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Top of His Naughty List
Top of His Naughty List
Top of His Naughty List
Ebook87 pages2 hours

Top of His Naughty List

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When I let my mouth run away with me in front of my students, I find myself at the top of my colleague's naughty list. I've never viewed Iain Kennedy as anything more than a friend, but when he shows me his dominant side, I realize he's just what I've been looking for. I've always hated Christmas, but with Iain by my side, perhaps this year will be different.



For as long as i can remember, I've wanted Elise, but I've waited for the right time to make her mine. When her behavior gives me cause for concern, I decide to take her in hand. As Christmas approaches, I'm determined to make it one to remember.


Top of His Naughty List is a steamy romance novella with elements of BDSM. If such things offend you, please do not buy this book.


PublisherSassa Daniels
Release dateOct 3, 2022
Top of His Naughty List

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    Top of His Naughty List - Sassa Daniels



    From the moment I woke, I knew this wouldn’t be my day. First, I overslept because I forgot to set my alarm last night, something I never do. Then I got pulled over and slapped with a speeding ticket on my way to work. After that, I grabbed breakfast in the college cafeteria, only to get a piece of bacon stuck in my throat.

    While a dozen students watched in bemusement, I ran about waving my arms until I realized nobody was coming to my rescue and performed the Heimlich maneuver on myself. Stricken with fear I was about to choke to death, I threw myself over the back of a chair. It took three attempts to dislodge the bacon from my windpipe. It’s a miracle I came away without a broken rib.

    My day went from bad to worse as I then unwittingly walked the entire way across campus to the lecture theater with a trail of toilet paper streaming out from under my coat. Some kind soul yelled across the quad to alert me. As I twisted around to pull it out of my ass, I slipped on a patch of ice and landed in a heap.

    All that would have been misfortune enough for anyone, but for me, it was just the beginning. The real disaster struck when I let my mouth run away with me during my lecture. When I finally stopped talking and glimpsed my horrified audience, I pictured, in vivid color, my career going up in flames.

    The smattering of sarcastically slow applause that greeted the end of my rant told me what I already knew. I’d messed up big. The worst of it is that the lecture should have been a piece of cake. It was meant to be a fluffy, feel good talk to end the semester. I was going to tell them all about Christmas in the Middle Ages — wassailing and Twelfth Night, things like that.

    It’s not really my area of expertise, but I did my research. Things started off well, and my lame, self-deprecating jokes even raised a few smiles. Then, somewhere along the line, I went completely off-script. All my pent-up frustrations about the holiday season poured out. Once I started venting, I couldn’t stop myself.

    At first I’d come across like a bitter, twisted loner, a female Grinch. It was tragic, but at least my words made some sense. Then I felt a surge of anger and ended up ranting like a lunatic about rampant commercialization, misplaced sentimentality, and the pressures people put themselves under over the holidays. My arguments quickly descended into gibberish and — oh, shit, on a stick! — I used The F-Word. If my frazzled brain recalls correctly, I threw it out there several times. That alone will land me in front of a disciplinary committee if my boss ever finds out.

    So, er, thank you for coming, I croak into the microphone when it becomes clear nobody’s getting ready to leave. I hope you enjoyed my talk. Merry Christmas.

    Merry Christmas? After everything I just said, that’s how I end the lecture? No wonder people are looking at me like I’ve gone nuts.

    I dim the lights to ensure everyone understand there will be no Q and A after that shitshow. The only thing anyone’s likely to ask me after that performance anyway is if I’m high. I kind of wish I had the excuse, but there were no drugs talking just now. That was all me.

    Gathering my papers together, I beat a hasty retreat from the lecture hall. Cursing my stupidity for volunteering to hold one of the university’s Christmas talks when I hate this time of year, I hurry across the quad to my favorite campus coffee shop. If it wasn’t so early I might have headed for the nearest bar to drown myself in a vat of alcohol. But downing margaritas before noon isn’t my style, so I’ll make do with a double espresso instead.

    As I walk through the door of Sammy’s Coffee Shop, my heart all but stops. He’s here, the man I’ve been lusting after from afar. Jake Metcalfe, who arrived on campus a week ago to take up a professorship, is sitting by the window. It’s perfect. Since he got here, I’ve been dying to get him on his own. I’ve had a schoolgirl crush on Jake from the moment I first laid eyes on him. Then my friend Rhian spotted him at a BDSM club, and I’ve been dying to know more. I’ve been looking for a man like him for years. He’s smart, handsome and hung like a donkey, if the rumors are to be believed. He’d be able to initiate me into a world I’ve dreamed about since I read my first erotic romance.

    With my pulse racing so hard I could pass out, I make my way to the counter.

    What can I get you, Dr. Matthews? the owner, Sammy asks. The perky redhead has on a green sweater with snowmen and penguins all over it. I have to fight hard not to sneer at the juvenile garment.

    Regular latte, please. Forget the double espresso. I don’t need that much caffeine right now. My heart’s already racing.

    As Sammy sets about making my drink, I steel myself to approach Jake. It’s tricky. How do you go about asking a man you barely know to tie you up and spank you? It’s not something I can picture myself doing. Trying to figure out how to broach the subject, I accept my coffee and move to the register to pay.

    I’ll get that. A deep, masculine voice from behind sends a thrill shuddering through my bones. Has he actually come to me? Nerves jangling, I slowly turn to greet — not Jake. Damn it! I should have recognized my colleague, Iain Kennedy’s voice. His grim expression signals a deep displeasure as he stares down at me. I have a sinking feeling he knows about my disastrous performance in the lecture theater. Although he’s not my boss, he is in a more senior position and he’s the one who organizes the special lecture series in the run up to Christmas.

    That’s okay. I can get it myself, I say, rummaging at the bottom of my purse to gather enough loose change together.

    Elise, I said I would get it.

    Iain speaks with a firmness I wouldn’t have expected from my

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