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Demolishing Demonic Altars
Demolishing Demonic Altars
Demolishing Demonic Altars
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Demolishing Demonic Altars

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Demolishing Demonic Altars is a book written for people fighting battles to enter God's rest. It is a warfare manual to win battles againist evil altars and demonic colonies hindering victory in health, marriage wealth or destiny. For people who have become restless and want to access kingdom promises that Jesus died to restore, this text will be found to be invaluable.
The book offers insights into anatomy of spiritual attacks by the enemy and offers bibilical counter strategies. Written from a kingdom rather than a denominational approach, the book will be heilpful to Christians of all backgrounds.

PublisherCharles Karia
Release dateSep 22, 2022
Demolishing Demonic Altars

Charles Karia

Charles Karia is a Kenyan researcher and writer.Over the years he wrote freelance for Kenyan newspapers including Daily Nation, Sunday Nation, People Daily, Baby Times and others. Some of his poems were published by Kenya Times and in Echoes Across the Valley a Kenyan collection of contemporary poems.The author undertook his his studies in Kenyatta, Laikipia and Egerton Universities.

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    Book preview

    Demolishing Demonic Altars - Charles Karia




    By Charles Karia.

    Copyright 2022 Charles Karia.

    Smashwords Edition.

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share the book with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and you did not buy it or it was purchased for your use only, please return to your favorite book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is dedicated to

    all believers


    Jesus Christ who are struggling to fight

    hindrances that prevent them

    from entering God’s rest.


    Chapter 1 The Heavy Laden

    Chapter2 Origins of Altars

    Chapter 3 Godly Altars

    Chapter 4 Ungodly Altars

    Chapter 5 Age of Altars

    Chapter 6 Preparations to Demolish Demonic Altars

    Chapter 7 Dealing Altars on Land

    Chapter 8 Common Questions on Demolishing Altars

    Chapter 9 Threat of Denominationalism

    Chapter 10 Altars and Kingdom Citizenship

    Chapter 11 The Prayer of Enquiry






    Chapter 1 The Heavy Laden


    Any person who has been in church for a period of time will have observed that there are people who have been Christians for a long time but they never seem to enter God's rest. They move from one problem to another all their lives.

    Pastors will tell you that there are Christian families and individuals that are always in needs, challenges and tribulations. The pastor prays for them year after year but they are still battling the same problem ten years later. In the physical, nothing seems the matter to them. They could even be active in church matters or ministers but their troubles keep increasing.

    It is a fact that in spite of the liberty that the Bible promises, there are Christians that:

    •Are always broke.

    •Have never ending marital squabbles.

    •Have never ending court cases.

    •Never start something that gets established.

    •Are always sick.

    •Are always being rejected.

    •Are plagued continually by a hindering spirit of delay.

    •Desire marriage but it eludes them.

    •Have relatives of spouses who never get saved.

    •Have children who are forever troubling them.

    •Always fail in business.

    • Education of personal development eludes the family.

    •Are always backsliding and never quite overcome sin.

    After observing most of these cases over time, one may come to discern that there is a stumbling block that defies prayers, fasting, decrees and declarations that are made by family members of deacons, pastors, prophets and bishop. This simply means that those persistent problems have a valid and legal basis and even God who is just cannot be involved in their removal. The spiritual realm works through principles and laws that even God cannot break.

    Signs of Altars in a Family

    One of the most common sources of these persistent challenges are the altars that are speaking into the believers’ lives. It is observable that for some of these Christians, failure is so recurrent that it cannot be a coincidence. There is simply something that is pulling them down. Across families, recurrent problems persist. There are homes where men are plagued by alcoholism and where women do not get married. Still, there are homes where polygamy is prevalent; where divorce is common place.

    Contrary to this reality, when one comes to Christ, they should grow from one glory to another over time. The Christian conversion should come with blessings since salvation restores a person’s intimacy with God.

    Unfortunately, for many believers, this simply does not happen.

    Growth is natural for all living things. If a child is fed and has no disease, growth is automatic. If growth does not occur, a responsible parent will try to figure out if there is hidden sickness of malnutrition and contend it. Such a parent will not pass it off as bad luck. The parent will move from one specialist to another. This is not so for many believers who live with the same challenge but hope it will go away on its own. There are poor believers who have lived in the same old and ramshackle house all their lives but are okay about it. They are at ease in Zion.

    Religious people like to comfort themselves with the argument that altars of the past cannot affect a person who is born again. Others, because of their unbelief and poor knowledge of spiritual warfare and scriptures will say that if you notice a Christian with a recurring problem, they must be living in active sin. While sin may sometimes be a cause, it is not true for everyone. Be warned; a person will advise you only up to their knowledge level and what they know themselves.

    When you get born again, you are now equipped with non-carnal weapons to fight the good fight. If your ancestors were in sorcery as it is common in Africa where until missionaries came people knew of no hospital other than the witchdoctor's hut, you need to severe all links as time progresses.

    Altars are especially potent and effective in people’s lives because of the covenants that are initiated there. Covenants that are initiated at the altars are multi-generational and legally binding. The spirits that a person’s ancestors worshipped will by hook or crook attempt to make claims against your life and especially in areas that the covenant covered.

    If you are ignorant you will suffer. This is the reality of the spirit realm. The altars providing legal rights to the kingdom of darkness will enforce and bulldoze these rights till it is scattered and its demonic foot soldiers legally and forcefully evicted.

    This book is for believers who want a break from their past in the area of altars and the recurrent problems that result from them. It is for those who have observed deaths, divorces, diseases, alcoholism and poverty wreck their families and they are fed up by the torment. To those who have observed recurrent under-age pregnancies, debt, chronic joblessness and poverty wreak havoc in their families, these pages will be an eye opener. This book is for people who are ready to contend the enemy. It is not for arm chair believers who dispute the presence of altars and curses yet the devil is slowly tearing their families and relatives apart.

    The book is for those who have become restless with oppression. It is for people who are convinced that like Esau, what is attacking their family is more than bad luck. For Esau, the genesis of his problem was well known as there was a clear record of how the curse had entered his life.

    Genesis 27: 39-40 records.

    His father Isaac answered him, Your dwelling will be away from the earth’s richness, away from the dew of heaven above. You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother. But when you grow restless, you will throw his yoke from off your neck.

    When to Seek Help

    As an travelling evangelist, I have noted in dismay that most individuals and families seek help in demolishing altars when it is late. It is only after several divorces in the family or when an incurable disease consumes numerous victims that people start looking for deliverance ministers. This should not be the case.

    One problem with altar-related challenges is that they do not manifest until the appointed time. Demonic altars are very precise in the timing of their attack. The fact that a person is okay today does not mean that the devil has not placed a time bomb later in their life. In fact, people who suffer at some point in their life, for instance, in attempting to enter marriage, lead absolutely normal lives where all appears to be well. When the fifth relationship breaks, it is then that they acknowledge that indeed there is something below the surface. For men most challenges are triggered at circumcision.

    In the body of Christ, this predicament is mainly caused by lack of discernment and a casual attitude towards faith. Majority of believers never get aware of a problem till it manifests in the physical realm. For instance, there could be a born-again but casual young person who because of bloodline issues, the devil has valid claims to attack his yet to be born children with deformities.

    They are busy with mundane things instead of being deep and discerning so that in times of intimacy with God a revelation on what is beneath the surface can be revealed. The devil will wait happily as the fasting-free fellow feeds on pornography, masturbation and plays computer games and movies for entire nights. The young man might marry with ease then one day realizes that his children have deformities. Then when it is too late he starts blaming God for his mess yet 2 Corinthians 10:4 says that we have weapons and they are not carnal or physical.

    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

    If these challenges like altars did not exist, weapons to enforce victory would not be necessary.

    Holy Spirit Prompts

    All the prompts of the Holy Spirit such as impressions, presence or absence of peace, mean nothing to such people without discernment. In Luke 12, Jesus had strong rebukes for such individuals who were wise in ordinary everyday matters but lacked discernment.

    Luke 12: 54-57

    He said to the crowd: "When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?

    In spite of general lack of awareness of spiritual matters, Jesus nevertheless is ready to rescue those who seek his help from the choke hold of the enemy. He invites all those that are heavy laden to seek rest in him.

    This promise is given in Mathew 11:28.

    Come me all you who are weary and

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