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It was Murder
It was Murder
It was Murder
Ebook173 pages4 hours

It was Murder

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About this ebook

The dead come forward to tell a secret that Nobody Knew—It was Murder.

It's not your typical protagonist sheriff or detective that unravels the mystery in these crimes—it's world-renowned psychic medium Katharine Branham arousing the spirits and digging up the truth buried deep in the grave.

They knew about my work, but Dr. O'Brien seemed more interested in the ghost and spirit stories I had shared from time to time.

The table filled up with other medical staff members…Dr. O'Brien leaned over to ask, "Have you worked on anything interesting lately?"

I glanced down at my spinach wrap and said, "I woke up at 4am to find a nurse standing next to the bed".

Dr. O'Brien knew I had anxiety in the past from spirits making me feel overwhelmed at times. He knew some of the scary and incredibly sad things I had seen too.  He was not someone I needed to hide anything from so I said, "I was nervous since I knew she was a murderer".


True Crime Mystery plus Thriller & Suspense with a dash of Paranormal

Inspired by true stories, Katharine uncovers the secrets that have been tucked away in years of lies and deception by family members, friends, and…

Death is one thing, murder another but add in a little bit of the supernatural and a few angels
—now you have a real spiritual lesson.

Release dateOct 7, 2022
It was Murder

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    It was Murder - Katharine Branham

    It Was Murder


    Katharine Branham

    A picture containing text Description automatically generated

    Published by Your Divine Birthright® Publishers

    7 Switchbud Place, Ste 192-279

    The Woodlands, TX 77380

    Copyright © 2022 Katharine Branham

    All rights reserved.

    First Edition

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

    or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

    recording or otherwise without written permission from the author.


    Write My Wrongs

    Cover Art:

    Cover Artist: Consuelo Parra Pérez

    Cover/Interior Design:

    Your Divine Birthright Publishers

    ISBN: 978-1-956925-88-3

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022916356

    Your Divine Birthright® is a registered trademark with the

    United States Patent and Trademark office.


    To Major Austin Hart. Without his support and dedication, none of my books would have been possible. I’m grateful for his belief in me and my teachings.


    The Introduction

    Chapter One: The Plan

    Chapter Two: The Camera

    Chapter Three: The Collection

    Chapter Four: The Hotline

    Chapter Five: The Shop

    Chapter Six: The Butcher

    Chapter Seven: The Users

    Chapter Eight: The Farmer

    Chapter Nine: The Lover

    Chapter Ten: The Husband

    Chapter Eleven: The Soup

    About the Author


    When I decided to write this book, my intent was to share with you how much the deceased know. I found it equally important to discuss what they understand about the living after they cross over. The stories I’ve written are based on my experiences throughout my lifetime. This book consists of various murder stories and the spiritual teachings I’ve learned along the way. The teachings came by way of spirits who have crossed, spirit guides, angels, archangels, ghosts, and God. I’m grateful to be able to share my insight about the spiritual world and the understanding we often overlook. If you’re wondering how I first entered the world of spirit and how I learned to interact with them, you can read my first book, How I Found My Superpowers . The names and details have been changed in the following stories to protect the privacy of the individuals.

    When a person is learning something new, there are moments in their life that are worth revisiting for a better understanding. When you begin to understand the spirit world, a new frequency of learning invites you in. Everyday life becomes less convoluted and complicated. The spiritual walk will allow you to recognize why we should each honor the life we’ve been given and the choices we make. There may be a story that you feel specially connected to and others you may not. As with anything I’ve ever written, take what you’re ready to understand and leave the rest for another time.

    Chapter One


    he Plan

    In a semi-awakened state, I noticed an odd energy next to the bed, and I knew someone was staring at me. As I managed to get my eyes slightly open, I could see through my eyelashes a pair of legs wearing white tights and nurse shoes. The being was in spirit form only. It was normal to see spirits waiting for me to get up and start my day, but what wasn’t normal was the creepy feeling that accompanied that one.

    On any given day, spirits showed up when they knew I might be in contact with someone they had a message for. The deceased loved ones not only came forward for clients but also when they knew I would be waited on by one of their relatives who worked at a local shop. It appeared that the nurse was there to communicate with someone I’d talk to that day. As I glanced up while still comfortable under the covers, I got an eerie feeling and realized that while I knew I was safe, I couldn’t go back to sleep with her standing there. I sat up and slowly moved my legs off the side of the bed. There were only three feet between the nurse and me as I reached for a blanket to wrap myself in and head downstairs. The nurse didn’t budge and continued to wait, not following me.

    Just thinking about the psychic reading I’d be doing later that would open up the conversation with the spirit nurse gave me the creeps. I knew she was a spirit who had crossed into the light and not a ghost because she did not have the dark, dingy color around her energy field. I knew I was protected but felt a walk outside would help me clear my mind and ground myself. I liked grounding throughout the day to clear my energies. Any grounding activity, such as walking, hugging a tree, or sitting in a chair while allowing my energy to drop and envisioning roots growing into the earth, always left me feeling stable.

    When I stepped outside the front door, I immediately felt relief. It was so dark—the night’s inky blue engulfed the world. There was a slight chill to the air, but I could feel the humidity as if I were on a beach. I found a spot to sit on the wooden octagon deck built in the cul-de-sac for neighbors to gather and talk. My back faced my neighbor’s house as I looked out to the opening of our street. When I thought about being outside in complete darkness over staying put in my bedroom or at least going to the backyard, it seemed a bit dangerous. But I knew if I had stayed, the energy spilling out from the nurse would be stomach clenching since mine had begun to feel weird when she arrived.

    As I got lost in the memories of other spirits who seemed to be more threatening, I heard someone open a car door. Without turning, my spirit guides told me it was my neighbor, Evelyn. I didn’t bother to check; I knew that when the spirit guides told me something, I could bank on it. Evelyn’s car pulled around slowly to the front of the cul-de-sac, and she rolled down her window.

    Are you okay? she yelled.

    I’m fine—just waiting to watch the sunrise, I answered with a smile.

    She looked puzzled as she waved goodbye and drove off.

    The sky began to lighten, but it wasn’t sunrise yet when I heard the front door to my house open. I turned that time, and, as I did, my spirit guides said, It’s only your son, Zach.

    He approached and sat down next to me. While looking in my direction, he asked, What are you looking at? as if I saw something he didn’t.

    I’d never just walked out with a blanket wrapped around me before, so he knew something had happened. I told him I woke up and one of the spirits who visited my room creeped me out.

    Oh, he answered. That’s good. I was worried you left without your phone when I noticed it on the kitchen counter. He handed me my phone. As it lit up, I saw a message from a VIP client named Thomas that read, Is it possible to get a session for my housekeeper, Donna? Then I heard my spirit guides say the nurse spirit belonged to that session. So I messaged back, Sure, is two o’clock okay?

    Zach was still looking out in the direction I’d been peering off in, and we watched the sun come up together. When we went back inside, I showered so I could get Zach to school and go to work. We stopped for breakfast, and as the waitress brought our drinks, my eyes took their own direction to the paper place mat that had a word puzzle and a game of tic-tac-toe on it to keep the little ones busy. I was urged to physically write, which meant there was something my spirit guides wanted me to see on paper. I began to write, and I recognized it as a weight-to-dosage equation that doctors and nurses used to calculate the proper dosage of medicine for a patient’s body weight. My hand wrote down a name I was unfamiliar with: Jane Toppan. Zach could see I was doodling but didn’t ask questions. He knew I’d share the information I received if I thought it would interest him.

    The waitress returned then with a tall stack of blueberry pancakes and warm syrup. Zach began to eat, but I was too intrigued as to what the name meant. As I googled Jane Toppan, my spirit guides told me, She was a nurse and a serial killer. The nurse waiting to communicate with you was a big fan of Jane Toppan’s. She spent her life causing pain and suffering to her many victims before killing them.

    The spirit guides informed me that when Jane would murder someone, they weren’t always poisoned, but that was her choice of death for many. I felt sick to my stomach and hadn’t touched my pancakes. I noticed Zach was finished, so I pushed mine toward him and said, Take whatever you want if you’re still hungry.

    Turning to my spirit guides, I said, It wasn’t Jane in my bedroom this morning. The energy of the nurse gave me the creeps, but it wasn’t Jane. So why are you telling me about her?

    Then Archangel Michael stepped forward and said, You’re right. The nurse who visited you called herself Tammy. Tammy was a big fan of Jane’s. Jane has already reincarnated and is currently walking the earth on a different life path.

    I knew they’d shared the information so I would be prepared for what I might see. While I worked it out with my spirit guides, Zach ate five seven-inch pancakes and left one on the plate. So, I rolled it up and finished it off.

    THE APPOINTMENTS BEFORE lunch were normal, which was nice since my body felt as though I was bracing myself for a session that would be more tragic later on. I knew I needed to eat before the session, and the pancake roll-up wasn’t enough. A full stomach would help ground me. I never recommended eating as the only way to ground since it could lead to overeating—I preferred the roots-going-into-the-ground method I mentioned earlier—but when I hadn’t eaten much of anything, it helped.

    The time was approaching for my two o’clock session with Donna, Thomas’s housekeeper. It was already eleven, and I felt I needed a sweet tea, so I left and went to Jason’s Deli for a tea and spinach wrap. While waiting for my food, I recognized a couple of doctors I’d met before and greeted them. They were sitting at a large table pushed together, so I knew they were expecting a large lunch group. Dr. Greggs and Dr. O’Brien both had megawatt smiles and looked more like actors portraying doctors than actual medical professionals. I became acquainted with both through another doctor who often sent client referrals my way. They knew about my work, but Dr. O’Brien seemed more interested in the ghost and spirit stories I shared from time to time. As we chitchatted, they noticed I was alone and encouraged me to join their table. I happily did, as I knew there was a reason the Universe guided the good doctors across my path for lunch.

    The table filled up with other medical staff members, and the group was friendly. As the waitress served us, Dr. O’Brien leaned over to ask, Have you worked on anything interesting lately? He was very open to that type of conversation, and I knew he truly respected what I did.

    I glanced down at my spinach wrap and said, I woke up at four a.m. to find a nurse standing next to the bed.

    He was just about to take a bite when he caught himself, his eyebrows raised as if he’d hit the jackpot. Dr. O’Brien knew I’d had anxiety in the past from spirits making me feel overwhelmed at times. He knew some of the scary and incredibly sad things I’d seen too. He wasn’t someone I needed to hide anything from, so I added, I was nervous since I knew she was a murderer.

    Then I noticed Dr. Gregg pause and grow quiet as if he needed to hear our conversation too. Dr. O’Brien turned his upper body toward me—turning his head wasn’t enough.

    Come on, you can’t stop now; we need to hear this story. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from you, Katharine, it’s that there are no accidents. We’re meant to hear this story since we’ve never run into each other during lunch before.

    Dr. Greggs took a sip of his tea and glanced at Dr. O’Brien. She had me at creepy nurse next to the bed, he said and laughed.

    So I explained how my guidance was that the woman I was going to be communicating with was a big fan of Jane Toppan.

    Dr. Greggs admitted, My schoolmates and I would tease each other about getting a Jane Toppan as a staff nurse.

    Dr. O’Brien seemed to swiftly go into protector mode as he patted my arm in the way I knew he used to calm a patient who was apprehensive. "I know how you feel with the trauma of some of the readings you do, so if you don’t want to read for

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