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The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich: Change Your Beliefs About Success and Money to Create The Life You Want
The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich: Change Your Beliefs About Success and Money to Create The Life You Want
The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich: Change Your Beliefs About Success and Money to Create The Life You Want
Ebook136 pages2 hours

The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich: Change Your Beliefs About Success and Money to Create The Life You Want

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About this ebook

So often we make the mistake of committing our lives and our time to empty activities – with only small glimpses of satisfaction and fulfillment. 

  • Are you tired of wishing and hoping for a lot more money?
  • What is stopping you from earning the amount of money that you really want to earn? 
  • Do you want more out of life but aren’t sure what it is? 
  • Do you have a specific goal but don’t know how to achieve it? 
  • What keeps people stuck year after year? 
  • How and when does earning money become easy

Getting rich is an exact science. There are certain laws that govern it, and once you learn and comply with those laws, getting rich is a mathematical certainty.

Bob Proctor studied the mind, paradigms, and the universal laws of money for over sixty years. There is no one better than Bob to teach you the secret behind the Wallace Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich. He has reduced the most complicated concepts from that classic into its simplest form. The Secret of the Science of Getting Rich will give you many practical ways to apply the concepts to your life—starting today. But first, you must believe that you can attract anything you want in life.

So you must ask yourself: “What do I want? What do I really, really want?”

Discover your purpose and then apply the actual science behind The Science of Getting Rich. The secret to wealth will help you get unstuck and achieve continual forward momentum towards your dreams.

PublisherG&D Media
Release dateJun 21, 2022

Bob Proctor

Jennifer Coady Murphy has helped thousands of clients overcome infertility all over the world.

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The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich - Bob Proctor

Chapter One

Getting Rich Is Your Right— and Your Duty

When Lloyd Conant gave me that first copy of The Science of Getting Rich, my world changed entirely. I started to study and understand something that most people never understand; it remains a puzzle through their entire life.

As you go through this book, you’re going to hit on some ideas, and you’re going to think your way out of the box. You may find yourself asking, This is nuts. Does he really believe this?

We not only believe it, we are it. We live these ideas all the time. I get up very early in the morning, at 5:00 or 5:30. I start my study period, and I don’t stop, because I know that we’re dealing with an infinite source of supply. As it says in the Bible, With all thy getting get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). I don’t care how great your understanding is; it can get better.

Understanding is the polar opposite of doubt and worry. If you’re worrying and you have doubts about yourself, get understanding: that’s where it’s at. In all your getting, get understanding. You will attract it as you saturate your mind with this material; you move into that vibration.

Attraction is a secondary law. It’s not a primary law. One primary law is the law of vibration, which decrees, Everything moves; nothing rests. All the objects in the room you’re in appear to be still, but they’re moving; in fact, they’re moving so fast, they appear to be still. Your entire body is moving at such a rapid clip—at the rate of 40 million cells per second—that it too appears to be still. (You can actually photograph the energy leaving the body. Way back in 1934, in Russia, Semyon Kirlian perfected a form of photography that could do that.) We have to understand that this whole universe is operating by law, not by accident.

When I started to study this information back in 1961, I was unhappy, I was sick, I was broke. I had two months of high school, I had a bad work record, and I had a bad attitude. Yet I had the audacity to say that the authors of these books were crazy.

We tend to criticize or ridicule anything we don’t understand. Back in the early days, I couldn’t explain anything that these people were saying, so I would say it’s crazy, and I would throw it away.

At this point, I recommend that you get a pad and pen and write this down: Don’t reject anything.

Now write underneath: Don’t accept anything. You don’t have to reject something; nor do you have to accept it. The beautiful truth is, you and I have the ability to choose. You may not want to accept an idea, but don’t reject it. Consider it. Think about it. Thinking is the highest function that we’re capable of, but unfortunately we don’t do enough of it.

Reject nothing. Listen to everything. That doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Think about it, consider it.

Authors Stewart Edward White and Harwood White have observed that it’s curious how we acquire wisdom. Over and over again, the same truth is thrust under our very nose. We read it in the written word. We suffer the experiences they describe. We gradually assent to the advice, we approve intellectually, but nothing happens inside of us. Then one day, some trivial experience or word or encounter stops us short. A gleam of illumination penetrates the depths of our consciousness. A brilliant flash reveals truth fully formed, and we marvel that the understanding has escaped us for so long.

If nothing happens inside, nothing’s going to happen outside. If you want to have a more loving relationship, you’ve got to change inside. If you want your business to grow, you’ve got to change inside.

Bob Proctor’s Rules for Studying This Book:

Don’t reject anything

Don’t accept anything

Listen to everything

Think about and consider everything

Apply the ideas that make sense to you.

Napoleon Hill spent his whole life studying 500 of the world’s most accomplished individuals. He took what he learned and he wrote the laws of achievement. From these laws, he created the book Think and Grow Rich. He presented the essence of the best thinking of 500 of the world’s most accomplished individuals from 1908 to 1937—people like Henry Ford, King Gillette, and Thomas Edison. Even so, no amount of reading or memorizing is going to make you successful; it’s the understanding and application of wise

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