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George's Mother (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
George's Mother (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
George's Mother (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
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George's Mother (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)

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About this ebook

Published in 1896, this quasi-sequel to Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893), explores and exposes the dark side of life in the Bowery using the same technique of literary realism that Crane had employed in the earlier novel and in his Civil War masterpiece, The Red Badge of Courage (1895).

Release dateFeb 15, 2011
George's Mother (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)

Stephen Crane

Stephen Crane was born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1871. He died in Germany on June 5, 1900.

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    George's Mother (Barnes & Noble Digital Library) - Stephen Crane



    This 2011 edition published by Barnes & Noble, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher.

    Barnes & Noble, Inc.

    122 Fifth Avenue

    New York, NY 10011

    ISBN: 978-1-4114-3756-2


    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V

    Chapter VI

    Chapter VII

    Chapter VIII

    Chapter IX

    Chapter X

    Chapter XI

    Chapter XII

    Chapter XIII

    Chapter XIV

    Chapter XV

    Chapter XVI

    Chapter XVII


    IN the swirling rain that came at dusk the broad avenue glistened with that deep bluish tint which is so widely condemned when it is put into pictures. There were long rows of shops, whose fronts shone with full, golden light. Here and there, from druggists' windows, or from the red street-lamps that indicated the positions of fire-alarm boxes, a flare of uncertain, wavering crimson was thrown upon the wet pavements.

    The lights made shadows, in which the buildings loomed with a new and tremendous massiveness, like castles and fortresses. There were endless processions of people, mighty hosts, with umbrellas waving, banner-like, over them. Horse-cars, aglitter with new paint, rumbled in steady array between the pillars that supported the elevated railroad. The whole street resounded with the tinkle of bells, the roar of iron-shod wheels on the cobbles, the ceaseless trample of the hundreds of feet. Above all, too, could be heard the loud screams of the tiny newsboys, who scurried in all directions. Upon the corners, standing in from the dripping eaves, were many loungers, descended from the world that used to prostrate itself before pageantry.

    A brown young man went along the avenue. He held a tin lunch-pail under his arm in a manner that was evidently uncomfortable. He was puffing at a corn-cob pipe. His shoulders had a self-reliant poise, and the hang of his arms and the raised veins of his hands showed him to be a man who worked with his muscles.

    As he passed a street-corner a man in old clothes gave a shout of surprise, and rushing impetuously forward, grasped his hand.

    Hello, Kelcey, ol' boy, cried the man in old clothes. How's th' boy, anyhow? Where in thunder yeh been fer th' last seventeen years? I'll be hanged if you ain't th' last man I ever expected t' see.

    The brown youth put his pail to the ground and grinned. Well, if it ain't ol' Charley Jones, he said, ecstatically shaking hands. How are yeh, anyhow? Where yeh been keepin' yerself? I ain't seen yeh fer a year?

    Well, I should say so! Why, th' last time I saw you was up in Handyville!

    Sure! On Sunday, we——

    Sure! Out at Bill Sickles's place. Let's go get a drink!

    They made toward a little glass-fronted saloon that sat blinking jovially at the crowds. It engulfed them with a gleeful motion of its two widely smiling lips.

    What'll yeh take, Kelcey?

    Oh, I guess I'll take a beer.

    Gimme little whiskey, John.

    The two friends leaned against the bar and looked with enthusiasm upon each other.

    Well, well, I'm thunderin' glad t' see yeh, said Jones.

    Well, I guess, replied Kelcey. Here's to yeh, ol' man.

    Let 'er go.

    They lifted their glasses, glanced fervidly at each other, and drank.

    Yeh ain't changed much, on'y yeh've growed like th' devil, said Jones, reflectively, as he put down his glass. I'd know yeh anywheres!

    Certainly yeh would, said Kelcey. An' I knew you, too, th' minute I saw yeh. Yer changed, though!

    Yes, admitted Jones, with some complacency, I s'pose I am. He regarded himself in the mirror that multiplied the bottles on the shelf back of the bar. He should have seen a grinning face with a rather pink nose. His derby was perched carelessly on the back part of his head. Two wisps of hair straggled down over his hollow temples. There was something very worldly and wise about him. Life did not seem to confuse him. Evidently he understood its complications. His hand thrust into his trousers' pocket, where he jingled keys, and his hat perched back on his head expressed a young man of vast knowledge. His extensive acquaintance with bartenders aided him materially in this habitual expression of wisdom.

    Having finished he turned to the barkeeper. John, has any of th' gang been in t'-night yet?

    No—not yet, said the barkeeper. Ol' Bleecker was aroun' this afternoon about four. He said if I seen any of th' boys t' tell 'em he'd be up t'-night if he could get away. I saw Connor an' that other fellah goin' down th' avenyeh about an hour ago. I guess they'll be back after awhile.

    This is th' hang-out fer a great gang, said Jones, turning to Kelcey. They're a great crowd, I tell yeh. We own th' place when we get started. Come aroun' some night. Any night, almost. T'-night, b' jiminy. They'll almost all be here, an' I'd like t' interduce yeh. They're a great gang! Gre-e-at!

    I'd like teh, said Kelcey.

    Well, come ahead, then, cried the other, cordially. Ye'd like t' know 'em. It's an outa sight crowd. Come aroun' t'-night!

    I will if I can.

    Well, yeh ain't got anything t' do, have yeh? demanded Jones. Well, come along, then. Yeh might just as well spend yer time with a good crowd 'a fellahs. An' it's a great gang. Great! Gre-e-at!

    Well, I must make fer home now, anyhow, said Kelcey. It's late as blazes. What'll yeh take this time, ol'man?

    Gimme little more whiskey, John!

    Guess I'll take another beer!

    Jones emptied the whiskey into his large mouth and then put the glass upon the bar. Been in th' city long? he asked. Um—well, three years is a good deal fer a slick man. Doin' well? Oh, well, nobody's doin' well these days.

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