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Pursuing the Governess: Love of a Governess, #3
Pursuing the Governess: Love of a Governess, #3
Pursuing the Governess: Love of a Governess, #3
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Pursuing the Governess: Love of a Governess, #3

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Alec Winters, Earl of Harwich, wanted Miss Regina Rutledge for his wife, but there was one thing standing in his way—her betrothal to another man. Before he could sweep her off to Gretna Green, he lost her forever. It was then that he vowed never to love again. He'd marry only for duty and heirs.


Miss Regina Rutledge loved Alec with all her heart, but her father refused to be moved by emotion. Before she could run away with Alec, her betrothed not only destroyed her home but killed her father. In fear for her life, and Alec's, Regina needed to disappear, even if it meant that everyone believed her dead. With painful determination, she became someone else—a governess, hiding from Society.


When Alec discovers her living in the home of his cousin, her betrayal cuts deep and Alec isn't certain that he can ever forgive her. Will they find their way back to each other, or will the love and passion they once shared be destroyed for good?

Release dateJul 28, 2022
Pursuing the Governess: Love of a Governess, #3

Jane Charles

Jane Charles has lived in the Midwest her entire life. As a child she would more likely be found outside with a baseball than a book in her hand. In fact, Jane hated reading until she was sixteen. Out of boredom on a long road trip she borrowed her older sister’s historical romance and fell in love with reading. She long ago lost count of how many fiction novels she has read over the years and her love for them never died.  Along with romance she has a passion for history and the two soon combined when she penned her first historical romance.  What turned into a hobby became a passion, which has been fully supported by her husband, three children and three cats. Jane can be contacted at: [email protected] Twitter and FB: JaneACharle  

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    Book preview

    Pursuing the Governess - Jane Charles


    London, March, 1815

    ″Break your betrothal, Regina," Lord Alec Winters, Earl of Harwich, murmured before he placed his lips against the sensitive spot just below her right ear.

    He knew she had difficulty arguing when he was bent on seduction and had pulled her into a far corner of the gardens, out of sight and hearing of the other guests. His need to speak with her was urgent.

    That wasn’t his only urgent need, but until Regina was truly his, he’d remain unsatisfied.

    ″You know I cannot," she whispered in the darkness.

    Alec pulled back and stared down. I love you. He cradled her cheek in his hands. You are the most beautiful and desirable woman in England. The kindest and most loving.

    Regina tried to glance away as her cheeks colored ever so slightly with embarrassment.

    She was perfect, with her crystal blue eyes, midnight hair, smooth and soft porcelain skin, and perfectly bowed and kissable lips. He’d been struck by her loveliness when they’d first met but it was her heart that had won his.

    ″My father will not allow it," she insisted.

    ″We will simply run away. We can start for Gretna Green tonight."

    ″You must return home tomorrow," she reminded him.

    She was correct. He’d come to tell her of the death of his cousin and his need to return to Willanton to be with family and attend the funeral. He and his cousin, Preston Ambrose, the younger brother of the deceased, would be leaving at first light tomorrow.

    But Alec didn’t want to think of Theodore’s sudden tragic death tonight, or the death of Kate, his wife, and the fact that they’d left five daughters behind.

    Perhaps that was why he needed Regina now, more than ever. One never knew when life would end, and he didn’t want to waste another moment before making Regina his. He needed her. She was the match to his soul. But he’d not fully seduce her until she was his wife.

    Before he’d met Regina, he had never believed a deep aching love was real. He’d thought poets only played to the emotions of misses for the purpose of seduction and pleasure. Regina had changed his thinking.

    He’d met her over the winter whilst visiting with a friend and been smitten immediately. Alec thought himself too jaded to fall so easily, but he had. Then he spied her walking on Bond Street in January before the Season had even begun and decided then and there that he’d court and marry Miss Regina Rutledge. Except, her father betrothed her to another. A man Regina despised.

    ″Once we are wed, there is nothing he can do," Alec insisted.

    ″The contracts have been signed, she murmured. If I break the betrothal, my father will lose the land."

    Her fiancé, Mr. Herbert Vickery, landed gentry and quite wealthy, had agreed to give up the land bordering Viscount Rennick’s estate for the simple fee of Regina’s hand in marriage.

    Alec didn’t understand why the land was so important, and certainly no more important than his daughter’s happiness, but Rennick would not be moved on the matter.

    Rennick and Vickery were both greedy, making their fortune in mining. Now Regina would fall victim to their avarice and Alec would not have it.

    ″Think on what I have said. I will return in a fortnight. You will not be married yet and we will still have time to go away together."

    ″I will not change my mind. I cannot." Tears welled and her anguish pained him. Alec bent and kissed both eyelids, his hands cradling her face.

    ″You must, for I will not live without you. Alec kissed her. You are mine and I am yours."

    ″If only it were possible."

    He stared down. You love me, don’t you?

    ″Yes, you know I do."

    ″As deeply as I love you, and I will not allow you to marry Vickery."

    ″What if we aren’t given a choice?" This time the tear leaked out of the corner of her eye.

    ″I will think of something. Trust me in this. When I return from my cousin’s funeral, I will have the answers we need, and you will be mine."

    Alec pulled Regina close and kissed her deeply.

    He had one month until she’d be forced to wed, and he needed to make her his before she was lost to him forever.

    But for now, he was going to hold and love her, share in the few liberties she allowed, the only ones he dare take for fear that his passion may burn too brightly and they’d both forget themselves until it was too late, and they were sated.

    Her hands snaked around his neck as Alec skimmed a hand up her sides before he cupped the perfect breast. He then pulled away and trailed kisses down her neck and upon the swell of her breast just above her bodice. One day, there would be no barrier of clothing between them.

    ″I will be gone a fortnight. He pulled her onto his lap. I do not wish for you to forget me."

    She chuckled. I could never forget you Alec, or the way you make me feel.

    They’d had many moments of passion such as this, taking and giving only what they dared in stolen moments. At first, it was Alec who gave, but Regina soon overcame her shyness and found ways to pleasure him without loss of virginity. Soon, there would be nothing that would keep them from being one.

    ″One day, Regina, you will fully be mine and I will love you in ways you could never imagine. You will always have my heart, my love, and my protection."

    Chapter 1

    Regina paused on the stairs as voices rose from her father’s library.

    He and Vickery were arguing, but she couldn’t imagine why, unless her father had agreed to break the betrothal. Regina had begged these past weeks, ever since her father had made the announcement, but he’d not given in. He wanted that land and as she needed to marry anyway, it might as well be to Vickery.

    She’d blessedly been without Vickery’s presence these past three weeks while he attended to his estate. In truth, she’d hoped he’d forgotten about her and would not return to London. Regina hadn’t even known he had returned until she heard his voice and her stomach tightened with loathing.

    Alec had approached her father twice, asking that the betrothal be broken and that Father give his blessing for Alec and Regina to wed. He had been rejected both times. It was her father’s opinion that Alec had nothing to offer of value, such as precious mining lands, and his financial state was precarious at best. Her father would rather marry Regina to wealthy, landed gentry than an earl, which was the complete opposite of what the rest of Society would want for their daughters.

    Her father didn’t understand that she couldn’t stand to be in the same room with her betrothed. Vickery may be handsome and wealthy, but he was unkind and selfish. A cold man with a cold heart who wanted her. That’s what he’d told her. He wanted her in his bed and the only means to accomplish such was by marriage.

    She couldn’t understand why he’d wanted her at all, except that she’d been the only female to reject his advances. She was a challenge and the more she rejected his suit, the more he wanted her. Had she flirted when they first met, he may have lost interest in her long ago, but she hadn’t realized that Vickery thrived on challenges. Maybe he couldn’t accept that there was one woman who didn’t want him, because he’d quickly dismissed the misses who made no secret of their desire for his attention.

    Tomorrow, Alec would return after being gone a fortnight, and she prayed he had found an answer to their dilemma. She so wanted to be with him. To marry him, and love him the rest of her days, but they were running out of time. Though it may ruin her father, and he might disown her, Regina had to accept the possibility that she may just need to do what Alec asked and run off to Gretna Green with him because she could not marry Vickery. She’d not live a miserable life so that her father could have more land to mine and add to his already overflowing coffers of money.

    Just thoughts of Alec warmed her. She’d been taken with him almost immediately. There was a challenge and humor in his brown eyes, and he charmed easily. He’d made Regina laugh and she learned quickly that he harbored a contrary streak. The most obvious was that he hated to shave, thus refused to do so regardless of fashion. He stayed within the confines of what was acceptable within Society, but often whispered witticisms when they’d observed what Alec believed to be ridiculous behavior. He wasn’t above teasing her, or his friends and found great humor in nearly any situation. Regina had begun to wonder if there was anything Alec took seriously but then they grew closer and she discovered that a thoughtful, intelligent and caring gentleman lay beneath the surface of the jocund persona he showed to those in Society.

    Tomorrow. He’d be here tomorrow, and she’d see Alec once again.

    ″You assured me that Regina would come to me willingly," Vickery yelled.

    ″She will. My daughter always obeys."

    ″Except I heard rumor of her sneaking off into gardens with other gentlemen. There is even a question as to

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