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Dark Hearts
Dark Hearts
Dark Hearts
Ebook311 pages4 hours

Dark Hearts

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"She may look like the Little Red Riding Hood, but she really is the wolf."


Julia is a werewolf who turned against her pack and saved an innocent life. As a reward for her good deed, she ends up in prison, but thrives while others like her waste away


On the eve of a full moon, an unknown benefactor arranges for Julia's release. Faced with the prospect of returning to the city that nearly killed her, she opts to disappear into the surrounding woods.


This is the opportunity she needs to find herself and reconnect with the wild. As her past resurfaces, the supernatural and dark elements within humanity take notice of her.

Before reading on, be sure to consider: She may look like the Little Red Riding Hood, but she really is the wolf.

Release dateAug 29, 2022
Dark Hearts

Evelyn Chartres

Evelyn Chartres is the nom de plume for a self-published Canadian author. The writer of eight Gothic fantasy novels, Evelyn released her debut novel, The Portrait, in 2016, and her latest, The Van Helsing Impetus, in 2023. A fan of the phrase ‘live to eat’, Evelyn shares her recipes on These recipes have a loose focus on French-Canadian cuisine, which feature deep-dish meat pies, seafood, and desserts that are rarely seen outside of La Belle Province. Evelyn is currently living in Ottawa, Ontario, and is busy laying the foundations for her next book featuring Marc.

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    Dark Hearts - Evelyn Chartres

    Dark Hearts by Evelyn Chartres




    Full Moon

    Kaylee was heading to her other job on a city bus, and that was the first thing that had gone right all day—scratch that, all month. The passengers were packed in like sardines, chock-full of human misery, with smells that ranged from cumin to urine. To help pass the time, she focused on a song playing in her mind. At least that part was easy, there was always a song playing in her head .

    Finally, a faceless man said as the ‘Next Stop’ sign lit up.

    She agreed with him. Most were headed for this stop to connect with the subway. Once they left, she would have the chance to grab a seat and rest her legs. Otherwise, I’ll be standing for nearly an hour.

    Life was not going according to plan. She had just begun a civil engineering program at one of the local universities. She was flying high back then, living on campus surrounded by like-minded people her age, and keeping her controlling mother at bay was the proverbial cherry on top.

    Alas, her boyfriend had left her the moment he learned the results of her pregnancy test. He didn’t take it well… I never would have thought that I’d end up alone.

    All she remembered from the day he walked away was the driving rain. In reality, the sky was a deep blue with scarcely a cloud in sight. Even now, she felt a shiver run down her spine just thinking about it. I lost sight of him through a vale of tears.

    She had doubts on how her mother would react. Amber confirmed her suspicions after informing her that she was no longer welcome home. Never thought I’d end up completely alone.

    "Not as long as you carry that vile seed," Amber made sure to add.

    The pregnancy itself was not the problem, per se. It was the nature of the child, or to be precise, the sex of the child. They would have been overjoyed to see a hamburger but were faced with a hotdog on the ultrasound.

    They cut her off financially after she reached the third trimester, expecting her to crawl back to them and they would make the problem go away. Three generations of witches who drew powers from living members would have made quick work of an unwanted child. They never asked what I wanted

    There were programs for people in her situation, including subsidised housing and tuition. However, it was not enough to make ends meet in this city. So, she took on two part-time jobs and had to rely on the kindness of Miss Dorset, who lived next door, to watch her son to make ends meet—

    The bus slowed to a stop, and both doors opened up. People tumbled out of the bus, leaving behind half-a-dozen passengers. Kaylee sat down, with her backpack between her legs, and took out her phone.

    She had been on this bus for a half an hour and would ride on for another twenty minutes before she reached the diner. At least she could sink into her seat and scroll through Twitcher to pass the time.

    That final exam had crushed her soul. Kaylee needed to wind down, but was already running late. Under normal circumstances, she was among the first to leave, but she finished dead last today. She had no time to study… Aiden was crying all night.

    Not that being a single mother holding down two jobs was key to academic success. She was barely keeping afloat, financially and academically. However, that degree was her ticket to a better life. I need this for Aiden.

    Kaylee scrolled through the timeline. There were a slew of posts from someone threatening to leave social media behind. Such posts never failed to trend. She found comics centred on the interactions between Death and the Devil, cat pictures, and selfies that were invariably followed by outrage at the comments they received. Oh look! A list of new people to cancel

    Wait, Kaylee whispered.

    She noticed a pair of distinctive black wings on her timeline. It was a photograph of a woman with her naughty bits blacked out and those badass wings outstretched. In the same frame, there was something else, something that defied all explanation. I still say that it’s a sasquatch.

    When this went viral, people circulated videos and several stills of the event, while mainstream news media remained curiously silent. Some called the woman in the picture a harpy, or the Valkyrie, but the shotgun in her hands did not fit with either backstory.

    The other creature was rarely in frame. A friend told her it looked like a bigfoot. Some insisted it was a very hairy man, and others stated it was some elaborate costume. I’ve never seen one of those costumes with a functional snout.

    This was the shot that turned into a meme, the picture that marked the beginning of a rampage and associated manhunt south of the border. Forty-three brutally murdered in a subway car, a high-speed chase in a stolen ambulance, and several killed when a mothballed hydroelectric dam burst. All on account of this black-winged creature of wrath

    There came a ding and the ‘Next Stop’ sign lit up. She took a measure of her surroundings and realised this was her stop. She caught the driver looking right at her through his mirror. He noticed that I wasn’t paying attention.

    When the bus came to a stop, she exited through the front doors. She flashed the driver a smile for the kindness, which was sorely lacking these days.

    Thank you, Kaylee said.

    Anytime, the driver replied.

    Full Moon

    A bell rang when she entered the diner. Coffee, fried sausage, and bacon reminded her that there was no time for breakfast this morning. I fell asleep twenty minutes before getting up and I slept through my alarm

    Sorry I’m late, Kaylee said.

    A woman wearing an identical uniform looked up from wiping down the counter and smiled. Gladys was old enough to be her grandmother, but they got along well. The older server often reminded her that she needed to push through these tough times, get that piece of paper, and start raking in that cash.

    Slow going so far, Gladys said. Go hang up your coat, and I’ll hold the fort.

    Kaylee stifled a frown and went through the set of double doors that led to the kitchen. A slow day often meant her shift was cut short. At least she could afford to take the hit, whereas Gladys had fallen victim to a handsome face who promptly syphoned off her life savings. This job is all she has to stay off the streets.

    She crept past the manager’s door and did not chance a peek. Kaylee needed Joe to remain unaware that she was late. If she was lucky, he would not realise she was in and would forget to send her home.

    She unzipped her coat slowly to avoid making a sound and hung it up on the wall. Kaylee then slid off her boots and put on a pair of plain white shoes she kept around for convenience. Nearly ready, she rolled down her apron, stared in the mirror, and cried.

    Her hair was a mess, but there was no time to fix it. The exam must have stressed her out, because of the visible knots everywhere. All of that from running a hand through my hair

    The worst aspect was the dark circles under her eyes. Her skin was pale and blotchy, while those brown eyes were bloodshot. Kaylee looked like she felt, and it was a matter of time before she caught the cold or the flu. I can’t afford to get sick now.

    Kaylee clenched her jaw, wiped the tears from her eyes, and took out any wrinkles from her uniform. To her left, the door leading to the back alley was ajar. She smiled and stepped out for a moment.

    The cool air was brisk, a welcome change from the oppressive heat of the kitchen. She pressed on the phone icon, then tapped on the call twice. The phone rang.


    Kaylee tapped her foot impatiently.


    She bit her lower lip and kept an ear out for activity inside.


    Come on, Kaylee urged. Come on!

    Hello, you have reached

    Shit! Kaylee swore. I was hoping to hear Aiden—


    Uh. Hello, Miss Dorset. I was calling to check in on Aiden, Kaylee said. I’m about to start my shift now, so I won’t be able to take any calls. I’ll call again when I’m on break. Give my love to Aiden.

    She hung up, pocketed her phone, and snuck back to the front. This is going to be a long shift

    Full Moon

    Kaylee survived the lunch rush. The sight of all those full plates of food she delivered made her salivate, so she kept her mind focused on the orders while the music played on. Whenever there was no music in the background, her favourite singer-songwriter, a sultry brunette with green eyes played on for an audience of one.

    When the last patron slipped off his stool, Gladys picked up the remote and turned up the volume. The news show on the television caught Kaylee’s attention, and her mind’s concert went into intermission.

    in international news, Julia Black was found in contempt for refusing to testify on the matter of

    Kaylee looked up just as the emaciated Julia Black, with her face covered by a jacket, was escorted to a vehicle in chains. There’s no life in those steps, as though she has given up.

    While the Valkyrie who committed the string of violent deaths disappeared without leaving a trace, Julia had been the one left holding the bag. Eyewitness statements claimed Julia had been shot and was unconscious during the assault on the mining complex. Even the kidnap victim defended her, but that was not enough.

    There was a lot of pent-up anger associated with the rampage in the subway and chaos that unfolded on the streets. Kaylee did not believe Julia was involved in any of it, but she was a known gang member and was witnessed in the company of the mystery woman. Her public defender should have been disbarred, and the people demanded blood.

    The bell rang as the door opened. Kaylee spotted the elderly grey-haired man who came here every day like clockwork. She suspected he had a crush on Gladys but did not have the courage to make the first move. I wish my boyfriend had been the shy type

    Good afternoon, Larry, Kaylee chimed loud enough for the cook to hear and pass on the message.

    Alas, the cook was not paying attention, preoccupied with swiping right on his phone. Kaylee made a note to stay off dating apps for the foreseeable future. Probably uses his high school senior pictures

    The usual? Kaylee asked.

    Larry’s smile faded entirely. He was used to Gladys taking his order. Kaylee guessed he would leave unless she intervened.

    She’s on break, Kaylee said as her stomach gurgled.

    in other news, a notorious serial killer known as the

    Thank you, Larry said appreciatively. Just coffee for now…

    was executed for the second time today

    You got it, Kaylee said with a smile.

    A few years ago, a statement like that would have caused her to do a double take. However, there had been many such occurrences since the hiccup. All due to a world-wide phenomenon that brought people back to life, caused houses to appear from out of nowhere, and fused buildings together. To this day, no one has a clue what caused it.

    After pouring him a fresh cup of coffee, she muted the television’s audio. Patrons got worked up on the news, especially when it went political, so they preferred to show subtitles. The act of reading the news vice hearing what the pundits had to say tempered their reactions.

    Thank you, Larry said, while eyeing the door that led to the kitchen.

    Kaylee smiled, but for different reasons. Their city had been spared from the worst effects of the hiccup. However, there was a notable example. Years ago, a developer tried to tear down several Victorian-era homes and replace them with a condominium development. Kaylee remembered the near daily protests to preserve those dilapidated homes that were lovingly known as crack alley. The opposition was so strong that the project never went forward.

    After the hiccup, something odd happened at the site. The Victorian architecture had merged with modern stone-faced condos. The new structures even appeared weathered, as though they had been there for years. Weeks later, after the chaos settled, the developer opened the homes up for public viewing.

    Truth proved stranger than fiction. The walls were seamlessly joined, stairs led nowhere, and the modern finished basements were filled with dirt. Even the furniture was affected, creating unique fusions of styles coveted by museums everywhere.

    While the buildings were a curiosity, that was not what brought in the crowds. Good money was spent for an opportunity to hear echoes, voices from the past. Paranormal researchers claimed it was proof there was life after death.

    That opinion changed when visitors either heard their own voices or recognised someone they knew. Most were still alive, but none had ever lived there. Although, many had invested in the new homes being planned. Echoes of what might’ve been

    That’s hard to believe, Larry said, watching the muted television as guards escorted the prisoner out of his cell for the execution.

    Ain’t it just, Kaylee replied.

    Full Moon

    Meatloaf with extra gravy, Kaylee said.

    Got it, the cook said.

    Cheeseburger, hold the pickle, Kaylee added.

    Yep, the cook replied.

    Oktoberfest sausage, honey mustard dip, with fries, Kaylee rhymed off.

    G-got it, the cook answered.

    Two steak sandwiches, medium rare, with sweet potato— Kaylee said.

    Fuck…really? the cook asked.

    The place had been non-stop business ever since Gladys returned from her break. They were being run off their feet, and another server would not be here for at least two hours. Until then, they were on their own.

    While Gladys covered the tables, Kaylee worked the front counter and till. Pour some coffee; get an order. Drop off a customer’s plate, run to the till to take a payment. Finish cleaning a mess; another client waltzes in, sits down, and moans about having no menu.

    They were so busy that Kaylee never had the opportunity to take her break. At least I don’t have the time to think of food

    Kay— Larry said.

    Order up! the cook said.

    Kaylee grabbed the order and placed it neatly on the counter in front of the client.

    K— Larry said.

    Can I have some ketchup? a client asked.

    Right away, Kaylee said while sliding a bottle toward them. Anything else I can help—

    KAYLEE! Gladys yelled.

    The diner went quiet as a tomb. For the first time in an hour, she could hear meat sizzling on the grill. Confused, she turned toward Gladys, who was pointing at Larry. The man’s eyes were wide as he stared at the television, and there was sweat on his upper lip.

    Are you— Kaylee said.

    Isn’t that where you live? Larry asked.

    That question did not register. Either way, Larry should have no idea where she lived. However, she caught him pointing at the television. The bottom part of the broadcast was covered with Breaking News scrolling at the bottom.

    Wha… Kaylee said.

    Emergency crews were busy fighting the fire at an apartment complex. There was little they could do when a building that size was engulfed in flame. It could have matched several buildings erected in that era, but she saw something that made her blood run cold.

    A bus shelter was in the same frame, which by itself was nothing conclusive. However, the graffiti covering the advertisement was the work of a neighbour’s kid. He tagged it just this morning while waiting for the bus

    To confirm her worsening suspicions, Kaylee pulled out her phone and noticed seventeen missed calls. Her social media notifications were blowing up, with several pages of notifications to scroll through.

    Aiden… Kaylee whispered before collapsing.

    Dark Hearts by Evelyn Chartres



    Scene - Waxing Gibbous

    Time moved at a snail’s pace. For Julia, it was as though every grain of sand was falling through the hourglass in slow motion. As judged by her cellmate’s steady breathing, an hour had passed since lights out , but it may as well have been a week. Being awake did her no favours. She would need to get a full night’s rest to feel tired. Alas, her mind refused to disengage.

    She hated this place, and that was true for most of the prison population. Even the guards bemoaned being here when they thought no one was within earshot, but her hearing was more sensitive than average.

    Every aspect of this facility appeared to be purposely built to suck the life out of those trapped within these walls. Notably, the walls were predominantly made of dull-grey concrete, and the cells were cramped.

    From sunrise to sunset, the oppressive heat drove them all to the brink of exhaustion. Whereas at night, humidity clung to every surface, while she shivered in her bunk. All on account of my weight. At least, that was true when I got here

    Scene - Waxing Gibbous

    Ever felt as though you belong here? the prison doctor said.

    Until the question reached her submerged consciousness, Julia had been running on autopilot. A state of mind where she went through the required motions with no cognitive input. That was her only effective defence she had at avoiding a stay in the hole.

    …I’m sorry, Doctor, Julia replied. I didn’t catch that.

    I asked if you ever felt like you belonged here? the doctor repeated.

    Distracted by the sight of her reflection, Julia’s eyes went wide and glassy. She expected to see a brunette, with deep-brown eyes, barely perceptible breasts, and a gaunt face. Those details were prominently featured on the mugshot stapled to the cover of her medical file. A picture with every rib showing through that tight-fitting t-shirt she wore the night of her arrest.

    A lot had changed since then. She focused on the subtle curves of her body, visible mounds that threatened to overflow from her bra. Despite being tired, her skin glowed, and her face was complemented by full lips and rosy cheeks.

    Julia’s reflection evoked memories of her mother, or what she remembered from the worn-out snapshot lost ages ago. The biggest difference between them was that she had straight hair, whereas her mother’s hair was curled with ringlets. The sight of her dead mother staring back at her in the mirror dredged up memories and emotions she was ill prepared to deal with. What the fuck happened to me?

    Are you— the doctor said.

    Yes…sorry, Julia said after clawing her way back to reality. I was curious how that question came up?

    Julia realised she was standing on a scale. Since her arrival, medical staff had kept a close eye on her weight. Every Monday, they dragged her to the infirmary in chains. Such precautions were excessive given how they treated other inmates. You’d think I was on the most wanted list

    Your weight, the doctor said. You’ve gone from chronic malnutrition to being healthy for your height.

    That’s a good thing…right? Julia confirmed.

    "I’ve encountered cases like yours where the prisoner wastes away, the doctor said. We had to resort to feeding tubes to extend their lives."

    Every so often, there were hints that the staff suspected she was not entirely human. Had the doctor not made a comment about her thriving in prison, she would have missed this positive change in her health.

    Werewolves were not known for surviving in captivity for long. Either they were too violent to control and had to be put down, or they wasted away until there was nothing left but loose skin and bones.

    Intent aside, the doctor’s comments linked the positive weight gain as Julia being happy where she was. How can that be true?

    It’s great news, the doctor replied, despite the tone saying otherwise.

    He was writing more than usual in his report. Alas, Julia could not gleam anything of use from where she stood, but worry was written all over his face. What could it be?

    Say, Doctor, Julia said. I don’t suppose you know when the next full moon is due?

    Five days, the doctor replied.

    Most people would look up at night, realise it was a crescent moon, and swear it had been a full moon the night before. However, this doctor knew the precise number of days remaining without having to consult a calendar or

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