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Why Should We?
Why Should We?
Why Should We?
Ebook62 pages28 minutes

Why Should We?

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“Why should we....” This question has been eternally etched in the conversations in every walk of life. A question raised by the present generation regarding many aspects of Hindu life generally goes unanswered. In Hinduism, the rites and practices are meant to inculcate not just the feeling of devotion and religiosity, but are also supported by through logic. This books seeks to answer the logic behind some of the FAQ and as a result bring God and spirituality into the center of human life and get rid of mechanical attitude and lack of serious involvement in these practices.

Release dateJun 24, 2022
Why Should We?

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    Book preview

    Why Should We? - Dr.Kethu Ramachandrasekhar


    Why Should We?

    Dr. P. Ketu Ramachandrasekhar



    Why Should We?


    Dr. P. Ketu Ramachandrasekhar



    Ebook Created & Published by:


    No.372/1, Mangadu Pattur Koot Road,

    Mangadu, Chennai - 600122.

    Phone: +91 44 66 93 93 93 (Multiple Lines),

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    Why Should WeLight a lamp for worship?

    Why Should WeLight a Lamp which has three strands of wicks weaved together and why two such burning wicks be lit ?

    Why Should We Wear marks (tilaka, bhasma and the like) on the forehead?

    Why Should We Have a room exclusively for prayer?

    Why Should WeSay Namaskar?

    Why Should We Prostrate before parents and elders?

    Why Should We Treat everyone reverentially and not touch anyone with foot?

    Why Should We Offer food to the Lord before eating it?

    Why Should We Eat only sattvik diet?

    Why Should We Fast (Upavaasa)?

    Why Should We Handle papers and books respectfully?

    Why Should We Do pradakshina (circumambulate)?

    Why Should We Regard trees and plants as sacred?

    Why Should We Reverentially pluck flowers or leaves for puja?

    Why Should We Worship Tulsi?

    Why Should We Ring the bell and blow a conch?

    Why Should We Worship God in a Kalasha?

    Why Should We Say Om shaanti thrice?

    Why Should We Offer a coconut?

    Why Should We Chant Om before all prayers?

    Why Should We Do Aarati?

    Why Should We Circumambulate Peepal (Indian Fig) tree?

    Why Should We Sleep with head in any other direction other than the North direction?

    Why Should We Avoid using the clothes or footwear used by others?

    Why Should We Draw rangoli outside the house?

    Why Should We Eat only for half the capacity of stomach?

    Why Should We Avoid drinking water immediately after eating a meal?

    Why Should

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