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Tales of Novia, Book 1: Tales of Novia, #1
Tales of Novia, Book 1: Tales of Novia, #1
Tales of Novia, Book 1: Tales of Novia, #1
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Tales of Novia, Book 1: Tales of Novia, #1

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When vampires play with their food, new creatures are born.


Remy's hope to rid her territory of a vampire invasion backfires when she gets captured outside of the vampire's new home. Though she hoped to escape, Xavier, the head of the den, had other thoughts. Tempted by the sweet delicacy that was fairy blood, he kept her.

What started as an innocent effort to preserve the fairies' way of life ended in death.

Remy's misguided efforts would set off a chain of events that would change the face of Novia forever.

Inspired by creators found on TikTok, Tales of Novia is a new project written by USA Today Bestselling Author, Jessica Cage!

This title includes four stories:

  1. Like Winds Through the Wallows
  2. Through Blood  & Magic
  3. A Walk Through Shadows
  4. The Traveler

Grab your copy today and dive into this collection of interconnected stories that will take you on an exciting new adventure!

PublisherJessica Cage
Release dateSep 12, 2022
Tales of Novia, Book 1: Tales of Novia, #1

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    Tales of Novia, Book 1 - Jessica Cage

    Tales of Novia, book 1

    Tales of Novia, Volume 1

    Jessica Cage

    Published by Jessica Cage, 2022.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. September 12, 2022.

    Copyright © 2022 Jessica Cage.

    Written by Jessica Cage.

    Text Description automatically generated



    Written by Jessica Cage

    Edited by Naomi Nakashima

    Cover Design by: Celin Graphics

    Book Design by: Jessica Cage

    Copyright © 2022Jessica Cage

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-7364885-8-4

    To my Tiktok family who helped me heal and reconnect to my passion, I thank each one of you.

    Inspiration comes in many forms.

    Take it.



    A Big Thank You to the wonderful

    Beta Readers! You helped make this project stronger through your amazing feedback.






    Like Winds Through the Wallows

    The sweet, seductive aroma of blood lingered in the air. Remnants of her feast littered the floor around her feet. For some, this was the stuff of nightmares, but for her, a dream come true.

    Remy had never felt so alive in her life. It was a moment, she wished would never end. However, there was one more thing this sweet fairy needed to take care of. One person left on her hit list.

    Xavier. The vampire who’d taken a sweet girl and turned her into a monster.


    There was something about rules that just didn’t mesh with Remy. The moment she was told she couldn’t do something was the moment she decided it was the only thing she wanted to experience. Had her parents restricted her from staying in the house, away from all the dangers of the world, they might still be alive.

    Unfortunately, the last warning her father gave her was about the creatures who ruled the night. Those bloodsucking demons that threatened the very balance of the world simply by existing.


    Her father told her to stay as far away from Gilden as possible.

    In Novia, the Gilden belonged to the vampires. Her father’s warnings weren’t necessary, but a new group of vampires had recently created a new den close to their home in The Fallen Keep. Dragons attacked the place formerly inhabited by the Peacekeepers, the ones tasked with keeping the balance in Novia, and left the location in ruins. It sat empty for years before recent activity revealed that the vampires had claimed it as their new home.

    The Fallen Keep was too close to Civilus, home of the fairies, for comfort. It wasn’t long before reports of humans disappearing from Ethos began. With Civilus being right in between the two territories, all the fairy people were on high alert.

    Remy, promise me you will stay away from this. Her mother begged. Her big blue eyes always looked as if she were on the brink of tears. I know how you are. This isn’t something I want you involved in.

    Oh, mom. Remy popped a berry into her mouth and winked. I would never do such a thing.

    She’d spoken the lie so often it had become second nature. The empty promise brought her mother comfort, and her father more creases of worry across his deep brown face. Unlike her mother, he wasn’t so easily soothed. He knew his daughter held a rebellious spirit, just like her grandmother.

    Just before the moon touched the sky, Remy made it to her perch. Dressed in black, deviating from her usual shades of blue, she climbed the hill that stood between Civilus and The Fallen Keep. The land still smelled of fire from the dragon’s breath and some areas still burned from the battle years after it ended. Her mother told her it was an omen. Things between the Peacekeepers and the Dragons were not over and the fires would continue burning until they reached a resolution.

    She chose a spot hidden by the Wallows, massive blue trees that smelled of berries but produced none. Not only did it give her coverage, but it also helped with the nauseating smell produced by the fires. Her father told her the stench was so strong because of the souls that were trapped beneath the ground. She never fed into his stories, but after five nights of inhaling the stench, she almost believed him.

    She sat in the same location she’d been in for the five nights prior. It gave her the perfect view of the entrance to the den. Remy watched the activities, noted everything she saw, and hoped to find something that would help them rid the area of the vile creatures. Instead, all she witnessed were more bodies entering than exiting.

    This night was a quiet one. She expected it to be slower, considering the rise in reports of the missing humans. While humans weren’t natives of Novia, the laws put in place by the Peacekeepers gave them protection. Even vampires had their rules, and this new den was close to breaking them all. Remy was determined to be there when they did, collecting evidence to turn over to the guards.

    She considered getting closer to the entrance to the tower, but knew the risk was too great. The vampires could smell her if she got too close. As it was, she tried to stay as close to the Wallows tree as possible to help mask her scent.

    Beneath the moon, she rolled on her back to stare at the stars. Her jet-black hair spread out around her head in a wild halo of curl. When she opened her eyes, and her irises shifted to the pearly iridescence of the moon. Her mother described her eyes as chameleons because they changed color to any shade in the rainbow based on whatever held her attention. And whenever she was angry, they turned the same shade of red as the fire tree that stood in the heart of the dragon’s territory. As shocking as the red was, it matched her copper skin flawlessly.

    Remy quickly became lost in her own thoughts. As much as she wanted to believe her parents were wrong about her life, she knew they were right. Danger intrigued her and darkness tempted something wild within. Most fairies were a pleasant, docile creatures who tended to the lands and helped create healing potions for Novia. Remy was far from anything considered to be a typical fairy. She couldn’t care any less about the lands or helping heal Novians. Their way of life left the young woman feeling trapped.

    Since she was a child, Remy found herself attracted to anything that went against the rules laid out before her. Every curfew she stayed out at least a half hour later, every person her parents wanted her to stay away from soon became her best buddy. There were dangerous creeks, bridges, and mountains they told her not to climb, but she did it every time. There was something about the thrill of it that set her spirit ablaze.

    As she lay there, she wondered if her parents would be proud of her. Yes, she’d gone against their wishes, and she’d broken yet another rule, but it was for the good of her people. If she could bring enough evidence to get the den removed, her people and her family would be safe and that was all anyone wanted. The only problem was she was the only one who seemed willing to do anything about it.

    The Batair, the fairy guard created to protect her people, did nothing. They sat by, refusing to stop the spread of the vampires. The only thing she could give them credit for was that they made sure the vampires didn’t take a single fairy. While the fairies were momentarily safe, rising number of missing humans brought more attention to the area, which meant that her life and the lives of her friends and families had to change.

    Curfews became tighter. Magic, or the use thereof, was basically against the rules. She hadn’t let her wings free in over a month, which left them aching. She wanted her freedom back. To get that, all she needed to do was provide the Batair with proof that the vampires were violating the laws put in place to keep the dark creatures in check.

    So far, her camera had captured nothing more than a few humans going in and a few vampires leaving out. The problem with that was vampires needed to feed. This was nothing new, but they didn’t seem to take more than their fair share. They didn’t appear to be doing anything wrong at all, but she was convinced that there was more to the story. She would stay there every night until she found the evidence she needed.

    You’re going to keep coming back here? The dark voice interrupted her thoughts.

    Remy’s heart slammed to a hard stop in her chest. How long had she been distracted by the orb in the sky? The wind had shifted, but when? That was one of her checkpoints. Always track the wind currents. Even with the Wallow trees, all it would take was one powerful gust of air to blow her cover.

    I– she rolled from her back and quickly jumped to her feet.

    The man who watched her was clearly a vampire. He towered over her with hungry red eyes.

    You… aren’t supposed to be here, little fairy. He was the size of a wall and as pale as the concrete of the building that stood behind him. Now, what are we going to do about that?

    Remy took several steps back from the giant vampire who looked at her like a before dinner snack.

    You could always let me go. She said with a pleading smile.

    Now, we both know that I can’t do that, don’t we? His lips spread wide in a grin that showed off his fangs. The moonlight bounced off his overly gelled spiked hair and her stomach turned.

    Look, I know I shouldn’t be here. I will just go on my way. I’ll never come back here again. In a bold but foolish move, Remy turned to walk away. She made it less than a foot before the large hand wrapped around her neck, limiting her air supply. Remy choked as he spun her back around to face him.

    You’re coming with me. The man picked her up and threw her over his shoulder in one quick movement that left Remy’s head spinning. His grasp was so strong that she couldn’t break free, though she struggled against his hold.

    Stop! Let me go. She kicked, and he punched her in the side with his free hand.

    Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. In a blink, they were off the hill and walking through the door to The Fallen Keep. Vampire speed came in handy when transporting a new victim.

    Inside the repurposed den, it smelled like death. The stench of old blood and new wounds filled her nostrils as the man carried her through the dark halls. The den was a maze of rooms haphazardly constructed inside The Fallen Keep. Vampires didn’t need much, just coverage from the sun and a few private spaces for those who got a bit… kinky with their kills.

    The large man carried her to the back of the building and dropped her onto a bloodstained sofa. Remy tried to get up and run, but that massive palm smacked her in the chest, sending her flying back to the bloody seat. He shot her a warning look and left her in the room alone. She tried to find a way out, but the only exit would land her face to face with a bloodthirsty vampire.

    Remy cursed herself for taking the risk after sunset. She could hear her parents’ warnings louder than ever. The reason for the curfew wasn’t just to keep them away from the vampires. It was because the fairies drew their power from the sun. Each had a power that connected with nature and helped with their work with the land.

    While the vampires were strongest at night, the fairies would be at their weakest. During the day, she could have used her affinity for air and fire to produce a blast powerful enough to knock out a wall. At night, she could barely bring a few sparks to her fingertips.

    Remy sat alone in the room for hours. Every time she thought about tempting her fate and walking through the door, the cries of one of the vampire’s victims rang out. Sounds of humans screaming, some in pleasure, others in agony, filled her with anger and fear.

    The vampires’ perverted ways were the reason her life had to change. It was the reason her mother was terrified, and her father had become even more protective of them. How long would it be before their fears were justified? How long until the vampires stopped skipping Civilus to go to Ethos to grab their meals? Soon they would run out of human delicacies and the closest meal plan was the fairies.

    Well, this is the fairy who’s been watching my den? She heard his voice before she saw his face. The door hadn’t opened and yet it sounded as if he was in the room with her.

    As she searched for hidden speakers, a window she missed in her search for escape, or some logical source of the voice, he stepped from the shadowed corner. The vampire was dressed in a black suit trimmed in gold and fitted to his body like a second skin. He wore his hair in a low cut, his eyes blood red, and his tan skin glowed with the light of the moon his kind bathed in.

    That was the thing about vampires that humans never expected. Most of the popular stories on Earth described the beings as ash-colored creatures who were pale personifications of death. The vampires of Novia were nothing like that. They looked just as alive and well as anyone else. In human lore, the vampires were pale because they lacked blood flowing through their veins.

    In Novia, most vampires were born that way. Born with the same moon magic used to create the original vampires flowing within. It was why the sun affected them negatively and also why, through a deal with the witches, Gilden, their home, was kept under constant cloud cover. It kept their delicate skin protected from the rays of the sun that would break down their internal magic.

    Remy stepped back from the dark figure who watched her expressionless. Her face warmed with the blood that rushed to her cheeks with her increasing anxiety.

    What is your name? His voice was molten lava that melted the floor beneath her feet.

    Why does it matter? Remy reminded herself of the vampire’s gift of persuasion. To their victim, they became irresistible. The watering of her mouth and the rapid pace of her heartbeat were simply the results of his dark influence.

    I like to know the names of those who enter my den. He floated forward, stealing the comfort of the space she’d put between them.

    Well, I didn’t ask to come into your den. She straightened, lifting her chin as not to appear weak in front of the dark figure. So, I don’t think you need to know my name.

    Brought against your will? His head tilted and his brow raised. That’s not something that happens often.

    Well, it happened. She corrected him. That wall of a man with the bad breath snatched me up and dragged me in here.

    You’ve been watching us for days now. He caught her in the lie she hadn’t yet told. I’d think that meant you wanted to come inside. How long can you watch from outside before that curiosity drives you insane?

    Well, I didn’t want to come here. I was never that curious, she spoke through shallow breaths. So, considering that I don’t want to be here, I would like to go home now.

    I hate to tell you this, little one, but that isn’t an option. He lifted his hand to touch her face and, though she tried to pull away, she couldn’t.

    His skin felt like static to her. It wasn’t cold or warm, just there in a way that made the inside of her brain feel fuzzy. She struggled to form thoughts into words as his fingers traced the path from her earlobe, across her jawline, to her chin. Just before he touched her bottom lip, she found the mental capability to speak again.

    What do you want from me? Her voice trembled as she spoke.

    It’s simple, really. He pulled her away from the wall pressed against her back and languidly floated around her. I’ve always wanted to taste the blood of a fairy.

    What? While his words caused her to panic, his hypnotic movements lulled her mind into complacency.

    I hear it’s delicious. He flashed his fangs, dipped in the same gold that trimmed his suit. He was someone important.

    A vampire of high status often had their fangs dipped in one of three minerals. Silver, gold, or meranium—one of the rarest metals found in Novia. Each mineral signified a rank in their political sphere. There were only nine with meranium at any time and they held seats on the Vampire Council. The only way a new vampire reached that rank was if one of the nine died and had to be replaced. Something that rarely happened. Silver indicated that the vampire was on the lower levels of the political ranks. These were people who held power in their local districts but whose voice was rarely heard by the Vampire Council.

    Gold meant that this vampire had a lot of power. Those with fangs dipped in Gold had influence over the population and could call for an audience with the Vampire Council. They were marked as fitting for a seat on the council if one should become available. No, this wasn’t some rogue vampire off to take part in some form of unsanctioned misconduct. It also meant that she had made a terrible mistake in her decision to investigate the den.

    What’s your name? With her realization of her error, Remy had to do anything she could to buy herself more time to figure out a way to survive the encounter. If she could drag things out for a few more hours, the sun would return to the sky and she could get away while the vampires were in a weakened state.

    Now why should I tell you my name when you won’t tell me yours? He stood behind her now, his breath brushed against her cheek as his hand rested on her right hip.

    It’s Remy. She gave in because it meant extending the conversation and possibly her life.

    Remy, how intoxicating. His chest pressed against her back, and he shifted his hand to cradle her stomach.

    And yours? Remy did all she could to remain still. She couldn’t respond to his touch, either with pleasure or disgust. Either response might just get her killed.

    Xavier. His name was like electricity touching her neck.

    Why are you here? Remy focused on the small crack in the wall ahead of her.

    I rarely divulge such information to uninvited visitors. He continued exploring her body with his fingertips, pressing slightly on the veins inside her wrist.

    Considering you don’t plan to let me out of here alive, what does it hurt? Remy asked, hoping that he would tell her he had every intention of letting her go. He did not.

    I suppose that’s true. He stepped in front of her, nodding.

    So… She looked up at the man who stood half a foot taller than her. Why are you and your crew so far from home?

    If you must know, he sighed. There have been troubles in Ethos.

    Troubles? What troubles could they have that warrants your presence here? She asked, questioning him on the human city.

    Yes, it seems the sirens have taken up in Sabrine again. For a while it seemed as though they would abandon the portside, but they’ve returned. He dragged his fingernail across the skin of her neck. They’re calling humans to sea and it’s messing with our supply.

    And you’re here to stop that from happening? Remy asked.

    Stop it, no. He groaned. "If only we could. There is too much red tape in the way. Instead, we’re trying to

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