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Killer in the Kitchen
Killer in the Kitchen
Killer in the Kitchen
Ebook322 pages4 hours

Killer in the Kitchen

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Murder is on the menu - 

A celebrity chef poisoned 

A bay town reel

Release dateSep 27, 2022
Killer in the Kitchen

Judy L. Murray

Judy L. Murray is an award-winning author and a Philadelphia real estate broker and restoration addict. She began her professional writing career as a newspaper reporter and magazine columnist on real estate and won national awards for marketing concepts. Now the author of a mystery series, she is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America.

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    Book preview

    Killer in the Kitchen - Judy L. Murray

    Chapter One

    Real Estate Rule #2: How to sell a house—Offer a drop-dead kitchen.

    Darn! Darn, darn, darn! Helen stood up, pulled off her gardening gloves, and tossed them onto the driveway. She pushed her short swing of dark hair out of her green eyes and glared down at the nubs of leaves barely poking out of her flower bed. Those darn deer! They eat everything!

    Mom! Are you talking to yourself again? Her daughter Lizzie poked her platinum head outside a window and looked down at her.

    I’m cursing at the deer. I’ve been trying to grow these Hostas ever since I moved out of Port Anne four years ago. I would think since I live in a state park, the deer could find plenty to eat other than my plants.

    For heaven’s sake. Just because Dad’s gone doesn’t mean you’ve become the expert gardener. Since when did you grow a green thumb? It’s the end of August. Why don’t you just let them go? Besides, I’ve got a hot lead for you on a great house to sell. Come sit on the deck, and I’ll bring you a tall glass of iced tea. Interested? Lizzie wiggled her dramatic eyebrows.

    Yes, to the iced tea. And maybe yes to the hot lead. Helen dusted off the mulch stuck to her knees and picked up her trowel. She stepped back and squinted up at her daughter, her real estate agent antenna up and working. Where’s the house? Remember the last goose chase you sent me on? I couldn’t decide which was worse, the pervy owner or his house that needed to be torched. He couldn’t understand why buyers didn’t want to see his tighty-whities drying on his oven handle.

    Her daughter laughed as she ducked her head back inside.

    Helen walked around the house and onto her deck, the broad expanse of blue Chesapeake Bay and woods her back yard. She leaned against the rail that ran the length of her house and spotted an American eagle perusing the water for dinner. She could still hear her daughter chuckling from the kitchen. Don’t be such a smarty pants. You knew a lead on a new client would suck me in. What’s the story?

    Lizzie handed her a glass before sprawling across the closest navy canvas chaise. "Do you remember Cooking with Roberto, the cooking show I host on ShopTV twice a week?"

    Helen gave a cautious shrug. I watch you as often as I can, but I really haven’t noticed your guest chef. Should I? You know I’m not into cooking shows.

    Mom. Lizzie gave her a condescending stare with her bright blue eyes. "Everyone’s heard of Roberto Barto. He just got named Best Chef Mid-Atlantic by Gourmet Magazine. He has three of the hottest restaurants on the East Coast. One’s on the Rittenhouse in Philadelphia. One’s right on the Baltimore Inner Harbor. One’s here in Port Anne. People wait months for a reservation."

    They must get awfully hungry.

    Lizzie let out an exasperated groan. You don’t have to be a saucier to hear about Roberto. He’s the bay’s answer to Gordon Ramsay. He’s got everyone feasting on his ‘Taste the Chesapeake’ recipes. Blue crabs, oysters, and rockfish with Italian pastas. Lizzie’s bright red fingernails made little quote marks in the air. Three years ago, no one ever thought of Old Bay seasoned crab on top of angel hair pasta. He’s reinvented Chesapeake staples into five-star dining. His cookbooks are international bestsellers.

    Helen regarded her daughter’s frown. Lizzie was an expert in juggling famous guests to attract shopaholics at home. It made her a celebrity in her own right. I realize being a Host on the biggest shopping channel means sell, sell, sell.

    ShopTV has tripled its business since it bought out the BTB station.

    Helen took a sip of her iced tea and tilted her face toward the sun. That still doesn’t mean I remember anything about him.

    I never thought you would be so completely uninformed about a local restaurant. You may not like to cook, but you love to eat. He converted the old steakhouse right here in Port Anne to the Water Street Bistro ten months ago.

    Okay, I admit I’ve heard his name. I never connected him to the bistro. That’s definitely the new hot spot, Helen mused. I treated Susan and Tammi there for their birthdays. We loved it.

    Lizzie gave another groan. I even gave you one of Roberto’s custom Flying Pans we were selling last Christmas.

    Was that his? Helen furrowed her brows.

    It was my fruitless attempt at encouraging you to cook something for yourself besides Special K.

    Helen grinned. I did like the color, eggplant.

    Since when does Special K come in purple?

    Very funny. Helen sat down and kicked off her muddy orange Crocs.

    Laugh if you will, but his cookware is selling like hotcakes—pardon the pun. His partner, Adrian, invented a non-stick surface that’s threatening to put major brands out of business. Their coating is completely organic. No chemical compounds whatsoever, so all the foodies and health fanatics are crazy about their pans. I had a show with Roberto just this week. We sold 10,000 sets in less than thirty minutes. Right now, ShopTV thinks he’s a god.

    Are you telling me this because he’s the one who wants to sell his house? I’m assuming there’s a connection. Now I’m interested.

    Yup. Lizzie followed her mother into the kitchen. Helen’s two cats, Trixie and Watson, trailed hopefully behind her.

    Her mother poked around in the refrigerator. She came out with a squished triangle of cheddar, a bruised apple, and a can of cat food.

    Mom, his place is stunning. He bought it before he opened up the bistro. It’s right off Riding Cross, but you can’t see it from the road.

    Helen’s face brightened. Riding Cross is a breathtaking spot. Horse farms on the water. I would think it’s pretty safe to assume that this famous chef has a kitchen to die for. Have you seen inside?

    I did. He had a big party last night. I thought I told you I was going. His house is massive, totally renovated. A classic Southern colonial with gobs of extras. Not exactly Little House on the Prairie. She waved her arms. The kitchen has miles and miles of white marble, black soapstone, and Sub-Zero appliances. He’s got a huge Wolf range and every gadget you can imagine. There’s an outdoor kitchen off the patio near a gorgeous custom inground pool. It’s a fabulous place for a party.

    Helen scooped two dry food servings of cat food into blue bowls and placed them on the floor to silence the yowling at her feet. She pulled out a paring knife. How’s the decorating?

    No expense spared. A bit heavy on the black and silver, but beautiful. Lizzie started to dig through Helen’s wine rack.

    Helen gave a little chuckle. Are you sure the house wasn’t financed by the Mob? They love the restaurant business.

    Lizzie pulled out a wine bottle. You’re impossible. Not everyone who owns restaurants needs a loan shark. You read too many mysteries.

    "No one can read too many mysteries. That’s not possible. Why wasn’t I invited to this little get together?" She took a big slice of the questionable apple and offered the plate to Lizzie. She wrinkled her nose and opted for the mangled cheese.

    Sorry, only our studio muckety-mucks were invited. He mentioned that he wanted to sell. I told him you’re the best real estate agent in Kent County.

    Only Kent County? Why not the entire state of Maryland? Helen stretched her tanned arms around her taller daughter and gave her a squeeze. I may hate to cook, but I sure know how to sell a kitchen and the house that comes with it. When do I get to meet the Chesapeake’s answer to Ramsay?

    I told him you’d stop by the studio after our 10 am show tomorrow. I’ll introduce you. Does that work? Lizzie’s pretty face beamed.

    Works for me. Who wouldn’t like to mix shopping with making money? Did I ever tell you how you light up when you’re trying to convince me of something? Helen reached for a wine glass.

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I’m one of the reasons the network has eight million viewers. Her daughter popped the last piece of cheese into her mouth. She twisted her fit band. I’ve got to go. Jason swore he’d leave his office in time for dinner together. That’s an event I can’t miss.

    Helen wrinkled her brow. "How is Jason?"

    Lizzie slung a huge dusty pink canvas bag over her shoulder and kissed her mother. Another time, Mom. See you!

    Doesn’t a mother have the right to ask?

    Not unless you’re going to tell me what’s happening with Joe McAlister, your favorite detective. She pointed to her dad’s wedding band hanging from a silver chain on her mother’s neck.

    Humph. Hey, what’s Barto’s home address? I want to do a little homework.

    It’s on your To Do pad on the counter, Lizzie called back as she headed out the front door.

    Helen picked up the pad and squinted at her daughter’s messy scrawl. Roberto Barto. Internationally known chef, creator of The Flying Pan. Yes, people actually buy cookware and use it! House is at 2 Riding Cross Lane, Port Anne. Be at the studio by 9:45 am Monday. I’ll meet you at security in the lobby.

    Helen drew a circle around Roberto Barto and muttered aloud. What is a saucier, anyway? And why’s he selling his house so soon after spending all that money on it? After years in the real estate business, she had a hunch there was more to this decision than what they knew. She gave another little shrug, rummaged through a kitchen cabinet, and spotted a lonely can of clam chowder. Maybe she should start watching some cooking shows so she could actually invite a man home for dinner. Even Joe brought his own pizza when he visited. She decided to upgrade her dinner tonight and pushed the soup aside. I swear I’ve got a box of granola somewhere, she said to her cats. Two pairs of large eyes, one green, the other blue, blinked back with indifference. They knew her too well.

    Chapter Two

    The next morning Helen drove through the ShopTV corporate entrance and down a mile-long private road through the complex toward the main building. She followed signs for guest parking. Tracing a winding path led her toward a broad tier of steps, under the giant ShopTV sign, and through a set of eight double doors to the security desk. A friendly guard checked her name against his computer screen of expected visitors, called Lizzie, and then handed her a badge with her name printed on it. A minute later, Lizzie opened the double doors behind the guard’s station and greeted her. She already wore a full face of makeup with inch-long false eyelashes.

    You timed it perfectly. Roberto and I are going on air in about ten minutes. I’ll take you into the green room, and you can watch the show from there. I’ll introduce you after the show’s over. She stopped to study her mother up and down. You look terrific. Love the khaki jacket and the orange bag. Not too Realtor serious.

    Helen smiled at her daughter. Just following your fashion advice. She pursed her lips and mimicked her. Wear a great bag and shoes, and you’ll turn an old pair of jeans into a look. Besides, you know orange is my favorite color.

    Got that right, Lizzie retorted. She pushed open another set of double doors. She turned back. Why are you wearing Dad’s wedding ring more lately?

    Helen pulled on the long silver chain around her neck. I decided it was my lucky charm, my talisman. Her daughter smiled.

    Minutes later, Helen watched her get wired up with a portable mic at the Operations Desk. An OPS technician gave it a quick test to check the volume. Lizzie winked at her mother and disappeared through another door into the set. Helen headed into the green room. It buzzed with nervous guests waiting to go on air and their vendors fussing over product displays. Eight small flatscreens strung high along the walls displayed the live show. Six computer monitors flashed the latest products just aired. Their sales numbers hopped across the screens like the New York Stock Exchange. Two vendors were giving each other a high five as the numbers kept climbing for a designer handbag.

    She grabbed a cup of coffee and settled into an L-shaped sofa to watch the introduction of Cooking with Roberto. She was loving the let’s get it sold atmosphere of a company generating twelve billion dollars in revenue every year.

    Helen spotted her daughter’s face on the screen as Lizzie welcomed viewers into the show and introduced Roberto as chef. Most products had three to eight minutes of precious, expensive live airtime. Cooking with Roberto ran a half hour and was projected from a full-sized kitchen with all the latest, top-of-the-line gadgets. I guess if you’re named Best Chef by Gourmet Magazine, you can demand a studio kitchen better than most magazine covers, Helen thought.

    Roberto was tall, a little beefy, easily six foot two with a curly mop of thick black hair, and dressed in a pure white chef’s jacket. His name was embroidered in red and black across the breast pocket. She could understand why he was causing such a buzz with the women. A natural in front of the camera, he leaned over and took Lizzie’s hand as he planted a kiss on her cheek. He beamed a wide grin accented by two deep dimples at the camera and introduced a new recipe from his latest cookbook. Lizzie launched into a review of his cookware collection, elaborating on the technical details of the organic, non-stick surface and how it made his recipes so easy to make. Roberto, after searing a flank steak and smothering it with red peppers, wiped the pan clean with a dramatic swish of a paper towel.

    It was mostly light banter interspersed with live calls from the viewers, obviously all adoring fans. His quips delivered with a warm demeanor created bonding moments. One caller from North Dakota talked about her dinner party. Her friends had oohed and ahhed over Roberto’s recipes made in her set of Flying Plan cookware.

    Hi Darlin,’ delighted you discovered my cookware, the chef wooed. You’ll need to use it to make my Chesapeake with a Twang Crab Stew from my newest cookbook. So easy for a crowd, and no clean-up. You’ll love it.

    A male fan with a strong Boston accent called in to discuss the merits of using Roberto’s spicy croutons on crab chowder at his pre-season Patriots party. Always going for the sell, Roberto pointed out a deep Flying Pan soup pot as part of his collection. Lizzie kept the callers moving, adept at wrapping up their conversations without them feeling shuttled off the air.

    "Only four minutes left to our Cooking with Roberto show. Lizzie mugged a disappointed frown toward the camera. We have less than eight hundred sets in the navy. Just five hundred remaining in the extremely popular eggplant. Black is sold out. Remember, free shipping is only for today!" Lizzie and Roberto gave a friendly wave to the viewers, and the camera moved away. Another host with the next product came onto the television screen.

    After Roberto’s show, Lizzie pulled Helen from the green room. They weaved in between huge wall dividers on casters that separated one set from another. Orange and yellow electrical cords crisscrossed the floors like giant balls of yarn. Set assistants were positioning the next product in line while crews shifted huge robotic cameras on wheels into focus.

    Lizzie flagged Roberto as he turned toward his private green room, a rare perk no matter how famous the celebrity. He unbuttoned his chef’s coat and ran his fingers through his hair as he reached out to shake Helen’s hand.

    So nice to meet my favorite host’s mother. Thanks so much for coming to the show. I really appreciate it.

    My pleasure. You’ve got quite a fan club, including my daughter.

    He gave a self-deprecating glance to Lizzie. It’s been a great ride, that’s for sure. Who would have thought my Flying Pans would make such a hit?

    I don’t think your cooking skills hurt, Helen offered.

    Hopefully not. Another modest smile.

    I gather you’re thinking about selling your house.

    I am. In fact, I’d like to get it on the market as soon as I can. According to Lizzie, you’re the best agent around. Roberto raised thick dark eyebrows. I checked you out. You’ve got a reputation for getting the job done.

    Thank you very much. You may have also heard that I’ll never be a threat to your culinary skills. She paused. Tell me, why are you moving?

    Roberto gave a quick glance around the set and spotted a small group of women on a tour. He sent them a big smile, then turned back. For now, he said in a low, firm voice. Let’s just say that with the expansion of my third restaurant scheduled for late fall, I need to make traveling up and down the East Coast easier. I’ve already lined up a townhouse on the Baltimore Inner Harbor.

    Lizzie tells me your property is gorgeous and your kitchen amazing. How old is the house?

    It was built in the 1890s, but I totally renovated it about a year after I bought it. I’m very proud of the result, but with all this travel, the house isn’t used enough. He examined his neatly manicured nails.

    Can you bear to leave your kitchen? Helen probed for more motivation.

    Actually, I’m really not leaving it. This studio kitchen is a replica. I required it as part of my contract.

    Lizzie gave her mother a quick nod.

    Clearly, the network thought you well worth the investment. Helen waved toward the sea of stainless-steel appliances. When shall we meet? I could see the house tomorrow afternoon if that works for you. She pulled out her iPhone to check her calendar.

    That sounds fine. Give my assistant Adrian a call to check my schedule. Roberto gave Lizzie an affectionate squeeze and, with a wave, hustled off the set.

    Well, he’s certainly a whirlwind, Helen commented. He seems to know how to charm you while he sticks to his own agenda.

    Oh, no doubt. He hasn’t turned into a multi-million-dollar sensation without knowing how to control his viewers. Come on, let’s find Adrian. By the way, he’s Roberto’s business partner, not his assistant.

    Then why did Roberto say that?

    Lizzie’s eyes swept the room. That’s a little ego game Roberto plays if Adrian isn’t around.

    Helen quick-stepped behind her daughter’s longer strides, weaving in between another half dozen sets and down a maze of hallways lined with racks and racks of merchandise samples.

    Why is all this stuff hanging out here? A row of black, yellow, and white sweaters hung next to three metal shelves overflowing with cosmetics. A giant piece of white cardboard with the number eighteen hung on the racks.

    Those are products in the queue to go on air later today. Lizzie tossed back as she rounded another corner. There’s Adrian. I was hoping he was still in the building. She gave a little wave to a slight man wearing a headset around his neck, chatting with a model. She was sporting a heavy wool sweater even though it was mid-August.

    Barely even with Helen’s 5’6", with thinning hair pulled back into a ponytail, Roberto’s partner was as unremarkable as the chef was a standout. His washed-out Army green Under Armour t-shirt was tucked into worn jeans held up by a brown leather belt buckled beyond three worn holes. A pair of scuffed designer moccasins and no socks finished his deliberate scruffy style.

    Adrian, I want you to meet my mother, Helen Morrisey. Lizzie turned to her. Mom, this is Adrian Stanton, Roberto’s business partner, and all-around brilliant problem solver.

    Adrian shifted an iPad from right to left and shook her hand. Good to meet you, Lizzie’s mother. He offered a thin-lipped smile without showing any teeth. I hear you may be selling Riding Cross. I hope you’re used to dealing with a…. He stopped, glanced at Lizzie, then finished. Personality. His sharp brown eyes through round, tortoiseshell glasses met Helen’s green ones.

    Helen had the feeling prima donna was his first word choice. She returned the comment with a little smile. Oh, I’ve worked with my fair share of artists. I’m not afraid of dealing with a little drama.

    He nodded a slow approval. Then you won’t be disappointed. When does our chef king want you to see the house?

    Does three tomorrow work for you? I’ll walk through the house, take some measurements, and then discuss pricing.

    Adrian flipped open the iPad’s black leather cover and ran his index finger across his calendar. That works. Roberto will want to give you the White House tour. I’ll need to be part of the pricing discussion. We’ve already met with two other Realtors. Is there anything you need at this point?

    Helen didn’t wince at the news of competition. He mentioned that he did a lot of renovations. Given the size, would you have a floor plan I can borrow?

    You’re the first person to ask for one. Hesitating, Adrian offered another polite, meager smile. I think we may have one on hand. I’ll see what I can do. He headed off.

    He’s definitely the opposite personality, muttered Helen.

    He’s the chemist and financial brains behind Barto Enterprises. Roberto is the frontman. He’s nice enough to me, but he’s certainly not Roberto.

    I’ve had a lot of experience with partners, Helen considered. I’ve come to realize that the dull ones can be just as important to their company’s success as the flashy ones. Makes me appreciate them.

    He has some kind of ownership interest in Riding Cross.

    The deed has Barto Enterprises Corporation as owner. Does Adrian live there with Roberto?

    I never asked, but someone mentioned it at the party Sunday. Sounds like Adrian has his own separate wing. They’re not a couple, if that’s what you’re wondering.

    Helen paused and watched Adrian’s quick retreat. I’m wondering about a lot of things.

    Chapter Three

    Helen decided to head into Port Anne and Safe Harbor Realty. It was time to do some homework before she met with Roberto tomorrow. She liked to walk into a property prepared with a market value in mind. This one was going to be a challenge. Her little bay town was enjoying a hot market with waterfront properties in even more demand. Still, property in the two-to-three-million-dollar price range was a rarity.

    August was the height of the boating season for the Chesapeake and Port Anne. Shopkeepers depended on the influx of visitors. According to Lizzie, Roberto’s bistro was helping draw in the crowds. She pointed her four-seater blue MiniCooper over the narrow, two-lane bridge into town past the navy and gold Welcome to Port Anne – Top of the Chesapeake sign that greeted the tourists. The big American flag next to it barely moved in

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