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Immortal War Tears of Lilith
Immortal War Tears of Lilith
Immortal War Tears of Lilith
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Immortal War Tears of Lilith

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Lilith stood upon the great mountain Atlen as she looked down upon those who served her. For a thousand years she had endured the cruel treatment of Enlil after he had created the bounty that lay below her. Her rage grew as Lilith gazed angrily at those he loved above all others, those he adored more than his own kind. The humans had taken precedence in the life of the one Lilith had loved more than life itself. Enlil had turned away from not only Lilith but all who resided within the Hall of the Gods. Tears streamed down her face as the Gods plotted against him. The War in Heaven had begun, an Immortal War that would end with no victors and no champions; only an unleashed darkness over which Lilith would have no control.

Release dateJun 2, 2022
Immortal War Tears of Lilith

Hargrove Perth

A perpetual night-owl and lover of all things paranormal related, Hargrove spends a great deal of time researching the larger than life characters of history to formulate characters unforgettable and strangely adored. She writes horror, dark romance, fantasy, and paranormal in the Adult, New Adult, and YA categories. When asked why paranormal, she said, "I'm the girl who cries at the end when Frankenstein is misunderstood, who wants Dracula to keep Mina in his arms forever... I see the humanity in them that others cannot." 2014 Author of the Year by Double Decker Books in Historical/Horror Dark Days Remy Broulette. DDBA 2015 Author of the Year YA Fantasy Miss Crabtree's School for Unnaturals, DDBA 2015 Nominee YA Fantasy Chronicle:Dark Sea Triad, and DDBA 2015 Author of the Year Horror (comedic) Coven Wives.

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    Immortal War Tears of Lilith - Hargrove Perth

    Immortal War

    The Tears of Lilith

    Hargrove Perth

    Immortal War The Tears of Lilith

    Copyright:2011  Hargrove Perth

    No part of this book may be reproduced without the author’s consent and is protected by the Berne Convention Digital Copyright act of 1988.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: The War in Heaven

    Chapter 2: Lilith Rises

    Chapter 3: The Fall from Grace

    Chapter 4: Death of a Prince

    Chapter 5: The Arrival of Liadan

    Chapter 6: A Prophecy Written in Blood

    Chapter 7: The Tree of Woe

    Chapter 8: The Creation of Ari

    Chapter 9: Shadows

    Chapter 10: Lover’s Quarrel

    Chapter 11: The Catacombs of the Firenzeans

    Chapter 12: The Second War Rages

    Chapter 13: The Gift of the Seal

    Chapter 14: Mayhem Abounds

    Chapter 15: The Resurrection of Tiamat

    Chapter 16: Vengeance

    Chapter 17: The Gift of Lugal Erra

    Chapter 18: The Beginning of the End

    Chapter 18: Death’s Warm Embrace

    Chapter 20: Solitude


    Reference List of the Gods

    Research Reference



    Lilith stood upon the great mountain Atlen as she looked down upon those who served her. For a thousand years she had endured the cruel treatment of Enlil after he had created the bounty that lay below her. Her rage grew as Lilith gazed angrily at those he loved above all others, those he adored more than his own kind. The humans had taken precedence in the life of the one Lilith had loved more than life itself. Enlil had turned away from not only Lilith but all who resided within the Hall of the Gods. Tears streamed down her face as the Gods plotted against him. The War in Heaven had begun, an Immortal War that would end with, no victors, and no champions; only an unleashed darkness over which Lilith would have no control.



    Every writing endeavor has one person behind the scenes whose encouragement inspires the pursuit. This book is dedicated to Kelli Johmson for all the countless times she encouraged me to continue my work on this novel and for her undying support of all my printed works. Thank you for your friendship.

    Chapter One

    The War in Heaven


    The soft breeze of summer blew across the fields causing the tall grass to sway gently. The world below her had only been formed for two days, yet it was breathtakingly beautiful. Lilith looked down on the creation of her beloved Enlil and wept over its beauty.

    Her tears were not only for the beauty of the world he had created beneath her; but also for the world they had lost. Lilith’s heart was heavy with the memories of their homeland and those who had perished there. She wondered in silence if the other Gods felt the same as she did. Had they dabbled in the nature of things they should have left alone? Now their home was uninhabitable, a virtual wasteland, and had become a desolate, fiery, red planet which was crumbling.

    The deaths were so senseless, without meaning. They darkened her ability to remain optimistic for what laid ahead of them. Lilith had once pleaded with Enlil to not create the tiny creatures he desired. She told him what he asked of her was dangerous, that they would not be able to withstand the gift that she alone could give them. Enlil became obsessed with his current whim and Lilith’s words were like the wind to him.

    Over the next several days, Enlil created the animals over which Enlil would give Lilith reign and it pleased her. She watched the many creatures that now roamed her lover’s newly created world and rejoiced. The animals were varied and completed each other. Predator and prey coexisted peacefully without malice. Perhaps they could live here and be happy. Perhaps they would not repeat the mistakes of their past.

    The original home of the Gods was very similar to the one Enlil had created on Earth. All manners of wondrous beasts had roamed freely. Ice glistened on the mountain on which the Gods dwelled and rivers flowed in the valleys below them. The soft and lush world they came to love flourished under the care of Lilith. In her happiness, flowers grew beneath her feet as she walked through the valley of the home he created for her. Enlil was so pleased at Lilith’s happiness he erected a magnificent temple in Lilith’s honor. It was a Ziggurat which had an elaborately carved relief of her face so that he could behold her beauty. He had told Lilith it was so he could see her effigy from Heaven. That was now all in the past. Her temple lied in ruins, barely recognizable to those who did not know what it was. All that remained of her beautiful temple was the shadowy outline of face in the red desert sand.

    Enlil grieved for the humans who had perished in their former homeland. His grief was so deep he retreated from the other Gods. He no longer showed Lilith the affection he once had. She grew lonely in his long absences. Her heart longed for love and to be loved the same as any other woman. Enlil was the most beautiful of all the Gods in Lilith’s eyes. She desired him and him alone. Enlil’s father, the great sky-god An, disappeared into the primeval darkness when his son had killed all that he had created on their former homeland. Many centuries would pass before An would be seen again.

    Enlil was sometimes cruel to Lilith. When he decided he wanted to have a child to stand at his side and help him to rule his new race of beings, he did not choose Lilith to be his consort. When Enlil’s throne bearer and sacred attendant learned about Enlil’s plan to create the nighttime sky and have a son with Ninlil, it was Ennugi who took Lilith away to prevent her destructive rage. Lilith was so distraught over the union of her only love with another Goddess she unleashed her rage upon any God within her path. Lilith had helped Enlil to separate Heaven from Earth so that the Heavens could be formed. As the first Goddess, the Goddess born of primeval darkness, it was her right to become Enlil’s wife. Ennugi knew Lilith would become filled with rage at hearing the news and feared for the other Gods, so he took her to the Great Mountain Atlen on the newly formed land beneath them. Ennugi knew Lilith’s temper was formidable and vengeful, but she was also quick to grant forgiveness.

    While Lilith contemplated her place in the new world Enlil had created, Ninlil gave birth to a beautiful son whom they named Nanna. Eventually Lilith came to love him as though he were her own child and lavished him with many gifts including creating the moon that now graced the night sky of their new home. Each night as she lay in the cool grass of the mountain, Lilith would gaze upon the beauty of the moon above her. The beauty of the luminous sphere gave her a sense of peace that she had not known in many years

    Enlil had a fondness for the humans he had once created that lived on the planet they called their home so long ago. The more obsessed he became with creating humans on their new home, the less attention he paid to Lilith. She could not understand his fascination with these tiny creatures he created in his own image. They were small and insignificant compared to the Gods. For some reason that Lilith could not understand, they made Enlil happy. Therefore, Lilith consented to his whim and said nothing when he announced to the other Gods that he wished to create the same human race on Earth. Perhaps if she supported him in his creation of these tiny creatures, he could once again love her.

    The other Gods did not agree with Enlil’s decision to re-create the humans and soon the Gods were divided. Inanna, Enlil’s granddaughter, was quick to take his side in the battle over the humans. Inanna was going to be given a new title, and she was not about to allow the other Gods to take it away from her. For nearly a millennia she had been the Goddess of War, creating havoc in the Heaven’s, but Enlil now wished her to become a mother Goddess to his race of humans. It was not a title she was willing to let slip through her fingers.

    Inanna was as beautiful as the sun and her wings were as strong and graceful as any eagle. Her long flowing white gowns reminded Lilith of the moon which she had created for her father, Nanna, so many years ago. The trait that Lilith had admired about Inanna the most, her fierce warrior aspect, was now what she was eagerly willing to abandon in order to serve the humans. However, not all the Gods were so pleased with Enlil’s latest endeavor, and they conspired against him; including Ninlil and Enlil’s second born son Nergal.

    Nergal and Lilith were very close. She admired his strength and masculinity. His muscular physique was perfect. He wielded a double-edged mace-scimitar which was embellished with lions to honor Lilith. Lions were among Lilith’s favorite creatures on their new home planet; it was Nergal’s way of showing his appreciation toward her. Nergal had never agreed with the way Enlil toyed with Lilith’s affections. He knew how deep Lilith’s love for his father ran and did not approve of how he used Lilith for his own personal motives. For his loyalty to her, Lilith granted Nergal the power over sudden death, plagues, and made him the Ruler of the Underworld. Nergal was the first to stand against Enlil as the War of the Immortals began.

    Nergal desperately desired Lilith to side with him, as the battle was set into motion. He wanted Lilith to be free of the hold his father had over her and for Lilith to be a Goddess of her freewill so that she might find love.

    I cannot betray the love I have for your father. I will not stand against Enlil, Lilith said firmly as Nergal approached her.

    I cannot understand why you support him when he has done nothing but cause you pain. You have loved him above all others and forsaken your own happiness just to be near him. He holds the humans in higher regard than he does his own kind and his own children! Nergal said angrily.

    I cannot go against the one I love, and until he gives me reason to not support him, I shall remain neutral. I cannot take sides in this war Nergal, no matter how much it pains me to be unable to stand with you. I love your father, and I cannot go against him, Lilith said as she touched Nergal’s face and stroked his beard.

    Nergal closed his eyes and nodded his head in reluctant acceptance though he could not understand Lilith’s reasoning given how his father treated her. Lilith could soothe the heart of any God or human just by merely touching them. Nergal felt the depth of the love she had for his father in her touch and could not be angry with her.

    Please understand I must do what I feel in my heart is necessary. I only ask that you do not interfere as I approach the other Gods. I too must follow my heart Lilith, Nergal whispered as he backed away from Lilith and disappeared.

    Nergal appealed to the other Gods to help him overthrow his father and stop him from making the same mistake he had before in the further creation of the human race. He called to Ningal and asked the River Goddess to weave a mist and enshroud the heavens so that the world below would not be able to see the war in heaven. Since Ningal was one of the many lovers of Nergal’s brother Nanna, she agreed to help him with his quest. Ningal called upon Ningirama to aid her with his magic. Together they wove a golden mist that wove its way through the Heavens and obscured them from the few humans in existence below.

    It pleased Nergal that his mother stood beside him as the war began. Ninlil too was angry with Enlil and his preferential treatment of the humans. Were the Gods not the most beautiful creatures to ever inhabit the Heavens? It struck Nergal as strange that his mother would agree with Lilith. It also puzzled him why Lilith would not stand against Enlil when even his mother agreed with him. She knew how deep the love for Enlil was within Lilith’s heart. She had also seen the cruelty in his ways when he neared Lilith. Lilith was a strong Goddess; but when it came to Enlil she was weak. This angered Ninlil, not for the weakness Lilith had in her desire for love, but in the fact that Enlil abused Lilith’s love for him.

    Ninlil raised her arms and drew the golden mist to concel them. The chariots of the Gods rolled across the battlefield in front of Ninlil to prepare for war. In the sorrow Ninlil felt in her heart, she lowered her head and closed her eyes. Perhaps today his cruelty toward them would end.

    For forty days, the Heavens were enshrouded in a dense, dark mist which hid the actions of Nergal as he gathered the Gods against his father. Nergal enlisted the aid of Mes An Du and Sara, Inanna’s son, to help him defeat his father. When the end of forty days came, Nergal, Mes An Du, and Sara stood with over one hundred lesser Gods ready to make war against Enlil. Belet-Seri stood on the edge of the battlefield, her tablet readied to record those who fell so that they might be granted entrance into the Underworld.

    When the mist lifted, the War of the Immortals began. Nergal, Mes An Du, and Sara stood against the minions of Enlil. Nergal twirled his battleax in his hands as the followers of Enlil approached. The first lessor God to attack Nergal was met with the swift strike of his ax. Sara smiled as the lessor God was cleaved in half by Nergal’s mighty strike. Sara desired carnage above even life and desired to be the sole God to one day insight war among the humans when the time came. The sounds of battle roared across the Heavens. The class of steel was heard between the screams of the wounded. Lilith covered her ears and wept at sounds of fellow kinsmen dying.

    Lilith descended to the Great Mountain Atlen and watched the battle unfold with tears in her eyes. Though she could be vengeful and spiteful, Lilith had more love in her heart than any of the other Gods combined. She prayed her one and only true love, Enlil, would not be killed in the battle. What Lilith did not know was it would be but one of many wars fought for the control of Heaven over the millennia.

    The skies grew dark and the clash of armor was echoed across the Heavens above her. It rolled across the Heavens and made what the humans called thunder. They did not understand the sounds they heard were their Gods at war, or that the rain which fell were the tears of those who served the Gods as they cried in anguish. The clash of their weapons caused lightning to flash across the nighttime sky, illuminating the battlefields of the Gods as they fought.

    Nergal led the battle against his father. Mes An Du, Sara, and Mes Lam Taea shone brilliantly behind Nergal, blinding the other Gods to conceal Nergal’s identity. The mighty War God Erra joined them in battle unleashing a fury against Enlil and his followers.

    Each day the thunder would stop, along with the rain and the lightning. The Gods would gather their wounded along with their dead from the battleground of the Heavens. There were times when months would pass before the War of the Immortals would begin again. Lilith watched the humans as they cowered and hid from the sound of the battle above them. They were such frail and superstitious creatures. The more she was near them, the harder it was for her to understand how Enlil could love them more than his own kind, more than his own children.

    Again, the war began. Lilith ascended to the Heavens to watch the battle unfold first hand. Nergal and his supporters had suffered many casualties. Enlil re-animated the fallen and called them to him, which gave him an unfair advantage over Nergal and his warriors. Enlil now fought with an unstoppable army. An army of cursed lessor Gods called the Jhinn who he forced to do his will. Lilith did not feel the balance was fair nor could she believe that Enlil would do this to his own son. The mighty God Erra and the Sebitti along with Sara were not enough to give Nergal the advantage he needed as he fought against this father and his deceitful ways. Lilith stepped in front of Nergal as he cleaned his mace and pleaded with him.

    You cannot win this war. He uses his power to his advantage, Lilith said as she laid her hands upon Nergal’s chest. She did not want Nergal to continue a battle she knew he could never win. Lilith knew in her heart it could be thousands of years before Nergal could gain ground against Enlil.

    Then give me the advantage that only you can give, Nergal replied as he dropped the mace from his hand.

    You do not know what you ask Nergal. To take from me is to take darkness into your heart. I cannot be responsible for what happens if you do so. You know what happened the last time I intervened. Our homeland fell to ruins, human turned against human, and mankind exterminated itself, Lilith whispered.

    Lilith understood her place among the Gods. She was balance for without darkness there could be no light. Though Lilith was not completely dark in nature, and did possess light within her, it was not the core of her being. Lilith was the balance that kept the Heavens in their rightful place. She kept the balance between the Gods. It was her place to remain neutral and let freewill lead their fates. Lilith had interfered only once before at the insistence of another. It had resulted in the death of every single living being on their homeworld. She could not make that same mistake again. Her blood gave any immortal unparalleled strength along with many other dark gifts. Lilith was the only Goddess who possessed within her all the traits of every single God and Goddess within the Heavens, and that in itself was very dangerous. Lilith, the firstborn Goddess, was the purest source of vampire, the purest source of darkness, and the purest source of love.

    Lilith watched the battle continue to unfold before her eyes. Enlil had lied to all of them. This new world they called their home was not for them to rebuild their lives as he had said. It was a place where he could put himself in the place of supreme ruler with the humans as his loyal and dedicated subjects. They would honor him not only as a King but also as their God. He would descend upon Sumeria and place his descendants as their Kings. He would give to them the sacred knowledge of the Well of Velspruga and allow them offences so that he could judge them. They, in turn, would offer him blood sacrifices and give their daughters and their

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