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The Beast Of London: Pick Your Path Adventures, #3
The Beast Of London: Pick Your Path Adventures, #3
The Beast Of London: Pick Your Path Adventures, #3
Ebook388 pages1 hour

The Beast Of London: Pick Your Path Adventures, #3

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About this ebook

Penny dreadfuls are all the rage, but the monsters aren't just on the page. They are alive and wandering the streets, and Victorian London is at risk. Zombies, werewolves and many more are threatening to rip apart society, but there's one beast in particular that has caught your attention.

You are one of the most respected monster hunters in England, so it was only natural that the old man would call on you when he heard the rumours. The frantic whispers had reached your ears as well, but you'd dismissed them as nothing more than fanciful imagination. Your path is clear; learn all you can about the legendary Beast of London and destroy it.

Your journey through Victorian London will be fraught with the foulest monsters imaginable. You, the reader, must take control of the story in the third Pick Your Path adventure and earn the reputation as the greatest monster hunter of all time.

The choices are yours, but choose carefully…

Release dateJul 31, 2022
The Beast Of London: Pick Your Path Adventures, #3

Matt Beighton

Matt Beighton is a full-time writer, born somewhere in the midlands in England during the heady days of the 1980s. He is happily married with two young daughters who keep him very busy and suffer through the endless early drafts of his stories. Matt’s books have been read around the world and awarded the LoveReading4Kids “Indie Books We Love” and Readers’ Favorite 5 Star Awards. Having spent many years as a primary-school teacher, Matt Beighton knows how to bring stories to life. He regularly visits schools and runs creative workshops that ignite a passion for words. If you have enjoyed reading this book, please leave a review online. Your words really do keep authors going! To find out more or to join the mailing list, visit his website.

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    The Beast Of London - Matt Beighton


    Also by Matt Beighton


    Tig You’re It: And other poems from the playground

    The Shadowland Chronicles

    The Spyglass And The Cherry Tree

    The Shadowed Eye

    Monstacademy Series

    (Ages 7+)

    The Halloween Parade

    The Egyptian Treasure

    The Grand High Monster

    The Machu Picchu Mystery

    The Magic Knight

    (a choose-your-own-path Monstacademy adventure)

    Pick Your Path Series

    Escape From Sherwood

    Desolate Tomb

    Beast of London

    choose carefully...


    Copyright © Matt Beighton 2022

    Matt Beighton has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, lent, hired, circulated or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

    Printed in the United Kingdom

    First printed 2022

    A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

    ISBN: 978-1-9161360-8-3

    Toni, Phoebe and Willow, who make it all worthwhile


    This is an adventure with a difference. You control the direction that the story takes. It is possible, with a few wise choices, to navigate the book with minimal risk. However, most adventurers will find that they encounter a host of pitfalls and monsters throughout their journey. How you handle these events will have consequences further on in the story. Choose wisely, and watch where you step.

    Creating your character

    Before you begin your adventure, you need to generate some characteristics for your character. These are your HEALTH and your STRENGTH. These will be vital throughout your adventure. Your health will change throughout, whereas your strength will only change when you find potions or weapons that allow it to change.

    To generate your HEALTH, roll 2 dice. Add 6 to the total. This is your original HEALTH. No matter what potions you find, your HEALTH can never go above this number.

    To generate your STRENGTH, roll 1 die. Add 6 to the total. This is your original STRENGTH. Certain potions and weapons can increase your strength above this number for a short period.

    Fighting battles

    When you are faced with a battle, you must defeat the enemy to move forwards in the story.

    First, record the enemy’s strength and health on your BATTLE SHEET.

    Roll both dice and add the total to your strength. For instance, if you roll a 3 and a 5 and your strength is 9, your attack is 3 + 5 + 9 = 17. Now do the same thing but add the strength of your foe.

    If the scores are the same, roll again for both of you.

    Whoever has the highest score wins this round of the battle. Remove 2 health points from the loser. If you are using a special weapon, remove 1 durability point from it.

    If you have any ALLIES, fight for them now, repeating steps 1-4 for each ALLY.

    Repeat steps 1-4 until the health of either you or your enemy reaches zero.

    When one of the health scores reaches zero, the battle is over. If your health has dropped to zero, you have been killed, and your adventure is over.

    Testing your strength

    At various points in your adventure, you may be required to test your strength. This is a way of testing whether you are strong enough to complete a certain action. To test your strength, roll two dice and add the scores together. If the number is less than your current strength, you are successful. If the score is the same as or higher than your current strength, you are unsuccessful. You must follow the instructions each time, depending on what you roll.

    Potions and Elixirs

    During your adventure, you may be given potions or elixirs. These have positive effects on your health and strength. Unless they say otherwise, HEALTH POTIONS only restore your health to your original level. Therefore, it is important to use them wisely. STRENGTH POTIONS increase your strength temporarily. Once you have completed an action or finished a battle, your strength returns to its original level.

    Some potions restore your health fully. Others only restore a certain amount of points. These will be indicated with brackets in the name: for example, a HEALTH POTION (+4) will restore 4 health points. It is even more important to use these wisely. If you use a +4 HEALTH POTION when you are only 2 points below your maximum, you will only benefit from +2 points. The other two are wasted.

    Top Tip: If you are finding it too difficult to navigate the book, you can make it easier on yourself by allowing HEALTH POTIONS to increase your health above your original level. This may take some of the fun out of the game, so think carefully before you adapt the rules.


    Various weapons are scattered throughout the adventure. Unfortunately, they are all well-used and won’t last for very long. Each weapon has a DURABILITY. This tells you how many rounds of battle it will last. Note: this isn’t how many full battles, but how many individual rounds. Therefore, it is very important to use special weapons sparingly. If you are up against a weaker enemy, it’s probably best to stick with your trusty sword than waste a special weapon. You can use special weapons for single rounds if you prefer; maybe you need to deliver a killer blow during a particularly close fight and only want to use 1 durability point on a weapon. That’s a good way to use stronger weapons.

    Some weapons may have dual effects. For instance, a BLADE OF DEFENSE will offer some protection during a fight and mean you only lose 1 health point per round that you lose. However, it is also very heavy and means you take a -2 STRENGTH hit. Remember, these benefits and negatives only affect you during rounds where you use that particular weapon. Your strength returns to normal when you use your trusty sword.


    At certain points in your adventure, you may meet others who wish to join your cause. These are classed as ALLIES, and you will be told when you may add them to this list. ALLIES are a great way to boost your fighting capabilities. After you have rolled for yourself and your enemy, you get to do the same thing again for each of your ALLIES.

    When you meet ALLIES, you will be given their STRENGTH and HEALTH to record on your BATTLE SHEET. Sometimes, you will be asked to generate one or both of these scores. Instructions on how to do this will be given each time.

    If, at any point, an ALLY’s HEALTH drops to zero, that ALLY dies and cannot be used again. You may use any potions that you possess on an ALLY, but remember to remove them from your PACK when you do. You cannot split potions.

    If your own health drops to zero, your adventure is over regardless of how many ALLIES you have. You cannot continue your quest as an ALLY.


    Fixes for any known issues can be found at


    The people of Victorian London have often fallen foul of terrible monsters from the darkness. You have grown up on the mean and dirty streets and are now one of the most respected monster-hunters in England. You know more than most that the gore-filled Penny Dreadful magazines are nothing more than a warning of the evils that lurked in the shadows.

    You’ve made it your job to travel the world learning about different cultures and their monsters. In the jungles of South America, you’ve battled ancient ghouls brought back to life by witchdoctors. You’ve defeated yetis in the frozen tundra. But now, there is one more creature that needs your attention.

    Rumours have been spreading of a mad scientist who has travelled to England from Switzerland. Very little else is known about him, but you know a man who is likely to know more. You realise that it is time to seek him out…


    The grimy streets of Victorian London pass under your feet as you trudge from one dark alleyway to another. You feel the roll of paper pressing against your chest, protected from the heavy rain by your thick jacket. You know how important the information that it contains is. The old man said he would only meet with you if you brought it along, and you need to find out what he knows.

    You know why he has asked to meet with you. You’ve been hunting the demons of London for years now. Nobody knows more about

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