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Why Me? Why Now? Why Here? How to Stop Feeling Lost, Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life: Change your habits, change your life, #9
Why Me? Why Now? Why Here? How to Stop Feeling Lost, Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life: Change your habits, change your life, #9
Why Me? Why Now? Why Here? How to Stop Feeling Lost, Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life: Change your habits, change your life, #9
Ebook134 pages2 hours

Why Me? Why Now? Why Here? How to Stop Feeling Lost, Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life: Change your habits, change your life, #9

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About this ebook

Stop being lost, find your purpose, and live the life of your dreams.


Do you feel lost sometimes? Not knowing why you are here and what to do with your life?

Do you feel deep inside that there must be something more?

What if you already had the answers to all your questions?

What if you finally could see clearly?


In this simple step-by-step guide, international bestselling author Marc Reklau shows you how to find your purpose. Marc himself was lost for the longest time in his life and finally found his purpose when he was forty years old, so he figured why not give you his side of the story. It might save you a couple of years of confusion. 


What if he told you that you probably already know your purpose? Your inner voice probably has been telling it to you for a long time. The question is . . . are you listening? Are you ready to take the call?

The exercises and habits in this book will help you to learn to listen to that inner voice, rediscovering the answers that you already have, and, in consequence finding your "bliss," your "ikigai," your purpose.


No matter what happened in your past, you are capable of rewriting your story. The author found (rediscovered) his purpose just seven years ago and now is living a life he never even could have imagined. It was no walk in the park, but showing you how he did it might help you find your way.


In this simple, straightforward book, you will learn: 


  • How to find your purpose even if you don't have "a plan."
  • How to ask the right questions that bring you closer to your purpose 
  • How to overcome the fear of what others may think of you
  • How even painful emotions like hate and fear can guide you towards your goal
  • How to learn from the bad experiences  
  • Lots of great habits that will help you on your way. 
  • How to acquire a positive attitude towards yourself and others.

and much more…


This book will help you get rid of damaging beliefs like "I'm a helpless victim and have no power over what happens in my life," "I'm not good enough," and show you how to take 100% responsibility for your life.


Your purpose leaves tracks. If you follow the breadcrumbs, you will sooner or later find it. If you don't give up on the way or settle for less, that is. 

Release dateAug 8, 2022
Why Me? Why Now? Why Here? How to Stop Feeling Lost, Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life: Change your habits, change your life, #9

Marc Reklau

Author of seven books including the international #1 Bestseller 30 DAYS - Change your habits, change your life. Writing and speaking about habits, happiness, and productivity. Helping people to change their habits to improve their happiness, multiply their productivity and become the best version of themselves at work and at home.  My books have been translated into Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and several other languages. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram @MarcReklau or drop me an email to [email protected]

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    Why Me? Why Now? Why Here? How to Stop Feeling Lost, Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life - Marc Reklau


    And so it begins

    Thanks for buying my book. If you are half as excited about reading this book as I was writing it, we’re going to have fun!

    Does the world really need another book on finding your purpose? I don’t know. Probably not, but hey . . . as somebody who was lost for the longest time in his life and finally found his purpose when forty years old, I figured why not give you my side of the story. It might save you a couple of years of confusion.

    After being fired from my job eight years ago, I now live my dream life. Eight years ago, this was unimaginable and impossible. Don’t get me wrong. It was only impossible because I didn’t even know what my dream life would look like. Once I had at least some kind of an idea of what I wanted, I could start working towards it. It still took me six years, and there were lots of setbacks, obstacles, and doubts. Looking back, I often wonder what kept me going so long and am surprised I didn’t give up. Today, I can say that I kept on going because I never lost my belief in myself (although I was close to it many times) and that in my weakest moments, it was probably my purpose that kept me going. That inner voice that whispers: You can do it. Just try one more time. It will be worth it.

    Why am I here? Why does this always happen to me? Why me? Why now? So many whys, so many questions. Life is full of questions, and as Tony Robbins likes to say, The quality of our questions defines the quality of our life.

    What if I told you that you probably already know your purpose? Your inner voice probably has been telling it to you for a long time. The question is . . . are you listening?

    It won’t be easy, but then again it’s super simple: Follow your heart! I guess you’ve heard that a thousand times, and if it only were that simple, I wouldn’t even need to write this book.

    Well, actually it is that simple. The problem is that the journey up until we finally listen to our heart is full of doubts and fears. Once we finally get there, we might ask ourselves: Duh! Why didn’t I do this earlier?

    Again. What if I told you that you already know your purpose? Your ikigai? The meaning of your life? Yup. You read right. I’m convinced you already know your purpose, and we don’t even have to put a fancy Japanese name on it.

    The question is: Are you ready to take the call? Or will you do like I did and take a twenty-year detour until you end up asking yourself the same question at forty that you asked yourself when you were twenty?

    I’m not kidding. After being lost for twenty years—in bad jobs, bad relationships, numbing down my heart’s voice with alcohol, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day (2 packs a day on the weekend), and every now and then a bit recreational drug use—or as Bill Clinton would call it I smoked but I didn’t inhale—I arrived at forty with the same questions I had at twenty. And the funniest thing was I already had all the answers—the same answers I had when I was twenty. Now that was a surprise. What the heck happened?

    The answer was: I want to write books and inspire people and speak to crowds. At twenty or twenty-three years old, fear and doubts set in, and my inner critic asked me right away, And who are you to do that? Nobody will believe you anyway. At forty years old, I had learned to tame my inner critic so he kept pretty silent. I had just been fired from my job, and it was not that the world’s most amazing companies were fighting to get me onboard. It was rather the opposite. I didn’t even get a callback and the few that did answer offered a lower salary than the one I got ten years earlier when I started my professional life.

    So, this time the conversation with myself went like this: I want to write books and inspire people and speak to crowds. Okay, let’s do this then; you don’t have another choice anyway.

    And that was the beginning of the journey that led me here. This was eight years ago. And guess what I’m doing today? I’m writing books and inspiring people (at least that’s what my fantastic readers tell me every day, which makes me very happy), and sometimes I speak to crowds.

    So, does the world need another book on finding one’s purpose? I don’t know, but if there has to be one last one, why not one written by a guy who was lost and without knowing his purpose for the longest time of his life. I might not know a lot about finding purpose, but I surely know a lot about being lost. And maybe describing how I found my way forward can help you find your way as well.

    Why am I here? Is this really all? For the longest time, I had no idea what my purpose was in life. No goals. Nothing to strive for. At least I thought I didn’t know. Today, looking back on nearly 48 years, everything seems to make sense. Like it always does when looking back.

    I knew what my purpose was all the time; I just didn’t dare to admit it. I was too afraid to take the call when destiny called. So, I had to take a twenty-year detour. Even the detour made sense. I gained a lot of experience and, in some ways, probably got a bit wiser. I also have to admit that ten years ago, I probably wouldn’t have known how to deal with the success and the money. So, I guess I am a lot wiser, more reasonable, calmer.

    I hope it’s only me but based on my work and my observations, I think there is a new pandemic around the corner. A wave of lost souls who have no idea why they are here or what they are doing in this world. Just like me a little over 25 years ago. If you are one of them, don’t worry. There’s hope.

    It’s actually pretty easy to find your purpose once you overcome the fear, the insecurities, maybe even the shame, and do a little soul-searching. Let an old guy (yours truly) tell you what old guys (or old ladies) do:

    Everything Is going to be all right. Just follow your heart. You’ll be okay.

    So simple and yet so difficult. And while the whole book could be synthesized down to these three phrases, there is much more to it, and it’s not that simple—or maybe it is . . . at least for some people.

    As I said before, I was lost for the longest time. Without purpose and with no idea what I should strive for. I found my purpose when I was forty years old. I hope you’ll be a bit faster. But if I was finally able to find my purpose, then you can do too. Your purpose is hidden in plain sight—behind the uncomfortable questions. It’s the thing that you often think about just to then say. Oh no. Who am I to do . . . ?

    There are many uncomfortable questions in this book. Do yourself a favor and answer them. NOW. They will lead you to your purpose. I promise.

    Your purpose leaves tracks everywhere, and you only have to learn to see these tracks, follow them, and act on them. I hope that after reading this little book, you’ll be a little closer to your purpose and will have the courage to accept destiny’s call, work on it, and live the life you always wanted.

    I always envied people who already had a plan, who knew exactly what they wanted to do with their future while I had no idea and no plan. Even those people sometimes find out that their plan wasn’t their plan but their parents’ plan or society’s plan . . . and then they hit forty and find out that working fifty hours a week and having a mortgage might not be what they had

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