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Fun Dinosaur Facts For Kids
Fun Dinosaur Facts For Kids
Fun Dinosaur Facts For Kids
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Fun Dinosaur Facts For Kids

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Amazing facts about dinosaurs

Dinosaurs intrigue us. Who were they? How did they live? How did they come to rule Earth during the Age of Dinosaurs? Why are they gone today? Dinosaur Facts for Kids answers these intriguing questions for kids ages 9 to 12.

Dinosaur hunters have found some of their bones and fossils.

Release dateAug 18, 2022
Fun Dinosaur Facts For Kids

Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson

Jacquelyn Johnson writes books for curious and creative kids ages 8 to 12. This includes the lively Fun Animal Facts for Kids Series about animals, pets and the natural world. She also writes the Morley Stories Series of novels for girls 10 to 13.Jacquelyn is also a former teacher, college and university lecturer. She has taught English as a Second Language to children and teenagers in South Korea and journalism to university students in South Dakota and Ontario.

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    Fun Dinosaur Facts For Kids - Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson



    for Kids

    Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson

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    © 2022 Crimson Hill Books/Crimson Hill Products Inc.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book, including words and illustrations may be copied, lent, excerpted or quoted except in very brief passages by a reviewer.

    First edition, May 2022.

    Cataloguing in Publication Data

    Johnson, Jacquelyn Elnor

    Dinosaur Facts for Kids

    Description: Crimson Hill Books trade ebook edition | Nova Scotia, Canada

    ISBN:       978-1-989595-75-6 (eBook - Ingram)

    BISAC:      JNF003050 Juvenile Nonfiction: Animals - Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures

    JNF025150 Juvenile Nonfiction: History - Prehistoric

    JNF037050 Juvenile Nonfiction: Science & Nature - Fossils

    THEMA:       RBX - Paleontology

    WNA - Dinosaurs & the prehistoric world - general interest

    YNNA - Children’s - Teenage general interest - Dinosaurs & prehistoric world

    Record available at 

    Book design: Jesse Johnson

    Crimson Hill Books

    (a division of)

    Crimson Hill Products Inc.

    Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia


    A close up of a logo Description automatically generatedPhoto 1 Allosaurus hunting pack Daniel Eskridge shutterstock_1121415077

    A pack of Tyrannosaurus rex fighting an Ankylosaurus.

    Photo 50 T-rex roars Daniel Eskridge shutterstock_1424179049

    Tyrannosaurus rex is the world’s most famous dinosaur, but it wasn’t the largest or the fastest or even the strangest dinosaur that ever lived. There are many more fantastic and fascinating dinosaurs to discover!

    Do you know dinosaurs?

    For many thousands of years, storytellers told myths and legends about strange and monstrous creatures. These creatures were called dragons. There were many fantastical things about dragons. They were huge, but they could fly. They were very strong, but not very smart. Their job was guarding princesses from all sorts of trouble. And, most incredible of all, they could breathe out great plumes of fire. Dragons were fierce, dangerous and fascinating!

    Yet there was no proof that they ever existed. Perhaps dragons were just creatures of the imagination, like characters in a video game or movie or on TV. They were big, bad and fun to think about and tell stories about, but dragons weren’t real.

    People all over the world enjoyed these dragon stories for many thousands of years. At the same time, many people said that nothing like a dragon had ever existed and could never exist. They were too different from animals that are alive today to ever be real. Many people in the past believed all the types of animals that have ever lived were still alive now. Animals don’t change, they argued. The Earth and everything on it including all the plants and animals, and humans, too, have always been exactly the same.

    No one had proof about how old the Earth might be. They didn’t know how Earth started or when. They didn’t know when plants, animals and people got here. The dragon question was just one thing that scientists, and everyone else, wondered about. This caused a lot of arguments about these questions and a lot of crazy ideas to try to answer them.

    Photo 15 Ichthyovenator catching fish Daniel Eskridge shutterstock_1856862094

    Ichthyovenator [Ick-fee-oh-ven-a-tor] was a spinosaurid dinosaur that lived in Laos, Asia in the early Cretaceous Era. Spinosaurids were the dinosaurs with spines and possibly sails on their backs.

    Then, only about 200 years ago, some bones and fossils were found that didn’t seem to match any known living creature. Scientists couldn’t figure out just what they were but gave this question creature a name anyways. That name is dinosaur. It means giant lizard.

    Dinosaurs aren’t giant lizards, but the name stuck. They also weren’t dragons (though there were some people who still wished they were). As scientists studied these bones and fossils, they realized that dinosaurs couldn’t fly. Some of them were huge, but some weren’t. Maybe the smaller ones were the babies of the bigger ones? Or maybe they were a different animal? They just didn’t know.

    Photo 13 Gargoyleosaurus a type of ankylosaur Daniel shutterstock_1543912709

    Gargoyleosaurus [Gar-goi-el-lee-oh-sore-us] was a slow-moving armored tank of an animal that ate plants and lived in the late Jurassic Period.

    The biggest ones were bigger than a school bus. The smallest ones could have fit in a cat-carrier. One thing they did know is no animal including dinosaurs ever had a furnace

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