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Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories
Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories
Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories
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Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories

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About this ebook

Join Laura Ware as she takes you back to the Bible stories you know - and maybe a couple you don't. Travel from the hills of Judea to the capital of Babylon, from Jerusalem to Rome. See her present them in a different light and from different perspectives, all without taking away from God's word. Prepare yourself for a deeper, more personal insight in a few of the people who appear in the Bible.

PublisherJJ Press
Release dateSep 1, 2022
Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories

Laura Ware

Laura Ware writes in a variety of genres. Her novels are mostly inspirational fiction, although she is currently working on a fantasy series as well. Her short fiction ranges from mainstream to fantasy/science fiction and several things in between. Her stories have been published in a number of Fiction River anthologies, including Past Crime, Last Stand, Editor’s Choice and Feel the Fear. Laura also writes a weekly column for the Highlands News-Sun and her essay “Touched by an Angel” was published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Random Acts of Kindness in 2017.

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    Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories - Laura Ware

    Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories

    Seeking Refuge and Other Bible Stories

    Laura Ware

    JJ Press




    About Seeking Refuge

    Seeking Refuge

    About Let the Children Come

    Let The Children Come

    About A Slave’s Return

    A Slave’s Return

    About He Who Honors Me

    He Who Honors Me

    About Caught in Adultery

    Caught In Adultery

    About the Author

    Also By Laura Ware


    This collection would not be possible without the instruction and encouragement of the many wonderful Bible teachers I’ve had over the years. Thank you all for helping me to increase my knowledge and faith.

    Once again, Tina Seward stepped up to the plate to copyedit this collection. Any mistakes that remain are entirely my fault.

    To Frank and Betty Parker

    A couple that have devoted their lives to the study and teaching of God’s Word.

    You are an inspiration.


    As a Christian and a reader, I love opening up the Bible. It is filled with so many accounts of brave and godly (or not-so-brave and godly) men and women that are not just enlightening and educational but just plain enjoyable to read.

    But as a writer, reading the Bible sometimes raises questions. No, I don’t try to copyedit the text, but at times my imagination fires up. I want, as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story.

    And because I’m a writer, sometimes I turn to my laptop and try to tell it myself.

    While these five stories are based on biblical accounts, I need to emphasize that they are not inspired. They are fictional. Tales that often started with the question, What about…? and went from there.

    Hopefully you will enjoy seeing these tales and concepts written from another angle. You might even find a deeper understanding of the account it is based on. Whatever you glean from this, I hope it leads you to the original source material.

    Turn the page, and get ready to enjoy my fictional take on the rest of the story.

    About Seeking Refuge

    You will find the laws concerning the Cities of Refuge in Numbers 35:9-29. There is no Biblical record of anyone actually fleeing to a City of Refuge to escape the manslayer. Wondering how that would work caused me to write this story. This is how it might have occurred.

    Seeking Refuge

    Caleb stumbled off the road leading to Hebron and leaned against a large stone, panting. The city shouldn’t be far now – it was generally a walk of under three and a half hours from Bethlehem. And he was running for his life – shouldn’t he be there by now?

    The sun, high in the sky, beat down on Caleb, sweat matting his black curly hair to his scalp. He still carried the axe handle he’d been swinging when…

    He shook his head, fighting the bloody image of his friend Micah laying on the ground with the axe head buried in his chest. He couldn’t think about that now. He had to get to the city before –


    Caleb looked behind him. Josiah, Micah’s brother, was standing a stone’s throw away. Like Caleb, he appeared out of breath, bending over, and resting his hands on his knees. It was hilly in this part of Israel and tiring to traverse quickly.

    Alarmed that Josiah had gotten so close, Caleb backed up a couple of steps. Josiah…I swear, it was an accident…

    Liar! Josiah snarled, and started towards him.

    Caleb turned and ran, fear giving strength to his wobbly legs. He coughed at the dust that his feet kicked up from the road but fought to keep his pace. Over the next rise…

    There! The walled city of Hebron came into view. Caleb saw the open gate, and figures sitting or standing by it. He forced himself to run faster, hearing Josiah’s pounding steps behind him.

    As he neared the city, Caleb saw men looking in his direction. Refuge! he screamed as he approached. I seek refuge from the manslayer!

    He drew breath to cry out again when strong hands locked around his neck, cutting off his breath. Now, killer, you die, Josiah whispered in his ear.

    Dropping the axe handle, Caleb fought to pry Josiah’s hands from his throat. Josiah’s response was to squeeze harder, and black stars began to dance in Caleb’s vision. He thought he saw people approaching but he feared they would be too late.

    Over the roaring in his ears he heard a man’s voice: Release him!

    Caleb fell to his knees and knew he had seconds to live. Refuge, he wheezed, hoping he could be heard.

    Suddenly the hands around his neck were gone. Caleb fell on his side, coughing as he breathed in sweet, wonderful air. He saw several pairs of sandaled feet in front of him. The men from the gate. They had been in time, after all.

    Josiah groaned and Caleb rolled around to see his enemy on the ground, a hand on his jaw. A brown-haired man in a dusty green robe stood over him, his hands clenched into fists.

    Josiah met his gaze and growled, sitting up.

    Stay down, the brown-haired man instructed.

    Josiah glared up at the man. This fool killed my brother. It is my right to shed his blood.

    I heard him cry out for refuge, the brown-haired man replied. We all did. You know Hebron is a city of refuge. It is his right to present his case.

    Josiah shook his head. You would force me to leave my brother unavenged?

    That is up to Jehovah, said a white-haired man who approached, leaning on the arm of a youth. What are your names? Where are you from?

    I am Caleb bar-Ammon, of Bethlehem, Caleb answered.

    And I am Josiah bar-Enos, also of Bethlehem, Josiah said, giving Caleb a dark look. You’re lucky I did not have a knife – no one would have saved you from me then.

    Enough, the white-haired man said, raising a hand. I am Daniel bar-Nathan, one of the elders here. We will listen to you present your causes in the city gate. From there we will determine if we need to send for Samuel.

    Caleb slowly got to his feet, watching as Josiah did the same. The brown-haired man took a step to place himself between Caleb and his attacker. Caleb bent down and picked up the axe handle, then followed Daniel who made his way to the gate where other men waited.

    There were five men who sat in the shadow of the city gate. Daniel sat in the midst of them and appeared to be their leader. Caleb and Josiah stood before them, with the brown-haired man (whom Caleb heard was called Benjamin) standing between them.

    Beyond the gate Caleb saw a bustling city. Sandstone buildings lined the main road that led into Hebron. People

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