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Words of Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes and Thoughts on Optimism, Success, Fear, Overcoming Failure, Persistence, and Resilience that Will Change Your Life: Change your habits, change your life, #8
Words of Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes and Thoughts on Optimism, Success, Fear, Overcoming Failure, Persistence, and Resilience that Will Change Your Life: Change your habits, change your life, #8
Words of Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes and Thoughts on Optimism, Success, Fear, Overcoming Failure, Persistence, and Resilience that Will Change Your Life: Change your habits, change your life, #8
Ebook195 pages4 hours

Words of Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes and Thoughts on Optimism, Success, Fear, Overcoming Failure, Persistence, and Resilience that Will Change Your Life: Change your habits, change your life, #8

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About this ebook

Don't you ever give up!


Great minds like Albert Einstein, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Walt Disney, and many more come together in this collection of memorable quotes about persistence, resilience, optimism, and success. These reflections will comfort, inspire, and motivate you on a daily basis.


International best-selling author Marc Reklau shares his personal collection of motivational and inspirational quotes from the world's greatest thinkers.

He used these quotes for hope, inspiration, and motivation when he was at his lowest point, just after being fired from his job in October 2013, and at other times of his life when he was facing loss, failure, and rejection.


These words of wisdom gave him the power and the grit to go on. They are eternal truths, and you can use them to your advantage. Reklau explains what each quote means to him and gives practical advice for applying it in your daily life.


They will help you to overcome fear, to keep believing in yourself, to boost your self-esteem, to become more optimistic, and to develop the resilience and inner strength you need in order to succeed in life.


Meet the greatest thinkers of all time (and Pooh Bear). May they inspire you and bring good things to your life. Let them empower and encourage you to live your best life and make your dreams come true.

Release dateAug 8, 2022
Words of Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes and Thoughts on Optimism, Success, Fear, Overcoming Failure, Persistence, and Resilience that Will Change Your Life: Change your habits, change your life, #8

Marc Reklau

Author of seven books including the international #1 Bestseller 30 DAYS - Change your habits, change your life. Writing and speaking about habits, happiness, and productivity. Helping people to change their habits to improve their happiness, multiply their productivity and become the best version of themselves at work and at home.  My books have been translated into Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and several other languages. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram @MarcReklau or drop me an email to [email protected]

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    Words of Wisdom - Marc Reklau


    I have wanted to write this book for a long time. I have loved inspirational quotes since I was very young. I wrote them all over my school books and notebooks at a young age. They reminded me of the good things life had waiting for me.

    Inspirational quotes gave me hope and comfort in the tough times when I was facing loss, failure, or rejection. The words of wisdom of the greatest people gave me the power to go on.

    I have never read the whole works of the great philosophers; not even Shakespeare: Just the ones they forced me to read in high school. My fascination with these great thinkers came when I read their quotes, which proved to be eternal wisdom. I like and admire Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Walt Disney and all the others based solely on their quotes. That might be a mistake. It doesn’t matter. Their words and phrases kept me going when things looked dire.

    That’s why in my first book, 30 DAYS, every chapter opens with one or two quotes.

    Inspirational quotes always gave me that shot of energy, hope or motivation just when I needed it.

    When I became jobless at the end of September 2013, I was full of fear. I didn’t know what I had coming, so the first thing I did was google Fear quotes. I printed them out and had them next to me all the time.

    At the same time, I was building my business, which was supposed to be a coaching and consulting business but became something entirely different over the years.

    My Japanese translator told me I should put in some work and publish a book with the motivational and inspirational quotes that had helped me most on my way, from being jobless to international bestselling author, and here we are.

    May these quotes give you the energy, motivation, inspiration, hope, and comfort they gave to me.

    Just remember one thing: If you are looking for real change, reading the inspirational quotes is not enough. You have to get to work after reading them.

    That will make all the difference.

    I will leave you with some the greatest thinkers of all time (and Winnie the Pooh). May they inspire you and bring good things to your life.


    Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.

    Napoleon Hill

    Once you can embrace this truth, everything changes. The fear of failure disappears because from failure, something even greater grows, such as a bigger win or a greater love. There is nothing more to fear. You can try it right now. Look back at your heartaches, your losses, your failures. Did something better come of them? I bet that if you really look for it, you will find it.


    The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.

    Helen Keller

    What a powerful truth—even more so coming from a blind woman. Everything starts with a vision. If you don’t have a vision, you just get by. You float around, living a life mostly dictated by others—by your boss, your parents, your spouse, your circumstances. Once you have a vision for your life and your goals, everything changes.

    What’s your vision? Where do you see yourself in five years? Create that vision. Hold it high in your thoughts and then find the tools you need to start your journey to make your vision a reality.


    Forgiveness is the art of admitting that I am like other people.

    Mother Theresa

    Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces of the universe. We follow all the advice and exercises of self-help or personal development books, but when we are stuck, it often comes down to a lack of forgiveness. The lack of forgiveness is one of the biggest energy and success blockers out there. Once we let go of our grudges and start forgiving others—and ourselves—incredible changes begin to happen.


    The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.


    Some wisdom is simply eternal. If you look around, you’ll see that it’s still true. If we think we already know everything, we start losing. I know it. I’ve been there. However, if we adopt the mindset of the eternal apprentice, know that there is always more to learn, and are keen on learning more, then not only are we wise, but we also show one of the two characteristics extraordinarily successful people show: They always want to learn more and keep asking questions.


    Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.

    Mark Twain

    Have you noticed that Mark Twain’s words are still valid? I’ve been blessed to meet many more great people and successful people in the last few years. They never belittle you but encourage you to follow your path. It’s the mediocre people who belittle you or don’t answer your emails—maybe because they fear that you’ll be better than them one day. Use Mark Twain’s word as comfort when somebody belittles you or ignores you and then become so good that they can’t ignore you anymore.


    The harder you work, the luckier you get.

    Thomas Jefferson

    This is one of my favorite quotes. For many years, I thought other people were just more talented or luckier than me. But once I started taking my life in my own hands and working on a better future, I noticed the same thing: The more I worked, the luckier I got.

    When people ask me if luck was part of my success, I struggle to come up with an answer. To call it luck would undermine the hard work I did. Maybe there was a bit of magic to it, too, but 98 percent was hard work, overcoming rejection, learning from failure, and persistence, persistence, persistence.


    There are no great people in this world. Only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.

    Admiral William Halsey

    Too many times, we feel ordinary. Small. Without power. We think that leaders are born. That genius is genetic. And that we need a special talent to do great things. So we sit on the sidelines and watch how the big game called life is played. If we are lucky, we notice one day what admiral Halsey knew many years ago: that all great things are done by ordinary people like you and me who rise to the occasion. If you’re thinking, Oh, that’s not me, remember that doing great things is often doing small things in a great way. When will you start?


    Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.


    I know. It sounds too good to be true, but one of the secrets to success and happiness in life is to start. Start following your dreams. Just talking about it is not enough. Magic happens when you follow your dreams. Things will suddenly begin to fall into place. You will start to naturally attract the right people, the right opportunities, and the right resources, and incredible things will start to happen. Nothing attracts success more than somebody who is doing what they love.


    If you want to know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

    J.K. Rowling

    The real character of a man (and a woman) is shown in the way he treats others. Said more straightforwardly, the person who treats you well and treats the waiter bad is not a good person. Think twice if you want to go into business with a person like this.

    Do you have people like this in your surroundings? Watch them closely. The most charismatic people treat all people the same and show them the respect they deserve. Sometimes, they treat the people they can expect the least from the best. That’s true greatness. Treating the janitor with the same respect as the CEO is what great leaders are made of. Remember this.


    When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this. You haven’t.

    Thomas Edison

    Blessed be Thomas Edison. If you want to overcome failure and fear

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