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Temple of Sand: The Relic Trilogy, #2
Temple of Sand: The Relic Trilogy, #2
Temple of Sand: The Relic Trilogy, #2
Ebook312 pages5 hours

Temple of Sand: The Relic Trilogy, #2

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Praise for Queen of Empire:

'I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN' The Resident Magazine

Caught in a web spun before her birth, no choice but to embrace those who may turn out to be her enemies, Anita starts to discover not only who she really is, but that not everyone is what they seem.


As the world slides further towards ruin, Austin, the ruling Mind Descendant, assumes control, refusing to take action. Bass searches for a way to fulfil the prophecy, and Anita and Alexander leave Empire to search for answers of their own.

But a dangerous rebellion is gaining momentum in the Wild Lands. They must hurry to find the lost brass cylinder and a way to return the Relic, or at least appear that they have...but in their haste, an important detail is overlooked. Anita must put things right, before a fresh disaster rocks their world.

Trigger warning for violence.
Contains sexual content.

PublisherHR Moore
Release dateJun 8, 2022
Temple of Sand: The Relic Trilogy, #2

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    Book preview

    Temple of Sand - HR Moore

    Chapter one

    Light streamed in through the cracks in the ceiling, finding its way in slivers, the dust in the air floating across the shafts. She could hear people walking above, the floorboards creaking, muffled footsteps, muted voices.

    Every now and again a small piece of straw would find its way through the gaps. It would float down to the unforgiving concrete floor below. Occasionally a piece would hit Anita where she lay on a makeshift bed of blankets. She watched the light, listened to the noises, and wiled away the time, wondering just why she was here.

    Helena, her old mentor and friend, hadn't lingered long the previous evening, after Anita had refused to utter a single word. Helena had ordered the guards to split Anita and Alexander up for the night, told them she would answer their questions in the morning, then left.

    Anita had spent the night wide eyed, staring up at the ceiling, the words, 'Let's have a chat about that cylinder in your head,' careering around, along with endless unanswered questions.

    How did Helena know about the brass cylinder? What did Helena want from them? Was she cross because Anita had failed to bring Helena the information she'd asked for? Why had she taken Alexander too? Was he okay? Wherever he was, he wasn't close enough for her to read his energy. Did anyone realise they were gone? It was one thing for someone like Anita to go missing, but if the Spirit Descendent were to suddenly disappear, surely it must raise some kind of alarm…

    At last, the ringing of crisp footsteps on the concrete outside her makeshift prison cell cut across the monotonous background noise. They stopped as they came level with the door, replaced by the loud jangling of metal, the scraping of a key fitting the lock. She heard a dull clunk, then the old, fragile door swung inwards. Anita stayed where she was, on her back, on the floor, turning only her head to see who was there.

    Her eyes took in the nondescript, middle-aged man gingerly entering the room. He was dressed all in black and had floppy brown hair. He waited a moment for his eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness and then said in a perfect councilor-eqsue accent, 'Good morning, Anita. I hope you slept well?' He continued without pausing for an answer. 'Please come with me.'

    He said it like she had a choice… but anyway, finding out why she was here was a far more entertaining prospect than remaining in this cell. She got to her feet, dusted off the stray bits of straw, and said, 'Lead the way.'

    The smell of stale straw wafted around them as they walked in silence to the end of a dark corridor. They reached a wooden wall blocking the way, and the man rapped curtly on it. A hatch in the ceiling was immediately and efficiently pulled aside, a ladder with wooden rungs lowered.

    Another man in black appeared at the top, this one younger, with cropped blond hair and blotchy skin. The first man indicated that Anita should ascend. The ladder had seen better days, but she climbed nimbly to the top and out into the rickety wooden barn above.

    The barn's large doors had been thrown open to reveal an impressive farmhouse beyond, and a feeling of dread filled her as she realized she had been here before. The image of a pigeon flashed before her eyes. Adrenaline filled her veins as the implications hit her. The world around her seemed to blur as they worked their way through her thoughts. She hardly noticed as another man, this one burley and bearded, took her arm and steered her out into the sunlight.

    They walked around the house, through an archway covered with climbing white roses and into a beautiful cottage garden that would rival even Cordelia's. A pergola extended out from the side of the old farmhouse, this too covered with climbing plants. Underneath sat several people, some lounging on sofas, others sat casually on wooden benches, eating breakfast at a rustic dining table, Alexander and Helena included.

    Alexander's back was to Anita, but he felt her energy approaching before he heard or saw her, sending a silent, reassuring nudge to the edge of her energy field. Helena sat on the opposite side of the table, and Alexander waited for Helena to notice Anita before publicly reacting to her presence.

    'Good morning, Anita,' said Helena warmly, as Anita and her guard approached the table. 'I trust you slept well?'

    'Not a wink, but thanks for your concern,' said Anita. 'I'm very much looking forward to your explanation of what we're doing here though, if that wouldn't be too much trouble?'

    Anita placed herself at the table next to Alexander, purposefully brushing his arm as she sat down. The familiar tingles had a calming effect as she helped herself to a croissant and orange juice without waiting for an invitation.

    Helena wasn't riled; she liked a fight. 'Yes, of course, but I'd like to start by apologising for the way we secured your company. It was the only way we could be sure to get you both here with no witnesses and without a long persuasion process. I'm genuinely sorry, but I'm afraid we're running short on time, so it was necessary.'

    'Like stealing your memory back from Austin was necessary?'

    Helena looked down into her breakfast before meeting Anita's eyes. 'Yes, a little like that. The reason I asked you to do that was because the memory is of something I'm deeply ashamed of. Austin will use it against us if he's given half a chance. Why do you think he hid it so well?'

    'I don't know, Helena, but I'd also like to know why Austin chose this place for the end of the Chase? If you and he are enemies, why would he choose here?'

    'Austin knows about the Institution. He also, rightly, suspects that the man who owns this farm is one of our members. Austin used the Chase as an opportunity to intimidate us, to let us know that he knows where and who our members are.

    'We didn't know what he was planning; Amber's too careful for that. As you two were reaching for the scroll, hidden away beneath the floor were several prominent members of the Institution, a lot of whom were supposedly in Kingdom at the time of the Chase.

    'This has been one of our informal bases for years. In fact, your parents and I used to spend time here when we were your age.'

    Anita's energy turned hostile at the mention of her parents. Parents who everyone had all but denied existed, parents who Helena had been such great friends with but had never once thought to mention. Anita wasn't certain she wanted to know about her parents any longer.

    'Ah yes, the old parent carrot,' said Anita casually.

    Helena waited for her to continue, but Anita didn't give them the satisfaction. Instead, she poured herself some tea and tucked into her food.

    After a pregnant pause, Helena filled the silence. 'Look, Anita, I don't want to fight with you. I know I've lied to you and kidnapped you and that doesn't do much to engender trust, but now is the time for the truth. You didn't give me up when they were torturing you, so I know I can trust you. Now I need to show you I'm trustworthy too.'

    'And how do you intend to do that?' said Anita. 'By casually dropping in a power play like… oh, I don't know… brass cylinders?'

    Helena at least had the decency to look a little ashamed. 'I'm sorry. I could have handled last night better, but you know me, I'm dreadful with people.' She said it light-heartedly, like it was funny.

    'Oh, in which case, carry on, do whatever you want, so long as you acknowledge your behaviour is deplorable.'

    'Anita, I'm sorry… this isn't going as planned, so here, just read this,' she said, sliding a beaten-up leather notebook across the table. 'When you have, maybe you'll be willing to talk.'

    Helena got up and made towards the farmhouse.

    As she approached the back door, Alexander's chocolaty voice pierced the tense silence. 'To clarify,' he said slowly, 'do you consider us your prisoners or your guests?' He dwelled on the word guests, drawing it out, the irony obvious.

    Helena turned. 'My guests, of course,' she replied. 'Roam around as you please. You'll have bedrooms in the main house tonight. The cells were a necessary measure to ensure you didn't leave before we talked.'

    'And if we decide we don't want to stay?' he hypothesized.

    'I can't hold you here indefinitely. If you wish to leave, then leave, but you will find no answers, no friends, no explanations waiting for you in Empire. Before you do anything rash, read the diary, I think you'll find it quite enlightening.'

    Helena retreated into the farmhouse and the others gradually dispersed, off to do whatever it was they had to do on a lazy autumn morning.

    'Walk?' asked Alexander, squeezing Anita's hand under the table.

    She nodded; they needed to talk away from the prying ears of all these people. She didn't want anyone to see her reading the diary, at least until she knew what they were dealing with.


    They walked out of the farmyard, through an open gate and into the field beyond. It sloped gently at first and then steeply, leading to a copse of trees that stood proudly at the top of the hill. Anita looked up at the leaves turning shades of orange.

    From there they had a good vantage point overlooking the farm buildings. Nobody could approach from that side without being seen. They withdrew back past the treeline, out of site, and sank down, side by side, in the roots of the largest tree.

    'I'm so sorry,' he said, looking back across the field. 'I never saw this coming.'

    Anita smirked, almost cruelly, her frustration at boiling point. 'Of course you didn't, why would you? You didn't even know I was trying to steal Austin's brass cylinder for Helena until last night. I trained with Helena for years and the thought never crossed my mind that she would do something like this.'

    Alexander nodded. 'No point dwelling anyway, I suppose,' he said, putting his arm around her shoulders. 'Shall we see what kind of bait we're dealing with?'

    She pulled out the diary and opened its battered cover to find a page full of spidery scrawl, with no hint of who it belonged to or what story it had to tell. Anita plunged in, reading aloud.

    '5th June, 1331.

    Today is the day I become an 'adventurer', how exciting that sounds and yet, in reality, how terribly dull. The parents are shipping me off to the Wild Lands with them to trade and travel, which they see as one almighty good time, but I see as a waste of a perfectly good summer.

    I'm nineteen and have just graduated from school, FYI, I'm a Body (most definitely), and am writing a diary on the suggestion of my best friend, Evie. Evie is of the opinion that writing about the inevitable monotony might help me escape it. So here goes nothing.

    To give you some background, my name is Clarissa. My parents, Anton and Imogen, are what I'd call enterprising academics, meaning they're academics who have a talent for making money through trade. They're good at what they do, but it also doesn't hurt that Mum's best friend is Christiana, the Body Descendant…

    Normally, when they venture into the Wild Lands, they leave me behind in Empire, with my aunt. But now they've decided it time I learn the family trade, hence my enforced attendance. Don't get me wrong, there's a part of me that's quite looking forward to the Wild Lands. Wild Water sounds totally up my street, Wild Fire sounds crazy, Wild Air exhilarating, but even so, I'm sceptical about how much fun a trip with the parents is ever really going to be… especially when the delicious, newly single Jason will be kicking around Empire, free as a bird, all summer.

    No doubt dreadful Petunia will have her claws firmly into him by the time I get back. I'm not convinced any man is strong enough to extract those once they're in…

    Anyway, shouldn't think about them. Evie keeps talking about the rugged Wild Land dwelling super men she thinks I'm going to meet. Maybe she's right, and if that is the case, things will soon be looking up.'

    Anita paused as the entry came to a close. 'Clarissa was my mother's name,' she said, 'so I guess this is the start of Helena's promise to tell me about my parents.'

    Alexander nodded and gave her arm a squeeze. She turned back to the notebook in her hands.

    '23rd June, 1331.

    So, it turns out I'm dreadful at this whole keeping a diary thing. Suffice it to say, I'm having an unexpectedly great time. The trading posts are nothing short of raucous. There are parties every night; debauchery galore.

    The gossip is beyond anything I've ever known, and we've picked up a few strays along the way. They're now travelling with us and are nothing short of hilarious.

    The nights we're not at a trading post, we throw up tents, build a campfire, and get drunk on the local beverage of choice. Last night was some crazy kind of rum… I'm regretting it today.

    But I digress, my main reason for writing is that I feel like I'm about to explode with excitement and I have nowhere to vent my feelings but onto these sorry, good for nothing pages.

    Last night, after midnight, as my parents were saying goodnight and going to bed, a stranger arrived in the camp. After a brief chat with Dad, he made his way to the fire. We were dancing around, singing, screaming, chasing each other around the flames, the alcohol's sorcery evident.

    Anyway, Brunel (hilarious, short, gay, from Wild Fire - all you need to know) was chasing me and I ran straight into the new guy. He caught me, and I looked up into the fiery, toffee eyes of a man named Jeff. He looked indulgently down at me, and we both burst out laughing as he set me back on my feet. Then, he casually draped an arm around my shoulders and walked me to the fire to join the others.

    We polished off the rum (naturally) but by that time it was three in the morning and too late for him to put up his tent, so he bunked in with me (all totally innocent, I assure you). However, I woke up this morning to find my back to his chest, his arm across me, his hand stroking my arm, and my energy screaming.

    I rolled over, my face invading his personal space and said, 'Good morning'. He raised what can only be described as a flirtatious eyebrow, smiled, kissed me on the forehead and then got up and left without so much as a word.

    He at least threw me what I'm calling a 'to be continued' smile as he departed back to the fire for some early morning coffee. But I mean, really, talk about infuriatingly exciting. Maybe Evie was right after all… although, I don't think he's from the Wild Lands...

    9th July, 1331.

    At last. Success. It might have taken me two weeks, but it finally happened. He gives me a wide berth when Mum and Dad are around; I suppose he's scared they'll throw him out of the travelling party. But yesterday, Mum and Dad went for dinner at the Wild Lands residence of some councillor, and left us all to it for the evening.

    Jeff and I were cleaning up after supper, down by the stream, well out of sight of the others, and he just did it! He walked straight up to me, stopped, bent his head down towards mine, looked at me with brooding eyes, took my head in his hands, and kissed me.

    Naturally, I dropped the tray I was holding and kissed him back. Alas, Brunel decided that was the moment to come and find me for a card game, so it was only brief. Luckily, Brunel called out from the top of the hill before we were in view, but the tension now is like nothing I ever thought could exist.

    My heart feels like it's going to break through my rib cage, my energy is so high I feel like I'm skipping along on air. I can't stop stealing glances at his tall, rangy physique and into his luring eyes. Oddly, his hands are his most mesmerising part, purposeful and powerful… the way they pulled me to him… I think I'm going to burst!

    10th August, 1331.

    SO. BLOODY. INFURIATING. It's been another MONTH. We've been in the most romantic places on the planet: Wild Water, where the waterfalls seem to come from the sky, mist makes you see the world through a dreamy haze, a plethora of secluded caves and rivulets to explore. Wild Fire, where lava flows as the rivers do in Water, a dangerous place where the unsuspecting traveller could at any moment be spat on by an angry passing stream. A place where it would be so very easy to sneak off and get lost in the complex web of hot pools and steam vents.

    Now we're in Wild Sky, where ghostly lights in heavenly colours flit and play across the sky at night. But Jeff has barely spoken to me since the kiss. I catch him looking every now and again, but every time I do, he quickly looks away. And, of course, Brunel has realised there's something wrong…

    We went to toast marshmallows over a lava pit before we left Wild Fire, and Brunel came right out with it. He said we should stop messing around and get on with it; even my parents must have noticed the tension by now! The problem is, I would just get on with it, if only Jeff would make a move.

    Brunel thinks I should get him drunk and pounce on him, of course. But what if Jeff doesn't like me like that? What if I make a total idiot of myself? Surely if he liked me, he would do something? And he did do something, a MONTH ago… but nothing since.

    Maybe he hated the kiss? Maybe he thought he liked me and then changed his mind? But if so, why does he keep looking at me? I wish Evie were here, although she would probably be in Brunel's camp… I just don't know what to do.

    11th August, 1331.

    Bliss! He kissed me again!

    Last night, Brunel (the darling Brunel), suggested Jeff and I come with him to a ledge that boasts the best view of the lights. Uninterrupted views across the countryside, the horizon seeming to stretch forever…

    We went at sunset, naturally taking with us a good supply of dandelion wine (a Wild Sky speciality). Brunel stayed no longer than ten minutes. He poured us wine, drank a couple of sips, said he suddenly felt ill, and left us to it.

    If Jeff realised this had been the plan all along (which let's face it, how can he not have?), he didn't say a thing. Instead, he looked me in the eye for the first time since the kiss and tapped the ground next to where he sat.

    I placed myself down next to him, he put his arm round me, and we watched the sunset in silence, marvelling at the lights that crept into the night and danced across the sky the moment the sun disappeared below the horizon.

    After a while he turned his head towards me and kissed my hair. My energy literally leapt in response. I met his toffee eyes, the lights casting shadows across his handsome face. All I could think to say was, 'Why have you been ignoring me? It's been driving me mad.'

    'I know,' he said, pulling his eyes away to look back at the spectacle in the sky. 'It's been driving me mad too, but we can't do this. I'm not who you think I am… I can't commit to you.'

    'Who do I think you are?'

    I laughed at the melodrama and the mention of commitment.

    'A traveller? A trader looking to make his fortune?'

    I laughed again. 'I've been out here for months now and I'm afraid you fit neither one of those bills. You're way too purposeful to simply be a traveller. I saw you trying to barter for chocolate the other day, which tells me you're no trader, and you don't hail from any of the lands we visited so far.

    'Your mannerisms and quirks are familiar to me and yet alien, because they're the tell-tale signs of an academic; my parents are prominent within the Temples, remember? I've grown up surrounded by people like you… but I've never seen you in Empire, so I'd say you're from Kingdom.

    'You're a Body, but you've got Spirit in you too, like Mum. But you're not really like my parents, so I'd guess you're from the new generation they talk about in excited, hushed tones when they think I can't hear. More radical, more fanatical, more volatile, more dangerous, not willing to toe the Descendants' party line like those from Mum and Dad's generation.'

    He was clearly surprised by my appraisal. 'You're more astute than I gave you credit for.'

    'Have you met my parents? They'd be inconsolably disappointed if I were anything else.'

    He suddenly looked worried. 'So, you think your parents know who I am?'

    'Of course. I mean, they may not know exactly who you are and why you're here, but they know in general who you are. If I've worked it out, then they definitely have. Why? What are you trying to hide? Why are you here?'

    He took a long, deep breath. 'I'm with the Institution…'

    'Really?' He certainly piqued my interest with this bombshell.

    'You've heard of them?'

    'Who hasn't?'

    'Anyone who doesn't have two prominent academics for parents, I should think.'

    He said it defensively, so I backed off a bit. 'Yeah, sorry, I forget. So why are you here? Obviously something to do with Mum and Dad?'

    He paused, wrestled, although not too hard, with what he should tell me, and in the end just came out with everything (or at least I think he did). 'The Institution sent me to see your parents, to talk to them about our cause, and see if they'd be interested in helping us.'

    'Helping you with what?'

    'I can't go into specifics.'

    'Have you spoken to them yet?'


    'Why not?'

    'Because the right moment hasn't presented itself yet.'

    'You've spent loads of time alone with them. How could the right moment not have cropped up by now?'

    'The right moment isn't just to do with them.'

    'Cryptic,' I said, mocking him flirtatiously.

    He raised one eyebrow. 'It's also to do with you.'

    I blushed bright purple. Thank the Gods it was dark. 'What does that mean?'

    'Once I've spoken to your parents, I won't need to stay, and I don't want to leave yet.'

    'Really?' I said, smiling. 'And why is that?'

    'I think you know,' he said, lifting his hand to my neck and pulling my lips to his. We kissed for ages, pulling apart every so often, just to change our minds and start kissing again. My energy was soaring, and I could feel his heart pounding through his chest.

    When we did finally pull apart, we lay on the ledge, entangled, watching the lights. I woke up the following morning to find him still there, gently stroking my hair.

    We returned to camp, stopping by the tiny trading post first to pick up pastries for breakfast. This way, if anyone asked where we had been, we could tell them we got up early to get breakfast for everyone.

    Not that the ruse mattered anyway; Jeff didn't let go of my hand until we were standing by the campfire. He kissed my cheek playfully as I went to get mugs, and draped his arm around me as we sat on the ground, leaning back against a straw bale, eating breakfast.

    Brunel's mouth actually fell open as he emerged from his tent and saw us.

    'I take it you two had a fun night?' he said provocatively, helping himself to a pastry.

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