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The Diamond Bearer's Ring
The Diamond Bearer's Ring
The Diamond Bearer's Ring
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The Diamond Bearer's Ring

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Book seven of The Unaltered Series. Calli’s impulsive decision to break communications with the Diamond Bearers leaves her stranded when captured by Max and The Bureau. With Chris’s life on the line, she must find a way to protect his heart from the stress of the new diamond, while also convincing the government to join forces in preparing for the impending cosmic blast, to stop the Reapers from attaining world domination.

PublisherLorena Angell
Release dateOct 28, 2022
The Diamond Bearer's Ring

Lorena Angell

Lorena Angell is the internationally bestselling author of the YA fantasy series, The Unaltered. Inspired by an interview from J.K. Rowling, Lorena began to write and published her first book in 2011. Since then, she’s earned over 4,200 reviews (average of 4.5 stars), has been a #1 bestseller in over 11 countries and wants nothing more than to write more books for her readers.Lorena writes young adult fantasy/superpowers/romance. Visit Lorena's website:

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    Book preview

    The Diamond Bearer's Ring - Lorena Angell

    The Diamond Bearer’s Ring

    The Unaltered series: book seven

    by Lorena Angell

    Smashwords edition

    Copyright 2022 Lorena Angell

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at [email protected]

    Cover Art: Creative Alchemy, Inc.

    For more titles by Lorena Angell visit


    Chapter 1 - Vita

    Chapter 2 - General Appleton

    Chapter 3 - Terms and Conditions

    Chapter 4 - Tracking Device

    Chapter 5 - The Ring

    Chapter 6 - Irradiated

    Chapter 7 - Side-Hustle

    Chapter 8 - Cat’s Out of the Bag

    Chapter 9 - Gift Shop Discoveries

    Chapter 10 - Vita’s Assistant

    Chapter 11 - Home for Christmas

    Chapter 12 - Vorherrschaft Unprotected

    Chapter 13 - The Big Boss?

    Chapter 14 - Anika’s Gift

    Chapter 15 - Blue Diamond Desires

    Chapter 16 - Flying Lessons

    Chapter 17 - Old, New, Borrowed, Blue

    Chapter 18 - The Coupling

    Chapter 19 - Crimson’s Lack of Vision

    Chapter 20 - Repercussions

    Chapter 1 - Vita

    I’m sorry, Calli. But it had to be this way.

    What do you mean? I say, yanking violently on the ring stuck to my finger.

    I couldn’t stop it from happening, so I kept you from knowing it would.

    Stop what? Know what?

    The dream scene in my mind fades to black and my senses become aware of the present. The first thing I see upon opening my eyes is a pale blue wall that looks soft to the touch. I twist my head around and roll my body to the other side of the bed which I’m lying on so I can examine my surroundings completely. It looks like I’ve been placed in a cell of some kind with padded walls.

    I bolt upright. Where is Chris? Is he alive? Is he safe?

    What time is it? What day is it? I don’t know. I run my hand through my hair only to snag a strand with the engagement ring on my finger. I examine the ring and free the strand of hair lodged under one of the prongs and drop the lone hair to the ground. Tugging and twisting on the band, I let out a hiss from the pain I instigate while removing the ring. A red enflamed burn wraps around my finger where the band touched my skin. I focus on my healing power to fix the burn. Why isn’t it already healed? My greater healing power is supposed to heal my injuries in a flash. So, why not now?

    I slide the precious gift back on my finger and my thoughts drift to Chris and the amazing, romantic scene when he gave me the ring. Then my memories switch to the horrifying moment I realized he was bleeding out following his diamond insertion and not healing—technically dead. I remember feeling the ring vibrate on my finger moments before I zapped Chris with power to start his heart. My eyes fill with tears as I recall the fear of losing Chris. My whole world crumbled to the ground during that time on the beach, struggling to bring him back to life, hoping someone would come to help, eventually finding out later that no one was ever going to come help.

    Swiping my tears with the back of my fingers, I stand and walk to the door. How long have I been here? I take a deep cleansing breath and focus on my diamond, reaching out to Chris, waiting for the unmistakable connection, but it doesn’t come. I try to connect with other diamonds to no success. I inventory my body, my powers, and my strength levels. Everything is good, all except for the burn under the ring on my finger. I must be in a situation where I’m near obsidian, but not affected by it—like at the Denver compound. While inside the building, I had my powers. However, I couldn’t communicate with anyone outside the building.

    I can’t help but regret the decision to involve the government. If we hadn’t come to Washington D.C. we wouldn’t have been captured by Max Corvus, at least not like it played out. Who knows how it might have transpired if we had been able to approach the government on our own?

    What happened to Max, anyway? Did I kill him? He was certainly going to kill me, at least until the woman on the phone told him not to. Whatever happened in the car with Max, my engagement ring became hot and energized, even in the presence of obsidian.

    I hold out my left hand and tilt my finger up and down slightly to allow the diamond to catch the light.

    With a broad spectrum of emotions roiling through my body, I stand and go to the door, rise up on my tip toes, and peer out the narrow, eye-level glass window. All I see is a long empty hallway with other windowed doors. I must be at the end of the hall of what looks like a jail or prison. I pull back from the window and glance down at my door. A rectangle opening with a metal plate inside the same color of the door is positioned at waist level. I suppose this is a pass-through for food and the metal plate probably slides open because I don’t see any hinges. Small cameras are positioned in two of the upper corners of the room, suggesting I’m being observed. I assume someone will come along soon now that I’m up and moving around.

    I leave the door and sit on the uncomfortable bed, tucking my feet under my legs for warmth.

    Where is Chris? If he is in this building and I cannot reach him through our diamonds, that means he’s disabled by obsidian which could be deadly for him. He may not be in the building at all, and that’s the reason I can’t communicate with him. But he might be dead. Oh God! I don’t even want to think about that.

    I try to view the future. Will I be able to get out of this mess? All I see is a soldier attaching cuffs to my hands and the world drifting into the ominous blackness of obsidian.

    I contemplate my recent decisions. Regret feels like such a simple word against the intense emotions racing through my body. Why did I think coming to Washington D.C. was the right choice? And why did I think we would be safe in the presence of obsidian when we cannot see our futures? The reasons and situations that brought me to the decision to ask the government for help feel so petty and distant now that I’m locked up, so far away from Maetha’s island, without knowing what’s going on around me. Why did I act so impulsively?

    I guess I thought of myself as indestructible.

    The jangle of a full ring of keys pulls my attention to the door. The pass-through slides open, revealing the waistline of the person on the other side wearing military fatigues and a holstered gun. A pair of handcuffs are dangled through the opening by a hairy-knuckled, ragged hand followed by a rough male voice saying, You have a visitor. They’ve requested you wear cuffs.

    My eyes move up to the narrow window where I see the eyes and nose of a middle-aged man. I try to read his mind but cannot, which makes sense because I know he’s holding obsidian laced handcuffs. I’ve already seen my future.

    Where am I? I ask, staying put on the bed. How long have I been here? Where’s Chris? Is he okay?

    If you want those answers, you need to come over here so I can put these on you.

    I exhale sharply and move over to the door. I turn around and reach my arms behind me and wait for the snap of the cuffs. As soon as the metal connects with my skin, my powers are canceled, as per my vision. After securing the cuffs, the man opens the door and I turn around to face him. Behind him stand four more men carrying long rifles with shoulder straps. They aren’t pointed at me directly but could be at a moment’s notice if I decided to be difficult.

    The man says, resting his palm on his holstered gun, I recommend you obey and follow instructions perfectly.

    I don’t need to read his mind to understand his words. I nod and wait for him to invite me into the hallway. He jerks his head to the side and motions with his chin toward the direction he wants me to walk. I obey, albeit cautiously. Behind me I hear the collective footsteps of all the guards. I wish I could read their minds to find out what happened to Chris.

    As we walk down the hallway, I glance at the windows on the doors hoping to see Chris, but no. The guard behind me directs me to an interrogation room, complete with a large mirror and cameras in the upper corners. I sit dutifully on the only chair in the room which is positioned at a metal table. He leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. A little overdramatic, in my opinion. I hadn’t disobeyed any of his orders. Perhaps he was acting out of fear and wanted to get the door between us as quickly as possible.

    I let out an exhale. I worry about my situation and my lack of powers due to the obsidian. I’m at personal risk, possibly a life-threatening position, something I’m not supposed to ever let happen. I’d hoped for a better ending by going to the government for help. Not this. My thoughts retrain on Chris. Where is he? Is he okay?

    After a few minutes of being alone with my thoughts, a woman enters the room and walks full circle around the table. My eyes follow her movements while I take in her appearance: possibly forty-years-old, thin framed, maybe my height, long blonde hair, sun kissed skin, and clothing that looks homemade from several decades ago. The woman stops once she’s behind my chair. She touches my cuffed hands, making me flinch, then tilts my left hand up a little bit while wiggling my ring back and forth. I yank my hand away, as much as I can while being cuffed, out of fear she’s trying to take my ring.

    I must say, —she speaks in a medium toned voice with an accent I’ve heard somewhere before— that is a stunning ring.

    I remain silent. I don’t know this woman or who she works for, I only know she makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I wish I could read her mind.

    Do you know why you are here? she asks, walking around the table and stopping in front of me.

    Where is here?

    Washington, D.C.

    I look around the cold, dank room.

    You’re here because I need you to deliver a message to the goddess.

    I remember where I heard her voice before. She was the woman I overheard Max talking to in the car. She mentioned the goddess and I remember wondering how she knew about Crimson. Presently, I’m concerned I may be dealing with another unknown rogue Diamond Bearer. I decide to play dumb and respond, Who?

    The goddess. I know you know who I’m talking about, Ms. Courtnae.

    The fact that she refers to Crimson as a goddess tells me she is not a regular in Crimson’s circle. I decide to deny and deflect to see if she will volunteer more information. I say, So, let me get this straight. I was brought here under the assumption I know a goddess and I can get a message to her. Why did I have to be kidnapped? Couldn’t you have just asked for a civilized meeting?

    I’ve found people have more incentive to cooperate if it will gain them their freedom, or if it might save something important to them. So, with that in mind, I want you to tell the goddess I’m requesting a meeting with her.

    But I don’t know who you’re talking about. Trying to keep my mind focused on the present conversation with this strange woman and pretending to be confused, I can’t help but worry about Chris. Her words about incentive to cooperate to save something important make my skin prickle and I can only assume she’s referring to him. I need to know he’s okay.

    The woman waves her hands and arms in a mystical fashion, then produces a piece of paper seemingly out of thin air. She grasps the top with one hand, places the other hand on the tabletop, elbow locked, fingers splayed, and leans across the table, extending her arm toward me so I can see the page—a picture of me and Crimson at the police department when Crimson was invisible.

    Oh boy.

    She wiggles the picture in my face. "You know who she is and I’m betting you know how to communicate with her. I want an audience with her." The woman pulls back and readjusts her posture before setting the piece of paper down on the table.

    I want to ask where she got the image, but I’m still processing how she materialized the paper from nowhere in the first place. What kind of power is that? The answer will have to wait till later because she’s staring me down, waiting for my reply. Playing coy, I say, I remember that interview. I arrived alone. The detective and I talked for a short while and I left, alone. The detective didn’t see that woman, either, but I’m sure you already know that.

    The woman drops her gaze to the floor for a moment, then brings her narrowed eyes up to mine. I note her clenched jaw. I am clearly frustrating her, and I’m not sure if it is a good idea in my current incapacitated state.

    I know you think you can fool me, Calli, but you can’t. Footage shows she was near you the whole time. We both know she can appear invisible, which is what happened here. Isn’t it?

    This woman knows about appearing invisible. This changes everything. I chose my words carefully. Even if I knew this woman, and if I could communicate with her, what would I tell her concerning you?

    Tell her you met one of her old acquaintances and they want to talk to her.

    An old acquaintance named . . .


    Vita? My mind races to remember where I have heard that name before. Then I recall Vita was the name of the Spellcaster who set up the bubble around Maetha’s island, and the Hunter’s camp. Clara was trying to locate her to ask about the confetti-like pieces we found outside of Max’s warehouse in Norway to see if she could help reverse-engineer a key. Ironically, here I sit, having been captured by Max, nearly killed, brought to a location to be questioned by that very woman. I think it is safe to assume she’s not going to help Clara figure out how to slip through any bubbles anytime soon. Vita and Max are clearly working together.

    My eyes meet Vita’s. She’s watching me closely, probably to see if I recognize her name, or if Crimson has mentioned her to me. I formulate my thoughts and try to respond with the same ambiguity as before. Well, I can’t really look for her while I’m locked up, now can I. You’ll have to let me and Chris go, and when we cross paths with the goddess, we’ll let her know you were asking for a talk.

    Vita makes a sound deep in her throat—a half-laugh, half-determined, almost scoffing sounding. She says, My assumptions about you were spot-on. I don’t know whether to be proud of myself or disappointed in you.


    You are predictable, Ms. Courtnae.

    I hold my tongue, calming my auto-defensiveness.

    She continues. I figured offering freedom wouldn’t be enough for you to admit you know the Goddess. Therefore, I acted preemptively. While you were unconscious, I inserted a disabler in your body that only I can remove.

    A what? I already performed a body scan in my room and didn’t detect anything abnormal. She’s bluffing. She wants to make me afraid, to have power over me. Well, she isn’t going to get what she wants!

    Think of it like a grenade filled with powdered Yellowstone obsidian. If you try to remove it, the powder will be released. You won’t die, probably, but you will be disabled for months or maybe years, until your body processes the obsidian. If you want the device removed before it explodes, you need to set up a successful meeting with the Goddess for me. If in fact you don’t have the connection to her that I believe you do, then . . . oops. Enjoy your powers while you have them.

    I can’t believe she could have possibly inserted a bomb into my body. My healing power is such that this wouldn’t be possible. Plus, I would have detected it earlier, which I didn’t. Yet, the woman before me is the creator of magical bubbles, bubbles I’ve stood right in front of and couldn’t detect. I know the power she can create, which is probably why my attempt at rational thinking does nothing to slow the flood of adrenaline in my veins. I must focus on the situation at hand, play it off. Except, I can’t reign in my runaway emotions so long as I’m wearing obsidian cuffs. I can’t protect myself. I can’t stop the growing panic consuming my body. I focus on Chris. I need to stay strong so I can help him. I breathe deep, then say as calmly as possible, So, you’re going to let us go to hopefully find this goddess and set up an appointment for you. And then you’ll remove the obsidian disabler? Is that correct?

    That all depends on her and if she’ll give me what I want.

    And what is that? I hear the concession in my own voice and am ashamed of myself for seeming to give in so easily.

    She doesn’t answer but instead does that magical thing with her hands and arms again, producing two small bundles of what look like medical tape out of thin air. These are yours. We removed them from you when you arrived. Topaz is so quaint, by the way. A smug smirk slides across her face as she puts the bundles down on the table. Although, those two are interesting. She points to the pager topazes. They have Clara’s magical fingerprints all over them. It’s good to see her expanding her skills beyond beverages.

    I inhale slowly to keep my focus and to not allow her to dial up my emotions. I have so many questions I want to ask, but I already know she won’t entertain me. Instead, I ask, How do I communicate with you, assuming I can get the goddess to agree to meet with you?

    Max knows how to contact me.


    Yes. I suggest you avoid trying to kill him.

    Kill him? He was the one trying to kill me. Maybe you should be talking with him.

    He knows not to harm you.

    But I heard you tell him he could do what he wants when you get what you want out of me. My information.

    You have a good memory. Think this through, Calli. Once you’ve arranged the meeting and the obsidian is removed, Max cannot hurt you unless you allow it.

    Hmm. She’s using him, just like she’s using me. I don’t like this woman. I don’t have Max’s number.

    That can be remedied easily enough.

    So . . . that’s it? You’re going to let us go? I’m worried she hasn’t acknowledged Chris at all.

    They are going to interrogate you first. She juts her chin in the direction of the door. Line up the meeting and everything will be fine. But drag your feet and . . . poof! She wiggles her fingers as she raises both hands above her head. The obsidian capsule will eventually rupture and then you’ll be begging me to help you.

    I don’t like her threatening words, like she knows she can control my actions. I respond, What makes you think I won’t figure out how to remove it myself?

    The same way I know you’ll never find this facility again. I’ve put a protective bubble around it. If you or anyone else tries to remove the capsule . . . well, I recommend you don’t. She turns and walks toward the door only to pause and look over her shoulder. Additionally, know that any traumatic injury, severe bumps, electrocution, or whatnot will also rupture the capsule. So, take care.

    I want to see Chris, I demand as she opens to door to leave. She doesn’t reply or even indicate she heard my plea.

    The door closes and I’m left alone, sitting on the chair, hands cuffed behind my back. I stare into the mirror, wishing I could see through walls. Nope. I also cannot materialize anything the way Vita did with the paper and topaz. I don’t know that I’ve heard of anyone having that power. Maybe Crimson knows.


    A wave of nausea washes through my gut. What was I thinking to leave the protection of Crimson and the Bearers? Why did I assume everything would go without a hitch for me and Chris to go to the government for help with the Portland blast? The obsidian in my cuffs prevents me from using any powers, otherwise I’d try to communicate with Crimson, or Maetha, or any other Diamond Bearer.

    Strangely, I don’t feel my life is in danger. I assume this because Vita wants a meet-and-greet with Crimson and I’m the only one she believes has access to the goddess. However, I don’t know about Chris and his future outlook. If he has obsidian cuffs on, his life could be in danger. He said his heart seemed to be rejecting the diamond and he needed to heal his heart often. I hope he’s okay. I need to know that he’s okay.

    I take a deep breath and yell, Hey! Someone! Hey! If I could get someone to come in, I could ask questions and possibly get them to remove the cuffs, allowing me to possibly read minds to see where Chris is located. Or maybe I could look to my future and for when I’ll see Chris again. That would at least give me some confirmation that he’ll be alright. I yell again, Hey!

    The door unlocks and opens. Max Corvus walks in, or more like limps into the room. A second man follows with a chair for Max to sit upon. Max directs the man to place the chair as far away from my position as possible, then he sits and stares at me. The man remains in the room by the door.

    I speak first, Where’s Chris?

    Locked up. Max straightens his back and stares me down. Aren’t you going to ask how I’m doing after you electrocuted me?

    Letting out a defeated sigh, I ask, How are you doing, Max?

    I’m sore, thanks for asking, he responds, matching my insincerity. How did you do it? How did you use a power of that magnitude? You were wearing obsidian cuffs. I had a huge piece, too. That should not have happened.

    Like I’m going to just tell you, I mutter. Even if I knew the answer, I wouldn’t tell him.

    If you want to see Chris, you will.

    Take my cuffs off first.

    Not a chance.

    I promise I won’t kill you, on purpose anyway.

    His eyes light up and he slides to the edge of his seat. "So, it was an accident. You don’t know how you did it."

    Take my cuffs off.


    Listen, Max. Obsidian obviously doesn’t prevent me from using that power. I blasted you while in its presence. Honestly, I don’t know why you are risking your life by being in the same room as me. I try to feign concern for his wellbeing.

    I’m not too worried. He points a shaking finger to the surveillance camera. If you try anything, they’ll see it.

    "Mmm hmm. Are they hoping I’ll use the power on you so they can see it in action?"

    Ignoring my question, he presses forward. Was your new power fueled by fear? Anger? Which emotion sparked your new power?

    What makes you think it’s emotion-based or new?

    I haven’t seen anything in the files that talks about the ability to wield electricity.

    And Invisibility? I add. Was that one in the files?

    His eyes drop to the floor near my feet as the wheels in his head grind. Yeah, no. That wasn’t in there either.

    This must drive you crazy, Max.

    His gaze shoots back to mine. Not for long. Soon, I’ll know everything about you. Max nods toward the man by the door. Special Agent Bushman, the best criminal interrogator I know, is going to drill into that head of yours. He gets the answers no one else can, at least not legally. Max lets out a delighted chuckle.

    Criminal? I hide my concern and ask, May I use the bathroom first?

    No. Max stands and nods to the man by the door.

    I look over at the guy who entered with Max and brought in the chair. Initially, I ignored his presence, figuring he was only Max’s guard. Now, however, I realize he has been observing my behavior, my answers, my body language. More care should have been taken on my part.

    Agent Bushman stands probably six-feet tall, with a slender build and a dark complexion. He has short well-trimmed facial hair and an equally short full head of dark hair. His business suit is clean, pressed with crisp ridges, and is stylish, indicating money and attention to detail. Why didn’t I notice this about him when he first entered the room?

    Agent Bushman steps forward. I’ll have more success if you leave the room, Mr. Corvus.

    I want to stay.

    I insist. And on your way out, tell them to turn off the cameras.

    But . . . her powers!

    These are my terms, Mr. Corvus.

    My heart thuds hard against my ribs as adrenaline courses through my body. Why does he want the cameras turned off? What does he plan to do to me?

    Max storms out of the room in a huff as fast as his injured body will allow.

    The man I grossly underestimated eyes me from the other side of the table, angling his head slightly to the left, then the right, his eyes narrowing. He turns without a word and walks over to Max’s chair, picks it up and places it at the table across from me. The strained silence, pierced only by the pounding in my ears, is enough to drive me mad. I’ve gotten myself into this helpless situation, one where I could be killed very shortly, all because of why? Because I didn’t control my anger. And now this criminal interrogator stares me down with unknown motives.

    He abruptly stands, his chair’s legs grating loudly against the cement floor. Ms. Courtnae . . . He leans forward, placing both palms on the tabletop and leaning in my direction. Let’s get you out of those cuffs. He produces a

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