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The Power Of Photo
The Power Of Photo
The Power Of Photo
Ebook74 pages56 minutes

The Power Of Photo

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About this ebook

If you want creative freedom and personal development, then this is the book for you.

"The Power of Photo", how to find your creative voice is for photography lovers and enthusiasts around the world.
You can use this book for education, business, research, fun, entertainment, personal development, inspiration, hobby, and so on. This book is for beginners as well as advanced photographers.

It is the ultimate 6-step method that guides you in finding your own creative voice. It can unlock your creative potential and realize your personal photo dreams. This book contains essential photo exercises, creative inspiration, and personal development.

The author, photographer and art historian Charlotte Kim Boed's mission is to empower you to find your personal photo voice and activate your creativity. Charlotte says: "I want to inspire you to work creatively with your photography and to find your personal photo voice as photographer. I am interested in "creativity", as it brings a lot of joy and pleasure in my life. I want to share my working experience with you. I think that creative photography can enrich your life, as well as fun and enjoyment goes hand in hand with creativity".
Working for over 25-years with photo creativity, she says: "When we are born, everybody is born with creativity. As we get older, we seem to lose and forget our creativity. Find home again and enjoy yourself, Charlotte suggests".

Release dateJun 20, 2022
The Power Of Photo

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    Book preview

    The Power Of Photo - Charlotte Kim Boed

    Chapter 1. Get Into Creativity Mode

    1.1 Introduction to Chapters

    Welcome to my creative photo world. I am very happy you have taken the time to make this creative journey with me. You must be interested in working with your personal growth as a photographer, since you are reading this book.

    My 6-step Thinking Lenses method is about practicing creativity and finding a home for your personal photo voice as a photographer. You can categorize it as a long-term commitment, combined with personal development. If you are open to changes, then your quality of life will grow. This book will give you: education, knowledge, pleasure, and fun. It will boost more inspiration and creativity into your life. Just click, love, and grow.

    I will now give you a brief overview of the book content, so you can immediately decide what is the most relevant issues for you to focus on.

    In first chapter, I describe the way I understand creativity and what it can be used for.

    The second and third chapters are all about clarity and connecting, finding home to yourself.

    The fourth chapter is the center of the book and will take you through my 6-colored Thinking Lenses. I have made an illustration of the colored lenses so it will be easier for you to see what the Thinking Lenses are

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