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We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep
We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep
We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep
Ebook172 pages2 hours

We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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“A claustrophobic suspense novel of immense propulsive power.”—Kim Stanley Robinson

A Canticle for Leibowitz meets The Hunt for Red October in We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep, a lyrical and page-turning coming-of-age exploration of duty, belief, and the post-apocalypse from breakout newcomer Andrew Kelly Stewart.

Remy is a Chorister, rescued from the surface world and raised to sing in a choir of young boys. Remy is part of a strange crew who control the Leviathan, an aging nuclear submarine, that bears a sacred mission: to trigger the Second Coming when the time is right.

But Remy has a secret too—she’s the submarine’s only girl. Gifted with the missile’s launch key by the Leviathan’s dying caplain, she swears to keep it safe. Safety, however, is not the priority of the new caplain, who has his own ideas about the mission. When a surface-dweller is captured during a raid, Remy’s faith becomes completely overturned. Now, her last judgement may transform the fate of everything.

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Release dateMar 9, 2021

Andrew Kelly Stewart

ANDREW KELLY STEWART's writing spans the literary, science fiction, fantasy, and the supernatural genres. His short fiction has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and ZYZZYVA. He is a Clarion Workshop alum and holds an MFA in Creative Writing. We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep is his first publication with Stewart lives and writes in southern California.

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Rating: 3.764705882352941 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This one may actually be tipping into the novel size -- but it is way too close to call and I cannot find a reliable word count so I count it as a novella. In 1963, one of the American nuclear submarines shot all its torpedoes but one (and the one that did not get out because it malfunctioned). retaliation followed and the bombs flew in all directions. But we do not know that when this story starts - because we get to see the world of Remy, a pre-teen girl on the submarine Leviathan, where women are not allowed, boys are being cut so they remain pure (and the voices of the ones who can sing do not break) and the Caplain (a mix between a captain and chaplain) leads a cult whose sole objective is to one day send that last torpedo out and end the world. So what is a girl doing in that vessel? Well, it is complicated and everyone (but the Caplain) thinks that she is a boy. The fact that she can sing really well does not harm anything - because the plan is for everyone to die while singing. For decades now, the submarine had been dodging the people up above the waves - raiding them, stealing boys from them (and throwing girls into the waves). Only a handful of people remember the past - and they are not talking. Everyone else is too young and believes what the Order/cult had taught them - the wars devastated the land and they need to end it for everyone so everyone can go to God. So they live according to the Bible, with prayers and singing in Latin, the way a monastery will live. Most people have a short and brutal lives, if they survive the cutting which is always done once the boy arrives on the boat, then they will be dying from exposure to the reactor - unless they can sing - then they have a chance of a bit longer life. Mostly.Remy has memories of the sun and when a captured outsider tells her a story of the world, she decides to help her (the fact that the outsider is the first woman Remy ever sees plays a role into it). Remy, and most of the other people on the submarine, are naive to the point of being stupid. And everyone who ever lived elsewhere exploits it. But real friendships still exist - and when people have nothing to lose, they may make weird choices. I wish the author had actually expanded this and included the end of the story - we get some information about the world, we know that it is 1986, we know that Leviathan was the submarine that sparkled the whole mess and the Chinese and Russians are winning the war but... we never get to see the world. Or to see how the kids who escaped the horrors of Leviathan it into that world. I can see how that can be counted as a complete story but... it feels more like a volume 1 of a bigger story than a complete and finished story.

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We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep - Andrew Kelly Stewart

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THE PEAL RESOUNDS through the boat, through the frame of my bunk. I feel it in my jaw, my teeth. Reverberation.

And again.

Brother Silas, knocking the rusty-headed mallet against the hull.

The boat is a bell.

Three deep, resonating tolls. Thong. Thong and thong. Waver and fade.

Call to Matins. The Night Office.

The compartment pitches downward. Weight shifts. Cold toes tingle, alive. The deepest dive of the day. One hundred fathoms.

Bodies turn, roused from first sleep. Old metal springs plink. Sleepy shapes roll languidly from their bunks. I know them all, even in the dimness. Lazlo, lean and short, but strong. Caleb, mousy and frail. St. John with his large knobby head, and tall, soft-padding Ephraim. Stifled coughs. No talking. Silence is observed. Must be.

I follow, though my belly aches to move. More than hunger, I worry, for I know those pangs as I know my hands. Something else. A two-day malady thus far. But I move, climb down from my bunk, stacked third highest. My toes know their purchase. Salt-corroded frames. Grit-grated deck. We don our gunnysack robes in this perennial dusk. One sculpin-oil lamp hangs at a tilt from the forward berthing bulkhead. Fat-gummed glass. Sputter and fishy reek. In a line, we work our way aft, up the main corridor at a slant.

No speaking. But we will sing, yes.

I commence warming up our voices. My ear tells my throat how to find the key. I always find it. This is one of the reasons why I’m the Cantor. The anchoring line. With pitch rooted, the other voices meet it. Step up, step down. Two steps up, two steps down, and back to the middle.

Our collective hum joins the unending chorus of loud pinging, knocking, clanging.

These sounds aren’t coming from Brother Silas’s hammer, nor the submarine’s many machines, which sing their own unending chorus as they work to keep us alive, keep the boat moving.

This is pressure. The weight of the dark sea squeezing the old welds and joints and seals, against valves and piping.

Our vessel, the Leviathan.

Its crew, the last of the penitent men on this wicked, ruined earth.

We scale aft through the mess, through the galley. No victuals. Not until later. Hunger reminds us. Of where we came from, that poisoned, wicked world above. Of our salvation.

Up, past missile control and the radio room, we join the exodus of brothers leaving their stations, follow them through the hatchway, ducking, descending corroded ladders until, at last, we gather in the missile compartment.

Our chapel.

The largest single space on the Leviathan. We file down to the lower deck, between the bases of the great red columns. Sixteen of them. Eight spaced parallel on either side. Each is forty feet tall, reaching from the lowest recesses of the boat to the top deck. Each is wide. Like the pillars I’ve imagined, reading the Book of Judges, of Samson, and how, though his hair was shorn from his head by the betrayer, and though he was powerless and blinded, he still toppled the temple of Dagon.

They once held His fire, these pillars. Each one. And, when He spoke, Caplain listened. Unleashed each. Those first days of tribulation.

One remains.

One missile.

The Last Judgment.

The chamber, the whole vessel, levels. A litany of bright, high rings toll from the brass bell hanging on the main level above. We are at depth. One hundred fathoms.

Almost all attend the office. We Choristers, our fellow brothers, the eight elders. The crew of the Leviathan. Those manning the helm, the watch, the radar are exempt. Otherwise, when the bell tolls, you abandon your duties, whatever they may be, and there are many: working the bilge pumps, harvesting the mushrooms from the evaporators, mending the nets, pulling in the nets and culling the haul, sick fish from the good fish—less good fish these days—rendering the fats for unguent and fuel, cleaning the battery terminals, draining away the corrosive acid, monitoring the oxygen generator, the CO2 levels, and, of course, tending the heart of this beast, the reactor, which always requires a watchful eye, pressure and heat contained in mere piping, poison behind it all. God’s light.

Those who tend the reactor—the Forgotten—do not come forward for prayers or song either. They are not seen again once they are sent back through the tunnel. They serve their purpose, those forsaken.

And we serve ours. We Choristers. The five of us who remain. Who have not succumbed to sickness. Whose voices have not broken. Whose voices still reach the highest, loftiest of ranges.

We sing. Lift the hearts of our brothers.

We find God. We call out to him from these depths, and he answers.

Spoonful of rancid oil. Choke it down.

For our throats. These divine instruments.

Elders—most bent, mottled skin, toothless—stand forward, but the younger, broader-backed brothers space themselves along the walls, between and behind the pillars, against the machinery, against the electronic consoles that are dead and scavenged for parts long ago.

We Choristers, we the young, we the ones cut in order to preserve pure voice, gather in the narrow cella. Before dais and altar and psalter.

Caplain Amita normally leads Matins—Caplain with his stooped frame, his round chin, his eyes that always seem to be closed, even when they are open—but he has been absent this past week. Ill. His skin was a yellow grey last I saw him—scant more illumination here, in the chapel. Skin thin as Bible pages. Limbs turned inward. Stiff, like the already-dead.

Ex-Oh Marston officiates today, steps up to the dais.

Tall. Too tall for a submariner, some have said of him, which seems to be a truth. Has a hunch, for all the years of ducking through hatches. Of the original crew, decades ago. Head shorn, like all of us. Pate speckled like an egg. I’ve seen speckled eggs once. Blues and pinks and browns. Dented, his. Face gaunt, gaunt. Scared by some battle done or some ill deed done to him. Look of driftwood.

Merciless with the strop, Ex-Oh.

Especially when it comes to the Choristers.

We deserve it.

We come from wickedness, from Topside. Rescued. Given purpose. A chance to redeem our souls. We aren’t the only ones who have been saved—there are those brothers who were taken aboard as children who could not sing but were strong, able, and needed to serve on the crew.

Like us, they had to earn their place. Many have gone on to take the vows of the Brotherhood. Brother Silas. Brother Callum.

But many have not.

There cannot be any question of faith.

No faltering in our resolve.

We must be ready for the day. For it is coming. And coming soon. That is what Ex-Oh says. What Caplain says.

And when the end has finally come, and He has deemed the days of tribulation done, we will launch His Last Judgment. And then we shall journey to the very bottom of the great abyss. To the lowest fathom. And we shall sing a song into that deep, on that last day, and the sea shall finally give up her dead. And we, with them, shall ascend into the light. As below, so above!

A raised, slender, yellow-nailed hand brings all to order.

"Deus, in adiutorium meum intende," Ex-Oh intones, thin nose angled up to the deck. Flat. Reverent. Monotonous.

"Domine, ad adiumandun me fastina," we respond in equal monotony.

This vessel, this Leviathan, often so hollow, is full now. Brimming with voice. Sound pressing against the hull, fighting against the darkness that presses in.

Doxology follows. This, sung in a mode that hugs one primary note and strays little from it: "Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto."

I know some of these words. Glory to the father, the son, the holy spirit. Caplain has taught me some Latin. An old language. The language of the Church. Has let me know them and keep them for myself. The others sing by memory. Words and notes, unpinned to page or history. I’ve told Lazlo I know some of these words. It seems wrong that we don’t understand the meaning of what we sing.

The psalter, big as a crouching boy, bound in shark hide, lay opened, hymn selected. The Heart of the Leviathan. One I need not squint to see by, penned in violet squid ink.

Azure, bla - zing heart. O, keep us true. Your spark, in the bel - ly of the Le - vi - a - th - an.

Melody, at last. Harmony.

As Cantor, as principal, I take the descant. My melody floats above the others. Flies.

Singing is the only time my heart does not feel burdened. When I feel God. I think it is not vanity to sing. To like the sound of my voice. Higher than the others. Like light, bouncing off every bulkhead, reaching out over every surface of the concave metal hull.

Some of us Choristers change, even after the cutting. Those with the broken voices, Demis—those who can no longer sing—are sent aft with the rest of those taken from Topside and deemed unworthy. Through the tunnel, forced to work in the engine room, the reactor chamber, with the blue poison and fume. They are beyond our sight. Beyond His grace. Not to be spoken of. Not to be prayed for. They came from the world above, like us—like me. But God did not spare them. They are the Forgotten.

I have heard of their fate. Grease smear and boils and steam burn and bloody hacking. And poison from the reactor. Lazlo has seen them. Has smelled them.

A smell like everything is wrong.

Scripture now, this in the common tongue, for all to comprehend.

"To the roots of the mountains I sank down," Ex-Oh reads from the book, voice like a hatch squealing on its rusty hinges. Feel the words in my spine. The earth ’neath barred me in forever. But you, LORD my God, brought my life up from the pit.

Book of Jonah.

As below, so above! Ex-Oh calls out.

And this congregation answers in refrain.

Remy, Lazlo whispers into my ear, once we have filed out, dispersed to our duties, once we are distanced from the ears of elders. He speaks differently than the rest. His words have a lilt to them. His skin darker, despite being kept from the sun for so many years. Eight years.

Your scar must be bleeding, he says, pointing down.

I stop, lift my foot.

A drop of blood spots my big toe. Dusky red. Blackish.

Scars do still bleed. Even years later, they can reopen and weep.

But this wouldn’t be true for me.

Not a cut or scrape, either.

My heart crashes into my stomach.

It’s happened.

* * *

The first meal of the day is always the same.

Broth of bladderwrack. Dried mushroom and algae cake. Grey cake, Lazlo calls it. We grow and harvest the mushrooms from atop the generators. Used to be a time we would have fish press as well, but now press comes at the meal following Vespers. If we’re lucky. With our slurry and drip.

Brackish draught.

These meals provide little lasting sustenance.

There has been no raid above for some time. No meal or flour or canned, sweet things. Not that I would have an appetite for such

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