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The Continuance
The Continuance
The Continuance
Ebook153 pages1 hour

The Continuance

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About this ebook

   Imagine controversial rapper/actor Tupac Shakur surviving his second shooting in Las Vegas in 1996 and marrying a Grammy-award-winning R&B singer whom Almighty God also slated to die at a young age, but kept alive longer than planned.

    Couple this with the humongous hoops and hurdles that the outspoken poet had to go through for the next two decades before becoming the President of the United States of America, having his life finally expire after completing a mission from God, passing his experience on to another rapper whom God had also scheduled to die at a young age.

    The main reason The Continuance is worth reading is that 2pac's journey to the highest office in the land is some of the most entertaining detail you will ever read but more importantly, you see the Power of God bring a gunshot-scarred music artist to Glory and repeats the process, decades later by saving a Percocet-addicted hitmaker from perdition.

   And with that said, If you love 2Pac or have ever listened to his music then you have to READ THIS BOOK!!!

PublisherG.K. David II
Release dateJun 29, 2022
The Continuance

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    Book preview

    The Continuance - G.K. David II


    At present writing, it is the year 2022. There are currently 9 different YouTube channels interviewing people that knew the immortal Tupac Shakur during his 25 years on earth.

    The crazy thing is that he perished in 1996 (nearly 30 years ago), yet he is still the topic of many discussions as if he died a week ago.

    This work of art that you are reading provides an alternative to a short-lived existence.

    A tale is woven so brilliantly that this book had to be shortened. But no worries because part two is coming soon!

    In the 2012 Quentin Tarantino blockbuster flick DJANGO Unchained (My fave flick of all time!), Jamie’s character claims to be That 1 nigga in 10,000.

    Everyone can agree that 2pac could have said those words any day and the only reply he would have received was one word. FACTS!

    To everyone that Almighty Jesus gave the opportunity to meet ‘Pac during his time in this realm, I dedicate this to God and all of you lucky motherfuckas.


    Hey readers, thanks for getting a copy of this book. I am a man that doesn’t even read books unless that book is the Holy Bible so if you’re just like me, but still plan on diving into this, then I must say that you won’t be disappointed.

    As I was writing this book, I received the same feeling that the men that wrote the Holy Bible must have felt.

    I just KNEW that God was inspiring me and providing me with the ideas that were popping up in my thought process.

    What I’m trying to say is, as I wrote this book I KNEW it was something that Almighty Jesus had Willed to happen.

    So, that means that this book was written by GOD, not me. G.K. David II

    Section 1

    Four more shots

    I can’t believe this bullshit!

    Tupac yelled in his mind as he woke up in a hospital bed in UMC of Southern Nevada. He tried to use his mouth to voice those words but for some reason, his mouth wouldn’t work, nor could he muster up the strength to sit upright.

    Suddenly all the memories of what happened 7 hours ago on the Vegas strip came flooding into his mind.

    "Some motherfuckas shot me again?!’

    He silently shouted in disbelief and shock, because it hadn’t even reached two years since he first was struck by gunfire back in New York City in the fall of 1994.

    A few seconds later his fiancée Kidada Jones entered the room with all the members of his Outlaws music group, as well as his close friend Treach from the hit-making rap group Naughty By Nature, and former Heavyweight boxing champ’-Mike Tyson-whose fight he attended the night before.

    Kidada rushed over to his bed telling him she loved him as she kissed his forehead before he drifted back into a river of darkness losing consciousness due to comatose.

    On the 6th day of the famed rapper’s prolonged unconsciousness, he awakened again or so he thought. It was as if he was experiencing a dream because he was walking down a dirt road in a heavily wooded area, which he knew was impossible because he didn’t feel any of the pain of a bullet-riddled body and collapsed lung as he did the first time he woke up.

    Yo, where the hell am I? he questioned no one in particular, observing that he could finally hear his voice now, as he started walking down the narrow road, also noticing that he was wearing the same silk button-up shirt, denim jeans, and gold Gucci loafers that he wore at the MGM Casino on the night of his second shooting, which annoyed him because the dusty dirt from the road started coating them as he continued walking.

    After several minutes Tupac heard breaking branches in the forest that lined the road and scenes from some of the old Friday the 13th movies started running through his mind, but instead of Jason Vorhees appearing from the brush with a machete in hand, a simple-looking Caucasian man walked towards him adorning white dress slacks and a plain white polo.

    Hello mate. He said with a slight English accent as he strode towards the cautious Shakur.

    Who the fuck are you? Tupac replied getting ready for a fistfight if the stranger tried to attack him.

    The slender-framed gent laughed and pleasantly urged him to be of good cheer because he was there to save his life and not harm him.

    He then explained to the musical icon that he is an angel of the Lord, sent down to Earth to save his life-per God’s Will, which will cause him to transform said life, inspiring millions of others to do so. This is one of the ways that the Lord brings humans into His Kingdom, basically taking them from a life of darkness and converting them into believers. Christians, as some call them.

    Maaaan, take yo’ James Bond sounding ass back to London with that bullshit. Tupac laughed mockingly.

    If yo’ ass got shot right now you would be leaking blood just like I did so how the fuck you an angel from Heaven?

    At that moment, the man supernaturally metamorphosized into Tupac’s mother Afeni causing him to jump back in bewilderment.

    How the fuck did you do that? he yelled at the angel that just turned into his mother before his very own eyes. The angel formally introduced himself as Nathaniel, still speaking in a British dialect while remaining in the form of Ms. Shakur which discomfited Tupac to the point of him yelling

    Stop this shit and change back to the white boy! shaking the being’s shoulders, demanding to know what was happening, until the angel shapeshifted back into the body that he appeared from the woodland.

    At this point, Tupac calmed down and reasonably begged the angel-in-human-flesh to explain to him what was going on.

    Nathaniel, then, spent the next few minutes re-explaining to him why God sent him down to earth.

    Afterward, he magically made a black Holy Bible appear in his right hand and passed it to Tupac.

    Now allow me to show you previous times that the Lord has encountered other humans using angels that will help you understand your situation even better. He then instructed a visibly confused Tupac to turn the pages to the Book of Genesis, Chapter 18.

    Yo Nate I strongly believe that there’s a God. Tupac interrupted. I done wrote songs called Lord knows, Only God can judge me now, God bless the dead, Hail Mary, all that shit but I ain’t never been through no shit like this before.

    Nathaniel replied by quoting The Bible passage in the Book of James, chapter 2, verse 19, which reads: Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

    Well Damn, Tupac interjected. So, demons believe in God too but still go around doing evil shit? That don’t make no sense.

    Nate replied by mentioning Proverbs 16:4. The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

    Nathaniel then asked him, a second time, to turn in the Bible he held, to the Book of Genesis, Chapter 18.

    Tupac opened the thick, leather-covered book to the requested passage and started reading chapter 18, verses 20-33 at the urging of the smiling angel.

    "And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is grievous.

    I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

    And the men turned their faces from thence and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the Lord."

    Achoo! Tupac sneezed before continuing.

    "And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?

    Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

    That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not

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