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Clean Body: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing Yourself
Clean Body: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing Yourself
Clean Body: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing Yourself
Ebook108 pages56 minutes

Clean Body: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing Yourself

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Clean Zen, clean green! Clean Body follows the successful Clean: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing, by cleaning guru Michael DeJong. As with the first book, this is not merely about washing away the dirt: it embodies a mindset, a philosophy, an alternative to mass consumerism. DeJong draws from Eastern belief systems—especially the element theory in Chinese medicine and Asian cooking—and harmoniously balances five pure essentials in his recipes, using baking soda, lemon, olive oil, salt, and white vinegar as the basis for his all-natural concoctions. Including special, separate sections for men and women, Clean Body has ideas for everything from facial exfoliants and natural aftershave to moisturizers and creams for itchy skin, discolored knees, and smooth feet. EVERY part of the body, from head to toe, is covered.

Release dateSep 10, 2010
Clean Body: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing Yourself

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    Book preview

    Clean Body - Michael DeJong

    clean body

    the humble art of zen-cleansing yourself

    by michael dejong

    a joost elffers production

    New York / London

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    This book is printed in a sustainable manner using 100 percent (post- and pre-consumer) recycled paper and vegetable-based inks. No new trees were used.

    Copyright © 2009 by Michael DeJong and Joost Elffers Books


    The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing Yourself

    A Joost Elffers Production

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    Design and illustration by Yumi Asai and Edgar Prieto at Berrymatch LLC

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    Sterling ISBN 978-1-4027-6679-4

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    I’m clean because of the support

    of those around me.


    To Mrs. Hoogeveen, my childhood neighbor and babysitter, to my maternal Dutch-born grandma, and to my mom—who all scrubbed me so hard I appeared sunburned even in the winter.

    To my barber who, one day, surprisingly shaved my balding head and promised I’d thank him later. Thank you!

    To our over-groomed dog, Jack, because he patiently lets me bathe him. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

    To Joost Elffers because he understands the way I vibrate.

    And to my Richard, just so-cause.

    Handy Recipe Index



    The Ingredients

      1. Elbows and Knees

      2. Face

      3. Feet

      4. Hair

      5. Hands

      6. Mouth

      7. Privates

         for Her

         for Him

      8. Scalp

      9. Skin

    10. Tush



    Okay, I admit it—I’m a clean freak. In fact, I’m proud of it!

    I clean stuff, sometimes twice—the dishes, pots, pans, floors, rugs, windows, bedding, our poor dog Jack, and

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