sinking feeling she wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

    How are things? He asked the question mechanically, and she could tell he was merely trying to observe conversational formalities before diving into the bad news. Her heart picked up the pace as she tried to imagine what he was going to say. The latest round of budget cuts had hit her division hard, and some contractors had been released because of the shortfall. Had the Centers for Disease Control cut the funding for her position?

    The thought made her blood freeze. She loved her job as an epidemic investigator. Avery had made the unfortunate discovery during medical school that she was more interested in the diseases themselves than the actual patients. Working at the CDC had turned out to be the perfect way to combine her interest in infectious illnesses with her desire to help people. And since outbreaks occurred all over the country, she’d been sent to some pretty interesting places. It was the perfect job for her, and if she lost it... She shuddered, not even wanting to consider the possibility.

    Harold, she said, her voice calm despite her frayed nerves. Please just tell me what’s going on.

    He frowned slightly. Am I that obvious?

    She nodded and swallowed hard. Do I need to update my resume?

    Harold blinked at her, clearly taken aback by the question. No, he said slowly. Then understanding dawned. Oh, it’s nothing like that.

    All the air rushed out of her in a gust, and Avery sank back against her chair. Thank God, she said, closing her eyes. You had me going there for a moment.

    Sorry about that, he said, sounding rueful. You know you’re my best investigator. There’s no way I’m letting you go, even if I have to pay your salary myself.

    His words went a long way toward quelling her anxiety. Thank you, she said quietly. That means a lot.

    He waved away her gratitude and leaned forward. There is something I need to talk to you about, though. He glanced back at the closed door, as if to reassure himself they weren’t going to be overheard. There’s something going on in Antarctica.

    Are the penguins in trouble?

    Harold didn’t even bother to smile at her lame joke. The US has a research base there, Fort Gilmour. It’s staffed year-round, believe it or not. Something strange has popped up.

    What kind of something?

    He shook his head. Unclear at this time. But there have been several cases of an upper respiratory infection with some unusual symptoms.

    Avery felt the familiar tingle of curiosity that came every time she heard about an outbreak. Such as?

    It starts as an uncomplicated respiratory infection—cough, congestion, the usual. Some people recover, but those who don’t go on to develop strange hemorrhagic symptoms.

    Avery’s eyebrows shot up. Strange? she echoed. What exactly did that mean?

    He nodded. Rather than the diffuse, systemic symptoms we see with something like Ebola, these patients only bleed out into their lungs. They essentially wind up drowning in their own blood.

    A wave of sympathy washed over her as Harold’s words sank in. What a horrible way to die. She could picture it all too easily and shuddered. Harold saw her reaction and nodded. I know. I feel bad for them, too, he said.

    How many cases?

    Ten so far, of which four people have progressed to the hemorrhagic phase and died.

    Damn, she said softly. This bug isn’t messing around. A 40 percent mortality rate was serious business, high enough to make any self-respecting doctor lose sleep.

    It’s bad, Harold confirmed. And to make matters worse, the hospital on the research base is having to handle everything alone. Normally, they can send critical patients to South America or Australia for treatment. But given the nature of this disease, those options are closed. No one wants these patients, especially since we don’t know anything about this bug.

    That’s terrible! Outrage stiffened her spine and Avery sat upright. How can they deny advanced medical care to people who desperately need it?

    Harold shrugged. They’re happy to air-drop supplies, but no one wants to be responsible for exporting this disease. The major fear is that bringing the patients off-base would allow the agent to enter into the commercial air travel system, and then we’d have a real problem.

    He was right, Avery realized with a growing sense of horror. Even though she hated the idea of sick patients being cut off from the potentially lifesaving technologies of a major hospital, the last thing anyone wanted was a global pandemic of a hemorrhagic respiratory illness. Better to keep the sick all in one place, away from the general population.

    And a research base in Antarctica was about as isolated as you could get.

    Where do we come in? Was Harold telling her this to keep her in the loop, or was there something else going on?

    I need you to go down there and figure out what’s happening. Right now we know next to nothing. We don’t know what the disease agent is, how it’s transmitted, the incubation period, infectious dose—it’s a black box. We need answers.

    Avery nodded slowly. It was a plum assignment, the type of work she loved. But there was just one problem... Do we even have jurisdiction? This sounds like more of a thing for the World Health Organization rather than us.

    The WHO is monitoring the situation, Harold responded. But since this is happening on a US base, we get the first crack at it.

    Excitement thrummed in her belly, and Avery started making mental lists of everything she’d need to pack. When do I leave?

    Tomorrow, Harold said. And I need you to keep this assignment between you and me. Outside of a few key people, no one knows about this.

    Why the cloak-and-dagger routine? Avery was used to a certain amount of discretion with respect to her assignments, but this seemed a bit extreme.

    Harold sighed, and as his shoulders slumped he suddenly looked ten years older. A warning tingle slid down Avery’s spine, and she held her breath, waiting for his reply.

    We’re thinking this might be some kind of new influenza strain, he said, sounding almost sad. And if that’s the case... He trailed off, and Avery nodded, understanding perfectly.

    The majority of Americans thought that flu was merely a seasonal inconvenience, something to be endured rather than feared. Most of them had never even heard of the global pandemic of 1918, when between thirty and fifty million people had died from a particularly nasty strain. Since then, doctors and scientists had lived in fear of another massive outbreak, worse than the last. There had been a few false alarms over the years, but so far, humanity had managed to dodge a bullet. Still, researchers kept a close eye on influenza, and most would agree that it was just a matter of time before another virulent strain emerged to threaten the status quo. If it was happening now, panic and fear would sweep the globe faster than any virus, and the very fabric of humanity would be at risk.

    Suddenly, Harold’s caution made perfect sense.

    We are modifying response plans as we speak, working in conjunction with the WHO, Harold said softly. We all hope this isn’t flu, but we have to be prepared.

    Is the government going to cut off the base? It was a drastic measure, but if there was a chance of this bug getting out into the general population, one option would be for the government to seal off the research base until the disease burned out. If no one went in or out, there would be no chance for the agent to escape.

    Harold shook his head. Not yet. But if this does turn out to be some new, supervirulent flu...

    I know, she said softly. We’d be stuck there. Worry gnawed at the edges of her mind, dampening her earlier enthusiasm. Did she really want to take on this mess, knowing there was a possibility she’d be stranded for an indefinite amount of time?

    Her boss stared at her, sympathy welling in his eyes. You don’t have to go, he said. Given the nature of this one, I can’t force you to go to Antarctica when there’s a chance you might get stuck there.

    It’s okay, she said, dismissing the hypothetical outcome. If she focused on the potentially negative aspects of her job, she’d never be able to work again. There was always a chance she might get caught in a quarantine, or worse, get sick herself. Those were just some of the risks inherent in her line of work. She couldn’t give in to the fear and worry now, not when there was so much on the line.

    Besides, she continued, it’s not like they’d forget about us. They’d do supply drops to keep us fed.

    Harold acknowledged the point with a nod. That’s true.

    And if they do shut things down, can you imagine the hazard pay I’d earn? She winked at him, hoping to lighten the mood. It was nice of Harold to give her the option of refusal, but Avery couldn’t turn down this assignment. Identifying a new, virulent flu strain was the chance of a lifetime, and she wasn’t going to sit on the sidelines and let someone else do all the work.

    Harold smiled and shook his head. I didn’t think you’d say no, but I wanted to give you the choice all the same.

    I appreciate it. Is it just me?

    No, there will be three other people accompanying you—two nurses and a lab tech. I haven’t met any of them personally, but from what I hear they’re the best of the best.

    Avery nodded, pleased to hear about the reinforcements. If the situation was as dire as Harold believed, they’d need all the help they could get.

    He stood, and Avery did the same. I’ll get your itinerary sent over. You’ll fly to New Zealand first, and get set up with all the cold-weather gear you’ll need to survive the place.

    Oh, good. That was a load off her mind. The Centers for Disease Control was located in Atlanta, which wasn’t exactly known for winter weather. Avery didn’t think she had a coat that could handle a Chicago winter, much less the cold of Antarctica. What about medical supplies? Since the base hospital was handling everything, they probably needed a good restocking. Can we get some antiflu drugs, too, just in case?

    Harold nodded. Draw up a list of medications and supplies you want added to the manifesto. I’ll see that it gets sent to the correct people.

    Thanks, Avery said, already turning her attention back to her computer. She pulled up a blank document and started typing, knowing there was no time to waste.

    Containment suits, scrubs, respirators, bleach... Not to mention all the equipment she’d need to set up a field lab.

    Harold walked to the door, but before he opened it, he turned back to face her. Avery, he said, his voice serious.

    She glanced up, tamping down a surge of impatience at the interruption. Yes?

    Be careful out there, he said, his gray eyes solemn.

    Avery nodded, taken aback by his warning. In the five years she and Harold had been working together, he’d never once told her to be careful. For him to say so now drove home just how worried he was about the situation, and Avery felt a small weight settle on her shoulders. This case was different, she could already tell. And not just because of the exotic location.

    I will, she promised. We’ll get this thing under control and I’ll be back here bugging you before you know it.

    He tried for a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. I hope so, he said. Then he opened the door and left, closing it softly behind him.

    Three days later...

    Dr. Jones?

    The words drifted through the fog of fatigue that hung heavy over Grant’s mind. Hmm? Not his most eloquent response, but it was the best he could manage with his face half buried in the pillow.

    The plane’s landed.

    M’kay. The pillow was soft and cool under his cheek and he stretched, relishing the sensation of lying flat for the first time in days. He hadn’t caught more than a few snatches of sleep over the past week, and now that he’d managed to collapse on a bed he wasn’t going to get up unless the hospital was on fire.

    And maybe not even then.

    Dr. Jones?

    Hmm? Now he felt a flash of irritation. Why was the nurse still here? She’d delivered her message—why couldn’t she just leave him in peace so he could lapse into the coma his body so desperately needed?

    The expert from the CDC is here and wants to meet you.

    Damn. He was going to have to get up after all.

    M’kay, he muttered. He flipped onto his back, then brought his hands up to his eyes and rubbed vigorously. I’ll be right there, he called out, dismissing the messenger. She closed the door, leaving him alone again.

    Grant forced himself to sit up, knowing that if he didn’t it would be all too easy to surrender to sleep once more. But since he was the chief doctor on-base, it was his responsibility to brief the reinforcements about the situation, as he’d come to think of it. He preferred that to the more inflammatory term outbreak.

    Or apocalypse.

    He stood and forced the exhausted hamster back on the rusty wheel in his brain. Caffeine. He needed caffeine—industrial quantities of it.

    He stepped into the small adjacent bathroom and flipped on the lights, wincing at the sudden brightness. A dull throb started up behind his eyeballs, but he ignored it. He’d learned from experience that medication didn’t relieve his fatigue-induced headaches. Only sleep helped, and he wasn’t likely to get that anytime soon.

    A glance in the mirror told him he looked as rough as he felt. Too bad there wasn’t time for a shower and shave—he certainly wasn’t going to make a good first impression with his hair sticking out and a weeks’ worth of stubble on his cheeks. He sighed, dismissing the issue. With everything

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