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Rambles and Daydreams
Rambles and Daydreams
Rambles and Daydreams
Ebook70 pages54 minutes

Rambles and Daydreams

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Rambles and Daydreams is a short book of short fiction, a collection of short stories and flash fiction by author Billy DeCarlo, with two bonus poems. The works range from under 1,000 to over 5,000 words, and center around the quirky thoughts and behavior of everyday people, similar to the stories of Raymond Carver.

The centerpiece of this collection is Key West, a Hemingway-esque love story.

If you loved Raymond Carver's Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?, you'll love Rambles & Daydreams!

Release dateMay 13, 2022
Rambles and Daydreams

Billy DeCarlo

Billy DeCarlo is an American author of novels and short stories. He grew up camped out at the corner newsstand, reading as many comic books as he could before the owner would throw him out. He writes out of love and in hope to change the world, or at least a few minds.  He still believes there are superheroes, and sees evidence of them sometimes on the news. And villains, lots of villains. The most rewarding thing a writer can receive is a review from those who enjoyed the work. The most constructive thing a writer can receive is a private message with anything that can help to improve his or her work. Please sign up for the newsletter at the website so you hear about future books, editions, and other news. Reviews are the currency of the craft. If you enjoyed this book, please take time to write a review. Other Books by Billy DeCarlo Road Warrior (sequel to Farawayer) coming in 2023! DroidMesh Trilogy (All Ages Sci-Fi) Sped-Bot Love-Bot War-Bot DroidMesh Trilogy Boxed Set Vigilante Angels (Noir Crime Fiction) The Priest The Cop The Candidate Vigilante Angels Boxed Set Stand-alone Works Farawayer (Literary Travel Fiction) Rambles and Daydreams (Short Stories) Thank you for reading!

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    Rambles and Daydreams - Billy DeCarlo


    Ifelt her the moment I stepped off the turboprop and onto the tarmac. I felt her strongly there—my sweet Valerie’s dominant presence. Those tropical palm trees, that miniature and battered terminal, the same things she probably saw when she arrived, just a month ago, and never came back home to me.

    Just a quick getaway. That’s all I need right now. A few days to clear my head, she said. I knew she needed to get away from me. We were having troubles. What’s a girl who looks like that doing with a slob like me, anyway? She never seemed to mind before, but maybe being busy with the kids and all, I never noticed. It was only after they grew up and left us that her unhappiness became clearer to me.

    So, to make a long story short, I went there. I was going to call the police and report a missing person. Then I figure they’ll just come over, look at that picture on the mantle of us, nod to each other knowingly, and recommend I give it more time. I figured before any of that cop stuff, rather than sit home and wait, I’ll go. Maybe find her and sort it out, maybe just get some relaxation and then come home to wait for a phone call and start life over again.

    Maybe she was alone, maybe with some guy she met there, one she had arranged to meet, or even traveled with. Maybe it’s that Pete from work. She was always talking about that one. He was always looking at me with a smirk at their office holiday party. Probably on account of my weight. Obviously, he works out.

    So, anyway, there I was. I waited by the creaky carousel for my bag, the purple flowery one that I always used, from the matching set she had picked out for us. Maybe we should get a bigger one for you. Your clothes are much bigger than mine, she had said back then. I laughed, because I knew she was just joking when she said hurtful things like that. Pretty sure she was.

    Anyway, I spent about a week there, sweating in the tropical sun. I looked around a lot, in bars, at the beach, all over. I asked the hotel staff, even showed the maids her picture. She check out, and she leave, they said. I thought maybe she’s at another hotel, to hide her tracks in case I come looking, like I did. I figure I’ll go in a bar and hear her bright, musical Valerie laugh at least just one more time, even if it’s not for me. After all, I was feeling her there, somewhere on that tiny island. Thirty years married, and you can feel someone. I really believe it. And I’m really feeling her at that point, let me tell you.

    But, after a time, you start to feel like there’s nothing else you can do. Mom’s got the dog and the mail’s piling up back home. Maybe my sweet Valerie is home, reconsidering or packing her things for good. Maybe the best thing is to be home, and wait until she calls or comes through that front door I promised and promised to fix. I figure at that point I’ll go home and fix things, and when she comes in we can fix us. She’ll see I’m a new guy. I’ll take the pile of clothes off the treadmill and use the damn thing every day for my sweet Valerie.

    So I checked out, just like Valerie did. I left my bag with the bellman in storage for a while, just to take one more look in the tavern I knew she would have liked. Then I went to the hotel to grab the bag, headed to airport, checked in, and sat quietly on the cramped plane pretending the thin lady next to me is not despising me for needing the seat belt extender and because my bulk was flowing over into her space. When the plane landed, I waited at the luggage carousel for my bag. I grabbed it, came home, and even fixed the damn door and cleaned the house before I unpacked.

    But here’s the kicker. I go to unpack the bag, and I notice right away, when I open it, there’s girl underwear. It’s her stuff in the luggage, not mine. I checked the name tag and sure enough; it says Valerie Thompson. It ain’t

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