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You're Not Crazy, You're Just Ascending
You're Not Crazy, You're Just Ascending
You're Not Crazy, You're Just Ascending
Ebook283 pages5 hours

You're Not Crazy, You're Just Ascending

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Have you been experiencing mysterious and unexplained physical, mental, and emotional symptoms over the past few years? 


Have you gone to doctors and specialists who, perhaps along with family and friends, are telling you it's all in your head? 


Well, you're not crazy. You are just ascending! There is a mass awakening afoot, and you are a central part of it.  The symptoms you've been having are all part of Ascension Syndrome and it's taking you to the newest, most powerful version of yourself. You came here at this time, in this moment of Earth's and humanity's history, to have this very experience. 


Based on extensive research and interview with experts in the field of philosophy, metaphysics, astrology and science, You're Not Crazy You're Just Ascending is a guidebook to help you manage Ascension Syndrome and move through it with Grace and support, discovering new powers and potential you never realized you had.  Are you ready? Let's get started!


You're Not Crazy You're Just Ascending is a guidebook to help you manage Ascension Syndrome and move through it with Grace and support.  The information on this book is based on extensive research and interviews with leading experts in the fields of philosophy, science, astrology, and quantum physics.  You will learn what Ascension is, why Ascension Syndrome is happening and hands-on tips and tools for you to make the most of this vibrant, fertile time in the Universe. This book is intended to help you supercharge your Ascension, not only surviving it, but thriving through it! 


In this book you will learn: 

-What Ascension Syndrome is and why it's happening

- Tips and tools for managing the symptoms of Ascension Syndrome

-How to make the most of your ascension by 

-cultivating master manifesting powers

-accessing new spiritual gifts 

-becoming a light that elevates your community, and the world around you


You've found this book for a reason.  You are ready to become a co-creator of a New Earth, for you and all of us. It's time to join the millions who are ascending to manifest their own beautiful dreams into reality. It's time to walk through the door of your desired future. Are you ready?


Release dateOct 17, 2022
You're Not Crazy, You're Just Ascending

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    You're Not Crazy, You're Just Ascending - Dr. Laura Berman

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    We’re all mad here is a quote from the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland, but it certainly feels like an apt description of our current world. Ever since COVID-19 struck, it seems like everything has been totally off-kilter. From wars to political strife to economic strain to the pandemic, we’ve all experienced a reality like no other.

    And alongside this external turmoil, many of us are feeling the chaos on the inside as well. This internal chaos can be exponentially harder to grapple with, because it leaves us feeling frightened, powerless, and downright ‘crazy.’ Who wouldn’t feel crazy with all that’s going on right now?

    But the thing is, many of us are experiencing weird physical symptoms that our doctors just can’t seem to explain. From buzzing in the ears to dizziness to sudden heart palpitations that have no medical explanation, people have been experiencing a wide range of symptoms that have no known cause. All we know is: it’s real, it’s happening, and yet somehow, we feel crazy even acknowledging it!

    It's not just physical symptoms like unexplained headaches or tinnitus either. People are also reporting more mysterious symptoms like suddenly hating a food they once loved or losing interest in hobbies that once defined them. I’ve seen diehard carnivores suddenly become vegan in recent months, or people who used to love flying suddenly have extreme fear of boarding a plane. It’s as if our identities are being recategorized.

    And then there are even more esoteric symptoms like the feeling that we have lost time or that we are in a hypnotic state of mind. People have also found themselves experiencing derealization/depersonalization, such as feeling like they are not real or what is happening around them is not real but a dream.

    If these symptoms sound familiar, you likely will say that you first began experiencing these physical, emotional and psychic symptoms in the last couple of years. Maybe they began around the time the world shut down for the COVID-19 pandemic, or maybe they began months after the ‘new normal’ began. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure: you’ve been feeling like you’re going crazy, and you don’t know why. Nothing seems to be helping — not changing your diet or upping your anti-depressants or trying new hobbies. You feel strangely stuck, like you’re supposed to be going somewhere but you don’t have the momentum or the compass to help you achieve that.

    Well, here's the good news: you’re not crazy! And you certainly aren’t alone. More people than not are experiencing what you are, and it has a name: Ascension Syndrome. What the heck is that, you ask? Ascension, for all intents and purposes, is the process of spiritual awakening. This is a brand-new kind of awakening that has never been experienced in this way before, at least not in recorded human history.

    In this book you are going to learn all about Ascension and Ascension Syndrome – what it is, why it’s happening, and how to not only survive what’s happening to you, but thrive as a result of it. Because it isn’t happening to you. It’s happening for you.

    What is Spiritual Awakening?

    Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape. Walk out like someone suddenly born into color. Do it now. ~Rumi

    We hear the term a lot, but what exactly is spiritual awakening and what are we waking up to, anyway? Spiritual awakening is a rising to a higher state of consciousness. The idea of spiritual awakening was made popular in the Western world by psychiatrist Carl Jung. He described spiritual awakening as coming back to our original self. It involves a dissolving of the illusion that you are separate from oneness, recognizing that we are all part of the same energy field, all connected and all one.

    Spiritual awakening definitely changes you in significant and positive ways, but you still will have bad days, negative thoughts, and get stuck in fear and frustration. However, with spiritual awakening you see reality, your life and those around you in a brand-new way. You feel a kind of connection to, awareness of and support by Holy Oneness. (That’s my word for it, by the way.) Yours may be God or Spirit or Universe, etc. There’s no wrong word to describe the ever loving, ever present, ever supportive presence. As we experience spiritual awakening, it’s definitely not smooth. There are lots of emotional and even physical bumps along the way. But with awakening there is a knowing; an understanding that everything is going to be OK. Your top priority above all else is simply love.

    In my experience, spiritual awakening dramatically shortens the distance or separation between our personality self (or ego) and our God self, or essential self as I like to call it. Your essential self is the eternal, unchangeable part of you that is always tethered and tapped into Holy Oneness. Your essential self (which you might also call your soul) is your true self. When I visualize the essential self, I see perfect, bright energy. It has no ending and no beginning. It cannot be lessened or altered or broken. It is beyond this world and yet of this world at the same time. Within this essential self lies all the answers to all the questions that we might ever ask. It is the home of our potential and our possibility. It is our essence. Without it, we would be robots. With it, we are heart-led creatures, people of infinite potential and immeasurable capacity for love.

    Your essential self is the opposite of your ego self; the one in you who is driven by fear and lack and seeks only to protect you, often in the harshest of voices in your head. Spiritual awakening creates a deeper connection to your essential self and moves the ego out of the driver’s seat. It’s the awakening to the truth of who you are, not a human having a spiritual experience, but a spirit having a human experience. It is an expansion into the frequencies of love and light.

    Spiritual awakening dramatically shortens the distance between our ego selves and our essential selves. This is the purpose of spiritual awakening: It’s an invitation to more closely marry our worldly self with our essential self.

    Who wouldn’t want to be aligned more closely with the essential self? Sure, the physical world has many joys and pleasures, but we all know that true peace and meaning comes from things that lie much deeper. However, there is a price that comes from wading into the spiritual realm. We must be willing to sacrifice our comfort zones, our false identities, and our usual methods of self-soothing. We have to be willing to feel uncertain, to feel afraid, and maybe even to feel a little foolish.

    But the rewards are wonderful and many. Spiritual awakening is powerful and brings numerous benefits:

    Feeling more peaceful and calm

    Increased tendency to let things happen rather than making them happen

    Having access to priceless psychic and spiritual guidance

    Being able to manifest your desires more easily and quickly

    Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation

    Living a more meaningful life

    Unmistakable ability to live in and enjoy each moment

    Loss of interest in conflict

    Loss of being at the effect of opinions of others

    More empathy and compassion for people

    Less dualistic thinking of things, people or situations as being good or bad

    What Causes a Spiritual Awakening?

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    You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t want to know. ~The Grateful Dead

    Historically, spiritual awakening has happened in two primary ways: spontaneous awakening, or through what I like to call an AFGE (Another Fucking Growth Experience). Let’s start with the spontaneous kind. Spontaneous spiritual awakening is fast and sudden, where one’s reality is drastically changed in a single moment through some deep metaphysical event.

    A great example of spontaneous awakening is Moses and the burning bush. In one moment, Moses went from being a humble shepherd tending his flock to the very mouthpiece of his people’s God. As he stood before the burning bush, Moses’s reality shifted and his old identity died away. He was made anew.

    But we shouldn’t presume he did so willingly and with no doubt. As it is written in Exodus, he was frightened by God’s voice and hid his face. He doubted that his people would listen to him. He feared all God promised him would not come to fruition. So, we see then that even the greatest prophets were filled with doubt and fear when they were first called to ascend.

    A modern-day example of spontaneous awakening can be found in the story of Eckhart Tolle, one of the most important spiritual teachers of our time. For most of his youth, Tolle had struggled to find answers and spiritual comfort for all the questions and fears he had within. Finally, when he was 29 years old, he took a walk and sat down at a bench in the park. For months, the young man had been deeply depressed and tormented by thoughts of suicide and feelings of hopelessness. But suddenly, just like the sheepherder coming across a burning bush in the mountains, Tolle was struck with a profound spiritual transformation. Out of nowhere, he suddenly felt as if someone had handed him the answers to the universe. His spiritual despair disappeared as if it was never there. He was filled with peace, power, and purpose.

    Again, however, let’s not assume that he merely sat down on a bench and arose to become a New York Times bestselling author and spiritual leader to millions (Oprah Winfrey included) in a mere instant. After his spontaneous awakening, Tolle went on to spend several more years educating himself and trying to integrate and better understand these new philosophical ideas. So although his awakening hit like a thunderbolt, he too had to work to trust his experience and begin to implement these ideas into his daily life.

    Spiritual awakenings through AFGEs are much more common, and this is a much more protracted and elongated process. It happens as a result of a crisis or painful experience that quite literally leads to the destruction of life as you knew it. An AFGE can be financial (job loss, financial ruin), physical (serious or debilitating illness), or emotional (breakup/divorce, severe depressive episode, family crisis). In essence, because of the trauma and pain and (often) shock of the AFGE, our personality as we know it breaks down and we break open. In our pain, fear and loss, we are no longer able to hold on to the old reality or way of being. Out of desperation for understanding and clarity we become seekers. And it is through seeking that awakening occurs. COVID and the shutdowns as a result created an onslaught of AFGEs for people around the world, but more on that later.

    Ascension is a Brand-New Form of Spiritual Awakening

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    "For we have not come here to take prisoners

    Or to confine our wondrous spirits,

    But to experience ever and ever more deeply

    Our divine courage, freedom, and light!"


    There is a global awakening happening to all of us whether we agree to it, seek it, or even know that it is happening.

    Ascension Syndrome is the collection of symptoms that occur as your physical body makes space for new and huge energies moving through it. Your body’s frequency is rising to catch up with the massive, gorgeous, but extremely high frequency energies the Earth is currently holding. And that rising isn’t always comfortable. Not to mention, the Earth frequencies are continuing to rise! This is an amazing and exciting development I will get into later, but suffice it to say, it requires a lot for us all to keep up. Ascension is our conscious expansion to new levels of love and light we’ve never felt before. And it also involves the transmutation and release of low vibration emotions (like fear, shame and guilt), trauma and generational and ancestral wounds.

    Ascension Syndrome is the collection of physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and metaphysical symptoms we experience as we are being led to a higher plane of consciousness.

    Ascension Syndrome ultimately includes:

    •  Tangible symptoms: Physical, emotional, mental, and metaphysical changes as the body and mind are urged along to higher frequencies

    •  Personality/ego disintegration: This could look like a loss of identity, such as feeling like you no longer belong in your current social circle or struggling to make sense of your purpose and the larger reason you are on this Earth. All the things you thought you knew about yourself and the world around you suddenly feel questionable or subject to change.

    •  Priorities shifting away from separation to oneness: A deep urge to move from the material world into something more spiritual and meaningful. The longing for deep connection goes beyond physical desire or superficial interests. It’s a desire to find soul-friends and experiences that grow your soul.

    •  Ancestral and past life traumas come up to clear: Suddenly, you might find yourself not only looking back to your family tree and at the mysteries and trauma buried there, but also back to your own timeline and previous lives you may have lived. You may feel a deep connection with a place you’ve never been in this lifetime, or find yourself grappling with your family’s generational trauma. You will feel pulled not just to heal yourself but the people in your family line, even those who have longed since passed on. (Yes, this is possible to do. Keep reading to figure out how!)

    Let me just pause so I can clarify this: I definitely would not call myself an expert on Ascension. Just like you, I have been struggling with many of the symptoms, and when it first started, I wondered if I was also going crazy. But, as I talked to others about what I was experiencing, they reported similar symptoms.

    And then my clients started reporting similar symptoms as well. So, as is my tendency, I started to do the research, talk to experts, and began to figure out what was happening to me and everyone else at this time. You can see the list of experts I consulted in writing this book here.

    I must credit my friend Keven Undergaro for inspiring me to actually put this all down in a book for you. Kev is married to the brilliant and beautiful (inside and out) Maria Menounos, who is a television personality and host of the much-loved podcast, Better Together with Maria Menounos. But Kev is also a powerhouse in his own right as a television writer and producer.

    One day I was recording an episode of Better Together with Maria when Kev happened to overhear me talking about some of the somatic healing work I had been doing during quarantine, as well as some of the strange symptoms and experiences I have been having lately as part of my own Ascension.

    After the show, Kev reached out to me and asked to talk. He didn’t know why, but he thought I might be able to help with some of the symptoms he was experiencing. He’d already been checked out by numerous doctors and nothing was physically wrong with him. As he began listing his physical symptoms, I instantly knew we were both sharing a very similar experience.

    I finally stopped him and said, Kev, I think what’s happening here is that you are experiencing Ascension Syndrome.

    I went on to explain what I had learned about it so far, what it was, and how to work with it. He was so excited to finally have a name for it (not to mention a process for working with these symptoms), that he could barely contain himself. As he kept talking, he declared:

    You have to write a book on this ASAP!

    My immediate response was to shut his idea down.

    "What? No way. I’m definitely not the one to write this, I stuttered. I’m no expert in this stuff!"

    So what? he exclaimed. You don’t have to be an expert to write the book! Just interview the experts. Put it all down.

    As an author of nine books (all focused on my area of expertise: sex, love and relationships), it had never occurred to me that I don’t have to be an expert in something to share it with the world. I just had to be a good student (check), have access to amazing resources and experts (check), ask the right questions and be able to synthesize that information into digestible content for others (check and check)!

    All of a sudden I felt my body light up in response to his words. Instantly, I heard myself saying: I’m doing it! (I will share more with you about full body yes-es, including how to identify them and what they mean, in the pages to follow).

    When it comes to making decisions, full body yes-es are my

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