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Human Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis: For Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Environments
Human Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis: For Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Environments
Human Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis: For Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Environments
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Human Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis: For Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Environments

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About this ebook

The book first defines the problems, various concepts and notions related to activity recognition, and introduces the fundamental rationale and state-of-the-art methodologies and approaches. It then describes the use of artificial intelligence techniques and advanced knowledge technologies for the modelling and lifecycle analysis of human activities and behaviours based on real-time sensing observations from sensor networks and the Internet of Things. It also covers inference and decision-support methods and mechanisms, as well as personalization and adaptation techniques, which are required for emerging smart human-machine pervasive systems, such as self-management and assistive technologies in smart healthcare. Each chapter includes theoretical background, technological underpinnings and practical implementation, and step-by-step information on how to address and solve specific problems in topical areas.

This monograph can be used as a textbook for postgraduate and PhD students on courses such as computer systems, pervasive computing, data analytics and digital health. It is also a valuable research reference resource for postdoctoral candidates and academics in relevant research and application domains, such as data analytics, smart cities, smart energy, and smart healthcare, to name but a few. Moreover, it offers smart technology and application developers practical insights into the use of activity recognition and behaviour analysis in state-of-the-art cyber-physical systems. Lastly, it provides healthcare solution developers and providers with information about the opportunities and possible innovative solutions for personalized healthcare and stratified medicine.

Release dateJun 11, 2019
Human Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis: For Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Environments

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    Human Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis - Liming Chen

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

    Liming Chen and Chris D.  NugentHuman Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis

    1. Introduction

    Liming Chen¹   and Chris D. Nugent²


    School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK


    School of Computing, Ulster University, Belfast, UK

    Liming Chen

    Email: [email protected]

    1.1 Background

    Recent advances in sensing technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), pervasive computing, smart environments have transformed traditional embedded Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems into an ecosystem of interconnected and collaborating smart objects, devices, embedded systems and most importantly humans. Such systems, often referred to as cyber-physical systems (CPS), are usually human user-driven or user–centred, and are aimed at providing people and businesses with a wide range of innovative applications and services, e.g. making smarter, more intelligent, more energy-efficient and more comfortable our transport systems, cars, factories, hospitals, offices, homes, cities and personal devices. For example, a Smart Home can monitor and analyse the daily activities of its inhabitants, usually the elderly or individuals with disabilities, so that personalised context-aware assistance can be provided. A Smart City can monitor, manage and control all basic city functionalities such as transport, energy supply and waste collection, at a higher level of automation by collecting and harnessing sensor data across the larger geographic expanse.

    In order to respond in real-time to an individual user’s specific needs in dynamic and complex situations and support ergonomic and user-friendliness taking into various human factors such as privacy, dignity and behaviour characteristics, cyber-physical human-machine systems need to be aware of the physical environment and human participants’ behaviour. This awareness enables effective and fast feedback loops between sensing and actuation, possibly with cognitive and learning capabilities adapting to the participants’ preferences, capabilities and the modality of human-machine interaction as well as dynamic situations. At this moment, vigorous research on cyber-physical human-machine systems and their applications have been undertaken in various national, regional and international research initiatives and programs. These include the smart home for supporting active and healthy ageing, and smart cities to enhance performance and wellbeing, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens. A whole raft of heterogeneous computing technologies providing fragments of the necessary functionality, e.g. sensor networks, data analytics, artificial intelligence, pervasive computing, human-computer interaction, has been developed. Nevertheless, to support the core features of this new breed of smart cyber-physical applications with context-awareness, personalisation and adaptation, computational agents, devices and the overall human-machine systems should be activity and goal aware as well as responsive to changes. The collection, modelling, representation and interpretation of the states, events and behaviours happened between human participants and both physical and software agents/devices situated in a cyber-physical integrated environment need to be carried out in a formal systematic way and at a higher level of abstraction. This will facilitate data fusion and joint interpretation based on multiple dimensions of observations (e.g., environment context, human physical activities and mental or system states) as well as longitudinal pattern recognition.

    Over the past decade, the modelling, representation, interpretation and usage of sensor observations have constantly shifted from low-level raw observation data and their direct/hardwired usage, data aggregation and fusion, to high-level formal context modelling and context-based computing. It is envisioned that this trend will continue towards a further higher level of abstraction, allowing situation, activity and goal modelling, representation and inference. The resulting technologies will thus enable and support user-centred functionality, ergonomics and usability in the next generation of smart cyber-physical applications.

    Human activity recognition (HAR) is key to the successful realisation of intelligent cyber-physical systems. This relates to the fact that activities in a pervasive environment provide important contextual information and any intelligent behaviour of situated CPSs within the environment must be relevant to the user’s context and ongoing activities. As such, HAR has become one of the most important research topics for a variety of problem domains, including pervasive and mobile computing [1], surveillance-based security [2], context-aware computing [3] and ambient assistive living [4]. With the prevalence of the underlying technologies, e.g. IoT, data analytics, artificial intelligence, HCI and pervasive computing, and the acceptance and industry-level uptake of the new wave of CPS applications in smart healthcare, smart cities, intelligent transport and energy, it becomes increasingly apparent that activity recognition and computational behaviour analysis will play a decisive role in the future smart CPSs.

    1.2 Basic Concepts on Activity Recognition

    1.2.1 Action and Activity

    Before we embark on an in-depth discussion on activity monitoring, modelling and recognition, it is useful to distinguish human behaviours at different levels of granularity. For physical behaviours, the terms action and activity are commonly used in activity recognition communities. In some cases, they are used interchangeably and in other cases they are used to denote behaviours of different complexity and duration. In the latter cases the term action is usually referred to as simple ambulatory behaviour executed by a single person and typically lasting for a very short duration of time. Examples of actions include bending, retrieving a cup from a cupboard, opening a door, putting a teabag into a cup, etc. On the other hand, the term activity here refers to complex behaviours consisting of a sequence of actions and/or interleaving or overlapping actions. They could be performed by a single human or several humans who are required to interact with each other in a constrained manner. They are typically characterized by much longer temporal durations, such as making tea or two persons making meals. As one activity can contain only one action, there will be no cut-off boundary between these two behaviour categories. Nevertheless, this simple categorization provides a baseline on the concept of action and activity for the discussions in this book.

    Activities can be performed in many contexts. A single person can perform a single activity sequentially or multiple activities in a sequential, concurrent, interwoven or parallel manner. On the other hand, multiple people can perform a single activity or multiple activities in a sequential, concurrent, interwoven or parallel manner in a shared space, independently or in collaboration. Figure 1.1 show a rough hierarchical structure for categorising human activities in terms of the numbers of involved users and activities.


    Fig. 1.1

    Activity classification: a single-user composite activity, b multiple user composite activity

    1.2.2 Activity Recognition

    Activity recognition is the process whereby a person’s behaviour and his/her situated environment are monitored and analysed to infer the undergoing activities. It comprises many different tasks, namely activity modelling, behaviour and environment monitoring, data processing and pattern recognition. To perform activity recognition, it is, therefore, necessary to:


    choose and deploy appropriate sensors to objects and environments in order to monitor and capture a user’s behaviour along with the state change of the environment;


    create computational activity models in a way that allows software systems/agents to conduct reasoning and manipulation;


    collect, manage and process perceived information through aggregation and fusion to generate a high-level abstraction of context or situation;


    design and develop reasoning algorithms to infer activities from collected sensor data;


    carry out pattern recognition to determine the performed activity.

    Researchers from different application domains have investigated activity recognition for the past two decades by developing a diversity of approaches and techniques for each of these core tasks. It is often the case that the selection of a method used for one task is dependent on the method of another task(s), which will be closely examined and studied in the remaining of this book.

    These concepts about action, activity, the way of performing activities and the characterisation of activity recognition tasks discussed above provide a basic conceptualisation and clarity for the discussions in this chapter and the rest of this book.

    1.3 Activity Recognition Approaches

    Monitoring an actor’s behaviour along with changes in the environment is a critical task in activity recognition. This monitoring process is responsible for capturing relevant contextual information for activity recognition systems to infer an actor’s activity. In terms of the way and data type of these monitoring facilities, there are currently two main activity recognition approaches; vision-based activity recognition and sensor-based activity recognition.

    1.3.1 Vision-Based Activity Recognition

    Vision-based activity recognition uses visual sensing facilities, e.g., camera-based surveillance systems, to monitor a person’s behaviour and its environment changes. The generated sensor data are video sequences or digitized visual data. The approaches in this category exploit computer vision techniques, including feature extraction, structural modelling, movement segmentation, action extraction and movement tracking to analyse visual observations for pattern recognition. Vision-based activity recognition has been a research focus for a long period of time due to its important role in areas such as human-computer interaction, user interface design, robot learning and surveillance. Researchers have used a wide variety of modalities, such as single camera, stereo and infrared, to capture activity contexts. In addition, they have investigated a number of application scenarios, e.g., single actor or group tracking and recognition.

    Vision-based activity recognition has been a research focus for a long period of time due to its important role in areas such as surveillance, robot learning and anti-terrorist security. Researchers have used a wide variety of modalities, such as a single or multi-camera, stereo and infra-red, to investigate a diversity of application scenarios, for single or groups of individuals. Several survey papers about vision-based activity recognition have been published over the years. Aggarwal and Cai [5] discuss the three important sub-problems of an action recognition system extraction of human body structure from images, tracking across frames, and action recognition. Cedras and Shah [6] present a survey on motion-based approaches to recognition as opposed to structure-based approaches. Gavrila [7] and Poppe [8] present surveys mainly on tracking human movement via 2D or 3D models and the enabled action recognition techniques. Moeslund et al. [9] presents a survey of problems and approaches in human motion capture, tracking, pose estimation, and activity recognition. Yilmaz et al. [10] and Weinland et al. [11] present surveys of tracking objects for action recognition. More recently, Turaga et al. [2] and Aggarwal et al. [12] present surveys focusing on high-level representation of complex activities and corresponding recognition techniques. Together these works have provided an extensive overview on the vision-based approach. Given these existing works, this chapter will not review research on vision-based activity recognition. However, it is worth pointing out that while visual monitoring is intuitive and information-rich, vision-based activity recognition suffers from issues relating to privacy and ethics [10] as cameras are generally perceived as recording devices. Compared with the number of surveys in vision-based activity recognition and considering the wealth of literature in sensor-based activity recognition, there is a lack of extensive review on the state of the art of sensor-based activity recognition. This may be because the approach only, recently, became feasible when the sensing technologies matured to be realistically deployable in terms of the underpinning communication infrastructure, costs, and sizes.

    It is worth pointing out that while visual monitoring is intuitive, information-rich, and considerable work has been undertaken and significant progress has been made, vision-based activity recognition approaches suffer from issues related to scalability and reusability due to the complexity of real-world settings, e.g., highly varied activities in the natural environment. In addition, as cameras are generally used as recording devices, the invasiveness of this approach as well as privacy and ethics concerns as perceived by some also prevent it from large-scale uptake in some applications, in particular, in home environments.

    1.3.2 Sensor-Based Activity Recognition

    Sensor-based activity recognition is to use the emerging sensor network technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), and smart devices for activity monitoring. The generated sensor data from sensor-based monitoring are mainly time series of state changes and/or various parameter values that are usually processed through data fusion, probabilistic or statistical analysis methods and formal knowledge technologies for activity recognition. A wide range of sensors, including contact sensors, RFID, accelerometers, audio and motion detectors, to name but a few, are available for activity monitoring. These sensors are different in types, purposes, output signals, underpinning theoretical principles and technical infrastructure. Sensors can be attached to either an actor under observation or objects that constitute the environment. Sensors attached to humans, i.e., wearable sensors, often use inertial measurement units (e.g. accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers), vital sign processing devices (heart rate, temperature) and RFID tags to gather a person’s behavioural information. Activity recognition based on wearable sensors has been extensively used in the recognition of human physical movements characterised by a distinct, periodic motion pattern such as physical exercises, walking, running, sitting down/up, climbing.

    The wearable sensor-based approach is effective and relatively inexpensive for data acquisition and activity recognition for certain types of human activities, mainly human physical movements. Nevertheless, it suffers from two drawbacks. Firstly, most wearable sensors are not applicable in real-world application scenarios due to technical issues such as size, ease of use and battery life in conjunction with the general issue of acceptability or willingness of the user to wear them. Secondly, many activities in real-world situations involve complex physical motions and complex interactions with the environment. Sensor observations from wearable sensors alone may not be able to differentiate activities involving simple physical movements, e.g., making tea and making coffee. To address these issues, object-based activity recognition has emerged as one mainstream approach. The approach is based on real-world observations that activities are characterised by the objects that are manipulated during their operations. Simple sensors can often provide powerful clues about the activity being undertaken. As such, it is assumed that activities can be recognised from sensor data that monitor human interactions with objects in the environment.

    Sensors attached to an object within an environment, namely ambient sensors are used to infer activities by monitoring human-object interactions through the usage of multiple multi-modal miniaturized sensors. As such, this approach is often referred to as dense sensing as it involves in the use of many ambient sensors. It is particularly suitable for dealing with activities that involve a number of objects within an environment. Research on this approach has been driven by the intensive research interest and huge research effort on smart home based assistive living, such as the EU’s Active Assisted Living (AAL) program. In particular, sensor-based activity recognition can better address sensitive issues in assisted living such as privacy, ethics and obtrusiveness than conventional vision-based approaches. This combination of application needs, and technological advantages has stimulated considerable research activities in a global scale, which gave rise to a large number of research projects, including the House_n [13], CASAS [26], Gator-Tech [14], inHaus [15], AwareHome [16], DOMUS [17] and iDorm [18] projects, to name but a few. As a result of the wave of intensive investigation, there have seen a plethora of impressive works on sensor-based activity recognition in the past several years [19, 20].

    Object-based activity recognition has attracted increasing attention as low-cost low-power intelligent sensors, wireless communication networks and pervasive computing infrastructures become technically mature and financially affordable. It has been, in particular, under vigorous investigation in the creation of intelligent pervasive environments for ambient assisted living (AAL), i.e., the SH paradigm. Sensors in a SH can monitor an inhabitant’s movements and environmental events so that assistive agents can infer the undergoing activities based on the sensor observations, thus providing just-in-time context-aware ADL assistance. For instance, a switch sensor in the bed can strongly suggest sleeping, and pressure mat sensors can be used for tracking the movement and position of people within the environment.

    It is worth pointing out that the approaches described above may be suitable for different applications because the sensing devices come in different in size, weights, cost, measurement, mechanism, software, and communication and battery life. Taking this into account it is not possible to claim that one approach is superior to the other. The suitability and performance in the end, is down to the nature of the type of activities being assessed and the characteristics of the concrete applications. In most cases, they are complementary and can be used in combination in order to yield optimal recognition results.

    1.4 Activity Recognition Methods

    Activity recognition methods can be broadly divided into two major categories. The first one is based on data mining and machine learning techniques while the second strand of methods is based on priori domain knowledge and logical modelling and reasoning. The former is usually referred to as data-driven approach, and the latter as knowledge-driven approach. Both are elaborated below.

    1.4.1 Data-Driven Activity Recognition

    Data-driven methods for activity recognition include supervised and unsupervised learning methods, which primarily use probabilistic and statistical reasoning. Supervised learning requires the use of labelled data upon which an algorithm is trained. Following training the algorithm is then able to classify unknown data. The general procedure using a supervised learning algorithm for activity recognition includes several steps, namely, (1) to acquire sensor data representative of activities, including labelled annotations of what an actor does and when, (2) to determine the input data features and its representation, (3) to aggregate data from multiple data sources and transform them into the application-dependent features, e.g., through data fusion, noise elimination, dimension reduction and data normalization, (4) to divide the data into a training set and a test set, (5) to train the recognition algorithm on the training set, (6) to test the classification performance of the trained algorithm on the test set, and finally (7) to apply the algorithm in the context of activity recognition. It is common to repeat steps (4)–(7) with different partitioning of the training and test sets in order to achieve better generalisation with the recognition models. There are a wide range of algorithms and models for supervised learning and activity recognition. These include Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), dynamic and naive Bayes networks, decision trees, nearest neighbour and support vector machines (SVMs) [21, 22]. Among them HMMs and Bayes networks are the most commonly used methods in activity recognition.

    Unsupervised learning on the other hand tries to directly construct recognition models from unlabelled data. The basic idea is to manually assign a probability to each possible activity and to predefine a stochastic model that can update these likelihoods according to new observations and to the known state of the system. Such an approach employs density estimation methods, i.e., to estimate the properties of the underlying probability density or clustering techniques, to discover groups of similar examples to create learning models. The general procedure for unsupervised learning typically includes (1) to acquire unlabelled sensor data, (2) to aggregate and transforming the sensor data into features, and (3) to model the data using either density estimation or clustering methods. Algorithms for unsupervised learning include the use of graphical models [23] and multiple eigenspaces [24]. A number of unsupervised learning methods are also based on probabilistic reasoning such as various variants of HMMs and Bayes networks. The main difference between unsupervised and supervised probabilistic techniques is that, instead of using a pre-established stochastic model to update the activity likelihood, supervised learning algorithms keep a trace of their previous observed experiences and use them to dynamically learn the parameters of the stochastic activity models. This enables them to create a predictive model based on the observed agent’s activity profiles.

    A major strength of the activity recognition algorithms that are based on probabilistic learning models is that they are capable of handling noisy, uncertain and incomplete sensor data. Probabilities can be used to model uncertainty and capture domain heuristics, e.g., some activities are more likely than others. The limitation of the unsupervised learning probabilistic methods lies in the assignment of these handcrafted probabilistic parameters for the computation of the activity likelihood. They are usually static and highly activity-dependent. The disadvantage of supervised learning in the case of probabilistic methods is that they require a large amount of labelled training and test data. In addition, to learn each activity in a probabilistic model for a large diversity of activities in real-world application scenarios could be deemed as being computationally expensive. The resulting models are often ad hoc, not reusable and scalable due to the variation of the individual’s behaviour and their environments.

    1.4.2 Knowledge-Driven Activity Recognition

    Knowledge-driven methods for activity recognition is to exploit knowledge modelling and representation for activity and sensor data modelling, and to use logical reasoning to perform activity recognition. The general procedure of a knowledge-driven approach includes (1) to use a knowledge representation formalism to explicitly define and describe a library of activity models for all possible activities in a domain; (2) to aggregate and transform sensor data into logical terms and formula; and (3) to perform logical reasoning, e.g., deduction, abduction and subsumption, to extract a minimal set of covering models of interpretation from the activity model library based on a set of observed actions, which could explain the observations.

    There exist a number of knowledge modelling and representation methods and reasoning algorithms in terms of logical theories and representation formalisms. For example, Kauz [25] adopted first order axioms to build a library of hierarchical plans for plan recognition. Wobke [26] extended Kauz’s work using situation theory to address the different probabilities of inferred plans. Bouchard [27] used action Description Logic (DL) and lattice theory for plan recognition with particular emphasis on the modelling and reasoning of plan intra-dependencies. Chen [28] exploited the event theory—a logical formalism, for explicit specification, manipulation and reasoning of events, to formalise an activity domain for activity recognition and assistance. The major strength of Chen’s work is its capabilities to handle temporal issues and undecidability. Logical activity modelling and reasoning is semantically clear and elegant in computational reasoning. It is also relatively easy to incorporate domain knowledge and heuristics for activity models and data fusion. The weakness of logical approaches is their inability or inherent infeasibility to represent fuzziness and uncertainty.

    Most of them offer no mechanism for deciding whether one particular model is more effective than another, as long as both of them can be consistent enough to explain the actions observed. There is also a lack of learning ability associated with logic-based methods.

    1.5 Activity Recognition Applications

    From an application perspective, activity recognition is seldom the final goal but usually one step of an application system. For example, in assistive living, activity recognition is used as input for decision making that attempts to detect and provide activity assistance. In security applications, activity recognition helps identify potential troublemakers providing an input for the following investigation and decision-making processes. While it is beyond the scope of the chapter to provide a thorough review on activity recognition applications, Table 1.1 summarises the major application categories and some key application areas for reference.

    Table 1.1

    The application categories and example areas

    1.5.1 A Typical Application Scenario: Ambient Assisted Living

    Ambient-assisted living (AAL) aims to exploit activity monitoring, recognition, and assistance to support independent living and ageing in place. Other emerging applications, such as intelligent meeting rooms and smart hospitals, are also dependent on activity recognition in order to provide multimodal interactions, proactive service provision, and context-aware personalised activity assistance. The main goal of building an AAL system is to aid the inhabitants in a Smart Home (SH) environment to carry out their Activities of Daily Living (ADL). A SH is considered to be augmented living environments equipped with sensors and actuators, within which monitoring of ADL and personalised assistance can be facilitated. Several lab-based or SH systems have been developed to support inhabitants in conducting ADLs such kitchen-based activities, taking medications, detecting anomalies and behaviour patterns. However, these SH systems provide only the fragments of necessary functionality required to support for independent living. The existing SH technologies and solutions suffer from a number of drawbacks. One of the key limitations is the lack of interoperability of the systems between vendors, adapting non-standard communications protocols and developing proprietary devices. This creates a huge challenge in reusability of the SH system for not only integrating third-party sensors and actuators devices but also limit heterogeneity of the data. Hence, the adaptation and applicability of solutions affect the end-user.

    The fundamental processes undertaken by the AAL system can be categorised in three Ps: Preparing, Processing and Presenting [29]. The preparing stage involves developing activity models, data collection and monitoring. The processing stage comprises of segmenting the raw data stream, inferencing and recognising mixed user (also referred to inhabitant) activities, aiding when required and learning new activities. The resource-intensive processing tasks are generally delegated from resource-constrained devices to more powerful devices such as servers with a web service interface. The presenting stage is responsible for tailoring the system to specific application types and providing an intuitive human-computer interface (HCI). Figure 1.2 illustrates these phases as the building blocks of an AAL system.


    Fig. 1.2

    The 3-Ps AAL framework: preparing, processing and presenting

    1.5.2 Activity Recognition Challenges in Ambient Assisted Living

    Activity recognition in the context of ambient assisted living within a smart home presents a number of challenges. Firstly, ADLs can be carried out with a high degree of freedom in relation to the way and the sequential order they are performed. Individuals have different lifestyles, habits or abilities and as such have their own way of performing ADLs. Though ADLs usually follow some kind of pattern there are no strict constraints on the sequence and duration of the actions. For example, to prepare a meal one can firstly turn on the cooker and then place a saucepan on the cooker, or vice versa. Such phenomena happen in almost all ADLs, e.g., preparing a drink, grooming, to name but a few. The wide range of ADLs and the variability and flexibility in the manner in which they can be performed require an approach that is scalable to large scale activity modelling and recognition.

    Secondly, multi-modal sensors co-exist in an SH. They generate heterogeneous data different in both formats and semantics. It is often necessary to fuse and interpret sensor data from multiple sources in order to establish the context of the ongoing ADL. For instance, the ADL making tea may involve the preparation of tea bag, cup, hot water, milk and sugar. Only when some or all sensor data from these items are fused, can the ADL be recognised. In addition, sensor data are full of noises, e.g., missed activations and/or faulty readings. This increases the uncertainty of sensor data, as such the reliability of recognition.

    Thirdly, most ADLs are composed of a sequence of temporally related actions. As such, sensor data related to an ADL is generated incrementally as the ADL unfolds. In order to provide context-aware assistance for an SH inhabitant, activity recognition should be performed at discrete time points in real-time in a progressive manner. This will accommodate the ever-changing sensor data to recognise the current state of the ongoing activity and further identify the user’s needs at the correct time.

    1.6 Research Trends and Directions

    1.6.1 Complex Activity Recognition

    Most existing work on activity recognition is built upon simplified use scenarios, normally focusing on single-user single-activity recognition. In real world situations, human activities are often performed in complex manners. These include, for example, that a single actor performs interleaved and concurrent activities, and/or a group of actors interact with each other to perform joint activities. The approaches and algorithms described in previous sections cannot be applied directly to these application scenarios. Researchers in related communities have realised this knowledge gap and more attention is being focused towards this area as depicted in Fig. 1.3. This shift of research emphasis is also driven by the increasing demand on scalable solutions that are deployable to real world use cases. Nevertheless, research endeavours in this niche field are still at infancy.


    Fig. 1.3

    A three-dimensional characterization for activity recognition

    In the modelling and recognition of complex activities of a single user, Wu et al. [30] proposed an algorithm using the factorial conditional random field (FCRF) for recognising multiple concurrent

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