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Zero Arabic Grammar 1, Lower Arabic Beginner Course: Arabic Language, #1
Zero Arabic Grammar 1, Lower Arabic Beginner Course: Arabic Language, #1
Zero Arabic Grammar 1, Lower Arabic Beginner Course: Arabic Language, #1
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Zero Arabic Grammar 1, Lower Arabic Beginner Course: Arabic Language, #1

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About this ebook

Enhance you Arabic language by building proper sentence and lessons simplified and explained by experts


Do you know that Arabic language alphabets and words has no strokes or taskeel, this is because the Arabic words are fix, the taskeel only changes in a sentence. But when you are speaking you don't have to articulate the taskeel.

In this book, we made it easy for you to understand and articulate the taskeel for you to learn the Grammar concepts.  with easy learning of this Grammar program for lower beginners,it is a helpful book to build proper sentence in Arabic.


Who should read this Book?

This book is written for lower beginner Arabic students

The reader needs to know some Arabic alphabets


Features of Grammar Arabic book

  1. Transliteration line per line for easy reading
  2. Translated to English 
  3. Explanation by Experts
  4. Lots of examples and practical exercises


What's the benefit of acquiring Arabic grammar skills?

Some students taking the Arabic language course become confused especially in Grammar, however this book has lots of examples, clear explanation.

Transliteration of Arabic plus translation of the Arabic phrase. 


Contents of this Arabic Grammar 1 book:

  1. Demonstratives
  2. Relatives 
  3. Prepositions 
  4. Question Tools 
  5. Negation Tools 
  6. Exceptions 
  7. Adjectives 
  8. Kana & its sisters 
  9. Enna & its sisters 
  10. The Past Tense 


Features of this book:

1. Lots of exercises, and loaded with answer 


2. English Translation

Release dateJun 11, 2022
Zero Arabic Grammar 1, Lower Arabic Beginner Course: Arabic Language, #1

Mohd Mursalin Saad

"The author of this book, writes and narrates his foreign langauge books. have lots of expereinced teaching foreign students from zero. They studied foreign language at colleges and foreign affairs department. Passionate about writing, narrating and graphic designs".  He feels that learning foreign language should be taught in schools to equip students with interacial harmony and understanding other people to create peace and humanity.

Read more from Mohd Mursalin Saad

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    Book preview

    Zero Arabic Grammar 1, Lower Arabic Beginner Course - Mohd Mursalin Saad


    Sub-Tittle: Lower Arabic Beginner Course


    A Word of Appreciation

    To the following special people who supported this project:

    Author: Mohd Mursalin Sa’ad

    To My family

    My beloved spouse

    Khairunnisa Ahmadi

    My children

    Syahmul Aziz

    Sakinah Shamsul


    Sadiq Razali

    Ahmad shauqi

    Siti Nora Jais

    Shakir Nafis

    Table of Contents

    كِتَابُ النَّحْو

    (Grammar Book)

    1)  أسْمَاءُ الإشَارَةِ Demonstratives

    2)  الأسْمَاءُ المَوْصُولَةُRelatives

    3)  حُرُوفُ الجَرِّ  Prepositions

    4)  َدَوَاتُ الِاسْتِفْهامِInterrogative Particles

    5)  أَدَوَاتُ النَّفْيِ Negation Tools

    6)  الإسْتِثْنَاءُExceptions

    7)  النَّعْت Adjectives

    8)  كَانَ وَأَخَوَاتُهَا Incomplete verbs

    9)  إنَّ وأخَوَاتُهَا Particle in-na

    10)  الفِعْل المَاضِيThe Past Tense

    11)  فيديو Video Links

    12)  الإجابة Answer Sheet


    I took an Arabic full-time course

    The course was frusting for me, personally because I don’t have an Arabic language background in my school days, however taking the course was quite challenging to me. I didn’t understand much about grammar and worse yet, I couldn’t speak much the Arabic language, but I am determined to master it.

    I decided to take a big risk by giving up my job as a computer operator in one of the big firms using the mainframe system, extracting oil images from disk. That was indeed history. As shifu kung fu panda says it: Yesterday is history, today is a gift and tomorrow is mystery. Ain’t that words blow your mind off.

    Well, the reason is simple; you change your history and destiny is in your hands.

    What’s in this book?

    Naturally, our basic topic is Arabic Grammar, and the sound of the phrase makes you say to yourself, what not again, I can’t bear this anymore.

    You see, knowing the Arabic grammar is the fundamentals of a vast knowledge, especially the ability to understand newspapers, magazines and best of all the spoken language of experts in Arabic.

    You have a great opportunity open up to you, maybe as a journalist, politician and if you like it, you could even teach Arabic in the university and college in your state. Isn’t that awesome, An Englsih native speaker able to speak Arabic proficiently?

    Behind the book are some youtube videos which will add to your understanding of the Arabic grammar. Let’s dive into the lessons!

    Unit 1 Demonstratives


    أسْمَاءُ الإشَارَةِ

    Asmaa`o Al`esharate


    Let’s observe the demonstrative nouns; it is just the same grammar used in English. However, Arabic has many more demonstratives than English due to the difference between the masculine (المُذَكَّر) form and the feminine (المُؤنَّث) form, and due to the dual case.

    Demonstrative (this, that, these, those) point to and identify a noun or pronoun. In standard Arabic, the demonstrative pronoun comes before the noun it refers to. Let’s observe some examples below.

    Please do take note that; the demonstrative noun agrees with the noun it refers to in number, gender and case.

    The examples below show the demonstrative nouns for things that are near to you, such as;

    This house هذَا البَيْتُ

    Since (the house) is masculine, it needs to follow the same guidelines by inserting the demonstrative (this) at the front of the house.

    How about the feminine noun?

    This tree هذِهِ الشَجَرَة   when the noun is feminine tree the demonstrative needs to follow the same format that is the feminine form.

    * Note that all plural non-living things are grammatially treated as feminine, and this applies to demonstrative pronouns (as well as other things like adjectives).

    * هذَان masculine is used with nouns in the nominative case (المَرْفُوْع); هذَيْنِ is used with nouns in the genitive and accusative cases (المَجْرُوْر والمَنْصُوْب).

    * هتَانِ feminine is used with nouns in the nominative case (المَرْفُوْع); هتَيْنِ is used with nouns in the genitive and accusative cases (المَجْرُوْر والمَنْصُوْب).

    Let’s observe some examples:

    Nominative case

    These two boys are hard working.

    هَذَانِ الوَلدَانِ مُجْتَهِدَانِ

    These two feminine clerks are in the office.

    هتَانِ المُوَظَّفَـتَانِ فِي اْلإِدَارَةِ

    Genitive case

    I am holding these two pens

    أَنَا أَمْسِكُ هَذَيْنِ قَلَمَيْنِ


    I saw these two ladies talking

    أَنَا أَرَى هَتَيْنِ المَرْأَتَيْنِ تَحَدَّثَـتَانِ





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