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Summary of How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
Summary of How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
Summary of How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
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Summary of How to Stop Time by Matt Haig

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A high-quality summary of Matt Haig ́s book How to Stop Time, including chapter details and an analysis of the main themes of the original book.

About the original book:

Tom Hazard begins his first-person narration by outlining his current state of affairs. He may appear to be a normal 40-year-old man, yet he has been alive for centuries. On March 3, 1581, he was born in France. His disease stops him from maturing normally; every 15 years or so, he ages one year.

The mass population is unprepared for such information; human superstition is just too prevalent. Those who have the disease are shielded by an organization that eliminates those who discover the truth. As a token of appreciation for the Albatross Society's protection, each member is required to complete a task on occasion.

These tasks frequently entail enlisting the help of people who have the same disease or eliminating hazards. Tom is assigned such an assignment in Sri Lanka inside the first few pages, but his victim is already dead when he arrives.

Release dateJul 9, 2022
Summary of How to Stop Time by Matt Haig

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    Summary of How to Stop Time by Matt Haig - Condensed Books


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    Summary of How to Stop Time

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    This is an unofficial summary of How to Stop Time by Matt Haig, designed to enrich your reading experience.

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    Matt Haig's novel How to Stop Time follows protagonist Tom Hazard throughout his 400-year life as he succumbs to dread and searches for meaning.

    Themes of the inevitability of change and learning to find happiness are explored in this tale. The film rights of How to Stop Time have been purchased by Benedict Cumberbatch.

    Two memoirs, Notes on a Nervous Planet and Reasons to Stay Alive, are among Haig's other writings, as are six novels, the most recent of which is The Midnight Library, and several children's books.


    Tom Hazard begins his first-person narration by outlining his current state of affairs. He may appear to be a normal 40-year-old man, yet he has been alive for centuries. On March 3, 1581, he was born in France. His disease stops him from maturing normally; every 15 years or so, he ages one year.

    The mass population is unprepared for such information; human superstition is just too prevalent. Those who have the disease are shielded by an organization that eliminates those who discover the truth. As a token of appreciation for the Albatross Society's protection, each member is required to complete a task on occasion.

    These tasks frequently entail enlisting the help of people who have the same disease or eliminating hazards. Tom is assigned such an assignment in Sri Lanka inside the first few pages, but his victim is already dead when he arrives.

    The story is separated into sections based on time and location. Each section takes place in a single location and timeframe, either in Tom's present or history. Tom's history is revealed through flashbacks from Elizabethan England through Golden Age Paris. He encounters Shakespeare while working at the Globe as a lutist. Later, in Paris, he drinks with F. Scott Fitzgerald and performs piano in a hotel restaurant.

    Tom is haunted by the death of his mother at the hands of witchfinders, as well as his forced separation from his wife and daughter. Every few years, he leaves town and begins a new life under a new name, always fearful of being discovered and the consequences. Everyone he cares about is harmed or killed by his disease. As a result, he must remain apart.

    The quest for Tom's daughter Marion, who inherited his affliction and is also on the run from discovery, is the fundamental conflict and driving force behind his survival. Tom agrees to join the Albatross Society just to use their resources to track her down. Hendrich, the society's founder and head, vows to find her and reunite them, but as the story progresses, Tom still hasn't found her.

    Tom's terror of witchfinders and their modern equivalents, bio-scientists, is fueled by Hendrich. He keeps reminding Tom of a German institute that is aware of them and conducts research on the ones they capture. Superstition invariably leads to their being chased, cast out, or imprisoned, regardless of the period.

    Tom's present-day plotline follows him as he adjusts to life as a history teacher in modern London. As he battles the headaches produced by flashbacks that arise with each session, he fails to interest his students. Despite this, he falls in love with Camille, a French instructor. Camille is enthralled by him and is determined to unravel the mystery that surrounds him.

    They become close, and Camille knows him from a photograph of a 1920s pianist that used to hang in her old office. Tom confides in her since he is unable to continue lying. Tom is aware that society will not allow her to live now that she is aware of their existence, and he is continuously concerned about her safety while on another assignment.

    Hendrich demands that Tom bring in Omai, an old acquaintance who suffers from the same ailment. Omai winds up in Australia, where he surfs the waves and attracts too much attention.

    Tom must persuade him to join the society and be protected by them. Omai flatly refuses. He's had enough of the falsehoods and wants to be himself. Tom is well aware that Hendrich will not allow him to be alone. Hendrich and Tom are afraid of witchfinders and scientists, while Omai regards fear as a prison. He encourages Tom to pursue his happiness while being free.

    As time passes, the portions become shorter, building to a climactic crescendo. When Tom recognizes Hendrich as the

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