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Journey through the Dark to find Light
Journey through the Dark to find Light
Journey through the Dark to find Light
Ebook169 pages1 hour

Journey through the Dark to find Light

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About this ebook

For those who have overcome hardships and bad decisions and have survived, but you hunger to thrive.

For those who have great ambitions, but watch their dreams get pulled under waves of emotion and excuses.

I show you how to transform your pain and suffering into compassion and love, and funnel that energy into creating an abundant and radiant life you're excited to show up for.  That is my work, and my passion-- and it can spark your own fire of passion as well.

This book is a guide to help you get there and the CLEAR formula is where it all starts. Emotional processing, navigating belief systems, and the dropper technique will all set a foundation for you to succeed. These tools help you face your shadow, befriend it, and recruit it to help you grow and overcome challenges. This book will help you tap into (and heal) your inner child's emotional burdens and unlock creative aptitude. This book will show you the practice of ideal-self embodiment-- how to envision and grow into your best "you". This book will show you how to breathe so your whole body comes alive, and remind you to keep tapping into yourself.

I share all these tools and more to help you find the inner harmony needed to transform your discomfort and fear into power and joy.



Release dateNov 24, 2022
Journey through the Dark to find Light

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    Book preview

    Journey through the Dark to find Light - Erin Colleen Geraghty

    For those who have overcome hardships and bad decisions and have survived, but you hunger to thrive.

    For those who have great ambitions, but watch their dreams get pulled under waves of emotion and excuses.

    I show you how to transform your pain and suffering into compassion and love, and funnel that energy into creating an abundant and radiant life you’re excited to show up for. That is my work, and my passion—and it can spark your own fire of passion as well.

    This book is a guide to help you get there and the CLEAR formula is where it all starts. Emotional processing, navigating belief systems, and the dropper technique will all set a foundation for you to succeed. These tools help you face your shadow, befriend it, and recruit it to help you grow and overcome challenges. This book will help you tap into (and heal) your inner child’s emotional burdens and unlock creative aptitude. This book will show you the practice of ideal-self embodiment—how to envision and grow into your best you. This book will show you how to breathe so your whole body comes alive, and remind you to keep tapping into yourself.

    I share all these tools and more to help you find the inner harmony needed to transform your discomfort and fear into power and joy.


    The blanket covered my head as I looked up towards the sky. I felt this light and energy enter the crown of my head, and shoot warm pulses of unconditional love through my entire body. I knew I was integrating with my recently deceased mother in a higher way. I wept as the song Mama come save my soul played over and over again over the speaker. The tears rolled down my cheeks, and my body shook. I felt my mother giving me all the love that she wasn’t able to give when she was alive. All this wisdom and creative power of Shakti energy… I was finally able to tap into it fully.

    After an Ayahuasca experience with a shaman, I noticed I was much more kind, in general, to myself and others. I noticed that my heart opened up and stretched in ways I didn’t know it could. On that same day, I realized that I could be there for my students and my family in ways I haven’t been able to before.

    Now, earlier in time, in a prior curve of this circle: another story…

    A full circle shamanic journey

    The last few moments before I lost consciousness I watched the shaman as he instructed me to keep breathing, in, in, in, and hold. Mandalas of different colors flashed before my eyes until the entire universe became fractals of colorful patterns that surrounded me. I’m not quite sure how I got to the ground but I got there. I was on my blanket and the mandala started to contract. Everything became dark.

    It was so scary. I felt so alone. Apparently, I was crawling on my blanket until I found the Earth. When I felt the Earth in my hand, I remembered: breathe. As soon as I took a deep breath, my whole body expanded, and the mandalas went from contracted and tense to breaking open.

    I continued to breathe deep and I realized that I was experiencing the death of my ego. I read about this, and I’ve heard people talk about it. What I found fascinating was that I’ve heard spiritual people talk about the death of their ego, and it always sounded like something blissful. Like letting go of all this heavy weight, and seeing light; free and skipping around.

    That wasn’t the case for me; that was the scariest experience I’d ever been through, and I was relieved at the end. As I rolled onto my back and looked up at the stars, I felt so connected to the Earth and to Nature.

    The shaman came around sparkly-eyed and asked would you like to go there again? I shook my head, pulled the blanket over my head and said please no, go away. He chuckled softly and asked me if I was sure. I peeped my head over the blanket, and once he saw the look in my eyes, which pleaded, please no. He realized that I wasn’t joking and chuckled again softly as he walked away.

    Having my ego die wasn’t an experience I would take lightly. It reminded me of that anecdote about Ram Dass giving a renowned Indian spiritual Master a huge dose of LSD; he took it, sat there in meditation, and then opened his eyes. He said to Ram Dass (I’m paraphrasing): That was fine, but meditation is better.

    I have to agree with the spiritual master. I did go through experiences in my life where I worked with shamans from different parts of the world, just to touch something deeper inside of me. Although I wouldn’t take those experiences back, I too realized that meditation and yoga for me are far more powerful.

    I’m very grateful for these powerful tools that have helped me heal, and the ability to coach others to heal… when the time is right, and when we are ripe for such healing.

    The Ripe Fruit

    I don’t know why, but every time I walk into your yoga studio, I want to cry, she said.

    I looked at her and smiled.

    "Is it because you feel safe? I asked.

    Her face scrunched up a little bit, and another tear rolled down her cheek.

    This happens often at my studio: people come for some sort of spiritual safety. I know that I can offer that, confidently, because I’ve traveled through my own darkness and I have been able to transmute it into light. Guru literally means remover of darkness. I show people how to activate their own inner guru so that they can do this for themselves. However, at the beginning of the journey, everybody needs a guide.

    Now, this woman stood in front of me. After class, she told me about how much pain her body was in, but that she had been led to me. She started to cry again, and I asked her if I could hug her. She nodded, and I held her as she cried on my shoulder.

    We set up an appointment for the following week. I expected that I was going to do body work with her, though I had a suspicion that there was underlying emotional trauma to work through.

    She started talking about how she lost her job, and how she had spent the last twenty years of her life pouring herself into that job. She’d sacrificed everything in her life to please the company. At the end of the day, though, the company crumpled her up like a piece of garbage and threw her away.

    She was devastated. While working with her, we discovered that the origin of this pain wasn’t about her job loss but stemmed from her mother’s non-acceptance of her. We traveled back to her childhood, recalling the first time she felt her mother’s rejection as she purchased a pair of jeans that were a size larger than her mother felt was acceptable. She had been carrying the burden of this rejection in her subconscious, and it was affecting her self worth which filtered through all areas of her life.

    I watched her body open up. I watched the areas that had been restricted start to expand with life, as I coached her. Even the color of her skin changed to a more even tone. I could tell she was deep in her process, and when she finally opened up, her eyes showed me that there was just a little bit of pain left to get through.

    At that point, I invited her back to my treatment room. I released her psoas and had her breathe in deeply, and feel everything within her. After about 10 minutes of work, I asked her to stand up from the table and walk around. Her sciatica pain was nowhere to be found. The aching that she had been feeling all over her body was gone. In place of her ache was now a vibration—one that hummed through her body and played the tune of a deep peace, which she could now access from this point on.

    We continued our sessions and I was able to reach an access point for her healing. I told her she was like a ripe fruit waiting to be plucked, and I was so grateful that she came to me for healing… just as many others have.

    The Missing Piece We All Already Have?

    All the tools I’ve collected over the years have shown me that the body, the mind, and

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