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Top Spot
Top Spot
Top Spot
Ebook257 pages3 hours

Top Spot

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The kidnapping incident of one of his friends makes Shannchyuan willing to cooperate with a secret organization that turns out to have been watching them for some time. He must also pay attention to the safety of the girl in his care. Amid uncertainty about what is really going on, the mysterious explosion happens again.

When returning to the building where he experienced strange events, Chioujen meets even more bizarre things. He gets into a fight when he finds people hiding in the basement, which isn’t even in the building blueprints. Everything gets weirder when he realizes that the person watching over his friends is their new neighbor.

This is the third book of The Six Dragons series.

PublisherLin Musen
Release dateJun 30, 2022
Top Spot

Lin Musen

Not much can be said about the author. Besides being an introvert, the author also doesn’t leave the house too often other than to work. Lin Musen lives in a small town that isn’t very crowded. Lately, apart from writing, he usually fills his days by reading books and watching [email protected]

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    Top Spot - Lin Musen

    Top Spot

    Copyright © 2022 Lin Musen

    All Rights Reserved

    Book 03 of The Six Dragons Series

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the

    prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief

    quotations in a book review.

    POV : Third Person Limited Shifting (Multiple Characters)

    Names and places are written using Gwoyeu Romatzyh instead of Hanyu Pinyin


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and

    incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a

    fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual

    events is purely coincidental.

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not

    be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book

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    other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law

    ISBN 978-1-005-39851-4 (ePub Version)

    Published by Utopia Wryness

    Smashword Edition

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 01 : Jongharng Chioujen

    Chapter 02 : Shimen Yihshyong

    Chapter 03 : Jongharng Chioujen

    Chapter 04 : Jongharng Chioujen

    Chapter 05 : Jongharng Chioujen

    Chapter 06 : Jongharng Chioujen

    Chapter 07 : Dongfang Jenqyih

    Chapter 08 : Nangong Iren

    Chapter 09 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 10 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 11 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 12 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 13 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 14 : Dongfang Jenqyih

    Chapter 15 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 16 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 17 : Nangong Iren

    Chapter 18 : Nangong Iren

    Chapter 19 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

    Chapter 20 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan



    A young man walked with hasty steps. His eyes were looking straight ahead.


    Spontaneously, he shouted. His shoe stumbled on an object lying on the ground, right in front of his feet.

    What is this?

    The young man looked at it. A wooden box that is the same size as a shoebox. He crouched down, observing it closely.

    Curiosity made him not hesitate to stretch out his hand. He touched the black wooden box that somehow got in the middle of the road like that.

    He looked in all directions. There was no one else around the place. The person who dropped the thing must have been far away. A dilemma churned in his mind. If he took the wooden box with him, the owner of the box, who might return to the place, would have a hard time finding his belongings.

    But if he left the object, then maybe the thing would be damaged. It was not impossible if the wheels of a passing vehicle would run the object over. It was quiet. However, it did not mean no cars were passing by on the road.

    The young man thought to take it and put it on the side of the road. That way, the object would be safe and would not be run over by the wheels of vehicles passing there. But after thought a while, he didn't do that. Putting it on the side of the road would probably make it safe from the brunt of the vehicle. That didn't mean that the box owner could find the item easily. There was always the possibility that someone else passing by would pick up the item.

    The young man could not think too long. He had needed to go to the toilet for the past few minutes. It was clear that he needed to find a bathroom to deal with what he was feeling. He decided to take it. He would put the wooden box in his house. Later, he would think more about how to find the owner of the box.

    Carrying the wooden box, the young man continued his journey. His house was not far from there. In less than five minutes, he had arrived at his destination.

    After placing the box in his bedroom, the young man headed straight for the bathroom. He wasn't there long, maybe five minutes or so. With curiosity, he returned to the bedroom. Quickly, he grabbed the object he found.

    Ah! It turns out that this box is unlocked.

    The young man opened the box with no difficulty. There was a pile of books in the box. Carefully, he took out the books. He put the books in a row on the bed.

    The young man looked at those books. There were numbers written on the book's cover. Instantly, he took the book with the smallest number. He opened the book with heightened curiosity.

    He started reading the book.

    Chapter 01 : Jongharng Chioujen

    Although everything was smooth, the journey was quite tiring. Luckily, for some reason, that day was quieter. Chioujen arrived at his destination at almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

    Good afternoon Mr. Jongharng! Shantyan Hannrong's face brightened when the young man saw Chioujen.

    Good afternoon Hannrong. How are you today?

    I am fine, Sir! How about you? Is your head not hurting anymore?

    Chioujen laughed. My head is fine. Don't worry.

    Actually, Chioujen still felt a little uncomfortable. Especially on the head, which was previously hit quite hard. But he didn't want to exaggerate it. There were far more important things for him to do.

    Would you like to take more things from Mr. Gongyang's unit? Hannrong leaned forward.

    Chioujen's purpose in coming to the building was not to take some of Songfei's belongings. Chioujen was still curious about what happened to him yesterday. He would check the ninth floor one more time. He knew he would most likely not find anything. But at least he could get rid of the curiosity that had plagued him since yesterday.

    Look, Hannrong. I'm still curious about what happened yesterday. So this time I'm going to check the ninth floor. I hope today I can find a clue as to what really happened last night.

    Hannrong was dumbfounded at Chioujen's explanation. But, it wasn't long. Hannrong got up from the reception desk. He stepped forward towards Chioujen right away. Do you need my help?

    If you are willing, of course, I will be delighted.

    Thank you, Sir! I am delighted to be of assistance to you.

    But shouldn't you be on guard here?

    I guess it's fine if I have to leave this place for a bit. Besides, sitting here all the time doing nothing is pretty boring.

    I hope this won't be a problem, Chioujen said.

    Hannrong shook his head, smiling. He walked towards the entrance of the building. After locking the front door, he returned to where Chioujen was standing.

    What if someone visits this building while we're upstairs?

    I usually lock this building when I go out for a while when I have a little need. The situation is similar to what is happening now. Hannrong's voice sounded steady.

    Then they'll just stand by the locked door until you come back?

    True, Sir! But that rarely happens.

    After that, the two of them went up to the ninth floor. When they got there, they immediately checked carefully. They found plastic food wrap in front of the service elevator on that floor. The service elevator had been out of service for a long time, but it was possible that someone was standing or sitting there.

    Hannrong couldn't remember exactly when was the last time he cleaned the floor in front of the service elevator. He said that last week several tenants came to this building. Maybe it was those people who left the trash.

    Hannrong couldn't tell how long these things has been here! It seems that this kid is telling the truth.

    Next to the service elevator was a small room. The room was unlocked, so they could easily get inside it without having to go downstairs to get the key. Inside the room, there were several things scattered on the floor. Chioujen guessed that this room was used as a warehouse. On one side of the room, there was a fairly large object. It was made of metal. Chioujen didn't know what it was. It looked like a chest, but at the top, there was nothing that looked like the lid of a chest in general. There was only a layer of metal. This thing was like a box bench with a hollow inside.

    Is this a bench? Finally, it came out of Chioujen's mouth.

    I don't know, Sir! This stuff has been here for a long time.

    Can you open it?

    Hannrong shook his head.

    The two of them began to grope the entire surface of the object. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that there were small cracks that they might be able to use to pry open the top of the coffin-like thing. However, since it was impossible to remove the iron layer by hand, Chioujen asked Hannrong to get down to his room to get the right tools to pry the metal layer out.

    The time Hannrong took to retrieve the tool turned out to be slightly longer than Chioujen had expected. After Hannrong arrived, they tried to open the thing that looked like a chest. It turned out to be almost empty. Inside was only a metal coin. Apart from that coin, there was nothing else inside.

    Chioujen took the coin. Instinctively, he observed it for a moment. It was an ancient coin. He wasn't an expert in that field, so there weren't many conclusions he could draw. Chioujen then put the coin into his trouser pocket.

    Since he felt there was nothing else he could do, Hannrong asked Chioujen for permission to return to his post. He said that he had left the reception desk too long. Chioujen had realized from the start that he couldn't hold back Hannrong for too long. Chioujen thanked Hannrong.

    Chioujen was still curious about the ninth floor. Since he had come a long way to that place, of course, Chioujen couldn't just go home empty-handed. He went up to the tenth floor to rest for a while. After sitting on the couch in the main room of unit 1008 for about ten minutes, Chioujen came out again. He went downstairs to meet Hannrong at the reception desk.

    Does this building keep the blueprints of this building? asked Chioujen. He actually knew that the blueprint for a building was unlikely to be stored in the building itself. But it never hurt to ask.

    What? Hannrong looked at Chioujen with an incomprehensible look.

    Ah! I mean, are there any design drawings of this building stored here?

    I don't know, Sir! There might be, but I don't know where it is.

    Where are the important documents or files stored in this building?

    Probably in the Managing Manager's room, Sir!

    Managing Manager?

    It's kind of like a General Manager, but his scope of work focuses on the day-to-day management of the building. Here, we refer to the position as The Managing Manager.

    A unique term!

    Oh! May I have a look around the room?

    Under normal circumstances, it was almost impossible for the building administrator to let a friend from the building's tenants enter the Manager's room and check the files in the room. However, at that moment, the situation could not be considered normal. There was no Managing Manager on duty there. So it could be said that Hannrong was the highest-ranking executive in charge of the building at that moment.

    I don't think that's a problem, Sir! Hannrong nodded. The young man seemed so sure of the decision he had made.

    I hope Hannrong won't lose his job if this is found out by his superiors.

    Then Hannrong escorted Chioujen to the Managing Manager's room. The position had been vacant for a long time. Chioujen didn't know since when the building didn't have a Managing Manager. However, as far as Chioujen could remember, since the first time Songfei had invited them into the building, there had been no Management Manager on duty there.

    Arriving at the door, Hannrong stopped. I forgot to bring the key, Sir. Please wait here for a moment. Let me get the key first.

    Chioujen nodded.

    I hope it's just because Hannrong forgot to bring the key. But I couldn't rule out the possibility that Hannrong took this opportunity to report this to certain people, who are most likely not his official superiors in this building.

    Chioujen looked at the back of Hannrong, who rushed away to go to his room to get the keys to the General Manager's room. The young man's movements were so fast. Not even five minutes later, Hannrong was standing before Chioujen again. He was holding a string of keys. Based on Hannrong's hand movements, it wasn't hard for Chioujen to conclude that Hannrong didn't know which was the Manager's room key from the string of keys. After four tries, the door opened.

    Chioujen was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, the room was dirty. There was a thick layer of dust all over the room.

    Sorry, Sir! This is how it is. I never opened this room, so I never cleaned it either.

    Your boss didn't tell you to clean this room?

    My boss said that I don't need to clean this room because no one is using it."

    Don't you feel strange about such an order?

    It's a little strange, Sir. But I try not to ask too many questions.

    Chioujen nodded. All right! It's all right. I've been in dirtier rooms than this many times.

    They entered the room. Hannrong looked confused at the atmosphere in the room. It was apparent that he didn't know where the files were supposed to be stored.

    I think you'd better go back, Hannrong. Let me look for it myself." Chioujen felt sorry for the young man.

    Alright, Sir! Hannrong didn't argue at all.

    Hold on! Can you bring me a rag and duster?

    Yes, Sir!

    Hannrong went to get the things Chioujen asked for. About five minutes later, he was back again with the cleaning tools. When Hannrong tried to clean the room, Chioujen stopped him. No! Just let me do it. You go back to the reception desk.

    Alright, Sir! Hannrong nodded respectfully.

    After Hannrong left, Chioujen started treading every corner of the room. First, he cleaned the table and chairs he would use. After that, Chioujen began to look for building plans or objects that looked like floor plans. It was tough to find something he didn't know in a strange place. But after about an hour of being there, Chioujen finally found something.

    He found the floor plan of the building. The floor plan looked like a blueprint for the building. Chioujen was not without reason when he thought the plan looked like a blueprint. Unlike the actual blueprints, this floor plan that Chioujen found was not drawn on the blue paper normally used in building blueprints.

    The plan was drawn on plain tracing paper. Although the papers were translucent, they were distinctly different from the paper used to draw the blueprints. Tracing paper was more brittle and could easily turn yellow with time. And indeed, the paper containing the floor plan that was currently in Chioujen's hand had turned yellow. Chioujen was a little worried that some parts might not be clearly visible.

    He spread out the scroll on the table that had been the building manager's desk. Chioujen wasn't an architect, so actually, he knew little about these things either. He examined the papers one by one. Chioujen felt that there was something strange about the plan, but he didn't know where exactly it was.

    Chioujen stared at the papers for almost an hour, but as he had expected, he found nothing but the feeling that something was wrong. His eyes felt tired and a little sore. Chioujen knew he couldn't force his eyes to work too hard. He then rested for a while. He sat on the chair in front of the table. Leaning back, he closed his eyes.

    I can't think. My brain is frozen!

    Even though his eyes were closed, Chioujen didn't sleep. After about ten minutes, Chioujen opened his eyes. He got up from the chair and walked out of the room. During that kind of time, when he ran out of ideas, sometimes he took walks to get new ideas. It didn't have to be a walk in an open space. Walking back and forth in a building also produces the same effect. Chioujen took a walk inside the building. Hannrong, who was cleaning the reception desk, caught Chioujen walking around in circles without a clear direction. The youth tilted his head when he saw Chioujen's behavior.

    What are you doing? Apparently, Hannrong couldn't help but leave any comments or questions.

    Ah! I am looking for a new idea. Don't worry, it's harmless!

    Chioujen answered Hannrong's question with a laugh. It's only natural that people were surprised to see what he did. Chioujen himself was surprised at first, too. Like some of Chioujen's other habits, he got this habit from Shannchyuan.

    Decades ago, when he had first seen Shannchyuan do such a thing, Chioujen had often laughed at him. But over time, even Chioujen himself also behaved like that. Chioujen had forgotten exactly when he started to change. According to the confessions of those he had known since childhood, the change in Chioujen's habits occurred gradually. Actually, it was a little strange because Chioujen started to imitate Shannchyuan's habits just after he moved from the city where Shannchyuan lived.

    Hannrong didn't ask anymore. He continued the work he was doing. The innocent young man looked quite diligent.

    Chioujen wasn't just walking around on the ground floor. He also circled around to the first and second floors. Just like before, the atmosphere was tranquil. Chioujen didn't know how Hannrong could put

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