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Taken By The Mountain Man: Mountain Men of Whiskey River, #4
Taken By The Mountain Man: Mountain Men of Whiskey River, #4
Taken By The Mountain Man: Mountain Men of Whiskey River, #4
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Taken By The Mountain Man: Mountain Men of Whiskey River, #4

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About this ebook

He's a scarred up mountain man. She is the curvy girl no one wants, until him. Who knew she'd be the one to save him?


Go in and save my friend's girl. That was the mission. I never expected her, the girl who wasn't supposed to be there.
She's injured… and mine.
So, I take her back to my cabin to care for her.
Only she wasn't supposed to want to leave…
I have no problem holding her against her will until that first tear falls…

I never expected to be kidnapped by my best friend's mother and I also never expected to be rescued by a strange sexy mountain man.
Yes, this is currently my life.
When this strong and slightly scary man takes me back to his cabin, I have no idea what to expect.
But it wasn't how gentle he is and how much he takes care of me.
And I sure as hell wasn't expecting to fall in love with him. Too bad I can't stay.

Release dateSep 28, 2022
Taken By The Mountain Man: Mountain Men of Whiskey River, #4

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    Book preview

    Taken By The Mountain Man - Kaci Rose

    Chapter 1


    Fuck, why does my head hurt so much?

    As I open my eyes, I realize it's because the kidnapping wasn’t a nightmare. It’s real—a living nightmare. I've been in this cabin for what seems like forever. They’ve drugged me here and there, but I think it's been two or three days.

    I returned from visiting my best friend, Hope, and her boyfriend, Cash, who lives on the mountain. I live in an apartment above the cafe in the grocery store where I'm the general manager. The parking lot is behind the building, and I was pulling my keys out of my purse when I was grabbed from behind. I remember the pinprick on my arm before everything went black, and I woke up in this cabin.

    Of all the sick and twisted things, the people who kidnapped me are Hope's mom and her boyfriend. They've been trying for days to get information out of me and to get me to call Hope and have her meet me somewhere so they can kidnap her, which I refused to do.

    The first time I refused, the boyfriend took a baseball bat to my ankle. To say it hurt like hell would be an understatement. Since then, I've been starved and hit in the head, and they've stomped on my injured foot several times. The last time I refused to speak, they burned my arm with one of their cigarettes.

    A quick look around the cabin reveals I'm alone, which means they’re outside or in the other room going at it like rabbits, which is what they seem to like to do in their free time. So once again, I try to work on freeing my hands strapped behind me.

    I only get a few minutes before Hope's mom walks in, and the boyfriend is right behind her. They're high on something, though I have no idea what. I can see it in their eyes and behavior because they never sleep.

    Her mom walks over and shoves a piece of bread in my mouth. I try to chew as fast as possible because they’ve taken it away if I take too long. Once I finally swallow it, they tip my head back and pour some water into my mouth. Not enough to keep me hydrated, but just enough to wash the bread down.

    We've come up with a great plan, and your friend Hope will be joining you here shortly. The boyfriend laughs.

    My mind starts racing. I have to get out of here, but all that keeps flashing through my mind is if they take Hope, at least Cash will come for her since no one's coming for me.

    A voice in my head reminds me that if Hope knew I was here, she and Cash would come after me in an instant. It's not unusual for us to go several days without talking, so they won’t be missing me yet.

    Alright, doll, it's time for you to take another nap. The boyfriend reaches into his bag.

    Thankfully, when they drugged me, they only used a needle that first time. Ever since, they've been putting something in the water they give me. It tastes disgusting, but I'm pretty sure it's sleep medication—a strong dose that works whether I want it to or not.

    When he's done mixing, he looks at me and smiles. Thank God for small miracles—at least they're not torturing me today.

    Drink up, doll. When you wake up, your friend will be here. Won't that be a treat? he asks in an overly excited voice.

    I don't want to drink, but this isn't something worth fighting them on. I do as I’m told, and the room grows hazy before it goes black.

    The next time I open my eyes, there's a chair a few feet away. Hope is strapped to it with her hands taped behind her back.

    Hope, wake up! I call.

    We’re alone, and if we can get out of our bindings, we might have a chance.

    Hope! I call again, but this time it brings her mom and the boyfriend from outside.

    Shut up, you mangy bitch, the boyfriend growls.

    He takes something from his bag, and before I know it, he's shoving the cloth into my mouth and tying it behind my head.


    All I can do is sit and wait until Hope wakes up. It seems like forever before she starts to stir, and when she opens her eyes, she's looking right at me. I try to convey everything with a look, but I don't think she understands me.

    Shit, she whispers.

    I almost roll my eyes because that’s an understatement.

    She starts moving around, trying to free her arms and legs, which are bound like mine.

    Oh, good, you're awake. Her mom steps into the room and shoves a gag into Hope's mouth.

    My mom had her issues, but good Lord, what kind of mom treats her daughter like this? As she shoves the gag into her mouth, Hope tries to yell out. I don't blame her. I'd fight every step of the way too, and I did.

    Told you to do this the easy way, and none of this would have happened, her mom says in a fake disappointed voice, making my stomach churn. She has no right to be disappointed in anybody right now.

    So, you're both probably wondering about the plan now, aren't you? the boyfriend asks.

    I don't know his name, nor do I care to learn it.

    If you’d handed over the money when your mother asked the first time, we would’ve taken it and been on our merry little way. We would’ve been in Mexico now, and you never would’ve heard from us again. But since you refused and moved so rudely without a forwarding address, we had to use your friend here to figure out where you were. That part wasn't too hard, as you might have guessed. I’ve had eyes on you for a long time.

    The footprints at the edge of the woods that Cash was tracking were him? I know it was driving Cash and Hope nuts figuring out who was watching them at the

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