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Hold On
Hold On
Hold On
Ebook125 pages29 minutes

Hold On


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About this ebook

Hold on is a collection of poems and prose of courage and love.
About the journey of overcoming and experiencing trauma
and loss and embracing motherhood, love and healing.

It is divided into five chapters in the form of five letters each
addressing a different audience . It takes readers on a journey
with their emotions as they go through moments in life and lead
them to find comfort knowing that the sun shall rise every day
and love and courage is right within each of us.
Release dateSep 14, 2022
Hold On


Through the experiences of loss and gain in life, JL wants to share her emotions and healing journey with the world so that they too may allow light to shine through their lives again. She is of the opinion that when we open the door of our hearts to another, we alleviate the pain and make someone’s heart lighter and help them feel happier even if it was only for a moment. The challenges in her life have brought her to meet some of the most wonderful people who have seen her through some of her darkest days. It is her calling to pay this goodwill forward. JL finally found the courage to step out , the voice to speak up and the resources to seek help after years of living in a toxic environment. She has learnt to rewrite the stars in her life. Having learnt that time is a limited resource to all, she wants to live her life blooming and it is her desire to have her readers blooming alongside her and head towards a life of liberation from social norms and making each moment count. It is her aspiration to be a support to those healing and to comfort the wounded souls.

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    Hold On - JL

    Copyright © 2022 by JL.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Dedicated to:

    My mother, who is a steadfast support in my life.

    Thank you for loving me unconditionally.

    My children, who have shown me the capacity for

    love in a human being can be boundless.

    Thank you for bringing out the fearless warrior in me.

    Sage, who shows me that being in the moment

    is such a beautiful way of life.

    Thank you for embracing me fully and loving me as I am.

    Denise, who never stopped believing in

    me from our first encounter.

    Thank you for always seeing the best side of me.

    Jean, who is a mirror to my deepest self.

    Thank you for being non-judgmental

    and holding me in your heart.

    I love you all with my whole heart.


    This poetry collection captures the brave journey of a soul as she navigates this time of the world, facing the rules of today’s society, and defiantly holding onto her wisdom — an age-old wisdom that reigns true in any society, in any era, in any age. 

    As you read these pages, I urge you to slow down. Slow down so that you can contemplate each poem with a similar breath that the author must have herself taken as she contemplated the mystery of every moment she found herself in.

    In these pages, your heart will find companionship — as mine did — of a soul’s courage to open her heart to all that life has to offer: wild love, fierce compassion, tender heartbreaks, love-holding grief, unshakeable courage, and grounding truth. For they are all from the same source, manifesting in different forms based on what life has to offer in each moment. It takes one who is so brave to be able to open her heart to dance with everything that love and life offers. The author, JL, is

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