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Ten nights in a bar-room and what I saw there
Ten nights in a bar-room and what I saw there
Ten nights in a bar-room and what I saw there
Ebook210 pages3 hours

Ten nights in a bar-room and what I saw there

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This book was made into a silent film of the same title that graphically depicts the horrors described later in the novel. Basically, this is a book about the values of temperance and the evils of drink. It is set in a small fictional town called Cedarville and follows the fortunes of a young man who becomes addicted to the demon drink.
Release dateJul 20, 2022
Ten nights in a bar-room and what I saw there

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    Ten nights in a bar-room and what I saw there - Timothy Shay Arthur

    Timothy Shay Arthur

    Ten nights in a bar-room and what I saw there

    EAN 8596547088448

    DigiCat, 2022

    Contact: [email protected]

    Table of Contents











    TEN years ago, business required me to pass a day in Cedarville. It was late in the afternoon when the stage set me down at the Sickle and Sheaf, a new tavern, just opened by a new landlord, in a new house, built with the special end of providing accommodations for man and beast. As I stepped from the dusty old vehicle in which I had been jolted along a rough road for some thirty miles, feeling tired and hungry, the good-natured face of Simon Slade, the landlord, beaming as it did with a hearty welcome, was really a pleasant sight to see, and the grasp of his hand was like that of a true friend. I felt, as I entered the new and neatly ​ furnished sitting-room adjoining the bar, that I had indeed found a comfortable resting-place after my wearisome journey.

    All as nice as a new pin, said I, approvingly, as I glanced around the room, up to the ceiling—white as the driven snow—and over the handsomely carpeted floor. Haven't seen any thing so inviting as this. How long have you been open?

    Only a few months, answered the gratified landlord. But we are not yet in good going order. It takes time, you know, to bring every thing into the right shape. Have you dined yet?

    No. Every thing looked so dirty at the stagehouse, where we stopped to get dinner, that I couldn't venture upon the experiment of eating. How long before your supper will be ready?

    In an hour, replied the landlord.

    That will do. Let me have a nice piece of tender steak, and the loss of dinner will soon be forgotten.

    You shall have that, cooked fit for an ​alderman, said the landlord. I call my wife the best cook in Cedarville.

    As he spoke, a neatly dressed girl, about six teen years of age, with rather an attractive countenance, passed through the room.

    My daughter, said the landlord, as she vanished through the door. There was a sparkle of pride in the father's eyes, and a certain tenderness in the tones of his voice, as he said My daughter that told me she was very dear to him.

    You are a happy man to have so fair a child, said I, speaking more in compliment than with a careful choice of words.

    I am a happy man, was the landlord's smiling answer; his fair, round face, unwrinkled by a line of care or trouble, beaming with self-satisfaction. I have always been a happy man, and always expect to be. Simon Slade takes the world as it comes, and takes it easy. My son, sir, he added, as a boy, in his twelfth year, came in. Speak to the gentleman.

    ​The boy lifted to mine a pair of deep blue eyes, from which innocence beamed, as he offered me his hand, and said, respectfully—How do you do, sir? I could not but remark the girl-like beauty of his face, in which the hardier firmness of the boy's character was already visible.

    What is your name? I asked.

    Frank, sir.

    Frank is his name, said the landlord—we called him after his uncle. Frank and Flora—the names sound pleasant to our ears. But, you know, parents are apt to be a little partial and over fond.

    Better that extreme than its opposite, I remarked.

    Just what I always say. Frank, my son,—the landlord spoke to the boy—there's some one in the bar. You can wait on him as well as I can.

    The lad glided from the room, in ready obedience.

    A handy boy that, sir; a very handy boy. Almost as good in the bar as a man. He mixes a toddy or a punch just as well as I can.

    But, I suggested, are you not a little afraid of placing one so young in the way of temptation.

    Temptation! The open brows of Simon Slade contracted a little. No, sir! he replied, emphatically. The till is safer under his care than it would be in that of one man in ten. The boy comes, sir, of honest parents. Simon Slade never wronged anybody out of a farthing.

    Oh, said I, quickly, you altogether misapprehend me. I had no reference to the till, but to the bottle.

    The landlord's brows were instantly unbent, and a broad smile circled over his good-humored face.

    Is that all? Nothing to fear, I can assure you. Frank has no taste for liquor, and might pour it out for months without a drop finding ​its way to his lips. Nothing to apprehend there, sir—nothing.

    I saw that further suggestions of danger would be useless, and so remained silent. The arrival of a traveler called away the landlord,and I was left alone for observation and reflection. The bar adjoined the neat sitting-room, and I could see, through the open door, the customer upon whom the lad was attending. He was a well-dressed young man—or rather boy, for he did not appear to be over nineteen years of age—with a fine, intelligent face, that was already slightly marred by sensual indulgence. He raised the glass to his lips, with a quick, almost eager motion, and drained it at a single draught.

    Just right, said he, tossing a sixpence to the young bar-tender. You are first-rate at a brandy-toddy. Never drank a better in my life.

    The lad's smiling face told that he was gratified by the compliment. To me the sight ​was painful, for I saw that this youthful tippler was on dangerous ground.

    Who is that young man in the bar? I asked, a few minutes afterward, on being rejoined by the landlord.

    Simon Slade stepped to the door and looked into the bar for a moment.

    Two or three men were there by this time; but he was at no loss in answering my question.

    Oh, that's a son of Judge Hammond, who lives in the large brick house just as you enter the village. Willy Hammond, as everybody familiarly calls him, is about the finest young man in our neighborhood. There is nothing proud or put-on about him—nothing—even if his father is a judge, and rich into the bargain. Every one, gentle or simple, likes Willy Hammond. And then he is such good company. Always so cheerful, and always with a pleasant story on his tongue. And he's so high-spirited withal, and so honorable. Willy Hammond ​would lose his right hand rather than be guilty of a mean action.

    Landlord! The voice came loud from the road in front of the house, and Simon Slade again left me to answer the demands of some new-comer. I went into the bar-room, in order to take a closer observation of Willy Hammond, in whom an interest, not unmingled with concern, had already been awakened in my mind. I found him engaged in a pleasant conversation with a plain-looking farmer, whose homely, terse, common sense was quite as conspicuous as his fine play of words and lively fancy. The farmer was a substantial conservative, and young Hammond a warm admirer of new ideas and the quicker adaptation of means to ends. I soon saw that his mental powers were developed beyond his years, while his personal qualities were strongly attractive. I understood better, after being a silent listener and observer for ten minutes, why the land lord had spoken of him so warmly.

    Take a brandy-toddy, Mr. H———? said Hammond, after the discussion closed, good humoredly. Frank, our junior bar-keeper here, beats his father, in that line.

    I don't care if I do, returned the farmer; and the two passed up to the bar.

    Now, Frank, my boy, don't belie my praises, said the young man; do your handsomest.

    Two brandy-toddies, did you say? Frank made the inquiry with quite a professional air.

    Just what I did say; and let them be equal to Jove's nectar.

    Pleased at this familiarity, the boy went briskly to his work of mixing the tempting compound, while Hammond looked on with an approving smile.

    There, said the latter, as Frank passed the glasses across the counter, if you don't call that first-rate, you're no judge. And he handed one of them to the farmer, who tasted the ​agreeable draught, and praised its flavor. As before, I noticed that Hammond drank eagerly, like one athirst—emptying his glass without once taking it from his lips.

    Soon after the bar-room was empty; and then I walked around the premises, in company with the landlord, and listened to his praise of every thing and his plans and purposes for the future. The house, yard, garden, and out-buildings were in the most perfect order; presenting, in the whole, a model of a village tavern.

    Whatever I do, sir, said the talkative Simon Slade, I like to do well. I wasn't just raised to tavern-keeping, you must know; but I'm one who can turn his hand to almost any thing.

    What was your business? I inquired.

    I'm a miller, sir, by trade, he answered—and a better miller, though I say it myself, is not to be found in Bolton county. I've followed milling these twenty years, and made some little money. But I got tired of hard work, and determined to lead an easier life. ​So I sold my mill, and built this house with the money. I always thought I'd like tavern-keeping. It's an easy life; and, if rightly seen after, one in which a man is sure to make money.

    You were still doing a fair business with your mill?

    Oh, yes. Whatever I do, I do right. Last year, I put by a thousand dollars above all expenses, which is not bad, I can assure you, for a mere grist mill. If the present owner comes out even, he'll do well!

    How is that?

    Oh, he's no miller. Give him the best wheat that is grown, and he'll ruin it in grinding. He takes the life out of every grain. I don't believe he'll keep half the custom that I transferred with the mill.

    A thousand dollars, clear profit, in so useful a business, ought to have satisfied you, said I.

    There you and I differ, answered the land lord. Every man desires to make as much money as possible, and with the least labor. I ​hope to make two or three thousand dollars a year, over and above all expenses, at tavern-keeping. My bar alone ought to yield me that sum. A man with a wife and children very naturally tries to do as well by them as possible.

    Very true; but, I ventured to suggest, will this be doing as well by them as if you had kept on at the mill?

    Two or three thousand dollars a year against one thousand! Where are your figures, man?

    There may be something beyond the money to take into the account, said I.

    What? inquired Slade, with a kind of half credulity.

    Consider the different influences of the two callings in life—that of a miller and a tavern-keeper.

    Well! say on.

    Will your children be as safe from temptation here as in their former home?

    Just as safe, was the unhesitating answer. Why not?

    ​I was about to speak of the alluring glass in the case of Frank, but remembering that I had already expressed a fear in that direction, felt that to do so again would be useless, and so kept silent.

    A tavern-keeper, said Slade, is just as respectable as a miller—in fact, the very people who used to call me 'Simon' or 'Neighbor Dustycoat,' now say 'Landlord,' or Mr. Slade, and treat me in every way more as if I were an equal than ever they did before.

    The change, said I, maybe due to the fact of your giving evidence of possessing some means. Men are very apt to be courteous to those who have property. The building of the tavern has, without doubt, contributed to the new estimation in which you are held.

    That isn't all, replied the landlord. It is because I am keeping a good tavern, and thus materially advancing the interests of Cedarville, that some of our best people look at me with different eyes.Advancing the interests of Cedarville! In what way? I did not apprehend his meaning.

    A good tavern always draws people to a place, while a miserable old tumble-down of an affair, badly kept, such as we have had for years, as surely repels them. You can generally tell something about the condition of a town by looking at its taverns. If they are well kept, and doing a good business, you will hardly be wrong in the conclusion that the place is thriving. Why, already, since I built and opened the 'Sickle and Sheaf,' property has advanced over twenty per cent, along the whole street, and not less than five new houses have been commenced.

    Other causes, besides the simple opening of a new tavern, may have contributed to this result, said I.

    None of which I am aware. I was talking with Judge Hammond only yesterday—he owns a great deal of ground on the street—and he did not hesitate to say, that the building ​and opening of a good tavern here had increased the value of his property at least five thousand dollars. He said, moreover, that he thought the people of Cedarville ought to present me with a silver pitcher; and that, for one, he would contribute ten dollars for the purpose.

    The ringing of the supper bell interrupted further conversation; and with the best of appetites, I took my way to the room, where a plentiful meal was spread. As I entered, I met the wife of Simon Slade, just passing out, after seeing that every thing was in order. I had not observed her before; and now could not help remarking that she had a flushed, excited countenance, as if she had been over a hot fire, and was both worried and fatigued. And there was, moreover, a peculiar expression of the mouth, never observed in one whose mind is entirely at ease—an expression that once seen is never forgotten. The face stamped itself, instantly, on my memory; and I can even now recall it with almost the original distinctness. How ​strongly it contrasted with that of her smiling, self-satisfied husband, who took his place at the head of his table with an air of conscious importance. I was too hungry to talk much, and so found greater enjoyment in eating than in conversation. The landlord had a more chatty guest by his side, and I left them to entertain each other, while I did ample justice to the excellent food with which the table was liberally provided.

    After supper I went to the sitting-room, and remained there until the lamps were lighted. A newspaper occupied my time for perhaps half an hour; then the buzz of voices from the adjoining bar-room, which had been increasing for some time, attracted my attention, and I went in there to see and hear what was passing. The first person upon whom my eyes rested was young Hammond, who sat talking with a man older than himself by several years. At a glance, I saw that this man could only associate himself with Willy Hammond as a tempter. ​Unscrupulous selfishness was written all over his sinister countenance; and I wondered that it did not strike every one, as it did me, with instant repulsion. There could not be, I felt certain, any common ground of association, for two such persons, but the dead level of a village bar-room. I afterward learned, during the evening, that

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