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The Codes of Self Innovation: Five Timeless Codes of Creation to Design, Build, and Have a Fulfilling Life
The Codes of Self Innovation: Five Timeless Codes of Creation to Design, Build, and Have a Fulfilling Life
The Codes of Self Innovation: Five Timeless Codes of Creation to Design, Build, and Have a Fulfilling Life
Ebook88 pages1 hour

The Codes of Self Innovation: Five Timeless Codes of Creation to Design, Build, and Have a Fulfilling Life

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About this ebook

Struggling to find strength, purpose, and joy to make in this crazy fallen world? The Innovation Draftsman, Casey Williams, guides you in the art of self-innovation with biblical wisdom to help you Have A Great Life!

We live in a society and world that wants to destroy truth, beauty, and goodness with soul-deadening garbage. Ev

Release dateSep 19, 2022
The Codes of Self Innovation: Five Timeless Codes of Creation to Design, Build, and Have a Fulfilling Life

Casey E Williams

Driven by the Word of God, Casey Williams has set out to challenge the status quo and lift youth out of the societal trash heap. Whether it be public speaking or writing, Casey strives to motivate others to live a great life in Jesus' name.He resides in Oklahoma City with his wife and child and between working or tinkering, he can be found either running around town with his family or fellowshipping at church.

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    The Codes of Self Innovation - Casey E Williams

    The Codes Of

    Self Innovation

    Five Timeless Codes of Creation to Design, Build, and Have a Fulfilling Life

    Casey E Williams

    The Innovation Draftsman

    First published by Casey E Williams 2022

    Copyright © 2022 by Casey E Williams The Innovation Draftsman

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    Casey E Williams asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    Casey E Williams has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

    Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

    First edition

    Print ISBN: 978-1-0880-3846-8

    EPUB ISBN: 978-1-0880-3852-9

    Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Dedication Page

    This book is dedicated to the youth of today living in a world that is deceiving and lying to you. Following the world will destroy you. Following Christ will save you.

    I would also like to thank my wonderful wife Alysa for her support, help, and encouragement. Also thank you to my son Jackson for being a good sport and sleeping peacefully while we finished the final draft.

    As well the contributions of Sarah Palmer and Alan Connor were priceless. And finally thanks to my friend Cameron Milligan who constantly pushed me to get ‘er done.

    Table of Contents

    Developing The Codes

    Story Time!






    That’s A Wrap

    HAGL With Casey


    Developing The Codes

    Howdy! My name is Casey (if you didn’t read the cover) and I am a Texan Okie that has long felt led to be a motivational speaker ever since I witnessed Les Brown speak at the 2014 Texas FFA State Convention. Thankfully, I have waited because I gained life experience (turns out teenagers don’t know as much as they think and at 24 I still have much to learn) and this book is more built on what I have learned and innovated not so much what I have invented.

    How I came to develop these codes could have a short or long answer. The short answer is that I recognized these codes as a foundation of a joyful and great life. I used codes because, as a speaker/innovator daylighting as a cabinetry draftsman, codes are the rules one must follow by necessity; otherwise, that which you have designed will fail.

    I used the term self-innovation because to innovate is to take new methods, procedures, principles, etc., and apply them to something that already exists. You are reading this book, you exist. So obviously self-innovation would be learning to innovate yourself. We don’t want to re-innovate you because that would start us from scratch. You were blessed with your life (the goods and the bad); let us not throw that away but rather build off it.

    Before you set off into the ensuing chapters I would like to give you a framework for the codes. These codes are not just random rules to memorize; instead they are categories to adhere to. As I said, I am a cabinetry draftsman which means there are categorical construction codes I must adhere to when designing. An example is that I must follow strict plumbing codes that dictate the spacing of plumbing features (sink, tubs, toilets, etc.) from each other and walls. One can find these codes inside the current IRC manual (International Residential Code) under the Plumbing category. There you would find diagrams, definitions, and applications to meet that category’s requirements. Likewise, I jump straight into each chapter giving you definitions, concepts, examples, and applications to help you meet the requirements of each Code of Self Innovation in your own life.

    It is my hope that any reader might be able to use this book and these codes to design a life that is filled with Truth, Self-Discipline, Morality, Contentment, and Fulfillment. Doing so will produce a strength, purpose, and joy that will redefine your approach to life. So… are you ready to Have A Great Life?

    Chapter 1

    Story Time!

    Could you believe that introduction was the short answer?! Well, that is because the long answer takes a winding backroad of the past to demonstrate how I learned the codes. I don’t want to make this chapter my autobiography but the following is important because you could refer to me as a jack of all trades master of none; but that is not entirely true. In fact, I am actually a master of one thing–failure.

    Family Matters

    The entrepreneur spirit and the jimmy-rig-it spirit runs strong in my family. Everybody knows somebody that is handy and for me, those handy people were my PawPaw and Dad. I spent many hours, growing up, following them around and slowly merged their influences into my own life, ambitions, and ideas. PawPaw used to make all types of contraptions; sometimes to solve a problem and sometimes just for fun (a specialty he had was making 2,3, or even 4 person bicycles). He loved grabbing and storing bits of junk either to repair it or reuse it for another project. Along with fixing things, PawPaw also owned the first self-serve gas station in our town (at a time when that was unheard of for a small town), a laundromat, and a car wash. Over time he acquired the family land, and some, to build a small cattle operation that runs to this day. Further, he did all of this while working for the railroad, which he retired from after retiring from the military (Granny and the kids played no

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