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The Next Wave is Brave: Standing Up for Medical Freedom
The Next Wave is Brave: Standing Up for Medical Freedom
The Next Wave is Brave: Standing Up for Medical Freedom
Ebook274 pages3 hours

The Next Wave is Brave: Standing Up for Medical Freedom

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About this ebook

It's been said that true wealth is good health; and we couldn't agree more. Millions of people have awakened over the past few years from a nightmare in healthcare - a corrupt ecosystem designed to keep patients dependent and physicians beholden to corporations instead of patient care. 


We have a solution, and you're a part of it. The Wellness Company has brought together the brightest minds and bravest hearts in seven unique stories of courage, synchronicity, and hope. The Next Wave is Brave illustrates to the reader the precise journey forward with tangible direction from the authors in the spirit of gratitude for the opportunity of our lifetime. Together, we can restore medical freedom. This book is our blueprint.


Among the world's most respected doctors are the six voices in this book. Together, they are laying a foundation for a new way of keeping healthy; the future of medicine includes a system of care and accountability between pharmacies, medical schools, outpatient care and telemedicine, and nutraceutical and deprescribing support. 


Endorsements & Praise for The Next Big Wave is Brave:


"I honor this battle-hardened cadre of heroic scientists and physicians who have risked their careers, their livelihoods, and their reputations to champion evidence-based science and ethical medicine. By steadfastly prioritizing truth, the welfare of their patients, and the cause of public health above their own career ambitions, these brave men and women have succeeded, at great cost, in preserving their own integrity. They may one day restore from shame the shattered souls of the medical profession and the scientific establishment. Each of these individuals has emerged as a voice of sanity and a symbol of clarity and truth to those idealists across the globe who love democracy and resist the rising medical authoritarianism.

- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Founder and Chairman of Children's Health Defense


"Those profiled here are shining lights in a dark time. They give us hope that many physicians and scientists have held true to the missions of truth and to first do no harm. I am profoundly grateful that  these trailblazers' stories are being told; may these accounts inspire others to join us."

- Mary S. Holland, President of Children's Health Defense


"In 2016 I gave a speech on the steps of City Hall in Santa Monica, in which I concluded with a call, "To all Doctors out there that know the truth… STAND UP, TELL THE TRUTH, BE BRAVE!" This book, written by some of the bravest Doctors the world will ever know, is literal proof that the call has been answered."

-Del Bigtree – Host of The HighWire,  CEO of Informed Consent Action Network 


"Dr. Zelenko was a fierce fighter for truth and medical freedom. His legacy lives on through a core group of doctors who take their Hippocratic Oath to heart. In this book, six valiant doctors reveal their journey, their battles, and their compassion for the promotion of true health and wellness."

- Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney, USAF (Ret.)


Release dateSep 14, 2022
The Next Wave is Brave: Standing Up for Medical Freedom

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    Book preview

    The Next Wave is Brave - Richard Amerling

    A picture containing graphical user interface Description automatically generated

    Dr. Zelenko was a fierce fighter for truth and medical freedom. His legacy lives on through a core group of doctors who take their Hippocratic Oath to heart. In this book, six valiant doctors reveal their journey, their battles, and their compassion for the promotion of true health and wellness.

    Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney, USAF (Ret.)

    The Next Wave is Brave

    Standing Up for Medical Freedom

    The Next Wave is Brave

    Standing Up for Medical Freedom

    Foster Coulson

    Richard Amerling, MD

    Heather Gessling, MD

    Peter McCullough, MD, MPH

    Harvey Risch, MD, PhD

    Jana Schmidt, ND

    Jen VanDeWater, PharmD

    Logo Description automatically generated

    Copyright ⓒ 2022 by The Wellness Company

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All inquiries should be addressed to Pierucci Publishing, PO Box 8067 Aspen, CO 81612.

    Pierucci Publishing books may be purchased in bulk at special discounts for sales promotion, corporate gifts, fund-raising, or educational purposes. Special editions can be created to specifications. For details, contact the Special Sales Department, Pierucci Publishing, PO Box 8067 Aspen, CO 81612

    [email protected].

    Pierucci Publishing are registered trademarks of Pierucci Publishing, Inc.

    Visit our website at

    Print ISBN: 978-1-956257-63-2

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-956257-62-5

    Cover Design by Stephanie Pierucci 

    Edited by Stephanie Pierucci & Dale Chaplin 

    Printed in the United States of America 



    Publisher’s Note

    Introduction: Bravery & the Future of Wellness

    Dr. Heather Gessling

    Chapter One: Finding Your Tribe

    Dr. Peter McCullough

    Chapter Two: Preparing Your Heart for The Next Wave

    Dr. Jen VanDeWater

    Chapter Three: The Garden is Ripe

    Dr. Harvey Risch

    Chapter Four: Because of Science, We Can Be Brave

    Dr. Richard Amerling

    Chapter 5: Conscious Medical Re-Education

    Dr. Jana Schmidt

    Chapter 6: Nature Holds the Key to Transforming Health

    Conclusion: A Call for Connection

    Join The Wellness Revolution

    Author’s Note


    To Zev Zelenko (1973-2022)

    This book is dedicated to a man who created the ripple that started the wave. Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko, your compassion, courage and serenity will never be forgotten. Thank you for illustrating that an average country doctor with a few stones in his slingshot can disarm a giant. We are honored to continue his fight until we decapitate the serpent…

    Publisher’s Note


    This book details the author’s personal experiences and opinions about general health, prevention of disease, nutritional supplements, and/or exercise. The author is not your healthcare provider. The Wellness Company Team including Dr. Richard Amerling, Dr. Heather Gessling, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Jen VanDeWater as well as The Wellness Company are providing this book and its contents as a story on an as is basis with no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this book or its contents. The authors and publisher disclaim all such representations and warranties including, for example, warranties of merchantability and healthcare for a particular purpose. In addition, the author and the publisher do not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this book is accurate, complete or current.

    The statements made about products and services have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or healthcare specialist regarding the suggestions and recommendations made in this book. Except as specifically stated in this book, neither the authors, nor The Wellness Company, nor any contributors or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this book. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory; direct, indirect or consequential damages; loss of data, income or profit; loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.

    Understand that this book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare practitioner, such as your physician. Before you begin any healthcare program, or change your lifestyle in any way, you should consult your physician or another licensed healthcare practitioner to ensure that you are in good health and that the examples contained in this book will not harm you. This book provides content related to physical and/or health issues. As such, use of this book implies your acceptance of this disclaimer.

    Other Important Notes

    In this book we choose not to use the term vaccine when referring to the COVID-19 injection. This investigative vaccine does not work in the same way as conventional vaccines in that it does not prevent the illness, its intention is to reduce the symptoms. In addition, it has not undergone the rigorous testing of conventional and effective vaccines. For these and other reasons, we have chosen to change the term to Investigational Gene-Based Treatments in certain applicable instances or simply vaccine.

    The Wellness Company was born out of necessity. By unequivocally and unapologetically standing up for medical freedom and the right to affordable and personalized health care, our company’s vision champions the right to make one’s own choices for their body.

    Foster Coulson

    Timeline Description automatically generatedQr code Description automatically generated


    Bravery & the Future of Wellness

    Over the last few years, it has become so obvious to me that evil is a very real threat. The change from believing that evil was an abstract concept to recognizing its very real influence in the world has shifted how I see everything.

    JP Sears

    The past few years have both infuriated and inspired me. Like so many of you, I entered an existential cave a few years ago, questioning everything I thought I knew about the world around me. The book you’re reading is a result of those inquiries. As a brother, son, husband, and especially as a father, when I saw the world manifesting into a terrifying, oppressive place in 2020, I couldn’t sit on my hands. I found satisfaction in knowing that although each question only begat more questions than answers, I was destined to be alive in this unique moment in time.

    Amidst the myriad of questions, I still ask daily, I have learned this about myself:

    I want to create a measurably more healthy, loving, and free world. Peddling widgets has no appeal to me, no matter how profitable I could make it.

    I’m a warrior fighting for my kids and grandkids to live in a healthier, friendlier world than the one we’ve seen. I will upend the evil entities who profit by keeping you unwell.

    Above all, I’ve learned that I can’t do this alone. I need you. By the end of this book, you’ll see exactly what I’ll need you to do. Spoiler alert: it involves the happiest, healthiest version of you.

    Thanks to the past few years of re-establishing my personal life goals and heart’s calling, I now have a deafening sense of purpose. I now see that my calling to disrupt and reset the way we do wellness was instilled in me even as a child. I grew up with a mother who was deeply in tune with holistic health and her body’s natural intelligence. She taught us how to care for our bodies holistically, rejecting the notion of immediately reaching for the medicine cabinet or an antibiotic at the first sign of illness.

    Decades later, I watched my wife struggle with hormonal health issues stemming from a vaccine she was pressured to take at 17, one that has since had a formulation change. She is one of thousands or more vaccine-injured women in her age group who have suffered as a result of this same vaccine, many of whom have struggled with a vast array of health issues.

    Steph and I are blessed with two gorgeous kids. Unfortunately, our son, now nine, received a routine childhood shot that compromised his health and rocked our world. She threw herself into finding alternatives to the standard medical care to help him from the time he was an excessively colicky baby; for nine years she has pioneered health sovereignty and personal responsibility in our home–two of the key lessons we’ll learn about in this book. Happily, our daughter was born into a much more health-conscious environment and has, as a result, had fewer health struggles.

    Today in our holistic home we always reach for herbs or tinctures before pharmaceutical medications, taking care of our bodies through exercise and nutrition, growing our own food, buying organic and non-GMO foods when possible, and supporting our local farmers’ market weekly to get the freshest possible food and support our local farmers. Steph even has a flock of Silkie chickens that eat an organic diet - including our kitchen scraps - and provide us with nutritious, organic eggs. We actively teach the importance of all of these things to our kids so that they too can develop self-sufficiency with their health. I suspect that they, too, will inherit the blessing my mother bestowed on my brother and me of health consciousness and sovereignty. But even more importantly, I hope my kids will grow up in a world that isn’t so broken. And I’m putting my money where my mouth is.

    The Problem Reveals the Plan

    Over the years, I have watched the current broken medical system fail numerous relatives and dear friends. There has to be a better way.

    Patients come before profits; my Chief Medical Board and I repeat this daily, sometimes hourly.  Each human body isn’t a bag of diseases that needs medication to survive. Our bodies are the results of our lifestyles, food choices, environment, relationships, and the care, or lack thereof, of our physicians or healers. Your health provider may only spend fifteen minutes talking to you annually; checking off boxes on a chart loaded with questions they’re given from a hospital corporation or insurance company that has nothing to do with your symptoms or health goals. That’s not putting the patient first. We’ll talk about that in this book.

    Alternatively, the care from your providers may be loving, holistic, and comprehensive; they may assess, diagnose, and treat your health based on hours of getting to know you and your family. Your provider may treat your body as a unique machine; one that is unlike any other on this Earth. He or she may cherish your individuality and base their recommendations on your individuality and personal goals. That’s the system The Wellness Company wants for your unique body to live in; one where it’s treated like it’s one-of-a-kind. Because it is.

    When I jump out of bed each morning, all I see in the day’s sprint ahead of me is the opportunity to infuse more wellness into the world through entrepreneurship and the different facets of The Wellness Company, which you’ll learn about through the doctors who’ve written this book. You’ve heard it said that entrepreneurship is one part ignorance and another part confidence? I’m an optimist, so I’ll roll with the latter.

    I’m confident that we can stop the industrial poisoning of people for profit.

    I’m confident that we can stop the blanket prescribing of unnecessary medications that aren’t appropriate for every unique vessel and human.

    I’m confident that we will build Wellness Pharmacies and Virtual Medicine services that care for human thriving, not merely human surviving.

    I’m confident that we will build a nationwide and eventually a worldwide team of physicians who are not shackled to a bottom line designed to bolster insurance company profits, but who are committed to deprescribing and restoring healthy homeostasis and immune systems to our Wellness Company family.

    I’m confident that we can move away from the current system of hospitals that are not practicing patient-centered care, where doctors and nurses are treating patients as a number on a chart.

    The medical industry is broken, it is corrupt in places, and it is time for radical change. That’s why we’re here. But the enemy has pervaded every aspect of our lives; our medicine cabinets, our wallets, our ability to live freely. So that’s why we fight.

    Now, you know more about me as an individual. You know what drives me and motivates me. Let’s move on to why I have felt utterly compelled to will The Wellness Company into existence. 

    If I have learned anything over the last two years, it's that as much as I believe Good will ultimately triumph, we are all individually responsible to help shine the light and create good in the world.

    To me, there are two types of people: those who sit and wait for something to change, and those who fight with everything they possess to create that change. Now is the time to band together and co-create the change we want and need to see.

    This book, The Next Wave Is Brave, is written by a collection of people who I am truly honored and humbled to stand beside because they aren’t talkers, they’re doers. They are all fighting tooth and nail to create change in this world. They are not ones to stand on the sidelines and judge everybody else’s plays; they’re out on the field running for the goal every day - blood, sweat, and tears.

    Sustainably Shaking Things Up…

    Before I tell you about how we are going to co-create positive change in the Wellcare space, I am going to tell you a bit about my own journey over the past two years.

    Even as a young kid I wanted to be Indiana Jones. I yearned to adventure and save the world– with a side of entrepreneurship and business. Thankfully my parents were supportive of my dreams, even when they seemed too big or wildly out of the box. They taught me that radical thinkers created everything we see around us; once even a chair was a wild idea. Everything you see comes from a thought, and from that thought somebody took action. My thoughts all revolve around creating a freer, more healthy world, and to manifest that thought, I will put everything on the line. I already did so once, which you’ll read about in just a moment.

    I’ve been an entrepreneur since I graduated high school, committed to work that creates a positive impact through the disruption of old systems. I have always gravitated towards impact companies that have the ability to create a better, more sustainable world for all of us. Some didn’t quite work out, and others have soared with success.

    However, I can proudly hold my head high knowing that, success or failure, I always put my heart and soul into anything I put my mind to. I don’t regret the failures because the universe uses those lessons to make each subsequent endeavor better in its mysterious, mesmerizing way.

    One mesmerizing event that changed the course of my life was the Amazonian wildfires in September of 2020. During that time I found myself negotiating fire suppression aid for Bolivia between the Canadian Prime Minister’s office and the President of Bolivia’s office. You cannot imagine the drama involved in heaving these two bureaucratic offices uphill. Regardless of all the red tape, we got the aid package signed and prepped for deployment to Bolivia.

    I was to fly down in advance to meet the Minister and the Bolivian President and to ensure that operations would run smoothly from the first landing. Knowing the reputation of Bolivia as a whole, I cautiously brought some personal security with me.

    Then, fate intervened. My originally scheduled security person fell sick and was unable to join me. I reached out to my contacts and was able to find a replacement; little did I know that he would become one of my best friends and business partners shortly down the line. Dave is the most stand-up, bad-ass, ex-Navy Seal you can imagine; he’s an absolute gem of a human. Dave and I struck up a friendship immediately and he became the catalyst for me jumping feet first into the health and wellness space.

    A Miraculous Meeting in Bolivia

    My first segue into that world was in April 2021 when Dave, with contagious excitement, introduced me to Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko–a man who, in Dave’s words, was, Absolutely amazing, downright inspirational, and totally disrupting the treatment of COVID-19. 

    The day I met Zev in person for the first time in early August 2021, he had just discovered that his aggressive, rare, and terminal cancer had returned. From that point on, right through to his last days on this Earth, he possessed no fear of dying because he had divine faith that his higher power would take him to a better place, and was bolstered by the knowledge that when it was his time, it was his time.

    Zev had just moved to Florida from New York. During this specific period of time, Zev was in the middle of his war with Andrew Cuomo, the Press, and the government. I remember when I met Zev and then Googled him–all I could find was negative press from Vanity Fair to the New York Times. That was my first introduction to how blatant censorship and media control was; they had perverted the story of a hero, making him sound like a lunatic and sham.

    After making the sudden move from New York to Florida, Zev was looking to start a business. The purpose of his business would be to condense his Zelenko Protocol (using a combination of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Quercetin, and Zinc to either prevent COVID-19 or if used in higher doses, to help treat early COVID-19) into a single, easy-to-use supplement.

    Previously, Zev had open-sourced his protocol to the masses so that people could treat the early stages of COVID-19 in their own backyards. His aim was to help as many people as possible heal quickly, avoid hospitalization, and alleviate some of the fear the media was perpetuating in the larger public consciousness.

    I perceived the risks in being involved with a person like Zev who was at once so polarizing and also so heroic. I knew I was walking into the belly of the beast by helping Zev start a business that would work to make accessible, over-the-counter products that directly go against the narrative of mainstream media and the government; products that help people without dependency on Pharma. Products that empower people. I didn’t jump into business and partnership with Zev until I fully believed in him and the products. 

    Zev’s mission challenged me to take the questions I’d asked earlier and turn them into action. I had already known that I was called to:

    Create a measurably more healthy, loving, and free world.

    Enlist as a warrior fighting for my kids and future grandchildren to live in a healthier, friendlier world than the one we’ve seen.

    Do this in the community; working alongside other warriors like Zev, his family, Dave, and the team we have built.

    The moment I said yes to working with Zev I had a moment of clarity.  People sometimes refer to this as a message or a moment of enlightenment. Some people even hear voices

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