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The Hurlingstone Spinsters
The Hurlingstone Spinsters
The Hurlingstone Spinsters
Ebook46 pages35 minutes

The Hurlingstone Spinsters

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The Edwardian Terrace Chronicles is all about relationships.  Presented in the form of six mildly-erotic stories with an underlying historical theme, the compilation begins with Gladys Hurlingstone's discovery of herself during the revolutionary change in architecture in 1902.


Each fictional account relates to the occupants of that terrace as it moves through the decades.  Written as individual tales, they can be read independently if preferred.  When read together, however, the lives of the inhabitants therein either overlap, or are inextricably intertwined.


In this, the first part of those Chronicles, a young Gladys discovers the terrace and her secret self.


F J Shindler.

PublisherF J Shindler
Release dateAug 4, 2022
The Hurlingstone Spinsters

F J Shindler

F J Shindler was born in Manchester, England, but lived in various parts of the U.K. before retiring to a very rural part of the Czech Republic. As an author of short stories aimed at a more mature audience, F J Shindler has recently published the first of twelve hard-boiled novels in the 'Klub Päris Fantastiline' series.  Not for the faint-hearted, book one, 'The Ninth Case File' is set in 1966 and is titled 'Mikey'. Book two, 'The Sixth Case File' is currently in production and is titled, 'Inga'. Told against the backdrop of a friendship between two kidnapped women in the closing stages of war in Europe, theirs is a story of escape from turmoil, of love and betrayal, and of hatred.  Most of all, it's a story of revenge, and of the hunt for one man.

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    Book preview

    The Hurlingstone Spinsters - F J Shindler

    The Hurlingstone Spinsters

    Part One of The Edwardian Terrace Chronicles


    Copyright 2022 F J Shindler


    This work is the product of  imagination.  The places, establishments, institutions, and events cited herein either do not exist, or are used fictitiously to enhance the plotline.  Any resemblance to events or actual persons, living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this work may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form without the permission of the Author and Publisher.  The work is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

    Table of Contents







    About F J Shindler

    Other Fiction



    Acknowledgement to 'darksouls1' for his kind permission to adapt and use the visually stunning chapter cover image.


    The Edwardian Terrace Chronicles is all about relationships.  Presented in the form of six mildly-erotic stories with an underlying historical theme, the chapters recount the lives of the occupants of that terrace as they move through the decades.

    Written as individual short stories, each tale can be read independently if preferred.  When read together, however, the lives of the inhabitants are seen to be inextricably intertwined.

    The compilation begins with Gladys Hurlingstone’s discovery of herself during the revolutionary change in architecture in 1902. 

    The Hurlingstone Spinsters

    Part One of The Edwardian Terrace Chronicles

    The land upon which the Edwardian houses now stood had once been owned by a Peer of the realm.  Gladys reproached herself for not being able to recall his name, not least because her elderly grandfather had tried to drum it into her often enough as they strolled hand-in-hand through the Lord’s picturesque parkland years earlier.  At that time, Gladys still lived in the town, in a house that had been of her mother’s choosing, not hers.  A dark, cluttered, early Victorian affair, it was a place Gladys never really warmed to.  Not so the new houses her excited eyes contemplated now.  Coinciding with Edward the Seventh’s arrival came a change in architecture that charmed the moment she set eyes upon it.  Clean, bright, and with tall sash windows to both front and rear, light seemed to stream into the rooms from just about everywhere.  Equally refreshing were the nearby meadows.  Visible from where the top of the road under construction would eventually form a T-junction with the existing thoroughfare, their sprawling fields and varying hues of green offered a welcome change from the grime-laden, dingy streets Gladys had always known.

    It was still there, the park, smaller in acreage than it used to be when she walked its intricately woven pathways with her grandfather, but still a sizeable area nonetheless.  Even now, if she stood on tip-toes and peaked through a narrow opening between the tall Limes, Gladys could just about see the park from the middle bedroom, the one that Irene, her sister, had selected for herself.  The back attic would have afforded a far better view of course, not that Gladys would ever go up

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