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Guitar Jewish Music Part 2: Guitar Jewish Music, #2
Guitar Jewish Music Part 2: Guitar Jewish Music, #2
Guitar Jewish Music Part 2: Guitar Jewish Music, #2
Ebook114 pages28 minutes

Guitar Jewish Music Part 2: Guitar Jewish Music, #2

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About this ebook

Unleash the power of Jewish music on your guitar with "Guitar Jewish Music - Part 2"! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, this comprehensive guidebook is designed to support your personal musical journey every step of the way. With a wide range of popular Jewish songs, complete with added chords to make them easier to play on your guitar, this book is an essential resource for guitarists of all skill levels. The chord encyclopedia included in this book brings together everything you need to play all your favorite songs. Don't wait, take your guitar skills to the next level and discover the joy of Jewish music with "Guitar Jewish Music - Part 2", book 2 of 2 in the series.

Release dateAug 20, 2022
Guitar Jewish Music Part 2: Guitar Jewish Music, #2

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    Book preview

    Guitar Jewish Music Part 2 - MusicResources

    Chaim Shel Shalom – In G Major

    G  C  G  D

    Yehi ratzon milifnei avinu

    G  C  D

    Avinu shebashamayim

    Em  Bm

    Shetitmaleh rachamim

    C  G

    Al hachatan vihakallah

    Em  D  C


    G  D  G

    Chaim shel shalom

    Em  D  G

    Chaim shel shalvah

    Am  D

    Chaim shel osher vi’osher

    C  D

    Chaim shel kavod

    C  D  G

    2nd:Chaim shel kavod

    Am  D      Am  D

    Viyizku viyizku Viyizku lichaim

    Chaim Shel Shalom – In C Major

    C  F  C  G

    Yehi ratzon milifnei avinu

    C  F  G

    Avinu shebashamayim

    Am  Em

    Shetitmaleh rachamim

    F  C

    Al hachatan vihakallah

    Am  G  F


    C  G  C

    Chaim shel shalom

    Am  G  C

    Chaim shel shalvah

    Dm  G

    Chaim shel osher vi’osher

    F  G

    Chaim shel kavod

    F  G  C

    2nd:Chaim shel kavod

    Dm  G   Dm  G

    Viyizku viyizku   Viyizku lichaim


    Em  Am  Em

    Chamol al ma’asecha

    Em  Am

    Visismach bima’asecha


    Viyomiru licha




    Am  B

    Bitzadkcha la’amusecha


    Em  C


    B  Em

    Bitzadkcha la’amusecha


    Tukdash adon

    G  Am

    Al kol ma’asecha


    Ki makdishecha

    B  Em

    Bikdushas’cha kidashta

    Em  C

    Na’eh likadosh

    G  B

    Na’eh likadosh

    B  B7  Em

    Oy oy pi’eir mikdoshim



    Chasof ziroa kadshecha

    Dm  G  C

    Vikareiv keitz hayeshua

    Am  Em  A  Dm

    Nikom nikmas dam avadecha

    F  G  C  E

    Mei’uma harisha’a

    F  E

    2nd: Mei’uma harisha’a

    Am  Dm

    Ki aricha lanu hayishua

    C  G 

    Vi’ein keitz limei hara’ah

    F  C

    Dichei admon

    A  Dm

    Bitzeil tzalmon

    F  G  C  G

    Hakeim lanu roi’eh shiv’ah

    Chayiv Inish

    Am  Dm  Am

    Chayiv inish libisumei

    G  Am E  Am

    Libisumei libisumei

    Am  Dm 

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